THE MICHIGAN DAILY iv hnteHart. Schaffner & 1Marx OUTING "VARSITY," coat asd pasts only-made in honsespuns.. TiIH LOW-PRICES I,'DiSIIM1 AND FtINEST MADE ; Scotch tweeds, cheviots and Einglish flannels -ten to fifteen dollars. HNBGGASOETLSOE + HNBGGASOETLSOE SHave yen seen the new .. TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES SAILOR WAIST TROUSERSAtMOETLYRID 4 The snly perfect itting peg top pant made + $4 an~d $5Sh dohe MACK & CO The New Store 217 Se. Malee 4I+M+ 2 + i''i a ' 'i jaa~~.j ii..+++4++..i iii ff'r ''r "I ~rnnI~r - f 2,..e . *+++e,..oS:,@ A ' 4N.@® 6!® 1 4'@ +e ** s 10 ** ®Oi~@*O*O*@*. :, .. RAND-ALL, THE HOTOGRAPHER 1211 E. Washington St. WII1 EWISH to call your attentionltoI!ISP Fact that our en- t ire linle of SPRZING \VOO1,I,N ; is 011 tse tables and still furher staste thlat swe iS . ,sit5 Ion swlere ave cass get * SIIl work oat promsptly. l S - ves cv i i I C S SS will pro- vail as-iI-Sait SIat 5)ir c-St SIbli-ulhto :551. flVRCHIFIELD'S FIME TAILOKING TRADE 106 Emst H-urors ' tranot O, *g*O O@+@ 0 =.S rI4 2K A s O e@ O®~OA@9O*6*@ n7.® p ++ -..+++ it *Fif ............... u-lc littve bssejustl received lthe lst -S i ad fineslVt 51Dyuorp '~~Q GOING OUT of BUSYIE~SS * linenSf jjNew BrunsickI1 'fale 1 Stock ~~ Sold Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes A Stc utB odever bsssght toSthesciy. NTo e iKO A K All 6oods at Cost Fine Lunches in Connection. I REID'S BILLIAI1I) PARLOR01S, a Everything Neat and Cean. S Fine Cigars and Tobaccos Beginning Mlay 31st. 308 S. Stale St. R. E. JOLLY JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. Complete Without LOV L' CON[ SIR~. (Continued Irons page one.) University students deiaring to se5. aDvlpn a - -- - - -- cure positions So teach will find~ it to agent fronS whom he buys his ticket their interest to write to Jam~es F. C:iiie a cerifticate, which, properly filled out McCull~ough, 639 line Arts Bldfg.,Pil ChiSSySheaeInt, will certify Shat She pur- c ao. tf.E ma°o casroflthe ticet coesoto AsnsiAr-__ '7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o (ifortShe events of Csomencem~ent Chaffing dishes5 at Hailer's Jewelry ' i.S Si S SSSL oI ~, , weesk.aS This certificate will lie signedt1 Store. (Sf.NI i s-h 1 wile I S raIvslI se59 y She General Secretary of th~e Alut --fit -_____________i__~irln oi Ii " UAssociaion and by the agen~t of She Complete stock of Wahhus, Martin,. Pasne-Associations who will he at S V Ii1,1 prts o u asse Regal, and Waldo Guitars 'at loweat S i~i'I)i i the Alu~mni Room, June 22 only. The prices. t 1 1kc1't~ rairoaado makse a rharge of twenty -_________ Xve cents oer certiicate for this Chaffing dishes at Haileras Jewelry -gent's signasture. When so signeil.'Store. tf. he certificate will oecusre Slhe resiuc-sI x___________ Trim Abovee-third fare for thereun Mandolin strings 20s per fail set, 1 in Trim bove 4111er n circmstaces an te reBanjo strings Its per fall set. GuitarCa in and -. the Itteit rate becredI iilttout She srnssprfl st ilnsrsg ctificate. Applicatioisousldbelslie g 0 e fl e.VolnsrnsState S5. N eat Feet made early at smaller stations soithat 35c per full set. ntelet ncase no certificates are ohandl if ANNHABORmMSIC C BRIfiIITON CLSP ARTERS. O aih __ FOR liEN ickets will lie in sale Fridlay, Sit- Presh Lowoey's, Ailegi etisSlar- ____ Tee gerls ttsFT-tSal WEARat aay eiiuiay,sMondaty, Tutestday sandlrows's, litlyler's, colatst at Ciisi-ff LFAj.ThefaosBritnat as lnp -1119 St gaPharmacy.t P cn'tpossibly catchsorfraylthe clsthing- W5edniestday, Jtune 1-7, 89 01 Solely at olsslssls usdiiel seer neroare erhbysssni.0(Setthe sssess ON" i isistay. Jtne 27. lri- 1tt'hs' rs-a , 7 PIONEER STSPENDER tCO., - ____ T08 Markrt street, Philandelphia. As it is niecessary that i(iii huiindredil MsakersfsPioneer Sspensdes. ,)I- more certificatetstbe ipre-senei i i cket55 5Sl for otte at ufts- $L00.11 trder to s-ele heiie-thiird fsare fill. sft water. Miss Vssaights, neil i tins, each sattidanit at Ite sin Quairry's. it. rerlifit ra ocedantI s shld s-usecure You will fildthe hes strinsgs for t " romptily to she AltmiS ecret try, iio lisn saidlo at ii sij5stA Wedness-sayo ooiieii isI. Roots MusircfHouse. We ssake a ARROWX/COLLAR b . t Y specialty of the best. Try them. wsfa S CENTS, 2 FOR 20 CENTS OI I FredlericktB. Jordan of thie Univer- LET EBD o ftI w sity library spolre befor e theSe Li- BUMMER WORK MAKER 0SOFCUETsANMNRHSIT '>t" iICO* lay evening . At the business session i O1J bryAsoatnatPtHunFi- Studient agentois anted fortslc- 24 v ,nO l' if5 of the Association C. A. Penning of ('Stres Masgazine. Lasrge commS~is~siotn. 5 N~~~I..e ~ this city was elected first vice-ptresi-Cs iie s bs trs sy - 1'1tbiniflei Write nuiw for full Isirtic--. . -**-'-. daent.lEat7tl i.,Rt Or, i I Y ai- The AKEAND -AILROUE toE N TIM TABLE Leae.ETOITdoly . 0.30p. o tai pios as Leae LEEAND, dAILRO1VpTE o Larve DETROIT daly .30 a. em. Air, CL.ELANDsI.wll)03&0laesm. nackingaoetion Ms wih llealadMns. ap orn.51 pnI eontoa. Mwne.C tasCodnecorgihSian Ba so it l n'l roads tor poinssuis Mihignandthe West. Dasy Tris betweess Detroit and Circe- land duringJuly and August. Mackinac Division Lv. TOLEDO Mossdays and* Saturdasys .30 a. m n sd *Tuesdasys sail Thusays d p. m. Lv, DETROT Modvsaudl*Saturdas 6 .00 p. m, ansd sWedorsuisansd Fridays 9.30 a. m. *Commsencing Juno s15h. Send 2s fsr Illustrated Pamsphet Tourist P lvi. Send 2c for Wsrlds Fair Paemphlet. A A.ISCHANTZ, G. S. & P T. M Deroit, Mith. LOW RATES TO ST. LOUIS. To stuidents who intend visiting the Wsrld's Fair, the Michigan Central fers on Tuesdays and Thursdays the remarkably low rate of $9.75 for the rotsnd trip. TChis rate is the low- est that will be in effect from Ann Arbor, and is good via Chicago over the I. C. R. R., C. & A., or Wabash in roaches only. The return limit is seven days including date of sale. You enay make a daylight trip by leaving Ann Arbor on the Michigan Central 5:20 fast morning train, ar- riving in St. Louis at 7:321 p. m. Other tickets for 15 days, or for the season, at higher rates. Ask at the ticket onfce for full particulars and for World's Fair folder showing map of the grouinds. 63 sod City. 167-e. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS. 215 Slain St. S. Phone 281. Fountain peno at Cushing's. tf. Vibrassage-at Trojy's. Its great. CHAIN LESS COLUMBIA. Bicycle for sale. Enquire o~f Fred Bierman, 1.13 W. Washingto st. If. NOTICE 1907 ENGINEERS. The 15117Engineers will hold a San- quet at Oyster Bay, Friday, JulISP 3. Everybody turn mit. Ticsets csmn he obtainedl from Beviser, Morrisoin, Wag- ner, Mills. 72.77 GOD [ISNINOi At Oyster Bay. Suift Slillrabs I~obstort Frog 1(e9 , Lie' Whills-'ibsosand Trout A l'civwSMasck Bss little Neck 'istiiis Ilsirchits Sliscd Cucumblalets Tt' oes t HlIa dishs : Ysousnsg;Onimns le1ttuce' AsplaraSguis on Toast I aie'tVres-h Strawbsesries'3 Ora-ges S i~s'SIISlSlcee(:'ream ; I resli IFruit lees Sitrsawbeu-ry Shoirtesake wit Whuiped Cream (NilteSh' 1s(,-skindstinsers relsin Ssnd w ish es Eg as Oilhslets ainsd lotatoes any stylef Everything in season fit for a prince TRY OUR SPECIAL DINNERS 12t :3 .i.Snas1:3 oOYSTIERI BAY CATERIING CO. "AL L EN' S F OR Q UA LI TY'V We give the best Clotlhitng Values.,'saving you three to five - j .dollars on your Suit or Overcoat, Spritig line now reatdy $10.00 and $15.00 1 TROUJS[RS, ALL PRIC[S zALLEN, TilE CLOTIEIR, MlAIN STREET WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE