SUITS Dwight . Watkins,
Madle to your measure and Dtruscard' th ourwrk. i t
fy r 1 nd Nw laagmnt foo ewBilirdOtft.II 1 ,, LX.& Chips given good for anywhere inJ
the house. . ~ wiLLnBtI'
Free [unch.
1 Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Avenlue Meat Market. Linen and CUFFS
IN -109 and 111 E. Washington Street, 13 Poultry, (ame and Fish in Season A E T E ]E T
ANN ARBOR53 Forest Ave. Phone 407 A T E B S .
1+,~ ... : .......>, .. . . Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen"
/y Other brands aderised and Sold as Linen are
N 'tt' Aij®f BRi Tll Z 4 NOT stanped "Linen." Why?
oI a OFh' Reliable Shoe Dealer : Sold by Wager & Co., 2 foe 25 cents
2 124 S. Main Street '"
odf cilydoeto --cseectoexisrnie
Duringallto eaynrcotit. as n R EN T S CH L E RForanything in the line of 0I
teadiong rmtdyoabethor, cli B;ceMaker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentchler, dhoe frthiele4o alte
pain, achteoanod aceidrts of so tfre- s Phone .89-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. + We'veGo
qurtoaerrreor. A bottle sholdtt be cti,$+Go
in tthe roam of every stdent-badl g++ ahe, tgg . Ag Newk4g++1# l+. 4g$s&gx
toe quick use-and appited tbereANe
pan delveo study Ifaom tie bran.ORe-
lievrt earache, toothacee n XCAGD Fresh Lowneys, Alegrettis, Spar-A
iam; cuesauti, bratssuns;to ps 1__ row's and Hyler's Chocolates at Cuoh-4 FOLD COLLAR
bleeding fram nto and eawounsand
soocthesalatpain. A wederflly ei,- I lthe Iper5snwtt oo11l1(11hal marked Ings Pharmacy.
cartoon remedy-pore and steong.
-- So thesandolt resica cc-c it13IiS. iai ( r tr '5, s Monday evening
te ae ater shain.. croes lio tradie it ifor his owtn he' ay s Your eyes examined by an Have You Seen t
rn,.ocu..Ifyea ave nctverr teed 1("" 115 ~.F~i aer 47 expert optician. All the a- 1
haze wlrn rirs ocr dknown to the profession areemployed.
r youc to a tubstibtt i NOTICE. New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupl- 'i
yo hveusd___d' WAGNER & CO.
Extratou7 will reeI cated, frames repaired. Haler's .1w.
totio ac cioiut- 1,11 i n ttti l.'tills' tof lthe Aphia Ntt elnry Store. tf. ae rah sH tes
yotnnwilosensi~ staccen. atitiAilpiii lite rry soilrtics a
e'I'"g'sadontrit-ertedWattrs beits netidiiri tni Fridiay tSatrday THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA.
.s cvtt.niti t [' wrealter. Iicht.
AICCEPT' NO SUBSTITUTE. Furnishes muic for all occaions. A"t s f.c
WAT ATD ATN. Dance music a specialty. Address L.________________
WAT-ATDWNIG D. Bate, manager, 808 S. Fourth ave
- -nuce. 29tfy
A. J. WATSON A goodcive, rtlsiing man whet can Ch1n}ise}tHltrs' "
Wall Paper, Paints Eisit in sakes dertment duringsutm- Store.Jwely.
mes.IItt rroyurpsto sPa d isgo y ot. Wil givie go o anWATD
n arl l renti;itusiness. This is a Original Milk
216 East rluron Street., accac, n good men tired only1 Students to canvas fr the lightning
appl. Pesona offce hurs to tiitlicaor. Can be carriedasaid
Speialprcesona. to, . I-I.HALLER & CO.. line.. Enquire at 102 E. Huron sreet C ",o at _
StcalPicfo 1-4 Haler Bldg. I between 2 and Gi p.i.
M1ade up Pillows, Pillow - - n tuetwsin o -r fvdl
AnyTtICEnt1wshin toNarnNEveRS.l- Is lt'efinest eating Coolate
'Fops and Banners, N CJ10 NINES ar a cay now or in vacation vted
TtHIS WlEEiZ, .AT' 1ho li9t7 Engineers sil hccld a an- name fr particulars. Perfectly hon- to be ha. It containts
At Darling &Q Malleauxs cuert al Osserr Bay, Fridiay, Jitng 3. rable.
Evreryoctcy trnto tS Ticiito can e L. T. AYRES te Swiss Milk whiet
coltainerd frocm lurker, Mrrisocn, Wag- Room 15 Higgins block. gieitarhns
- -rFI Ne sfn e r, M tl s. 72-77 W innipeg, C anada .gpv ss1-
flu1 ~~~~An energetic hustler who hasltadec- sstl17t tt
P letife Faes CHAINLESS COLUMBIA. prlance in canvassing and organizing rcns
DI~ PRII~x5 ART 3TRE - can secure a very liberal salary with 10 Cents ua ;
Biciycte for sal. Etnqirricf Fred expenses all paid, as District Manager
217 S. IVo rth Avenue. Biermtian, 1 W. Washitigtt5. f. for one of the oldest and mot sta- L
_______________ pie Old Line Life Inurance Compa-
NOTICEnies ont the continent. An eception-
.pagga .,« ~ally gcod opportunity for a high-grade32STES.
'° man. Write giving age eperience inL.
~. Zermnour Ztuibio Annuataneting of Muisiral clutbs inf canvassing and address.+
itiRom 24, Utniversity Htal, Thursday, GEORGE HEHACHI,
)C. IlE. 'tcLrtit, pllgr. Jutnt' 2, 1904. A. S. VERIftER 408-9-t0 Union Trust Bldg.. To the teachero and sudentof thcU~ofM.
31 i n ctc,. r President. 6974 Detroit, Mich.GRE NG
SdiS Itci S. Aacc Atttc have yout haci a Virassage at Bath suppies of anl kinds at all
S I 3 3PF«1F&+3 " Trojy's if. prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf.
Don't miss the World's Fair
A Word OURPOLIC Y at St. Louis, 1904.
s________ The only was to hesrcae oh it is
T o ltudentS Thte building uip of a Telephone System with every possible msod- to gaooe vam StfLoisan cd
ern impovemntu; the giving of better srvice than was evr thought Misori acficR*
Iticsna icatuempu possble before. To be hotiorable, courteous and just in every deailll~l1' A~i(
.a,~~ea to a cc.ccsI it - pry
yo ri5Ca.b. tretaay recdces toTt o antcpate requiremntts. To overcome impedimnets. To be sats-
_ ouaronsree- bdwt ohn short o h ofdneadgo will of every ciizen Diltiy Trais tc IKaas City.
ricll t eavse the.cr- i h ofdneadgo
R. IWEUS rlchsert ocnake his fin thlecunty. O-
two sereetiton. v
- '0 taosever tcsve imntcs WAS11 I[NAW "TO"El[T[L[PHION[ 0"
Dr ~ a. Cl" its sirC*
rnyrxadnw TEmPORARY OtFIErc: Liberty street, near Fourth,ri ~ollal IL~
A , [ their t Ltacdig oft -- -- - - - __-.._GDilyc a inccstt filtic.Iook.
1)5 _ _ r,- c- Cu rgI sa- - -i-t -o-l Iote' eto-S uhw s
zYTgNAL enth( loracem- are as lass v-a St. Lotais citd the Sio
.. .w.. berand prsdeniat of -sourt ['aetue Railway aor Iron ttMcnnt~caa
the Jcwe iflo Cituoty et outr as-via any other gctewa.c-hraetclt t eomedt oit.or n rd-t o 1 ses ulifrainfe;cavo.wie
tort toem daaaaehsola,'U Wltt b h tcocte.ealarwie
suaerior remedy in attleces otftcicinas, taruin --
es. oremusceslamnessandfor nralap- LAMANH. D. ARMSTRONG,
pliieaioo after gymonasiua workcorea itlearttex-l hCIiRTL }
rice. Iitabhigh grade prelcticci otaleco- t T avPass.At. -Mott.e.Iy.. trttac lctataiai
ht acnd essentall alt c o ccthing tald icrat- i n .uky ot an.ad Texs., PaIceific Ry.
leg medicionat togredientstti t peart atte 123 aineawATurkey.or Mch
quickly and allay all sorcnessanod iiat O- ,Perfected in LgyPt ~ tIiittaSc n ro.Si-a
tion, teavtng abe ckit and elotbiactfree fo
staiaa. Theare is ogase of aay kind aced in T njoyed in America.
Dr we lsMgc pn01.ME aesucafieteait 0r. Cat ell's .s4 MOCtL SMOKEMAKLS LCve7IAN SMOKES MEL G ILL ES PIE teaches
wic bEypotiacilthaitbctsllevriot le
H- le thepstivOilutate ela irywlctlcieCanoricen t. tS5Xa-cbictacjoSt. d ictac.
satisf'ation. If it does ota youcareaurnc~s a snn.ltndln aj n utr
the bottle and we awill refund your mocaey. Save o he Couoaa. on ;1E asigo,,t h
'Il.a .5agecrytfor
Quarry's Campos .,rutj Store Beandt Mandolin, Farland Bajo and MartintGtar.
Alwaysn Ahead .IJTIIARD THE TAILlR, Th Best
In Stles.T of Everything in Tailoring