- - THE MIl3fIGAN IDAILY Summr(Clthe You will not find anything in DRSSSU TCASESC clothes more snappy and attrac JiD Marx OUTING "VARSITY," coat and pants only-made in homespuns. IELWPIEMEIMADPNSMD Scotchtweschvosad1ngih.lnes-etoffendlr. tweds eevitsan Enlih ianel -en o ifeendolas.HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES Haveyou eenthe ew - " TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES ' SAILOR WAIST 'TROUSERS __________ Thc only perfect fitting peg top pant made J+ ALL MODERATELY PRItED + Th.e Sae$4 f 5 h , tirMACK &CO Th2e Soe17 Sos. Main + ,j A JJLL TlE* IWj WISH to call your attentionu tD lhe fact that our c ii * tire liue of SPRING WOOLENS is on the tale~s and S will further state that we 'ire mi a ociition where we can get flU1PO RAMI-wkH{E20 all wvork outt promptly. Ti veryfli eil of t tiloric- ili pre- '* ! vail as usual at ouir establi. litocut. SVBUCHFIELD'S FINE TAILOR.INGA TRADE }121if"E.Washington St. *1O6 106EastH t roni.stret GO(ING OUT of BUSINESS Ibsaen just received tlgstndfes Stockfrlut BeSold Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Stoc "us Be oldever brought is the city. All Goods at Cost Fine Lunches in Connection. Everything Seat and Clean. Beginningq Play~ 31st. 308 S. State Si. R. E. JOLLY LOVELUS CORNER STORE. PROHIBITION CLUB. l New Brullswick Tables. AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Siaie St., S. NOTICE. J Ga' Trim Above and t the Neat Feet BRIOUITON SP C ARTERS FOR- i E-- irI (501 5 11Srtit a s N11tSBARI CO a PL S.''bi a mos5 ri atn int las antpsilcacorfay h Coh];u maesth arersipeseur ndabo 718 Maret!SCretlapha MMCkeIs ofPioneeMr RESORTS.s The AKEANA RAI ROTE A Lev DTOIdoln.1.37.7 n eaCE VE LNdal 1.5 p. is.N Arive DETRIT; -5.0 . apOLD'5.Pal SluFbI. SM.LnOUtIS' cago riandBuCleelshandc Aidriive EisL tbgaDacidt30Wa. Deayeipa icsDmcudai acid5Ci.em- iandshningiya pialinsforerut Miackinoo" acqeteDvis, ionl aplis, tOLEauO Ptskiey, cd tMiwueChi-.3 U.i. aciDO 1clcircimy aid trdays 0.30 a,. nt esdyssadTh says4 1, m Send 2c fCr Illusrated Pamnpblet Senad 2ceorsol'dsmidPairh Pampblet. A A. SCHANTZ .0S. & P T. M .Detroini. eb At the last regular meeting of lbs All members if the Foresters' clib Proilibition cliub election of officers are requestedi In Ie prisent at the clme- 1fr the ensuing year was held which, leg oceeting for the presentolyear, tic rdsulted as folloiws: President, L. E. he held iomorrow (Wedneisday) tleve- Drown; vice-president, James Wora. ning in West Hall ul S p. mn. E. 11. ham; secretary, Ernest Halliday; Clapp will give a report oce limbering treasiurer, W. S. Bowman. Plans for oplerdtors ci tIhe Weyierhauiser tconcri lie next year were thorsoighly discuss- niear Clocquet, Mine., anid Proif.Rthl ecl ail reports of committees received, will connrlude by an address tocthr It, is the intention cif the club to have membiers of the club. President Dickie' of Albion College ad. (lEO. WV. hEAVY, crcus the club at its opening meeting Secretary. next lull. Mr. Erniest Halliday winner cif the Interstate contest gave an icier- University studentsadiaring to se- eating account of his trip and exlieri- cure positionn to teach will find it to ences at Lexington, Kentcucky. their interest to write to James F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts fBldg., Chi- FRESHMEN ENGINEERS. cango. tf. IThle 19017 Engineering class will Chaffing diehes at Haller's JewelryI have their first jollification Friday Sinre. tf. nighii at Oyster May. A fine lisi of _ coasio has bieea prepared and Mr. Wil- Cipeenoto ubaMnc liiho lililoei iabey efors idRegal, and Waldo Guiara at lowest ward an inivitin'g menui. 'fickets are fpiet S infe tast andcheverything pocints toprcs.t ccci ccf thiemost.enlhuiasic class gahh- eriigsofcithIle year. The commiltee in Chafing dishes at HaIler's Jewelry rciarge are Wagner, chairmani; Morni- Store. tf. coin, Derker, and Mills. Tlhe price for tickmets haaslieen fixeid atlome dollar. Mandolin strings 20c per fall set, ________________ Banjo airings 25c per Call set. Guitar LOW RTES O ST LOUS. airings 30c per Cull ant. Violin strings LOW ATESTO S. LOIS. 35c per Call set. tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. To stiudents who intend visiting the _________ Worlds Fair, the Michigan Central Fresh Lowneys, Allegretti's, Spar. cifero on Tuesdays and Thursdays rws ulrs hcltsa uh the remarkmably low rate of $9.71 for rws cyen hcltsa ah ftf. the round trip. Thin rate is the low- g hray est that will be in effect from Ann Cmlt tc fBadWlo Arbor, and is good via ChicagooerWiahbun, Regal & Martin Mandois the I. C. R. R., C. & A.. or Wabash o ad rcstelws. t in coaches only. Tile return limit ins nbn.Piestelws. t seven days including date of sale. You may make a idaylight trip by SUMMER WOR K leaving Ann Arbor on the Michigan Central 5:10 fast morning train, ar- Student agents wantedfotiM - riving in St. Louis at 7:32 p. m. Clcre's Magazine. Large rcmmissiioni Other tickets for 15 days, or for the Cash prizes for heal womrkm. Easy. season, at higher rates. Ask at the loignifiedl. Write eciw for full piartic- tickiet office for full particularo and uilars. 141 Eaut 25th St., ewicYiork for Words Fair folder showing map .City. 117-e of tho grounds. 63 end _________ JOB PRINTING--MEYERS, 215 NOTICE 1907. Main SL. S. Phone 281 There will be a meeting of the 01117 Fountain pens at Cushings. tf Lii, class Thucrsday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Room C. University Hall. Vibrassage-at Trojy's. Its great. Iy 74-75 FRIEDMAN, Pres. ________ No KODAK Complete Without a Developing Ma= Put ooriiein youtr trunik andr dlevelopte while yhohu tracvel. tain maill lris tom your fied mmi urmihie. Calkins stale St. Ticket for four shampoos-$1.00. Soft water. Miss Vaughn, near Quarry's, e. o. d. You will find the bcest strings for violin, mandolin, guitar and banjoi at Rootas Music House. We make a specialty of the host Try them. wfs ®oeeeoHOOeeeoeoeeeNeoeNHOeoeeeoeeeoes eeeoeosse I 'A L LEN 'S F OR QU AL I TY" We give the best Clothing Valtics, savinig you thuree to five dollars ona your Suit or Overcoat. Spring line now rccady $10.00 and $ 1SAO0 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES i r At Oyster Bay. 01 Solt 1>11mlitmm Ic- tile Wlite misc li-mi cit; ce' 1lmik B3Lis, ILittle, ieck (Jms- larilcits S-emd Iii cimicec Tonmitoes II mimtc-mel ILittucem. Asmicarmmi u n"os 1 rc reshi St-imei s Ora Omimti I-'! lippIm ' hem' Cream iFrbehlt 1m- c 31Stra-wber'ry lSlortcake awith Whip~pedmlCieam -, (N t I 1,i mii loi- inmd otiher mi :-(,ir%-ing) - Sanilwviehi's lEggs (Onecte -nd Poctatomes any style - [verythsag in season fiI Cor a prsnce o. TRY OUR SPECIAL DINNERS 12 to 1:3lip, in. Sand-aye 12:311 to 2 OYSTER BAY CATERINGI CO. W E ARE NE VER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'S DR UG S TORE