THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 77- Fall TLargespt 'tand Most Comptletlte Lineof :. WOOLENS in Ann ArtbortwilIt be' fouond at (x. . il0 d &o., ttO10 Kit a'Aa'iia.ton st. Cre 'tt thetletion ofltOall i inS 1toser1'ltt' & A tii'ti. fotthis oao''nf. 108 E. Wash. St. as i th it for allat Kin" o 6 : T "1TA~ i T THE. MICHIGAN DAILY GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. Eriiic as stio nd c 1 0 1. 11 1,rat.thaeAnn Pre 'oat IllElliot, of IHarvardt, on- 'Your Entire Needs in Al00 iotttt 111" It 101 Ithe folowi g; pr o t 011an deal o* MAN~shd AI IN II IIIIIJ'O ticti bt1e o fo r alt udeIn 0 llt:'ro t ooIr or 0 00;11110'' '111111 01th a s at ndaolsocftl lt dutiettllUo' BUS1INESS MANAGER:~alUliest -opaintedthet 'observatolry twitht trightEDIT EIIORS : red painit-I.tBoks lllt tree, - - - 1I(taoi.'o'1 1'.0.1.1(1 toInte annual freshma-so phomorel 1111 ASSOCIATES. rash at.ItBrown I' alive1 tirot y afootbaoll * New and Seconsd-Hansd. , Ctlford'1t O1I1ol l, Rot~e 1'(i is tsed. Itol i r lass li ,i i. as itn A. tit. (1r11r,1 . lhii 1'.)111111. 11 a 1footbalt s-atta'antd and Irk0S 11topat'' .C* urc. A I.otry h al eidfe te' oa. T e D afig I sru e t n Joseph Y. K n%. Stoddllardl i. Moret. 11tamay lb e ced (1r tat I'ste ltithteIn tru a( 0110 e .11 1. 110111. lhandt. bIt tI 1nt t itli. a Engineering Supplie' EdtrT da - .Y K R . titt(l IhIllt, th wI' 11 1111 0 ty hatrat('hcaoo-w:as recl'yt o' Te A Specialty, - moernih'a~to, ad i tobe ued or. henight [rices Always, O Oflice Saurst -12:30 to l:30 antI 6:3a to 7:30 0 it .1' 1 wt 10.110(11,WItti Itan tfo *h p. m. Daily. 4tcrn fte l~alai 'u) Address -ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- t si''ttt t 11dt'ittii'Seconid-Hland Ut ale,331 Packard Street, 110tt '111 '1ittat it 111 o k -- le- -- - 461 h av l ta itlit greesltt .' O1r11111 111r-* Bought and Sold at v ti'id.or at li 'l 111( th t uiit''1'ittl hi'asat VESPERS. 0111111(11111 1 fifty ead ln ii,\11111 ,1 ' cotl ' 'I'llv years101011 a lt o 'a pro 'ain itt 11 tves- tneon i' itPwd t hld attt nnual 111. itsaL ''N' pcr ltilt' lic . asr(ncee iliin 1 , -10 it i t he day *fBOOK llarvard-Yal* nc (Iver lagOP TOWN DOWN TOWN.:A 1111 0tl 1 .tti'ii it , re ast at albl f t a ot irtaiti 11f,,1m sias ittl t. 111~tots'. ((ttand ltt o 1 111li tt 11 . St wthIoll grad'i uat ed1 11 iu i nde a hheal'to vto yo loS ot t hvito o n111 the11(lieIr Lir til(,l ii l~t in I M ii' iii 4 a' # O t ho i tl to o too t l Itt 11' l t t 1 1 ith l s n )a s lt(Itto r1n1 f1 9 01{ttt . Ito iva of tohi(oily llittltni titf o a i' s tt' 111111 il li oft tott t i tt''trtbet .oolofo ur '' nd t iti t i i Otto its I.n ooo isii' fi010 i ' i al ith a l t l .11 tll. ito thi s ow l 011111 ne f 1Mi li i h ,! o etot- o t l , t~f e " M r . H r is t il tt l so t 0 beo Ittt il t 1111< licll otiv Oto' ititt b'. ! oiiii 111 o 1 o' A f1U~lh a 111ma ito'. ' to s ti ht1t! V T e ti(, [,nine titwo atoo lotioiliat of' (he ChralCnonatis eal' il. l to r 0 jcv Atirthoit two or01(11 di Oto' lic 4 * luouosdit o e not sem01ali t l~nents001r1111 1 to oo'' n ,isl t 0 t in l It 0 is l Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens a tat v01 liittittht ohour wll '1' i 1'e * One Dollar Foanlain Pens * IlotX lii ot it t' ow to 010 a ® The tfolk oo bythteot' ilot,'0'a Suet'Book Store. l ifee us. itot'e team(th le t120to ttliSt atet'Street. 4 It it o itoand ti I'ir ii to yof' totOto A It.tILARElit (IttI N. O'BRIEN HEARD FROM. 'flit':lily toakeso o Its toinlit t 01 d:inkohothoiiifullownill" lr5n wsp.bisot tI'll.tii oo. Clifor'ita' Busoines'.' Nalltt;(-ir t . fIM. bDaily: $ibneoo'tbl'titool$2.;50)fOt'Iailysu- otttitio. 00'e .1(e 10(0000'tynlt'y tts, btoi I dontot muchtitimeooto too t joy t,' as Is 1 lat 1pr'es1(10t usyon tltone' "Ble f air to youtr fttce." ITst'Wiliamso' Sh1avotih oap. Soit in oostttio Stilckt, al Ots. L'tr to oe' '" ow aln ot- iar" oo' i5 uy ll is t fi'. l us'-an iiitoil.d easi~i t h has' (hoicesI Produclsofi the "a~rkel We h'e 110thtttm Voir ii' teti01(0 tillI It uwoods~eed'slv TAILORS 110 F. Washington ® ~45r4aPs.*eN1 1i Ar 10f0Na N 00S1a4S#B i4S4S4Q8*4 1 ® O00 ®® r®® S® w 6IE1[ .e[.A. COLJSE = BUY A SEASON TICKET AND HEAR Henry Van D)yke, Lyman Abbott, and Hopkison Smith, 1 4S NO STUDENT CAN AFFORD TO MISS THIS OPPOR-? Tiickets aybeobtaine om' Teasre $00111 at lb - logo DrtMoefrotm 4 to 6 p. i1i.3 RES[RVEID SEIAThS 3c EXTRA i 4 4 4 41 a 4 4 4 - DEAKNSM 5ATI H5ancErAlZ Friday Ivenin, October 16~ Sig Scernic Productintsa irs Pla~y F rr-s of ,Ale oZest aJVeW 4rngland R8oro' e-~er Written Quincy MAaim s a W eCV fn6 rIIasolfs Corner PfoHS, Large and Excellent Company. P ,et lo $s i.1 Strday IEvening, October I17 PORERJ.WHT * a the GreatAest Scenic Prodizetlors of the Age o® aFrancesca Da Riminka. a a Ohetu (.10111t ,11w1't'OoI IrrLtt'OtP rodhuctittt.= *Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. Sea..t Sale Tlhxsrsdomy. *f f*4+ NO0®O®N90 ®0 a N WAGNLER d&COMP ANY ~ 44 a Nobby Hats, S w.l Shtrts, and Imported Novelties in Neck arsins or soe A ostIfirlHawes $3.00 Hiats. 123 S. Main St.a Alpine INKE & OMPNY.FURNIHERS AND HATTERS. 334 5. STATE ST., Pliolle 461