TheMichigan Daly VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JUNE, 5, 1904. No. 178 AWAITING R[PORTS. N[W fMANAING [DITOR. P' C '1G~ NWuNS MIT[T. A Fine System of Reporting Results- lC1 I A J. Stanley Baley Unanimously Elected Many Anxious Moments ________ For Ensuinrg Year by Editor for the Crowd. i al Board Yesterday. -- INTERCO[[[GIAT[ C"A"PIONSIP WON BY TRACY T[AM ^_ The Daily hoc seen conritated i At thr Saturday dinner of the Mich- on their roporto from tto meet eter- [OR THE [IFTHi CONS[CUTIV[ Y[AR. I gan Daily stad, helit yesterday at say afternoon. Auout two o'clock the Oyster Bay, J. Stanley Baley was gi- crowd ig~an t congregate and they enu the unaimous vte"of le "peuil accorded a pleasing ight indeed seal-j THE SCORE AT THE FINISH STOOD MICHIGAN 32, CHICAGO 29, WIS- iistiirs' fr Imaiinge editr fr next tered comfortably about the corner year. T[le slieer asent memers of of the campus. The Daily had direct CONSIN 2. RESULT WAS IN DOUBT UNTIL THE LAST the staff snt rsxieswsitlinstrstiosu communications with the field and lii yote for .Mr. aley, thus making a special reporter there, than enabling EVENT WAS DISPOSED OF. RELAY RACE ADDED AN- te choice thi' xat wish f every them to get quietk returns. At this OTHER SCALP TO THE WOLVERINE iier. end they announced the results by id. Iairy is a nan uofeunsierale two bulletin boards and a megaphone ne'wspper x lii'ieisei'aiinii small simultaneously. Michigan's athletes yesteriday tri- at the tape in the reeird tinme of atility in the st it' eopy writing 'doe crowd wan alternately miived iiembeul iver all cimpetitors in the;1 :584j. During his highuschl cu irse e was from gloom after the report of Hahn's cnerence games at Marshall Fielid, In the face of the aiverse weather eonnetetd with thi'puitioins nit defeat to enthusiasum when Rose's Chicago. By the narrow margin utf1 eundiions prevailing at Marshall Fietit 0n grailiation ws givt'u a pisition on remarhable work was announced and three piints iver Chicagi, the repre-I the terfrmanee of the athletes are a BeitoI Hartisrtaer risingu Inets' when Perry wan defeated in the mite sentatives of the yellow and blue prov- astonishing. The winid blew idiretly ly 1;0i hi' rantsf city i'iitir. a feeling that the small cilleges were edl themselves superior for the fifth inio the faces of the runners as thiey I his sspitisiiirryiar at the (Tot'- going to upset all doipe and might ciinseutive time over the bet ath- caine down the stretch and athiiuih vesity hi' maiethei staff ofthlii Mieh. even alter the final resslt began to 'ttes of the twenty leading colleges the tracts was ideal at the outset, in iga lasly with lilt ific ltrulty nit infest the crowd. of the West. Michigan led with 32 termnittent shiiwers if rain noon soft fotuea yeiaeu rtuits assiati'eiditir But interest wan at its highest due' points, Chicago foliwed with 29 and ened it. '[his probably aciints fr Last yiarli'wstiuiitilati- log the long wait for the result of the Wisconsin proved unusually strong by the stow ime reirded in the ashes. imen e heii iitas appotiigieas'iinrs' pole vault which might determine the annexing -5 points. The other teams In the hundred, ice sod Hahn ran was maiesaniging-ieiitir rsiay finl coe nd t asno mire siiitrepresenteid came ount of the meet almost a dead heat ut the Chicago Mryesl',i "1h sterdasyuuucu of joy than a eigh of relief that went wills the filowing piints: sprnnter was given the deisin. Ciin-lith'tisiisnsar i'iiiirt up when it wan learneid that Chicago Pinrdue, 12; Illinois, 9; Leland Stan- frnereodTerresasii wiobssirtirnit hasisi'iihIsi s lust ii'ry had bieen unable to score. and the ford, ; Iniiana, 6; Drake, 3; Iowa, 1; half-mile, iiscus, high jmpi sht ut in impriving thlicthigan Dliy. The meet wsarns. Oberlin, Land hammer throiw. Jfatorf 0a iiintiiiiiisteletiiiiiwas A heartlelt locomotive announced YsedysmtwarplewI Michigan's qiartette ot quarer. merity at small msni'stattisu ut the therss ndsnstinl 'inses ITemilers, arrets. Goodwin, Rebsouuk tresult of Miehiguns fourth victory ruie adsnainadiehs.TeIiisire f usry' umeumtes' f le lMih!- anid a nearby teamster cry of "Blly result was in douibt until the last aind Norcrsss, troved besh in the one gantaiy staff. for tMichigan" was echoed in every event, the pole vault, was ended and mile relay. winnisg from Iowua easily mndiu. as Chicaos adbeni onedd oit with Chicagos third. Because of their thre icigns ea hrepistos victory Godwin aindlNrrosso will se BON FIRE ON CAMPUS. STATE UNIVERSIrY DAY AT ST. lthe ey ichin'sed.ofthreint scure the coveted tracts "H". LOUIS. the midway men failed to score in Fouir of Mihiganstotut winners in After thu hand couuncer Ilsst night. thatevet an sh met wa Mihi-the conference, taph .eltg, Hahn, Ithe eirowdassruuu leu stwuuu isseion We have - recently called special at- a ga's for the fifth time e ina as myany Hall and Perry competed for the lash he cuostuus asdhbuilth thus lages'onis tention to the Utniversity oftuhiehig n yas etrdysmetastecsime in college athletes yesterday. All ire Anmt Asrb s-see saw isisthis'eu-sir yers eseda' me wsth lo-of these men are seniorssasui the quar- gnu-s. 'Thsy starrted thurCi il i day at St. Lois, June 2. The exe- et sinc 90we ihia a n ftt has been a tower of strength tinshutd sleigh ands theni six sit thus'larseg cisen will be held at 10 .ii. I11 is y i/a a pint the hust of California. tracks athletics for the ash thee signs huisuesso u suusutownsuswies-esatulsd hopedl that a large number of the a- '[hi' pints were- splih ip inrethiyer. Tiraltctuuwshshi thusansssu~s hyii uhst it nini ad fiens uf he'unierstylast year, when Michigan scored 49 sone much to give Michigain thes lars' an oldshutnseu us,. Wl e reaset. s o nor u nitChicagos 411 poinhs. Michigan wonimount place she now hols in the 'hres'hiscrisktofsitaruere.'thuron e are tasko e aseoonftmhusieby the alt arouundtability uof her West and the reeognition shes'has wonsn ii theus- rssess'sitth is'inug. reaerstha onth afernon f tatteam. The Wlverines scoredl in every inte- s.I siunseaiut 'lsut'hta dayteeewil bea metin ofrelre-event exept the hbradijimpi nit pole Keene Fitpatrick is largely rersiuusisbetwoess150 andsut255055stuenrts guts.- entativen anud alumni sit alt the state vault aind the art's nuinber sf se- ibe for he great victory which yes- or'Irsh nisd thus'thie''his- risusuts universities. '[here will be a lunch- nis andhthirdssptiledl in)sasvedh the eritay wounsdsitsan snusualy sue- walustarunduusutthus'f tesois c ~euwtuhit con at the Administration restaursant meet. Wiscnsisn suitChicagbo les tis cessful yeas- n athletics. Oly snces-tesn sfuus e i ssshss -is at 1o'cock.Tiesetscanhue oe-the nutter sit winners, fouur firsts fall- since Mr.Fitpatrice came trainer teat euuiilsut tustutirg .wl uluhhtles. chased toe $.10 each, of Professorigtose b h ndmro Arthur J. Harris. Washington tamUshsiicuiarsrni ihinluesshe yer hi'hiseathAnfuuseusslyilassesit tus' tnisiuo, gun lsit nity, ~eas hieMchgneandthe.St. Luis. He desires very much lsuasnwsnetishe ih dw ursilgfuther hsas t ns'sh'hussd-ftrsatug. sioftushes-sitd'ws':imouss humreciveorersfort~eses a one.while hLeand taShnford's champion els hby his successful insasionussof sigh. tsMny u'iithcgu-snuus weessing President MacLean, of the ttniversity valehlgs.wywt ehl h ah of Iowa, will preside at the luncheon, vault Esustn yettusgivlimtsforuu'sa'u of the liiIli. and seeches will he made by three T'elusnextectedstrshenghh uof Wisesn- TeSumris suassi(if"fts is'hs Ii'smi or four eminent gentlemen. An earn- sin auhPs-hs a ssiisth'frOYr a h- Smmri[.lone sumoulipis Is' t s hiseits ug. et appeal in made to the gradusates ms i h ust.Tetn xs-t Michige pes h fr xprs 0 an D uiagsh 9.e'tvU's'stsiteun gisugIn h-.1u~ gusy' of all the state universities tio e-p-reMeisi-anaCheieooG gsuteeoMiehigtsyeshe erate in making the meeting sne oh Thismnas ufPissetsl h aae 220 Yard Dash- use eoetbd siugisg this' Yellosw(asuitBlue-" interest and of advantage to the uni- throuw away f ruinsRse nit Perry fail- Michigan, 3; Chicago, 5; Indiana,.. landh "Michiganii lninsg Susng." veritien. edl o get better than third in fle12 Yard High Hurdles- nile. Michigan slumped again, a- Mcia, h;(licago, 5; Indiana:. MASS MEETNG. ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB ELEC-codntote"p"inhewoml 220 Low Hurdles- __ TN.when Sone was snpiaceu. The best Meiaa ;Cucgs ;Wsuni. Thse Ingineeru'ingude'artmn'st wilt --tCarrels coums lduoinohe quarter wan5.hol atlugtsumass meses's hg tisUiresiy cyThe oelyMnlostainCub held an foursth but the udjigresuledl that Tay- 440 Yard Dash- lath mnext \Wednsdass~y tuermsuus at exciting e clection yesterday morning 0 imeo sf Chicagus who finished hird, had Michigan, 1; Chicago 3; Wisconsin, 4:5.1 'ihi' is i-Img La heldtous lush teRosoth WeseSoitintes4'ere(] with the Michigan runner Cte rhehbrne memriatdbIsttre resultit ng an hefollows: inWhebtrechrnSocietyafle hi. 880 Yard Run,relstms-aehIytes'gius'sg dto ain thMichiganh3;nhicagoualiWsconim.nt prhsdbteenieig President, R. S. Schmidto ai Keller was the only Michigan high Mcia,';Ciao 1 icn it'lar (miniin hounref thle h'eian fornia; vice-president, Harold N. Dum- 5,jme ownapis.Nclas un~ 'ul' f ise.''u-tllii i i phy of Washington; secretary, Hugh hs""b asn hr nbt h Two Mile-retslith-ac sths-iw utu- Allen of Washington; treaurer, George hurdule races. Poage of Wisconsin Michigan, 5; Wisconsin, 3; 'sn'usm ing. tean C'oosley andslP'rofessosnD ast Vandenwall of Oregon; corresponding helpedl Michigan out by defeating Cat- 1. abrwl ddestesuet secretary, James A. Stump of Cobora- Tinithraeontulwsic. Mile Run-ash('natsehaliss esImhns do. Plans were discussed for putting Rose proved the individual star of Michigan, 1; P'urduue, 5; Drake, atteee3.' snWimeia. the club on a permanent basis for the meet. He et new conference re- B road Jump- next year. orris with both the discu ansi sht Chicago, 5; Illinois, 3; Iwa, 1.CUENT NCNET asinadton tools second place in Hg Jm-Wises was recivsedihes- ash. even CHICAGO WINS TOURNAMENT.tehmethoaoalf pis. Michigan, 1; Wisconsin, 5; Purdeds-ichhln-tWS-uui.liitius' the ame;thIhlinoinf11;pins. ttt.HherlinchleMicign' An a slight -'solace for the loss of the Tehalf mile brought sout one of 1 ln en brln ,cacts husmdlr, lsid tcumpetes-in teth ielbsiise vrseni h- oeVut cneec metth Chcg gofeetatS.Lusysecayaswsteama defeated Michigan in the annual ecag. hum a terrific sprint, Heitkreutz Sanford, 5; Illinois, 2; Indiaina, 2. expectedul Schulets lsft A AnhArbo tournament held at Chicago Friday of Wisconsin eat out "Mother" HallI (Continued on page 2. Tlhurusay fuse SILus toscopetenhsh-in and Satumrday, Chicago won nix mat- --.. e5-iuitssuuuerthi-lciusvaus'c'Alt ches to Michigan's four. The results- __________________________________- letic assosciatioun colours. When he- of yesterday's play wan an follows; ece hcgh ere f h Felker, 9 down; Meeker., I 8iihm iis nup;imsu, u. Smoot, 2 up; Ridnton, 2 down; Hloom- aIdhieIt aI sine..frtelr.paes'Afusedlb.' 111-.1-. ____________ROSE MAIDEN. EGMONT INTERPRETED. IS THE BEST POSSIBLE COLLEGE The Schoolsh si Music wilt gise a cun- The interpretation of Goethe's Eg- hula enutiled- this'"Itus' eMaden'" ne-t mont by Mr. -Erickson took place at 'Isuesday evesning. Thur entertainme-nt the School of Music yesterday. The S o v v led,4 IK willhi'esuunderthns'dirtionsucitfthrusf. music was rendered with a deal of ex- Houwland.h.ebschous ois lbsing train- pression to an appreciative audience. TAKE ONE HOME WITH YOU edt ansitIi isepest that this Sties Taylor aesisted Me. Erickson inI mumsical will hue one oif the host. given the rendering of the selection. t________________________________ this year.