THE MICHI1GAN DAILY 0 0 0 ( 'h - k _ i-i, . ,-i 'wit ' r ' 5'x'f'6'bYa' IkS _ NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in the "New Spud Last." For the benefit of our cnstomners we wish to say thatithle Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very ituch stronger iiy goitig into the hands-of the factory-Geo. lH. Keith Contiuty, Birocktu, Mass. George E. Keith does not control the namec Pecitan, but II LAYMTAN CICAftLTfLS rjrokma in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. E~njoyed in America. -MOGUL SMOKEL MAKES LEGYPTIAN SMOKLRS Cork Tipor Pine. f 1 1 7 % :' - N made f/e elusiver Oxfords inferior I shapes a naeee 'Paio'ics" faos. ight in snaking our shode this sparing he sure and hi brand with the Puritan is' ud styles arriving daily. THE OLD ORIGI The Old Place, 111S r He loss alivays had t ex- S. WShen buyitig your PturitainT sy the ORtItINAL, miii not sum n 1V1oney) Lioanedu hel. Stock is all I resli, tic ON ~Watches, Diamonds Or other persiinal irolii ivy uf vauns Watches and Jenveli'y lIe- INAL .,PURITAN pir. Bargins in Watelis Ofice at residenice. 331 N'It.Lib- ;outh Main Street t4 rtyStreet, lAnn Arbor,.1maor'. 8 tn 1t:30 a. in., 1 to 3:30 Ii. iii. 7'tii i p. in.All laStines ' iniilen- e a. JOSEPHl C. , WITfS i H R E N T S CH L E R For anything in the line of j,. 1 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call ono Rentschier, i, 4} Phone 389-2r. Corner :tain and Huron S~treets. 4 iS + 4lls, i 1,31+ i4,1 4 4,44 , . '44 q ti VSo sPVSVS 404 .'y44f SENIOR MEDICS--RAR=E OPPOR- Fresh Lowneys, Alegnro ,, iim TON ITY. rosy's and Htuyler's Chocolains itOls --- jtog's Pharmacy. A/The W. C.Ker Coo. 411 E. 57th SI., Chicago. Ca/ l'ao md Gowins nisile tonor- Poi Inc ifor ;l(illo'Ci'.5anit CA:Ass. Pins, less and Teats To the teach era and students of the U.nof M. GREETING. Don't miiss the World's Fair at4 St. Louis, 1904. Tihi'oiiii wd'catobie'sur- of it is to;ol i eVaSt.hum sotil n il ui Pacific Ry. IroilMounitaill Roilte stii ni;t points OWis! iir Soiuu Sest 11,aeiow,'viaSi. I ,aiis andiihe iii- t f p- ilac t niic n iiihv lcai I ion eiiiuisin VIliiuiiiiiii iiwna i re :cull l. i te. i H. D. NRMSTR.ONG, 'I ia a. is, L.No ac. S.,loi M it MAW S DRUG STORE 0 School Days are sonmetimes iled with soffering. The strenuoosstire of the average student hrings its series of mishaps. Ponds Extract-Pie old famsily doctoir-offers quoick relief and care fr alt such ills. The student who has ahottle of Pod's Extract at hand lo well provided to re- lieve paio and sufferiog. It cures cots, hruises, horns;t stops bleeding; re. lieives earache, toothache, reuima- tism and all pains an if hy magic. Soothes and freshens the face after shaving. For over 605 years It has been the one family remedy that has never disappointed. es.,x Watered Witch Hazel, a weak solution-some. times offered in place or Pond's Extract-has no medicinal value-in positively worthless. Pond's Extract CORES -therefore is priceless. A. J. WATSON Wall Paper, Paints' and Oils 216 East 4 ltron Street. A. L[IB[[, Forest.. Avenlue Meat Market. Poultry, Game and [linh in Season 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 t AILEY t'$. EDMUNTDS. FISH NETS for Dec ratig ~he ATHa a4. PRIM, ;_ '1''' Zand Fior' i.steheTI..,trt id iPi1i: SHORT LIN:- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NFW \YORK AND BOSTOTI3 with direct connections at ('hicago for St Luis. Kansas City. St. Pauli and the Wesot Fur isformastios and through tickets caIt onsor wrtet W. W. CASE. Agent. Ass Arbor. tFiieeintcininiandat heidical libi-I racyforsaleagrati'barigacii. Cll at. 5is8 S.IDivisiiiiSi.. F'anicy ioata-$1 .iiiitio5.00i. 177-.7.) Grl i 'it, ti r o. a Irai mmii y, for le tichiiap. 177-1.ti1 ('IIAS. A. OWARtD, 3-4-5 liii ichIllci Your eyas exatmtned by an expert optician. Alt the tat.- cats approved appliances and methods kniiwn to the lirofession are employad. Ness eye glasses fitted, lenses ittpti- i'ated, frames repaired. Halter's Jew. I elry Store. tf. 213 SOUTH "1AI N ST. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Furnishes music for alt ocasinmon. Bixies lance music a specialty. Aidirass L. 0. Bates, manager, 808 S. Fourth ave- IPh ysial Training L.OS'r--A.0 Sati'p'iSti: W ith eairls. Fiider ciemirn to 1i08iil liSt. pc anilreceive rciwarci. 177-178 HOTEL WALDORF, E. E. Jones & Co., proprietors, St Woodward Ave., Cor. Larned SI.. Detroit, Mich. New =canagement, remodeled ad refur- nished, strictly first-class. American plan, $1.25 to $1.75 per day; European plan, S0c, 75c, $1.25, with hath. We wish lto aecure t aste ifice' man- agerosvwhii ace wilingtoihutile, fur $1011 ter mntih attiluffice expenses, with opptituniiy in cactiniiire if cuts- ptceni. Aidiress NORTH AMERIIICAN, Mt. C'lietins, Mich., 44 F.rount Si., (dontairsi. ONLY 0000 ONES Necd atpily. We hav' an openiig foar two goiiditinitil tsitcsilleis. Gottdinmney fur giadntrian. Natural thiitiy necessiary. Gt. H. IIALER & ('0., 77-3i 1.4 H11e1 ilil. Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store,. Cf. Do, Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY STAN{DARD TIMEW FoerlDetriiit haslf hourly from 6:t5 a. irs.unl 6151 p. m. Thien hourly ontil t t5. Fur Ypsi- iansti only, at 12:15 a. m. and 12:45u. m. Fee Jakso hourly from i6:15a. im. untili7:t5 o. Then ant :p5 m. uandtl:5lpi. o Waiting Resi, naron St.. W. of Hale. [lectric and Gas, Ifixtures and Construction Plumbisg ant Steami worki-ail at resnberales, at J. If. SCflUflS, 207 E. Washbington St. Any siudent wishing in earn fOvedol- ila a u(lay iiiw or in vacaitiuon send iiimiii fir liartietitars. Perfecty hmn- irahle. L. T. AYIS, Rooimii1i5 Higginus bloiRti. 'Winnipeg, 'aiiaida. ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB ELEC- 't'hetae citwibe a moiin g of lie ttitl lotiiiiin clbin iiobuht ii Hall LanaI liiits.Saiurday mininitg ot 10 ir'clk lfor'theipum-tise of elecitig J. (.I'.X0055. 'cus. Hlave you had a Vibras age at Trojy's? if. EXCHANGE-D. If te parson wo osah inu a tmnacin' edi 'F'" at (csage'sc Ilinday a'ei'iiig. wil ciiell ai.2195IN. Maliinihticmay tiside it fori liis-iiwn. lf .compete stuck of Brandt, Waldo, The Book for All the People All the Time 60ppiiinst-no . Price $1.001. T' l'u'i5yeamrs. and''iirse fori--. ill lete'nlit-si-ut 4- n i'ifor ibad mmuitiu u Iniiualiyri ned. Mtadison at. and Ogden Ave., Chicago I Washun, Regal & Martin Mandoltns - on hand. . Prices the lowest. tf P.i).KINiNFt. HtISiliN Siti r i Pre'sident.l . Pei-ndent.PeS D . T S.iW. 0t RSiiiisaasiiiei ES D .. U FIRT NN BANK Suspenders' OF AN YT A lthLt,01(1. wk in perfect harmony with SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $4,000 oh wearer's every movement. Comfort. Style and Service Creamf Chew~ing Candy, G AATE Salted Peanuhts, lint luttered Trimmings cannot rust. Popcorn, Cracicerjac fresh I t'eseOcandil.oo,nyste msesoilpeald. daily. THE C. A. FISGASTON MF5G. 00., Canudy IKitcene # "55Sin CS Shric.55. 301 ,. State 51. Es" iU. DE(Isr Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring