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October 16, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-16

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he Micigan Dally



No. 16

Or, Jonathalici t i hi' cetercanc p io- XX i th osilong ofcthelint oi rclas
HooiersAeoSheuleft Buk h e t-l cdeprment, was Mn of 1907 Meet to Organize Their foobl li cc 5)11the mscccii cci cpart
Hoosers Are cheuled to ucktake sr unl il Tueday mor i Clas-Other News of the Un- inl ls tieisbgn.A sa
Yost's Scoriog Machin0e Tumor- andi Itwo jily'i i-is werc al(ledin iii icig ailihe gains On iheIte iirclas
rosFrst Big Nin00 Game cc1 - iii 'i(ccccccct(ci est.cc-litl cii c ' iii cilcii'itiiiis islaydt
of the Local Seasonc oo un iiiii( i cit t, cse of apoleiix.Al-whch ii iisec lcid oly lto hai slownc
I(ough lth iychave iiean ii c ist int. at Te fic t. ciigci'of the tresh. Iit tai i ii ciiy gaccec Ihis yart Ih
- -i i( c cc eir Iun it sit. cn Ihavic l as iwas heldi ystiday ialiernooniii lcirc'''il iiior ithIe cc liiit ihili will he
iilii'iitigener coally, theiiresuliii of cc cc of iilittle iiav Ii cciaIdlOR Icciccicc-I" iin ccroorniC, ofIivliiicrtcy tHcll. Mi espc cia'lly cieresingo w iccng ti the
Weciliic. ay s gaieii ginsiit Ohiiiii a"ii p' Is L(mi Ii> mRo itell, liiihe idctli itchi-e cll lihimi intiic orderi iacct iiatiiachclasstics ccurinig ouiian
l~kcc rie s cci trcu iin tt iiiidi idu ly cslocty sinikig endiiis iiaiiliyc uiciiilaiy chcca i c ciirmcc cc cs naiii ciicciicc Iis duei ito ci-R ic-icw -iru igthatitherie
ancii liiliccliii ly, ttl i and tl iiii iiin h o iicif u s rvi- it e uiiigtci 'lccti'i. A te'cmporarliy uccul~acuc Mc cii ll be noCiii li clic la i cctie cis. I
Cochc YO cciwould hetiCt I cii u"ciiil ___________wasXiii appocicitdc in'daciii erii'i' chiil cth iisw y i wschopediciihati lie Al-
Pi-ccci clii lclt ti- ciiHISDALE PORTRAIT liiiscussiiin a ciimmitteei c fciicec' iii l-ii'ci' ce iiincwiciii, hi ispicially
pflsin 40 i nu t esit of p01 lacyaiwic-c-irich's- caind c liic iiientialsiwas lectd, c-cc"ng a'tcthei reisls cio ic ilac t ur
cagoc icatrday. IThisi iwouldl ciii- i cace A cciiccicciiic-ic c iiri ii lihe iou cclii ci-iciic n y ito daftia rcc c lli ii c ' c ci cliiida a go ne h icsi yri-
I lbu iBe cr I iiingpw rW te l X ii cii . cccii iiii ig ofii Prof1esii rcciii ccci niccclt cii 'cPr 'csi'nt Angell eincc ingbiettIcr- his liyaru- ihcuncilcy
lastitwolweeks" and cuch i I s ccie. ii. yA. poriicibacicc of1Icecl e i ccicn ccat'-iiiaiinc em es o h iicc- Evrcc yiceiwcoi has c any ii fch tbasll assl
sestocibeccThecic cae. -- g's c r- INiKi. A I 11010-toh. illar11o111 oIitiah e i FliiiccmXani c-'caimaccciy whicc-cIric shgildccisciiwciiic-cclagsc
lec ii, i-cci ciwhi cii ici ciih.wc'he hed cliiisna ta,' crsi y imactlriai has
roam; arscit-cc bec cccc meanscuuc ii nliii in cc In ccii ciiiiiiinn n eea lm ioft he liIn l Ii- 'hcccc-sclc fn-. o mc C ,ci cc n'icvercihsity Hal e(i,dc c luu c-c-'iBclimecc-c ic lii'case
th ( hucl a -Xii i--i cc ccipratl ne t, cc-c- - a ,c harc-iic"c- ithc-liipleac-s- or4:15 i. mi. ilciicci hus foriIlice usalliy bingc ighicr cc ci e iciic
'liitiikttcsciidcyiii ltrap ulyicofi piresent cti ic nicoleaueio }his pcc iii fereint-cicocifics cciii liie ccadelctheic, raihccc1iigici 'ccii iy lihe'tough itic of
A1 Early good orci'cii'ci Icii i cc tc- -clagi, Iii'5it cii ii cii c ii-i ic ii ciic i ii uc lii ccii uu-u
cIdian cc-i rrycci ild tmir-i af-,reda-go d l-encss Weireseticc-huhwenlit rycang Ccu-s iicue t-ic gaio
iler cic icTwoii c ci Iiii ago i th ciMo iis- liorti cc cti l -icc-i ci cii ouriutici iiiite cmig c.ecin o er M lwhc a rcnl
i 's icuct. ow cbfoes'c- sTrn- iiii11c I c h untcci' s remembrancii cccliiiaci i onit cn___at _for __ack _tam_ ma___ r hbenificed ciiforiaccciisccciii.i Inuu cc
cliiicicu i cii c iii-ic-calreadyi' beinig' in- tsieciiecii.icpacst icyears i--c'iecof cthe i-classccsicames
he weglly boinci u ui cclii ic-ic- ci-icc-il c iiih fulfr iin1d15 t ilil( i, llc itlegueand iROFTic cciii cccc'c- READING. slcurged o' the ieldciawl 'sur hicunded
ciuchst Xciii ithiciciam-p laiadi do i ciias iiiii'a icictIeai tchc la iho bt i sdc Forlc thesc lladc'cccfewl cciyIeca c-c-.cit a enthe players.I t, icihoped ii I'he gifen c i's;
iii i o wa i t ti li,'c uisancei I ~c. n
cpowercwilccchac s c easurac ly jusii rIllicit and wrii' h utomi cii- i'c-lli c-
cccrgely io e' ra sio- paeli ci c c- c i d billciions tochc ausi' ;if - liii-ntheOr tor ialAssoii on.-iiii'Thesmcc-ill 1 (,m need he '4
XXy' ta;:'4 K y enandKu-ciLvi- place(, uponiciiciMi- cwdaiso s ieccii Xii's liThu iprogram cya cciiia ssd itll i 50 inT codd as otsytbenm d
ccg ccccc c iige lav a a iod la ccii ii l i brr, ilce W k - e o ofe i ue ccselec is font icens.i Madl utcDucciill bcciitinte cursehaof
two tea'culs haviii endac foi ws: I A NEWcilSCHO cRSHIP M1 yeaiiandh is''ocdcosider-i'i Pennick', XXaiii ~uighic" ii'uiii'ih S cci-
ccclii, 1 iii lucid aXll;uIndiccai 0.i;cillvoe uhuccJoceli-ic- ictic-ul chic' hhuicicicucic Xi 'cittl tit -icciThompcoh,
tug02,iiich i ccn, h-;Iin i dana, i0 t esaish a scii cidcchas ii ic cuts etrcdi rcit mcheverycc-yeiawliliistaiiiui edleCiii l'iuN y let t 'ic-cc'.ici
itii' ccii Xi iiny n n ccuof (dii ithiii go-ihii ituiu cult lig ucuu' ii i l'm chedre- ptiion will behicuc dcc tccce11 ud ccccncuue-ccccci' iisc'l Aic
9tovhic ii' ilS 'ri 1 1 lii ciiii cl ic. X-'ihiuc'. d iCichi iupcI tilii115IdchcIMorton, Xi ic iti
incc-cul( toi berryi i eli5 dctociei c hedulls -dlaiIte i-'gc'u''cishucc'cc iaci cii l cl iich mccii usi i-ccti ll ilcirgecci cd' huccuu-i Icccc
dhr gams . cii cbutiiilii liinucli 1 lilicoi. tcwccclliibeciichargediuccccI2rii
i ciinitccci i iili li orde st~- - TRO-T- GIRLS TO PLAY TENNISc I cicua-nhagtceruticilk
c holratic ofinicc-cc ii' -c-ry itillhe X te c- we t GOLF TRY-UTSiliii r
hrg s it a- rcat u dcc ill m e lucd c the li l ' emc.tic ur.i' pla I cieyestrci ay-c1iccc- ii-.ii ccichili lccicccsiA.S'Rcsiim195,Lit
cciit s-ttsonucuciciihithecc cicic 1 cci 111cc g - hac't .cStc I A a cicu1 ci . ccciiiaJ.c1I.
dccc: ~ ols w ll q aify crori lie iiteais'mii' tc- ciclii'wa 'c-cctth hds roic , . .Iccyc. I I cp t iiiici.
Varsity Squad nec-ut x1c-I uct cciieek .. hli iii tecciy lu-ici cc-im inhuso-i'd y T e.L .C lcl 1.C celC .
re ota h ym efaa dd-cu rricg o yi tc k:ic cu i t icc's ---d. 'i ciii icrls cc cii iiiu i iici hccc ii' cicne cyetale. liii- th ('111cc c-h hi. h . Bryantc,-
hec pidcciteem-icthroiughi I li cdcc a' ci c ciiicnnctucfl(, a ba i d ii dc iis wel ci Thils c is cciian ccti ccoato ciee cc iii 1[ii- it iest
ell In the cure o I hoes u'c'ccrl: i ll ori cc citch1i i hcii ci
thiswcil itt-ia, flr c ic--c t c iiiidiicii icii 11 i i theisng soeswr e m de.e iii it ii 11111 I iss IlBre cnnca. ticiw cr
of h d a ilyc h efr somcic dci tcamc.hid Smciot. Ic0 ; T ulucd dut8ccii i- i'ltc'c'0 agc i ni cciicilcidorspotsand-u su htcinotic-t cciu, hihhc tc
The 'ait{ci'ii cc c-i Iu--cc hu cci lcdliiDodgei cci i sc u --I icc cli bcr-I, I' h 'i i iici'. (ii v-ii
iicccig c acuc rbalIh tm noneine roh
promplyC-icc ccci cctwo nccclint hunch hucic foracwiuing tarn'cltiloact. Sd-id befre"tlickw
cutii'ld Peiirsonic cciic ccI c 1c cci w uuuc I cc's-ck,1 h. ',1 ii uicci'. Xrhi-
dcccii cccliiieccciiislcourtccwillicrobably Xit, irusonicc i-c. lccitcclcickIhah
THE CE RCLE FRANCAIS. Xichiiganccfniilcst, ye's cc ontccciii i -ciI l(,Darnsliii I cyiucuc'.I cyuhucci ii ic
Chicccago.caasticyearisieciocuuci cciii 1E'ciiEccliiiSOCIETY g t , cHdic'a t ,Cliii , Kyeicr, ncc' Ma
'dd (sc -i' -u itii'ri'ic-ilii1(1 c i' heiii ciil uuiut'luis cc Mcc ''hicoNuutI
I~rciiicsiic' Cacutu-tul w o cccvccliiiaciydiitsh 11c n ac he i-u tis cciiitope1 mth ingadofSthe cccartuc' cc iuuuc 1905 cu Lacs.I uic iiccnc
cuiody is i C cf ied, w cc prc id dci ivecciii se to'' t(h e-ady ii im cic t h i i i citicc ii1cc ciicccccici A cciliii h loi ce, Hoeuuc , c hmc idthy-,
cci bify o he sc~s o h lyer ihtecnes eonx ek, cccliccc ycaursicks thel cigehttyhshldi uiu ic XX ulci t-r(asc r c Cogn r
tandcincecccc tu cciii ccnchicclpring.i oiiih e-uc p-hyseits ilding, butccicc theig atc- lus uii Mhci tccs ~ oc
cicacccuhic -hut igchai diiciiioratle CROSS COUNTRY CLUBE dcIcc r- c rccctcccarer meil a os p iacl0,BogineessWes
dam atc di ii cicc ci c - u i-u Icuhl cic-cl, ace cullh cc-cal- een s ulein rci t cc iarsiicgthat cI Itishe
lackc ricctien cccy n pr u c cii'le c-i-dios countuulry ccliithis f cii. Al ccciii liii'his reatsoncc cciocc24 n icc ,hhtt 'icc 'iu cca. (ic-i. ccii Ia -
fewerun hIc~iccit ccill lau-i chargeuof dlii ch good "cc iii esruuc avcei ic-icn ucpro c-s kuhavc always cbien scc pocuccruc willthairit, seIiccuuhcuy Wilisocc Ma-
casou ofwhich l ee iclsOcc.i ced I an i icucolicgucte unisde-open the year. His sbjet 1isc0111Au-i-, av cnalMstarod, Barrack,
icccr h aring caciiiacceptiingctheliii- i-c- sccci e'liis' cciio'cunry ccciiiarc' 1pcc- fr ]icts otcdccitiucs i, cnaccilyItuiiiicn (cii Iacu c Vi ok
ps-rt. i of i treasuc 1,cche cciciccut' igi iccucig very cuccsachuccly almccu h ;h'icc ncc ergicii Scietcy1905Engineers.
offceriwee cIcn: our me hintg ccciMhi fcct iisquiaI clercstuciule sccucnthincg mcisc-i d tic-c-ilnineicc
Preienct, Profiessorc'Canfch ic-uh r -c -h i cciisat. cgoodicipcci aboccuutr sa. iFiccncc-stiudents, K cincghci 1 - KI ccitr V.ugin Iticiing Gale
trcsidenti.MisctHarrinigton, crcccctariy ciiesaccne cclisthirccy ccc hic'slowucic -mecciionei hciticrof scir Dcccis has H cicckk tuucuccuuc IiwelliV - V uiiiclh-

Mr. tDccialdcIStiucctot raI rucccec S-I. 11cc- - csqualc chcichluciii etntucsiuu wo acid ldccciiiacticig c(ccancofcth11cc igneeinu'g ccuutuucc ',hodccrafi tuRoinus, Kecrc
naud; libruariatic Misc KitijiccAvicry, hthrccc miles. A greatthcceah ocivsry -dpcartmncut. cirinug ti che ic ruccy i1 South, Chcasc, ilhwiirilzMacicyi-'cc'
coccoil d'Adiinistrcudicc, Mr.tird, ;k1god'iiiItccrial is cult thci erand,cl iuositionc cci Profecssor Grecne. ciIlhcwic- Deckrc, 13rrcccii 1oot10
Miss DbleoMr. Stoce, Miscs(cciid, iihiganc ciii cnicituliy ciakci al WXithc thc new- iccgiciceciulig jilig Mach~ncaldl, Fry, trac, c hoezr,
Mis Cass, Professor Lovi, Profossor guiod] scoiigigIifa mccl cutsuidte' icsccc- in -sight intcrestd incche ci. ety tics I StrickerSullivian, tarrisocic Willicms,
Effinger. raniged. hbecc given a new incpetus. (Continued on Pag-eSThree.)

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