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May 29, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-29

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The,.:N-chg D 11
VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1904. No. 173
Detroit School" won Interscholastic IMichigan Tenoio Team Wins from Students for Daily Board of Control jDefeats Oberlin by Score of S to 1-
Over Lewis Institute by half a Kalamazoo College by Score of 4 Chosen at Annual Election- 1 I Will Play Cornell Monday at Ith-
Point-Nine Records Broken to 0. -Hoot & Lee to repro- W. Jayne, R. L. Kerr and H. aca.
Many Stars in -Meet, -sent Michigan at Confer Clifford Stevenson were
eco Tournament at Lucky Candidates. (Special to ]Michigan Daily.)
A more exciting andi dramatic in- rChicago. -- (letvtlantd, Ohito, May 28.-The IT-
ish to a track meet than occurred to-- At the annual election of te Michi- versity ot M\ichtigan bacball team
yesterdlay's tinterseholasti cetitlil3' not The titiversity of Micihigan tennis gaoi Daily Board of Control hteldI yes- coolily defteatedi Obttrtit ctllege here
be imaginetd. Just before 'the 'relay can. wentc to Kalaaooo yesterdlay ierlay int ttom C of tniversity Hall Inlay it a vry Icctty gom ob-Iy tc
race, the final event ott the iprograom, cn oiltndtt the Ceti-ry City tails, 'easy the fotllowing stutdlnts were chosen cafe score ot 8 lto . 'fihc Wlvrinecs
the score stoodl, Det'rpit university motney" behaindl the net. The varsity to serve for te coming year: . W. totok the coil t the strt soil lty hard
School 3tLewis,-liseite 32%~. As ntett htattn ttIroubile atl alt int w:nnintg Jayne Rt. L. Kerr antt H. Clifftri tiltting andt stilt ie-litig nadte victry
the latter school aptpearett>i-sPiave ever y set itn ti si in-let ani idii- Steveniso. i-soy. MichIigantoun fiile Obelein all
a mortgage on this event, it ci- ieit htes-, attl tir;]t i t ttrnamen-tt witht iMutcht itei-est was shtttn in thec itosinr al thestar l: antilandted io hint
almost a certainty that the ticago the creiditatbli- sre of -1 itt 0. election, ntwithstantding the inter- lit--iily.
boys wold for a. s-cond l ime, carry Dotubles lttnt soil icc lefetsed scholaticieocet antI other alt Ctat itts Nagel waos in tt- botx for Mihigan
home with theml thte Inteirschotlastic tUpjohit sitd Dattier, 1-21 _6-1;1 6-1. itt the day. Beer oe hiunidretd intl anti gutartedi- l the hli iome pltet, ttnly
championshiip baniner. Ott te ftrst Sin-leo -e dlet-ateid Uptjothn, lit; fifty vttes wcri cast, idemonstrating allowit lonte ton toil score.
relay, however, Kayward, of B It S. -2-. t-e eaet that stidents art beceoming The batteiries. we-e for Michigan,
finished a'considerable idistaitce ahteaid Bttit defea tedl fiailey, 6-1. l m-oexi atti mntre ciocerined wills tie Nagei- antt tBil for Obett-ini, Wiley,
of Graham, the Lewis Institole rtun- Its att exhibitioin citntest the Manley wetiate tf the flatly as a stuident putb- tConley Intl ToddI
nor, The' secoind aiti tirtd 01e0 lit britiirs fotiiti themstexves iso toatelt iealion. Bllotts wrei cast for eghst -- Ilolty" Wentdell, who htas htatd ain
the D. U. S. team widlenteid te gapt for lie tfast stiltporte's iot the yellotw csantidates. Originally there mono injture-t arm forte hilast s-eels will
and when, Sparting of B. tU. S. siarteit ani the lIte, antI Ititf atni Ice hail ninte notrntinees but Jothnt Stover with- meet the team at Ithatca, N. Y., andt
on the last relay, he hatd a leatl itt little i-roittil in rttlting til tile scortes tiew i-this inami- bti-fire thte electiont. prbably taket tht- boxi ftr Mdichigan
futlly twenty yards svir tttgentsen of of i-22.,u-, andt i6-it. Thte (tll restilt ot the v-ote was as against Corel-l tin Monuay.
Lewis Institute, wrho wvas secoitt. Thte Katatuts-otib it ic el- efeting Al- folios: I
tatter appeared hopelessly beatens hut tion hiolds the title otf intercolltegiate Clitford Stevenson, 1tt. 'VARSITY GIRLS TO SING.
he gamely started out atter the Be- chittpitti ifthei- ste - iltifiait Hutgo Sooitcnschciit, 47.
troll lad anti matte til- grotiini with it celiy ditiiiiisirsid i-tter supleritority C. it. Bitdternian, is. The Ullvseity Girls' flitei Cliii llet
rapitdity that was startling. As tht with tic t-arei- by~ uoutlaingeti tie Archie Clittlit, t. gixi- its seon ainnustttal cnctert lime
flying lair nearedl the latp-, it leaktedt Kazoot tboys its i-ir i--sietail. Artiur (tilt, 7. 2 at Sarah Catswt-ll Angi-tl Hallt. The
as thotigh Hogensent wotutld pats his 'Todly Li-i antd B ut go to Chiciago Ailit Ketti, 7. Clubt hasi litiei under th ir iecitio io tf
rival, bust tiredl by is, tremenut s ef- swhi-ri' tie Wcteirut Intercoltlegiate . 'W. Jayeto1(. 1 Mrs. lastrietir tuing tiii yar antI
tort in the eat-ly ptat itt 'the ratc, he slopn ttmonro-. Neithe r St. ;tihnt of It. L.. Kerr, 1i03. at presenit cotints treif-ttYofutr grts
was not qttite able titurint the trick, lest year's t ai, titti ittefNiut, irhti All tret- stuciessftil cantditats are ittF t-e University. A protgrastm twill be
being beaten bty a bare twtt fie-Ti tus Wedits-siay ittftedii St. Jothnt, iwcre t a- protmittot U'niversilty mni andl will I-i rn ile thitceh tillt crotilt itf ittn-
the Detroit University Schtottl wro ken to (hicon-tferienc-e, tconitrary tt iex- its tdoutbt miate valutable mti-tmbers tf ers by th lruth atti sili-tctis ty si-
ont by hilt a pioint. anti at this titer- ticri its. thei Daily Boatid tof C'sut ro. Jayneti tsl an tolart isis.
pecteid gootd fortunei, thie roters tin Let' atti li-tit trill tie M~ieiginI's is sit assoiat- eitotr itt tie Daily anti An aidiissiton ft t-of f0 ilvlt bti
thatinlstittition ptrotcetded tt got tilly1 sil'olett -titnd-ntis to eairntheii-pint a niembtir of thi- Diatiical Botar-i. chiargeid. Thei prot'c'eds f iii' certr
delirious with josy.. Bitgeu -i i-as ac- necessary t scn thit ctup pecrmtaneticly Ie to a '05f lit, will bei give ti-ioi thei Luinditta Sttt- ft-I
curately, ,althotigh titoIric~li, timed itfot Mitchigani. filenusoni it a '06~ lit, a tdinecttr tif fowshipi futnd.
in 22 seconds fur his 220 1whiich is at- - thi- Inlatnter, an assitciate editon itt
most incredibly last ton ruitiing rotud ATH1L[TIC [LECTION. the Batty anti has recently been chois- I IE tIOCIZIISRIS[.
a curve. i-t butinescs matiagin itt the Inlandier. DIE HOCHZEITSREISE.
In the mrattgr of. breahing txa Student Members of Board sf Athletic Ktrr is a 'il'r lasw anti is tine of the ___
yeserdy'smee s-o bi-rot- sit enitrol mill ho Chosen Thursday moti popiular tieni in lilt class. Play Given by Deutcher Verein last
ceo sta.-t~u ht tn-te o etr i 1d ,.titr ii u e to ir e0h Selected- these moo wilt repreent the slt- Evening was wel Staged-Story
the auspices of the 1 riiversit es List of Candidates. it- I tuuv fat thlt miaiagemtent itt hr of a German's Honey-Moon.
than nice being 'pt tt itt c 'titti affairs iftthi Daily. ____
sion. The events in wiatchnv, ccitails,-___
were set are as follows: - putll- Next Thturstday aftennt at :11 MICHIGAN'S ATHLETES BARRED. Benedilx's littl ctoeduy Die' Hotch-
a-. discos throw, ltatmc- thu-ti .' hith' time anutu ltto utitf lii'ex mttidtt eitoutise tes prtniittidi lat t-tming
jump, pole vau-i. brotatd jni tvo mcmbetli of ithe Hiii- ofint t Attitie tin- The A. A. I. has st-ci fit ts pats thuc befori- a ltargi' audienimc fn Sarah (s
mienn nihl ien-tsui t tit tiill lit- itelit ini t'tii-trsiity SHll. sltec tott suspetsitton uponi a numbetr xwell Anil tlkilt. tb' t nmtrs ofi
In they pole vatult, Wiliiis tf Lin 55' Boi- tartd conisets if fici' fat-ilty itt athli-teis a-hit compiutedtin a mt-it te Dt-uit-ir 'tiruit. 'fTe cast was:
Institute eualli-u te limit'( .etas icemberis 0n1t fouur studients. A post- btweeron the First Iteginment of Chilca- Ptrofessor Ottou Ltamtbert, -Mr. Neu-
Intterschoutlasirncourd if 11 fete- ino it, is i conidee ittni iof the goli ats d athhe tumixcsity f Michigtan. mattrkern
tabliismeid by Imitu 'at Pintoit Iw iighesit htnors- that canu li- cerrmed- Thei Michuian mnm wito a-cc enderi t-e Antonei, sietti-- , -M~m is Fremtan.
weeks agot. Roiwe's timne of 102 i ]otaslttudet. 'literarytr - tgiti- Itan are Ihbi, Hlli, Schmule, Ku-ult-u, Emuinu, rein li laiuli,-Mr. Gootdu-
the two, mile rtun is a wonduerftul tier ccint latt andi med-ical dioarm tentti Itl tgg, Noricross, Itrru',- Rose, Ki-tun it-h.
orniance soul tn ittersholstict rec ]etch have 0110u t'i'1irstilt miii- smanld Cututuhuwium, tDutinlp situ Withey. laliicusiuuro Steit li uimtou', il-.r
ord has been foundsu wxhich dces stit prnuut loitrud hasi noiat edl four 'Th- affair st-ems tt he aim effort tin La.tm
io ten secuods mof it. Rtoixe xiii tt repesen italtivte si t ls fromn tet tie- jthe part itt thu Miilwcaukete A. C'. to tGuste, Kauuuu-jungufur-1 hislo Kings-
the Unoivrsuity next fatll auh shutoutd lrat n cu frontt who or wli'iill bu crntlie its stonsgist ricas fuor thit 1cY-
be a worthy _st eosson ha hits felhisw etetlii. Otlymptic gaucus ini St. Lotui. A 011111 'flu' slimy itt thit p ' tutains t
tuownsman, Captain Kelluigg. . BL 11lr aintugi-m iti, whos name- itCuet of Itthe Michigatn tutu-u ain't atfliat-d ilt olid pro' umfou, a vertitablii tutuoi-
Evvard, who has acquiredt a tusxu iiin withthe cand'it atetts fromttihi' stlw it- he tCicatgou A. A. andu amost moo.rmot tia htl o-'tf swtuuome, whto is
enable teputathnti thromughut time W~e t,, tmeiclu 1 teut itt, is ua 1denialliutht- co n' balancet of thu lather teamtto iutilledto1 martry iii utd ti-nh il-
as a weight thtrowcr, certatinly maude dett thoitw l dii pauritmnts btting 'co till mnbmes itt tte First Kegimn(t. it a Iitunet fuuntmuu. Hils so--i athist- t
good yesterdlay establishing next rtei- tilledt for purposs ofit thue luet ut. Tius wisuld ut. C1htmicagot outt itt te huis st-ei, ]:-try neer his tiarry tlst
ords in all the thrce weight ecents. Ecery' tstuent iol lt t l'ixursity tins running atnd leaie pracicaly a clear ctttititihltoi doili su, as mlimi ti-u-utn,
Ecvrts is a stockty little' felloir a ight itt u-tilt nu uili is itt icehierui fittlit fun 'Miliwaukeet. Presidtem Lig~ht andt 1ms imtiaieiu over trotuan's sins
weighing but 161 proonds, hbut Itis at-o te 1h te is a umoher itt tte athletic turn it time A. A. t., is also psesideunt anth follts ilt ft-e play with guoodu
most perfect form eunables him mum en- asstition11. mithlie filiwauee Cltub. hutmori. ho thut intuit thlie plty his
form astbishing tests:.w~ m t ct, ha Th lie list it c--mniuiate futr illis 11 I is such mral-ies as tese that niewly wueddedu wilt- awixs tilt hieat,
hammer aod discos. on thue Bosatrd is as folowis: haie matte thu A. A. U. a laughtig ivn froutm his umusy tol boobsli anti
It is unnecessary flu comment tin Literaey Dfepatmenut. ,toht all tveen tie coutry anti catusied ts tpluse lue he ttonents t gut tin a
Hogensen's ° work. It is extremely R. I. Kidlstonm.1 K. Stutie. Chuarleux numerus athetes, btth iindependntis hoeymoonu Iti, lksth mim-msh appronuv-
doubtful it there is a sprinter in the Cantlubell, J. S. Raly. anti collegiate, to bureaks away froim its iid brideugrouos.
West with the exception of Archie Law Department. rankls. 'fle play wax in evry way a su-
RHb, -}vho can beat him' to theo tape. Thoumas linut WM. J. Ihitkaller, El The suspensiouns mill trobabuly ticress. Tte tGerman stptutiu by the
Hogetusen did not try ht establish C. Stunt, N. C. Cute. raited mon appilicatioun itt thu athletes I-tilng actums was tiny goodi anti ir-
any records yesterday, being conent Engineering Department. iwhuo duo nts desire t he barniud froum i-ny part mws mli taksen.
merely to win and save himself tor F. S. Norcrouss, S.aII. Standuishi, Stan- the A. A. i. 'Phe n, hosmever, whim After the hlay the mu-iltnbr itt the
the relay. In the 110, hie jagged alonug icy Fyfe, A. M. Rbistscs. ito nomt intendt to coimpeto at St. ta-si Deutseberu Vtrein, andh thuin tnt-ous
coaching and encouraging his team- Medical Department still nos douubt atot make apphlication. adjoutrned- t the gyntasitum anth en-
mate hlarvey. The Chicago nuan xwo P. B. stiller it. L. Bolet S. Bt. __________ juyecu a Gernman tocial eening anti
points in fire events besidhes rutnning Smitht, G. E. Miorningstar- DELEGATES REPORT. lance. Thur cntertainmento in every
the relay, thus dividiog individtual way came utu ft thur expect-atiosmit
honors with. Evvaid, each having The tmembeurs oh Alpuha Epsilonu Iotia 'Phi repotrt itt the deegtes tim the bt hthatthuielfnissuses
made j5 points. Shnkc,- of Chrelsea; soroitiy gate a rreehuiuo last eveing Btuffalot tConvenioni itt the Y. S. C. A.
was third wi~ft S ]'oints. at thir homuc, t'%:; V-llaumu street, in wlligve touhtty he huc INTERSCHOLASTIC DANCE.
to the footpall cunt, st, the Places, honor itt tin. Alice Snyder. delegatcs.
were awardtd~ on a basis mit the best Thu ntirschulatic dante giten for

average distace o r punts and the - ., ,,. .
higto enc gooP uccssfl dump~ ~thoecisiting bih 1i-uu men in Waler-
kicks pernatage =o duessfale rop. man gynmaitu Snuay evening was
0isa rp Affeent anls.+ a stttcessfutt affain. In ltme early pat
The~ longest puint, over 55 yards, was ' ~ t b-tmuiu ii-iwi ntrui
made by Pingree of D. T. S. ++sal leprast h onih
The races wore all close and -excit- '' smalt hoerh ater ha teee-PHigadamr noal la' hr t$ n ag rw noe the moances-h
could not have boon. asked ftsr by a .+ TH+ OO ,to the tousic of thet Cheutuameguun tin
lover of athletic gamet. chestYEA
Summaries. ~ heta
-Forenoon Events. 4. O Sale atC~en' chIaneedc jhea' anlth's hi Ehot Signma fratennity gavi- a
11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lbdSo u-O tCsi~s . .st.-~Sehns~..Wh'. uelightfulh dantcing party at the Lake
12 l. Sht PB-iHuse, Whitmotre Lake, Fridtay een-
1st, EVvard, Pongiac, Ill., 41 ft. 2 'S PR ICE $'1.50 . 4 n.Tufiupe nuyu b-ta
in. 2nd, Cole, Cedar Springs, 40 ft.,e MAIL OILDERs PROMPTLY FILLEDtitesThmucwsfrsedb
(tontinued on page 2.) ° ~t-----'-t-+~t.c-g+4 SSS~:tI1~S4MsTlr

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