THE MICHIGAN DAILY Yuwill not find anythigi icthan tore snappy and ttra:- DRESS SUIT1 CASES Marx OUTING "VARSITY," coat sot pants only-made inhomespnses THlE LOW-PRICED, MErDIUM AND FINEST M~ADEr Scotch tweeds, cheviots and English flannels-ten In fifteen dollars. ; HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES Have you seen'the new z TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLESP SAILOR WAIST TROUSERS 3 UT ALL MODERATELY PRICED Th only etrfect fitting pog top panst made-' - 4~k 5the tiothoor ~ S ACK & CO 1 The New Stoe 217 So. Maim 0s .. N+ + 444+ sI.++4. f' '' t f'' mI..e®® H ® ®4 f eH ®H R .AND ALJ IIr THEU IOTOG PHEf 121z~ L. Washington St. Ii ,WViE WISH to coil yonr attention to the fact that our en- tire line of SPRING WOOLENS is on the tables and will fnrther state that we are ina a position where we can get all work out promptly. Thz! veryfitisest of tailoring will pre- vail as usnal at our establishment. I BVR. CHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 106 Eakst Hu~ron~ Street '#tsar' t 4' t+ i Mr' i''!A' i t' ' r' t' r +rr,' r r r' ' 'Ir ? '*°rir'*riar 's','r'''iri r'ir' ' r' r'+*r'* 'fr'4 ' 'f 1r'ir fi F i ® ACAd3nIer'Y "fNew Brullswick Tables J1 MONEY LOANED ON A Hr.Ornge wll e t sadmy lte tos:~ Watches, Diamonds,> REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS,NoKDA 7Itot8o'cel ceriogs (exceptlingMon(1eay).t. j Jeweliy, and all Hish . Fine Cicaro and Tobaccos From 9 a.,si. to 5 p. m. Pisce No. 6iwili Class Chattel a nd + JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate St., S. Complete Without reach him. Collateral Security. 5 BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENITIAL, I havse just received the largest and fineot a Developing .Ma= " ' . J.LOUIM.line of YOU CAN GET A W'J ORM Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes chine jOpposite Cook house mploett h iy Hoffii lcours t o 11:30,t1ct ios4:3. Fine Lunches in Connection. x:tTttes008~ ~ lc tce to 8;305,ci.Esveythsing Seat anid Clean. A ules33S.State 308 S. Slate St. R. E. JOLLY 4.lnt. ""b"+z+4.44. + t444I. Put otie iin yotur trunk and FUNERAL SERVtCES HELD. Univernity stuodents dentring to no- tdevelope while you travel. ____cure position to teach wilt find it to With Sepia postal cards you Thie funcral scrviccs of the late their interent to write to James F. cait mail prints to your ' c- l'iofl 9551 Williams H. Pscte wcre McCulloutgh, 639 Fine Artn Bldg., Chi- finserue ~ . held at his residcncc, 1314'rTionpson eago. tf. Trim Above and the Neat Feet areethetegs thtwe BRIGHlTON C 1IpfARTERS FOR rIEN Tharetees ta t -b-that Esn-that ecEAso. Thte famous Bicghon lies clap cat otosetllscatehloreerayythecloting- maeseethegatereimple, secueesndisoe- lntely cemicetale. b01e0fonciec zpure silk5web wilth onicltrimmingsota cnnoterstorerub.Priceolym25.sat stores orby mal. Oet the"BIHTOcN." PItOiNmERSSENDuERCO., 718 Market Street, Philadelphia. Makner s ooeerSupenders. UNIVERSITY DAN- 3ilt Stale 5t. SHOET TEEM.} 01110 CENTRALULNES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS ParloreCar oh all Trais GOING OUT of BUSIN ES Stock flust Be Sold All Goods at Cost Begiinning rIj 31 St. LOVEL'S CORNER STORE. IGLCIIAN CENT L "I'e .lfagaraa Falls Route" TE SHORT LINE- A14N ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK Cwt iet AND BOSTON itdietconnections at Chicago for YSt. Louin, Kansas City, St. Faul and-, the West. For information and throngh ticketescail on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. street1,yesieill~y aftcrnooni. Afltr11h0 s(1vices the rcoiains we011'escortedl il Chaffing dishen at Halter's Jewetry lt MichigtnUCntral 11e11t11 and Proi- Store. tf. fessor andI Mrsc. Do0w accompieiid them toi Ncwtoii, 1Mass., Prsitessir Pt- Complete stock of Washbun, Martin, cie's former hionme, fur intermcent.. Regat,and Waldo Guitars at inost lOr. Criiicerof hIbc tariaii church prices. t coduictedtlteservices. The pa11lear -______________ ers core: Dean Cooley, of te ligic- Chafing dishes at Hatter's Jewelry ecriiigDep'lrtmnt, Majtir Sotile, Prot- Store. tf. Illsson. Mandolin strings 20c per full set, (1111loig is a list lit the organica- Banjo stringn 25c per full set. Guitar Liouis wsch e p lresentedilbeautifliseIt pecees of flowers: Shildlifro tsmeri_ strings 30c per full set. Violin strings eaniiitst itii 5titofsiniogEnigiers;35c per tull set. Sioentific (tub; faauty itEniginieer- tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. fig dep11rtmeist; tile Scl of.1 itPhar- isaey; stdtil15sitf coutrseIII in min- lave you had a Vibraslage at urlogy; I livrsily tusiu-:slEScetoy;Trystf Unlitarian chsirch; Foritnighly13 (lb inil's Datight ers; Somrisis. ThisreI Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- were alisstianly biaiitiullowters1fr11m1row's, Muylerns, chocolates at Cush- nuimeroits friendsl. ings Pharmacy. tf. Calkins State St. CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL. In accordance ssith a eutosm insti- tutetd by Dean Nlshser, Mrs. M. t. Jor- (lan yesterday enttraiinedi lbschlil- 11ren1ot Aoii Arbor in the Btarbiiir gymnaslium. IBefloetiis a yearly iiar- IT yhas 11101 given, but itnly us facuilt y chlild~ren. This year the invitatiolns wcre 1e01 is all thc chilidrcn in fbi city schosls. Whien all tIlie little folks had gath- cre'd, thcy werc cntertainced by ia child Wiay given lby ihc Alpha lthiESrority. Alte tihle iplay, thechlllirein amulsed thiemselves in thc gymnasium very stuccessfuilly. Fsr rcirushments, all lbs daintics clear to children's hcarts swere scrvcd-link icc cream, cate with pink, wvbitc and brown frosting, ladys fingers, strawbcrries and stickcs ot candy. Lost-A gold fob, with a Woman gold medallion. Finder please return dii this office or 327 Fifth S. Reward. 173. Tickct for four shampoos-$1.00. Soft water. Miss Vaughn, near Quarry's. - e. o. d. Complete stock of Brandt, Waldo, Washhun, Regal & Martin Mandolins on hand. . Prices the lowest. tf SUMMER WORK Student agents wanted fur Mc- Clire's Magazine. Large commissioin. Cash prices for belt work. Easy. Dignified. Write oow for full partic- ulars. 141 Malt 11th St., New York City. 167-e. NOTICE. General meeting of lbs Dceutscher Vere, May 31, 4: 30 p. in., Room C. Election of officers. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215 Main St. S. Phone 281. Fountain penn at Cushing's. tf. Vibrassage-at Trojy's. Its great. Yon wilt find the Sesalntrings for violin,. mandolin, guitar and banjo at Root'n Munic Houne. We make a specialty of the bent. Try them. wfn GO"OD[ISflINOi At Oyster Bay. >' Soft Shell Crabs Lobsters Frog Legs ive White Fish and Trout A sew lack IBass ' Littlt Neck Chamns Large Juticy Steaks Lamh Chops Macehits Sliced C'ucumber Tomatoes Radishs ; Young Onions r Lcttuce Asparagus on Teas t Large Fsresh Strawberries Oranges Pineapplcs 1ce Cream s= reh Fruit fce Strawberry Shortcake with I Whipped Cream (Not the 10cbind istbers are servisg) Sandwiches Eggs