- THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY- G. x.U MilCompnyn " Etered as secoed-class Mter at the An U. H 11111 U II~p~llJArbor Post Office. * 4 Published dily (Moday excepted) during the 1Leading ecat alr college year, at117 E. Wasingtoe street, ± la (basement floor, side etrance Phoe S93-3r ________ _______MANAGING EDITOR: 9 S. EMORY THTOMASON * BUSINESS MANAGER: SPREING WOOL[NS T lROSCtOE B.HSO EDITORS: For Suits, Top Coats aud Alties. - - ROBnER K. WALTON Trousers. Full dress suits a AS-SOCIATES: S~ specialty. Ltushwyu Clifford Stevenso, Ray Peebles, xA. M. Graver, Henry P. Erwin our Londou SergeS, Loudou A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. ZCheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Joseph Y. Kerr, Soddard S. More. da M. Birownrigg. I. Waite Jayne. Kiloweus, Blarueys, High- Geo. A. Oshorn. Harold C. Smith. lands ~ ~ ~ ldnu 15 rm arry H. Aedrews. Thos. A. Sims. Sus duughs rm Thomas . Rtoberts. Clyde L. ew. tochty's, MeGugors, Loudou BUSINESS STAFF: au S. ude Fanel, C. A. Thommpso. Wi. Ht. Lloyd an S. ndew Flnnls . S. Koblitz. . K. Latourette. iesj. E. Dletfoy. Thos. L. Pete. Loudou Cassimeres or Amer- MIao Piuleltelo icau Serges. Please call and see - *IEditor Today-A. H. ORTMEYER. adance riP To laxrs per yoor, payable ia G. H. Wild Coumpally pd.se in. Doailylr . 1 03 2 108 . WSHIGTONSTRET. ager, 331 Packard Street. .1Teephone, 461. SENIOR STUDENTS i -Jlo~~ CALENDAR. -im 10 p . Girls' Glee Clllb eon- ceti Sarab Caswell Angell Hdall. Leave your orders now * ,Juno 2--4:15 1. in. Anolual eletion of Zfor nienmberso (f oard of Aletic Coo. - ENGRAVED Jlune 2-8 p.m. Faculty Concert Frieze VISITING CARDS! PoHll. Styles: June 31-1907 Entineers' baniquet. Styles:Jlne 3-Friday, 3 p. m., Reeital and Script, Roman, Old English musicale at Memorial Chriotiani forchurcb. Auspces of Y. PS. C. E. From $1.25 to $3.00 June 3- Southiern chubl omoker tll all for ~ Southlern men, Nichblll. 100 Carda and Copper Plate 6.Jime 4-7:30) Al1110 No banquet. 100 Cards from Plate, 75. "O The satisfactory sccessful maniser in whichi the Atletic Hoocd of Co. £New line Crane's trol elections have beenconutOdlled for 6 *the past few ycaro migbt be wortby Fine Stationery oif tile nosicle of 1111 board whiich has beIeno supervising S. L. A. eetos - £Th Ticleoa pollitics 0011 goodl fighs SH IL11..117T 1IFIJJ.1h111A O whichl have eharactericed -boarii of ell G ; orol electiono coo be attriblutedl al- 011101, entirely 511 the fart thaI, the University Booksellers, Sta- whlole student Iboly is allowedl to vote. ThIlis increasec in the numober otelf tiouers ansd Engravers. haas mode previoulsly "cookoed op' elec- 0 320 South Stale Street. 111111 011 impolssibility, a011 those who havt been elected lhave beenl chosen *~*SO*O*O**@*OO. i*becouse of thie general estimate of slhe fitness5 rather 10011 00 0 resultl The Ann Arbor SaVingS Bank. of thleir ability as lpolitici ans. The Capital Stock, $50.000. Surplus, $175,000. samne resltsl wold~ dollbtlles- be evi- Rfesources, $2000000ti ssem eenroue A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS (eti hsssolwr urdie TRANSACTED. ini S. L. A. electiaons. Orr¢Sees: (Charles iE. lilseoct, Pros.; WO. 1. Moikreover, fhils "llniveeool sifferage" Hlarrisme~t. Vice Pres.: M. .1. Frito. Cashier. is 1111 00 unjiust In S. L. A. tickeet hold- IfU C hoite Cut Flowers ero as wold~ otfirt applear. Not on- Choice ly does muchri of the proceedo of S. L. anw~~0 d Plauts in1 season A. lectlures conic feom non ticket ibld- COUSINS & HALL, era hot a large pereentoge f the tic- laets are used 0011 paid for by more Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and 12th Street t1100 one soon. There are few 01t- Telephone 15 1 dents who (do not at least attend 1100 --- lectlure. 5i3nlYOU CAN GET A ®~5 gm At Ttxttle's, 338 S. State_ ( UNIVERSITY DAN. CING ACADEMY s 33 Ste St. IFI SliORT PERM0. f Trim Above ... ._.. - - . ... and the Neat Feet 01110 CENTRAL LINES aresthelesthatwearDIETLN BRIfTON CLASPI GARTERSDIETLN hugu FOR nlEN TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Th aresnia ruT-th wns-ens '5E r ine faous Bightn eltas p Parlor Car.. en all Trih. can'tipossibly caic to feay thlthming- ____________________ mae stue gae seimple, secr an abnso lotely romforta1l. 70d dof oe piece ' ps.ue sleb wit nitkelhtrimmings thsat '~j'js ~' ACAD EM Y cnyn rt s . mieon.e soe fJEUIhI's orb alqeIhe° RGTN"0DANCING PIONEE.R SUISPEND)ER CO., 718 Marsket Street Philadelphia. Offices Hots-n: akers o ner Suspenders. Mr. Groogrer will be at academy office from 7 to8 o'clock evensngs (excepting Monday). Prom 9 a. o. to 5 p. m. Phone No. 6 will roach 1him. If it is the desire of the board to makeo the elections fair and their in- terest general, this plan certainly seems to offer the greatest possibili- ties. GIRLS' GLEE CLUB. Tonight the Girls' Glee lb will give its concert in Sarah Cswel An. gell hall. The Glee club has practiced all year under the direction of Mrs. Hastreiter, mnd the concert should, according to all indications, be a de- cided succes. This will be the only concert given by the club during the college year, and there will probably be a large audience, anxious to hear the univerity girls sing the music which is distinctively college. The Glee Club will be asisted in it program by Mrs. Ruben Peteron. The program for tonighto concert is as follows: 1. In Young May ........ ........ Abt Glee Club. 2. There, Little Girl, Don't Cry.. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. Cam pion Glee Club. 3. a. My .Heart's Lue the Silent Night ................Lossen b. Whither ................ Losen Mrs. Hastreiter. 4. Etudiantina .............Lacome Glee Club. 5. The Angel ............. Rbentein Glee Club. ti. a. I Would That My Love.... ........ .. ... .. Mendessobn b. , Wsert Thous In the Could Blast ........... Mendelssohn Mrs. Hastreiter, Sprano; Mrs. Peter- so, alto. 7. a. Heart Thros........... endel b. We Women of the Nation.. Stanley Glee Club. 8. . Cra1110 Song ...........Brahn'o b. Pancakee Song....... Lecoci Glee Club. The director of the Girls' Glee clb io Mrs. Hastreiter, the president of the club is Miss Whife. The Glee club memo~bers are: First Sopranos-Miss Hedofon, Miss Tuttle, Miss Mary Eiwards, Miss ltz Miss Sellwagiin Miss Inglis, Miss Ely, Miss White. Second Sopranos-Miss Convero,I Miso Folet, Miss Cutler, Miss Gwynne Miss Winsor, Miss Prall. First Alos-Miss aley, Miss Siarr Miss Crowel, Miss Wood, Miss Aiam. Second Alos-Miss Sadie Edwards, Miss Lowry, Miss rewer, Miss Van Hyke, Miiss roadbridge. Tlhe club has been conducted unier she patronage of eighteen of thle fac- ulty ladies. These patroneses are: Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Hutchins, Mrs. Waite, Mrs. Sole Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. igelow, Mrs. Rus sell, Srs. Strauss, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Hele, Mrs. Campbell, Miss Condon, SMrs. Prentice, Srs. Hindale Mrs. Lombard and Mrs. Kelesey. The price of admission for tonighs concert will be fifty cenfs. Tickes can be prociured at all ~he usia places. The proceeds of iis concer are in go toward the Lcinda isdale Slie memorial fund for which all the Uni- versity wonen are at present wor- ing. . . Shank, the broad jumper has been confined to his bed for the laol weeke with a severe attach of rheiima- tism. Cash raid [or Second- Hand Text Books of all Departments At WAHIR'S BOOKSTOREIS For a Good Room at the World's Fair Private Residence «=Write -3404 Washington Avenue S< t. Louis, "ro. Terms Reasonable. > 2About half way between business district and L the grounds. Irritatetd falcs soothed and healed. Williams' Shaving Stick. I DC'AN M. 51!AIOLT, Malsnger Wednesda,.y, June 1 Return engagement of 11 1 RS FISKt a '1" L Ih Isen's Modern Dramna HED DA GABLER, PRICES: 50c,$10,1.. H ENRY & KYER, MERCHANT TAILORS,' UIVRST0AV