TheMicigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1903. No. 2 [OUR SQUADS OUT. MAY GO EAST TO CONDUCT FES- EXTENSIVE IIPROVEIENTS NEW ATHLETIC BUILDING. TIVALS. The Athletic Association is now Hard Practice at Ferry Field - New Prof. A. A. Stanley, director of the Made on McMillan Hall - Social settled in qsarters of its own. A Men Showing up Fine - Crowds University School of Music, is a busy Meeting Saturday Night- two-story building between West and Watch Practice- Scrimmage man. In addition to the school, he is Clubs to be Organized Newberry Halls was recently pur- doing literary work, and yesterday he -New Work. chased by the association and thor- Again Today. received dispatches from the East'to oughly equipped for athletic head- Several hundred football enthus- hold himself in readiness to conduct The University Young Men's Chris- quarters. Manager Baird, Coach lasts went out to Ferry Field yester- musical -festivals at Portland, Me, lian Association has the past summer Yost, and Trainer Fitzpatrick have day afternoon expecting to see a Manchester, N. H., Burlington, Vti., made extensive alterations on the in- offices in the building and the var- fierce football scrimmage and they and from places in western New York. terior of Mtcmillan Hall. The floor ions 'varsity athletic managers will were not disappointed. Promptly at The first three festivals are each sace in the reatting room has been later have desks there. five o'clock, after an hour's hard pre- three-day affairs. At Portland the increased so that now there is dou- The fotmer headquarters were liminary work, Yost selected two chorus consists of 1,000 voices. be the number of readers and a above Myers News Stand on Wil- teams and a nice struggle was the The gentleman who was to conduct large increase in magazines and lham street, where the association result. Given twenty-two big husky these festivals has become ill, and if daily papers. The fresco work was was cramped for room. The new men, hardly a man of whom is sure he is not better, Prof. Stanley will also retouched and the ground floor building not only obviates this but of his place on the team, with Yost have to start tomorrow for the East. rooms repaspered so that the whole is also easier of access. and Fitzgerald to urge them on, hot It is quite a compliment to both the lower fioor presents a much more work 'is the usual outcome and yester- school and Prof. Stanley to be called attractive appearance than formerly. day found no exception to the rule. upon in this emergency. He is in the When the plans are completed ana EXAMINATIONS FOR CHORAL Yost first gave the ball to the best of spirits, as the present entries the additional contemplated improve- UNION. "Varsity" and they steadily carried of students are 20 per cent greater meants made, the rooms will be more it down the field, although only by than on the same day last year. ample as a social meeting place for Examinations for the entrance to the greatest efforts and in the face University men. the Choral tUnion will be given dur- of fierce opposition. With the ball The first social occasion of the year ing this week with the exception of on the 4 yard line Barnett's offside PALMER FELLOWSHIP. to be held in the rooms oft McMillan Saturday, from one to two at the Di- play caused a fumble and big Shulte hall will be the opening reception rector's office, and from three to five broke through, scooped up the ball The following prospectus may b on Saturday night. Several informal at Room C Of the University; next and aided by good interference of of interest to College women: talks will be given by prominent men week, Monday aind Tuesday, from one Dickey, ran the whole length of the "The President and Faculty of of the University and light refresh-- to two and from four to five p m. at field for a touchdown. The ball was Wellesley College have the honir to ments will be served. While it is a- the School of Music. then given to the second aggregation announce that the Trustees of Well Iso aimed to have upperclassmen and lThe old members of the Choral IUn- who advanced to the center of th esley College have lately received the older members of the U. Of M. pres- ion are requested to register their field mainly by Ways outside of tack- sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ent, the first reception of the year names and addresses with the secre- Is. Several quarterback runs were ($25,00j), to endow the Alice lree w It lbe especially valuable to the new tary as soon as possible. The work attempted but as a rule they resulted man Palmer Fellowship. students-as a means of becoming this year is to be extremely interest- The holder of the fellowship must better acquainted with their class- tug as the chorus will give a concert be a graduate of Wellesley or some mates at the start of theig college in December consisting of part songs other American College of approve d careers. This reception will be the and short numbers. standing, a young woman of good first of a series of informal social health, not more than twenty-six umeetings, others following at irregus- STATE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, years of age at the time of appointt lar intervals duringf ile year. ment, unmarried throughout the The first of the University Associa- whole of her tenure, and as free as tion meetings were held last Satur. The arrival of the student body possible from other responsibilities day and Sunday, Mr. A. I. Williams, has resulted i State street resuming 't'he same person will not be eligible Yale, '98, addressing the men on its normal appearance of hustle. All to the Fellowship for more than two "first Choices in the College Course" the stores are doing a rushing busi- years. Next Sunday's meeting will be ad.. ness and the merchants are busy The Fellowship may be used for dressed by Reverend Macduff of Jack- catering to the immense student trade. study abroad, for study at any Amer- son, the theme being the study of the Not the least improvement is the as- ican Collsge orUniversity, or private- Ittile. Other meetines wilt follow. Phalt blockiDavemaeti comleted dur- Curtis J. Redden. ly for independent research. But scv-' The work in the jails and hospitals ing the sunmer months. Several eral times during the periodO f tenure' will be continued and will be supple- business places have been completely in no gaine vidence must be furnished that the mented by boys' club work, announce. remodelled and furnished withi new The tackling on both sides was Fellowship is being used for pturposs utuent, of which will be made later. esisiipnents. Remodelled store fronts fierce and in places brilliant. Nearly of serious study and not for general In addition to this civic work it is are numerous and several new stores every man on both teams being due culture. planned to have several groups have made Ithir alppearane' on lthe a share of the credit at some stage In accordance with these provis- studying the problems of the great street. Altogether there is a decided of the struggle. ions, the President and Facuilty of cities and the philanthropic and improvtment along all lines. Of the freshmen, Curtis, Longman, Wellesley College request nmiia- charitable ventures that are being Tom Hammond, De Pree, Wendall, tions for this fellowship to be in the brought forward to meet complex + and Barnett are proving of considers-h ands of the President unot later than prObulems of ilty life. These will take ble worth. February 1, 1904. Further details as the form of clubs to study the big Subsciptions . Thse reserves of last year are much to apiplication fuse thu Felihiuwshiu may lathe andi uindustrial piriblims, legus to in evidence and it is certain that be obtained of the president after lation, history of the poor in grom some of them will be found tO the October 1, 1903 cities, etc. Varsity class this year. ADDITIONS TO THE MUSEUM b uring the last few years the As- The two elevens uned up as fol During the summer many new.and sociation has grown from a small A lows, several substitutions being valuable additions have been made body to a University organizatini iT E3 made later: to the collection in the museum. claiming the interest and sympathyAt Varsity. Eserves. When the room containing the of the general student body This edden....L h.-.... .Duty Stearns collection of instiuns is year should see a yet greater advance. Longman..... L T ..... Curtiss opened to the public, several import- The equipment of the Association is Edmunds ......L G...... Barnett ant instruments, lately presented y more adequate than ever before, its Gregory ......C.......Hammond the Lyon & Bealy Co., Of Chicago, members ari- more numerous and 1 UIN Gording. H . ......G.. . Shulte will be exhibited. The two more re- Ismore representative of all the Uni- 3 ted den (Capt.) .... R T .... Eyck cent additions are models of piano- versity interests. The Association, V F. Redden..... R E .....Dickey forte action, showing the action of in short, is a University organization f James..... ... Q ...... Norcross both the grand and the upright in the main current of University * Be Pree...E. H ....H. We.Ksidnon pianos.s life. As such its claims are being . De re . .. .. H .. .. Kidon Eight instruments which formed recognized by an increased number Person....-.-F.... T. Hammond the Lyon & Healy exhibit at the Co iof Michigan men.4. Maddock arrived yesterday and lumbian exposition have been re- The Y. M. C. A. handbook contain- l' Will be received at the DAILY ran through signals with the first ceived. Two of these are types of ing Michiganensian information of TABLE in University Hall, fromP squad but did not get into the scrim- instruments made by Stradivarius. all kinds, local, fraternal, atlleti ic, 8 a. i. to a p. us today. Sub- mage. t ta Another, made conspicuous by its e- collegiate and literary, has been pre- scriptons by telephone and by The traming table has been starthlaborate ornamentation, is a repre- laced especially fum new men and may mail may be sent to the Business ed at Prettyman's with ten men pres- sentation of the 'Tielke type. These now be obtained at the ofice of the 4.nag, 131 saukard St., Phone ent. More will be taken on the first models, though representing instru- Association. khewe ments whose forms are obsolete, ex- It has ahready been of inestimable The ten are: Capt. hedden, Mad- hibit the skill of Americans in con- value to the many new students who dock. Heston, Graver, Gregory, Long- tucting instruments. . have been dependent on shine guide The subscription price has been man, Curtis, Gooding, Norcross and The Natural History additions are of the University. These men have reduced to T. Hammond. numerous and important. Fror also been aided greatly by the bu- No team has been secured for a their trip on the Au Sable river, reaus of information and employment X.$2.00 game today but there will be another Prof. Reighart and Mr. N. A. Wood maintained by the Association where scrimmage, possiblythde last before have brought excellent specimens of utupner classmen advise new men payable in advance. If ot patd the Case game on Saturday. fish. Mr. Frothiogham made two' about rooms, boarding places and em- " before November, 1903, $2.50. Case Scientific School is the only trips to the same region where he ployment and give information con- team which has been able to score on obtained two collections of birds. cerning courses, enrollment, etc. Michigan in the past two years with Mr. Walker, of Detroik presented a The officers for the year are: the exception of the Minnesota collection of reptiles and amphibians President-C. H. Smith. As the University Daily, The fluke last Thanksgiving. They always made by Mr. Ruthven who was in Vice President-H. P. Wilson. Michigan Daily will contain in- put up a scrappy game and are con- the Porcupine mountains in the Secretary-Dunlap. portant Faculty and Undergrad- ing up here Saturday fully deter- Northern Peninsula with the State Treasurer-H. N. Bradley. uate notices, the accounts of mined to repeat their trick of last Geological Survey. Mr. A. B. Parson, Harvard, '03 has gamus, intercollegiate t e 1 e- yer Tegaeissret b> hr Bfiht.+ graphic news, reports of lectures year. The game is sure to be a hard By far the most important acquisi- taken the position of General Secre- and all interesting facts regard- fought struggle and the management fion to the Museum is the specimen tary for the year. He may be found ing Michigan and other unicer- is expecting a large attendance. of Kirtland's Warbler, a rare bird, in the office in the McMillan Hall ++ sities. It will also prove to be a whose nest and eggs are unknown, from 11-12. a. in. and from 7:20-8:- valuable record for reference, NOTICE. Two nests and an egg have been se- 30 p. m. on any day. illustrated by occasionalhalf-tone All candidates for the Michigan cured, which form a very important cuts. To Michigan students The football team should report at Ferry discovery. These specimens may Daily is indispensable. Field at 3.15 p. m. today. be seen on the second floor of the We are never undersold-Goodyear's F. H. YOST. Museum in the bird room, Drug Store, 107 Main St. S. A