The Mlcigan al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. No. 175 ME[THODISTS NEXT. [ILECTION TODAY. S[NIOR REICEPION. SHARP CRITICISM. Northwestern will Cross Bats With Student. Members of the Board of Con All Departments will Unite to MakeI Mrs. Fiske Makes Caustic Comment Michigan at Ferry Field Saturday trot to Be Chosen at 4:00 This This Year's Affair a Success Concerning Appreciation of Drama -Last Game for Majority of Afternoon-Girls Will Be Al. -Surplus to go to Club by Faculty at Michigan. Students owed to Vote-Much House Fund. ___ -Enthusiasm. A he.rt etIo teseir Trouglhte ortesy of the tnld The last home game which tho ma-reetncomtehedlsnih orthDayisbetopnthef- jority of tho studen body wilt have a Thisl afterooon at 4.15 the stoent rcpit omte tttto iheleliyi bet rn iett Jitsn altisgte general chairmnslowing itetestitg interview oitafed chaoce to eo wilt take place at Fer- mobr lteailtebtr fco tapit- by Pre. tlai of the seio trIby Ithat publirat iottfroem Mr. Fiske. ry Field, Sattrday when Northwestern to itb lce.Tt asag sLit c -m, res0ignedIad E.lF. Ia i I lTitter-i etcis t apear fin an arti- wil tr t evn o afais wthMiri-beitg wageti fiercely aotd the popttar- was eetetd by ittertttmoitteeto illecttast tttttr0'tt-oaa wil ty o eenupaffir wth ici-ity of everyone on list Campus has ton tsrloeten tilateroattmbearatf.tThe rattt gan. The Cornell games which ake creased tesfold to the last twit days. inittee iffero rn thtat opt tears-ms place on the 11th and 1tt, occurtin Everyone has a vote anoitbtat vote is thtiistilio-tofm-ttosao iletIlyd commtencement week, after tihe great- nel-iiait yecffth iite roi they-LiitMeictt, I ngiitt-t-rittgiti it ly Sitp i' ittre 1I detidedthatie- caniditaes. The tdooirs of iUnivesity iLaw dit arino-nits. I is tius put upon e1 ragait soui ie t-near tistwn. r part of the students have shakten halt witilte opendi attfur o'cock andt5eivi ai ctit-r---ttitt i1i t t i tt~twt-ttlyt the flut of Ann Arbor from their feet. closedi haf cit hour later.ibe gist-tiniite itrtitit tt o ilitoe'aty oftii itala tas ottkedi itsre it Michigan took Northwestero into Twitmire caniditates, fSmitit ant ivci-trsiy. lTe -omoteei--bas, a-so tvas tl tettwt iiit -ttim novegi- sit cwt-t camip rather easily on the secoodwest- Itookiwaltrcchave droppedtouil(tof the taken svitttion ithat atheIii-t icoiri- iti, elery eifotiwao mate ernttrip. With Wendell in the ox, race. irs ttitng a icitittit tas iarrie'Ito to cance the ienigage-metnt, .Antinotw the Mtehodists wer kept guessing all At the athletic election tttay no re- the tilt-cttttt if ti5 ttii isiitt t otlan ei ii i-oitirtitlti the ime he gme ndin wit a trictions ilte ilacedt tn voting and from the recptofit shoutttldt be t unetd mtistke that I i cifotrcd tpies- score of 5 to 1 Notwithstanding this tor the first time ih the history of the iverttheitt,-ihigaut('tut use 0-heeittuu - amn.When I ttid Mr. Fiske he one sided score at Evanston, the University every stittent wilt e a- mittee is ehepnedsastit1i-om-Istatrt ad srvel it a h-olleg-twit there coaches manifest considerable admir- owed t vote. At last the young lad- mitee saw fit. This years sioitr anilot be-sit-hi a stat- of affairs ht ato over the pulaying ability of the ies have been grace the elective weept with beIte tot- theiigrathtst lt inv-tlcsssiti is si. Methodists, In the firt match, they franchise which they have been work- tie histry of liii- titvcai-tly.tting, it soutking a ittr of co- playetd welt in the field and would ig for tduritig the last few years aid in part,- it the ituttetirtf ttitii twhoit1loge twis ath it his bet-t a tdeigh- have been dangeroos competiorit had are io have- equal say i tie eetitti wiltliteIere at tubs timte. adit hi,,om- ili-sitt-iit-let- ~t elinitAni Arbotr. they tbeen able to connect successfiul- inay. Their vites will go asofar in-cmit-eart- plaitingeo ive it-a vtc. liiirethreisioi-heslightsititer- ly with "Motles"curve. In rder ieeiminitig the wsinuei-o as thiooeepo1- titn thatwilt i-cstitilithilig give es.utda ihtiwtsen-iiweeitya tsmae hegaeassae stosihe e bgleatmteidetssii bsatfeithsihlthiciipittshsiblltlett, i-itptiihu aytt at i Wnelwilpoal dothe blxy Pr o bl o e Witrdefrl Miigoabitteveo attha oif. Pattiugith yestertday annout- with le Antiua ItHop.t suttnigmr. Thisisthit-onl y ci-t liercacher assertiat, te at thater-ctthttthe poltls wouldIlte oenid tog(owI n fti n I iiiuthetountr-wiet-r-Ih-e thecochs aset ha th Wlvs-the yitunig lathes auth that every means GREAT WORK(IN T[NNIS. it, a fhultysosituttelyuiresoiisiee. oes have no cinch on the game. If wol- etke opeen-sltl wouhIi betaecio pnoteuh ahlitle-tutng mtutu-la ehat-hy tht htine trabahihthttatings a l strehhanck-ih atwunhadLeiccoros-hat Ttheii iiiiteamI u-s-htilg Iih i pickedl pat Oberlin materializes oticoshert- the elefin Uwithertelsit alHundanwithIowa-iciuanalWsT- i iyn tol heaerlin. huetatt-es thehmegrunshituiltbuseo hewhgroundsin il e el sita dy wiltw-Mchga bees- cutpat hettohr, hthedes Evanston twirers to lok fir a safe no yunt~g laity wouldl have cause futr emn Tennis Champion for oneiuwotul ltinkthlat.uwhet-utnt a- bligpaei h od.esgee-ing hr atenanice- at the meet- the Forth Year. Iemt uuwas mtaei to aotteiteutresi in The vluie f triowicg the election Hut uantileet, Mtihifgntluen1ntstte- pcutlitut i uttiuufliteri-al ttuittoliiieay, CONFERENCE MEET. tpen t alt is highly apreiatetd by ireseitatives aet-opeitur-hits t-eri -g I-tithe-efot, Iwtuldtthit-rectugnizetd _________ he girls anti fronm the interest which thecmslves s-fit gory at thi-e uttfert oietl -apprec-u-ia-t by- fatalt.te eu ica- Asfle tcnfertiuce meet approachits has been tius far shouwn a highs vote etce tenniis mretiiat Chf-ei ago.Yt--ti u -let!,il el -uip, -titutu. Bi(it is evi- Michigans track athletes are straint- withliprtobaby e tpolledl by them. the ay Lee- ib-utt C'iitutiofIAmurit. tit-0 - tlt o it IottttOshft tf i- ing eveiry muscle to get in first-class Iog looetd foriwardto ttresult with te t-It then betuttB igatm oft(tuttltii- igtutiltlii would bhtut-t itIt cuohilfut. WiteItene ittahrctigivein realizationttday. 'Teyoung tlis ame thirlins-ty le-,6iI, I-thunut tit 1 is habitually reticent on the quetiontlattles have alas swot etdfree elec- wons from Munntitotfi tutab fulttiyitt tlhtiuisitheiiutat tewithi temIu, of results, he believes that the uew ive frainchise auth in a co-ethcalta wining a ateuu-itIhutfnliis. imui --iie t, ttlepditdt-oit heut iitsit- Spatuding tropuhy shonud come to Ann instiluthou i stems isrpee that they wonusthe otiter hla-u- it he in lus by wortt, prvinte tit, btturvgeis?" Arboi-br ml ari fpit. shouuldhthave- their wish granted. udeeat ing CtiuttutofttNuitvuevi-st-in. icihise ssuredtt uttthee By whining the last thret coifeutiuce 'Tsee houw a large eecionuishocon- IllI61- tndu lMoretheadthiof tChi go 6-,its-iat ititiie membules oitheliifac- mneets, Michigais became the permaut-duutedlhas heen the udesiecofthei6-,6. il.The fias let-tn gt elttltlt. ent tposessor of the Spaulding chiliyouncgattles. Today mouywith prb- toifIrhm. i, iItilrt iWslu-es. dit.'shiltaset whiich how graces the trophy room at abliy atensd if frominouthing moure than hut the dubuulels, Iflunts atnd u-itutiu- iu-tii ehtt -uu utm Waterman Gymiasium. When it wascuiotsiy. tCtnant.iauth Wituiatvht ittNitr i - li iiith' witer d hosy utinegu- urtigmi offered as a prize in1900, isuonors Thesnominsationusssee as folows: rci;-1,-,f-.. uwhict utsutheniniii i- .ti t-ciii i t incumuo ihth es fih ihh-Literary Department-R. H. Kidsonthtt tefias.the fmale i heill[ elsttutir atiidei tic ol, believed that by mating it- f'tharesCanmpbeltlh.1.K. Stone. au-e t e platyedtod iay- i-it ttutp fu-t- tite iti ultai ttn tory fr three staight years the price Engineering Department-A. . Reb- This winnufing oitheiii- sitigievs (atdi lai-ick ot a ft itit theteuti-esug- of permanent possession, thoe huausd- stork, Stanley Fyfe, F. S. Ntorcross. Michigan permanen tutsessioniothet9 iii- g s t, lsibliet-eastosfrteht some trophy wouldlbecome tot all h- Medical Department-Paul Milie, I. hacdsomeutroptuhy eu-titwhtiehitits Ite-ntatutuhyithe ii-It tlar(i-th ttaulutyh. tens andpsrposes a stanidigconfer- L... iegle, G. E. Mrningstar [Ilhe obtje tut cmpttionutfor Itheut ite AllhuetmtritreaisonthaI t swhit-u otnce ence prize. Michigans suirprisedh the Law Department-W. C. Cue,Thomcs e ightti-eas. .1 ihifittuuihasthe weist-i -suchti tutudutuittiis lieu tght lire West by accomplishing the las, hith- Bhrd R.It. it. Iertutu-eu-uhumscuuiuuiutishuusfo thte four-t they liistoult showitihrlittle fires. I eric deemed impotssible, of winning successive year. is notlthtt is I whit amtiplaying, hit the conference in 1901, 1902, 19013. TOASTMrAS[RS' BANUE[T. tha t is tben-u.Isni is abslutely The Chicago jewelers have now tf- ' GOLF TEAM LEAVES TODAY. jlthe geattlidrtauatist iftotttay auth to ferd aoter up whchgoe itt- nst ito hats itti-i. Ie too revolu- fee nte uwihge oIeClub Gives its Annual Spring Banqet hte Bouartiof itrolu imut-ulast ight I itutit it- udramuat iilteture o winoer f the meet for one years isis- ession and becomes the property f at Whitmore-Toasts Respond. ant ieduhto ttpatheiiixpi-sieleu-Iofithulil ey outrttiy ite tetrld. CEery the team which wins the meet three ed Is-thin Members and igoit leans t ica('ftgoit I utuuuuuc- ere tict aietis~ttt ny vaut-is ia coinfessedi successive years. It is this trophy Guests. theynietyt itfagdual meet wiulutuesfoulotethadisiiieougftIbistn iri-s wihKeene Fitzpatrick lhoes to Uiestyohcgoh___i vntht snt nuht si hs bring home with him unet Saturdtay. TeMcia loswatrscibsicnusis of SmottiuBIoofieldtti i d -iteopleutu-it-u. Elent-sIhoiughithey dou ______TheMiciganTostmastes'_clubslumn, tBeceiadtemiii'lk~e. liTh1e11 1con le- tutreeorIbsntty outgmhult t ash gave its annua spuing hanquet lashhisi withlitt- plat-edlit mutcuhets at t6 st-u ihir. Iitltssure 11ou.itlausumh an POETRY AND MUSIC. Saturiay at Whitmore. 'The harty tiles. tau. opportunlimty shall itsevrffeigain, so _________ trove cut o the aue in the afternooun 'T'e Dailt- withlu-u-ifeive tastutt lfartiasieIan)iu-tutcutrnei. Auth I wish Mrs. Mbel Prsons ead apaperwhere several hoiur were clent in telegram amHuneinuufug the tecutlt ittytututo ndrsatitdtntipekinyit-rotftrnono tetunamn batngad aIinitteenth mmiiisply agesliesthtI xpc oe in h tal Relatiuns between Poetry aoul Mu- memers and their guests, thirty-sixnmot int-se hutifltaions f oy whole , bfoe a oensesio o th pi-in all, at down to a baquet at the SCHULE GOES TO ST. LOUIS. call-i. sic,bf oianyupen sioaoptephi-CTiftuon Houuse Foltowing the anquet _______ lusohiclsoiet Thi paer a plroramsme of toasts was hproposedi Fretd Schuuie shoutiswiultut tdut. an extositio of riginal, experimen- and respondted to by members of lie the greatest hurdlte in the West si FRESHMEN ENGINEERS. tat wrkt done by the writer herself, clib as folouws: gut to S. iLouuis Sat uuut t urdy tocuuuiu anud was full of her own charmting per- "Wlcome! fhb Welcome!".... -in the Junitr thamionttushut1m tu-t t ]'hie 19t7ligiittt-utglass xiii sonality The relations between mu-W1H.CatnenbthA.AY.Iispoak htla herfs(olfcaonFdy sic and poetry Mrs"Parsons ittstrat- "Te- - -ner- Wu t."-I..H.Cayl e. ii h avettoA. .oYmpiist rt a tuaist Rthu-igt.1atuiOystjHay.iAfutne tltitay eua by gestures, by vice inflectin and 'h uuutEwOrdPst. - -e it hct ht -uuuuu-lt gati igt hytee hsypArlmitared i by music Carrying a piece of poetry- - -E"wrdSnnnohnClappt f Yale thu ru thelstecn uth usstohue-ut -euad athMr. Wil- lhrough the concrete, picture sage, ihOurNa red TeHss". lran osbyrdMlnyIcl e asii puuomisedtug sutt. f'rckito-r - - - - - Miss Gertrutde E. Palmer. Chicagut str. Notiuhs~ait asewadultuug ut I1i Pcktsar gesture, through the poetic stage, in .Our ear Friends-Thu- Guests." vere atackt ut tcharlu-t hrst-" thu ginmg fatshanth everything pun t voice inflection, and finally to a musi - -1) uihn.Mcignoapwlor i ee iltteii iiits uim ischos clsaebsetnthvestooe, (Continued on page three) accountitt hinsel. 1gateutungs of thi- e-tuar. lheicommit- Mrs Parsons showed how, through all c t-itii a r ~ge hairmant (eichreaeWgrphases, the same modulations of ges- et-rsi- lu-te a--ils h tore, ton, and note were necessary prfsf tf tftf tf tf t ftta - - - -. ,uit-eluteticets has beuen fixeu at one to Cary omt the idea of the verse. In 1,f1 ttutta this way the writer formed a very f0 ELECTION OF STUDENT MEMBERS -I _dollar.___ real fundamental relationship between 4, poetry, in concrete form, antI music' OF BOARD OF CONTROL. WEBSTERS ATTENTION. in concrete onceptL At the close ofit her paper, Mrs. Parsons left her audi ii THURSDAY, JUNE 2 AT UNIVERSITY HALL. {,: Thtere will hue a ometting itt Webs- ence with the question before them, Q1 t- it-u oie t y muin elsher Hiatt, Law 'Can we say that that sonnet is the 0 Doors Open at 4 p. m. Closed at 4.30 p. mn. {txl ttle. Saturday morning atill0uoccuock best, which most really partakes of ti; 0 ssfoth the piurpotse-iof ult-uting officers. the nature of song?' 4 f ~t It n .-41, < ~ ~75-7it J'.C. DAVIS, Prus.