The Michigan Daily VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1904. No. 177r GREAT DAY AT CHICAGO. Western Athletes Gatser at Marshall Field for Conference Meet-Mich- igan will Have to Work for Victory. Today Michigan's track athletes wilt compete against the best men in the West at the Conference meet at Mar- shall Field, Chicago, the greatest event tf the season in college tracts athletics. On the face of things i looks as though it may be more diffi- clt than was earlier supposedI for Michigan to finish ahead of all compe- titors but the stmdents will rely on the "never say ie" Michigan spirit to victory. In a large meet of this kind, where the points are split p among so many colleges, the result may be entirely changed if one or two of the events counted uepon should go wrong. With Schule in the hurdle event, Michigan would be conceded first, but with the c-Wisconsin crack ot of the running, the result is by no means assured. The knowledge that Hahn is not in the best of shape makes the meet seem still more dbioss. The Daily bulletins tn the meet will be osed by Sheehan on State street. CERCLE FRANCAIS. Last night the Cerce Francais gave a tdramatic evening at Sarah Casell Angell Htall. Two short plays were presented, "Trois Coups td(e Clohe' and "Le Clavecin" Tros Coups de Clohe' was a charming little pisece in two acts, hav- ing for its theme the reconciliation of a mother with her ons wife. Mast- ame Duval and her dlaghter in law, Madams George Duval meet in a hotel tacit without suspecting the ienity of the other. In the cnfidence whics follow Madame Dval learns that he greatest wish of her new found friend is to becone reconciled with her hs- btands's mother who forbade their mar- riage. During the conversation a let- ter is brought in and as both answer to the same name they become known to each other. The letter explains to the mother that Ier son will soon ar- rive andi after this glad news she can nss longer resist the praise of her daughter and a full reconcilia ion takes place. The part of Mie. Duval was taken by Mrs. J. P. Bird, and that of Mie. George t.4asval by Miss Ia Dibsle. Tbe characters were bth wonderful- ly weltfaten and sowed not stnly an excellent prtnnciation of French bst a rel talent for acting. Mrs. Bird especially had a very pleasing pres- ence supon the stage anti thoroughly delightedi the audience. be Clavein, a piece of one act, also tdealt with a reconciliation. The Mar- quis and his wife have ad a serious qtuarrel arising over a difference of tastes regarding ptetry antimtsic. Thse Abbe, who is at dinner with them succeeds in ending the quarrel through iis willingness to listen to bo5th sides of the question and through his tact in inducing them to dance a minute together. Mr. Hopwotd who took the part of the abbte not only acted the character very well bsut also provedt himself an at- tast un the piano. Mr. Durlin, as the Marquis, and Miss Lcls Bailey as the Maquiet gave a very lifelike rep- resentation of a matronal misunder- standing and moreover showes them- selves accomplished dancers and sing- Professor De Pont under whose di- rection the plays were given deserves highest praise for his efficient work in training the actors in their parts and in directing the play. The members of the Cerce Francais were unanimous in the opinion that last evening was the most pleasant of the entire year, and realize that a great part of the success of the club thin year has been due to Professor De Pont's efforts. After the performance of the play, a reception was held in the gymn- slum. Punch was served and Mr. Mop- wood furnished the music fosr several dances on the floor of the gymnasium. NO GiAME TODAY. Northwestern Fails to Show up-Tele- gram Gives Examinations as Case-Methodists Have Had Poor Season Situent Manager Brennan received a telegram from Northwestern last night announcingthial, the Mehodits wotltde unable to play here fhiss a- ternoton, 'Th reasons given are that list students are in midstof examina- ions at Northwestern. It is also un- (ersotod that the Methodists have had a dismal season from a financial stand- point and the trips may have been abansdoned for this reson. The failure sof the Methotiss In show up is a big (diappointment, as the two Cornell games, the only oes left otn the home schedules come after the majority of the studnts have said good-bsye to Ann Arbor. There is a chance that the game may be tplayed later. HOMOEOPATHIC MAGAZINE The "Phials," the commnencenent nuber of the Michigan Observer, the qutarterly organ of the hssmseopathic department came out yesterday. It is a very creditable iate. It combines the natureso1 a representative depart- ment organ like Ihe Michiganensian, andI a technical muedical paper. Of the latter element there are articles by Dr. Dean I. Smith and Dr. Royal S. Copeland, of the local faculty, and Dr. Lee, of Lee's private hsptital. The rest of the magaine is tdevotes tto matters of undergradate interest ansi as an artistic and typsgrahic wsork, is of very high order. The pe- sures sf the factlty, the Htomeoa- tiic H-ospital and campus scenes are excellent. "Phials" was publishesduter the atspjices sf the Jtnisr class. The Bsard sf Editors conssist of H. H. Baker, Mgr. Edittr; A. S. DeWitt, Businsss Mgr.; Dr. W. . Hinssdsale, Dr. f. S. Cpelad, Faculty ditors, Miss Helent Le, Ast. Editor; Harlan McMullen, Atit. Eitors; Miss Bertha Davis, Alsuni Editor. 'listmagazine was lrinest by the local firm sf Parker & Syser. '07 ENGINEER BANQUET. 'Tis Fresh Engineers heist a an- quet at Oyster Hlay last ight. There were absosst seventy-five sf the class present ansi nthusiasm ran high. Prsofessor Davis and :DeansColey eacs gave very cordial talks. After the regular program a numter of infsrmal tass were given its which thessphs were poperly "rsasted" ansi the glory sf '07 Fssfficiently extled. Thfban- aset was oce of the mosst sccessfsl of the year and reflects msch cresit sn listcosmmittee its charge. NEW MICHIGAMUA MEMBERS. ten new mess have been electes in- to the tribe of Michigamsa the senior society, for next year. They were chssen from the literary anti engineer- ing deartments as follows: Herbert W. tlark, Hssgos Snnenschein, Fran- cis R. Miller, Arthur . Cok, Stanley L. Fyfe, C. M. Holserman, Arthur N. Kssterer, C. M. Gsndry, A. H. Msnt- gomery, A. T. MacDonald. "rICH1IAN LAW R[VI[W. (GUL[F:OUuRNA"FrNT. Fourteen Members of Junior Law Class Receive Honors-Se- noction Made on Basis of Scholarship. Michigan Team Meets Chicago Yet. terday and Today -Chicago in Lead-Contest Clsses Tonight. lisv following msemsbers of the 19115 Thss Michtgan golftelom played the Latw class havehesen soecs'eds by teheart saltfsof tetossroassent with Chsi- faculityssf ltelJasvschssot ol s esditolsetcagttsos e st silst'rayo lth ut1e Islands asisatsostheit- Mic-higan Lasw its- ;tGsif tinssnstar t'icsagso.'fsshe s-c view flrsthelbsusssing yests. I.. '. llse- sttandtossat sen-t t wss posints itsfavos Icy, 0. 1,.('r-umpiackesr, is. Eatrle. L. ofsicaos-tess hfit'ollsswinsg ares'hlbs s- S. Eaont,t'. iH. Far-ll, C. It. Fssster, sits: DI. C.tlsstesis, V. 1.f.cLut'lscs L. A. Smoosst 2, Buckts I; Besckesr 4, Yousnsg Manchsestse-, A. Reischards, .1. A. tils- t;loosssmsiseld 0; I's-it 2; Kisltsts (0, pe. 1C..J. Silhssr, A. 'T'sssdsB. J. .Viss Mssxwelslt1I;Fls'kr It, Jesnnisosns5;To vent. st-sl, is-tsigssss6, C'hiscagss 8. Tofess ecis o sI-sIs-ips o sist ionssnsits is lit ' ssecosdita fof ts' tssssnams't Law Revisw amalswsays bsssom s-seitard-will Iss-pIsate-s tssoa. 'fTes-c'isi s-s amossng 5tbs law a stetss sy signsal'sssos thsat t- contst.atis os-ry 5-':: -- hoosr ansst rewardsessfolschsotsstsitt- att cosiderinsg ts' fact Itsat the Mick- biity. Thsems-stosenssstsissyear orsegnats osusrst' tlssvig (sit fsoreigns terni- all excetttsnally strssng mnsansstwill tsst 5thi-es-esssosuts'meis nost utsastlia- sloshltess ilt thssir roesectits sfic tssCorythss-ssutcssme is not ssssattsfac- witis cresdit ssisots tothsemssles adOaltig todaty it tis tsslisvesdthat ste thedearmet.itis its It-ate wilt easily bstasl ts-tsmats' the I ~ ~ ll the lst' lluta dt-ttwhsichtshbeit' slpspot- ets'] tioswbhave- andswitslishet' Isirus- NO MONEY IN $3 BOARD? meat. Mrs. Aston, thess ledsssl andladysRRE SNAK ES. who figured-siin 1t-e lisappis st isi ____ of hssngry botardslsTh'ubrsdayt even-ig 'lT'e stie'ssit y Museums has r'ce'nt- is s111its inAnnssArbosr. St's-s- rotst- ty rsivedis' twoive spetcimnts of list chanits, whsts hadtMrs. Aslistont'snsms ratre oxst stnatke. 'T--y-sseos-capsturedl on thseir hbooks, got buisy tlissmsetisets soarkSandskly, Olsiss, oustwe-rteire- sites' thesyhasail c-tese0rIs-s-ts-turets ;-titt 'ited yPo. R'7. Moeltley. They frosm the bosardinsg hsose'bsinesss. wiltlits sitssettiit iss orlit-a ft-a says 'Tey foundsst Ie's'goos o0 sitd itsn t'he irs tissioor olsteMtsesum. an upper roomt. toitt1st- Ste tt- et Is'll,1's akettiwats so atllessintsslissn- bosse asnsresciteroil thettiroty. or ofs its i'.tscoeitrio, te Ifs'.isl. Fssx, Mrs. Ashtonsswooassossehat diso-t- oirsst.hdistsos-rs-stitst tGrosse'Iles, snectetd itsher statements. IFrteotsite- risciigssabtsssi1,850. Ito s sinifc statedt that slittcoutlnt;i lmake 'monett y tstiam iis s ltsmbesslsisss. It, isds- st $3 iser awltintenieditoslitu(its:. Theno's 5 -tifs-t o-lithstaslessints erts- o eke addtesIsitihathe hustand intitlend-sitolbthssreti Laes. est to cotiottona btoat tisos0ummertt andit Iito is asertses-ty harmesssnakietostt thai tsesail set-insstret alsssssin colt r- tiety is-.5ttts, a0 ttutltstiensos is- lectisigl t'tsadvance-mnessssy fomtai iat by iis tsiil tsgts-etsslesderItits st usnfotunisate 'botarde.-t.As yest)ol(', 0t Its ttailswich.tsif comsinsg its contsact actissnshessibeenitakent againttttheliiwitsi i ts eaIsfs sr twig tattos,,arotsund Ashto's. 5 restiittfg thti-rattle sit a railIsessalis' LittlitisIisinwis st thlis-ftisdshabsits hit DR. NASH TO PREACH. youngttrabbti saresknowtto ihovetbesen Thsetewost iriit,itarie.' .c- ittm i '5/ it as ur'ssinsg lts's' feti'seI OuDess-astesswitllits-ine ssso -s i t i stlst s I i'ss: s) wofet its' inchesIts-a knotwiag ithat tnt- oflt-e alstth5Iinksptc-lits5it cs's amsotnsg thss'preachesrs stflt-eEpis cossial chuirch wilt hitntsAnnisArboe to- MEMORIAL RESOLU"TIONS. nmorrosw. Heise Itetsv. ls-tts- ).- Nash,ft. ID., ttf Canstristg,- Mss.,sattdt wisrea-t stlis thdes-orotiwsaatlt'e he will tpreachk a 01etilert-mtoin i .in ts it sotfisosrs-st s'ssss' Ilt-tsoostsst t'AlAin Andtrew's Eptiscopl hchatssitttt 7:..0. Joli Itsit/I ts- cls-soft1I5its1En- It. in. In list'stowheress'Dr. Nssis i gists-=-its ofsitheii'UIiuisit y ttt1:11ichi- btaknonstssits-is ctnsidesrt-dtosits-fsi ;a-st :its-a-totsIr'ooss-ir dti eu-issee the' ablst.tpreaschers ints list isopal ofsitci- s, thcet ltsbody. 'ibis ttughs tt guairant -eeaspro-I 1 t lussoved. "1'ht t is t-edeth sof fitabilte vt-ninegtftr alt whotcnt ps-tlairt Ii si ti-sctss s lsIsol a nmem- sisly gs-ttol techisrchis ts t s lr fhii 5ts seemedss-t ftor Itis satility Nashs. eItnimnlsy csat-attsr anttifotrhis ge'n- set dis'tstionttst; sand NEW PASTOR ARRIVES. 1it alsottrseslve-d, 'Thsat'eextesnd 1it' hetbrceedtfasmily osur dsit'sta Ge-s. AssrtturIHolmeisofttPildlp~tthta, Belit furi ts-i' resottott, That a cospy newpsetsorsofthlit'01emossriasl Chist tsiftsorsoluttttin e isesit to lt'etam- chstrchs, arrivedsinits e listylavIs stev-iy, listl te et ert'e'stiin lt s'cssrs slng, andstwill itt-a-ut-is sis.serm osnt f slbslIsss, ansdlhet'tsblisedsin -the as itastorit' tstlt-elitter-hsnexst tisisti Itissi lilt i- motrning. Mr. tisslnshseenione, I. It. 'lINK HIAM, of the leasding Y. M. C. A. woers ofiiItAL. I). PARKERf~, Philasdelpihia asstlri-cetily tool: a0.1Pht XAL'ti)t C. SMTH ID. segiefrtsnsen's-saylvanias. Commsitate S GERMAN CLUB OFFICERS. Thesensiose ction ofstliith sI otser Vere-in sit-iyesterdtay osisels-teds-i te follotwinsg stiiese sir nexst: year: Presisdent, istleoetrt; vit-' -,idett Miss Cosy:;seretary, Miss tis-tey. A MICHIGANENSIAN IS THE BEST POSSIBLE COLLEGE SOUIVENIR TAKE ONE HOME WITH YOU OFF FOR PANAMA. Micbigan tenginteetring gradttseeare sal rtead y gs-tting loted.s. Abt.ste tn ss-otisofsttit sthe ssir i-laostssdregot- titg tissas ts Paastaissneovsernmenit twosrk s-tset-s- ssiwills the-,Isig cassal. Salaries v-ill tprttbabtly rangs' frissaev- isnty-fssig,,ts sis- sslrs'sl andtiIwenty- fist' ststlise tr mtonth with expenses. 'f Tenisistelhists-Its ts-beasentany whltsre alotsg l t-esaalanti to 1btas- sigeditsosasy Itart-,sf it. Alrseady W. IP. t:i-tsndtuC. A..Wittsineson andtA. 1; Yssisttsalls190I4 tstt ngineers have f inishsedithsir Iteses authhiatt startesd BEETHOVEN. RECITAL. Thismnsring at. 11,to'clock Mr. Erics'lsn wilt play Ohs-msisic which lts'sthtsr'n st-its tssethe's "Egmssnt." 'fhc recital will bhel sd in ttoom C.