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May 28, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-28

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The Michigan Daily



No. 172

Won Preliminary Heats in Both Dash-
es in Record Time-Strong
Wind Helped Good
Sport Today.
The track preliminaries for the sev-
enth annual Michigan Interscholastic
meet were run off yesterdayafternoon.
The fields were smaller than were ex-
pected, because several large teams,
notably Morgan Park and Cleveland
University School failed to show up.
The Cleveland University men went
to Ithaca where they expected a bet-
ter chance in the Cornell interscho-
The preparatory school boys made
a good impression generally but no
new performers of marked ability.
Hogenson of Lewis Institute was the
star of the day. The Chicago sprinter
won his heats with ease and first place
in both dashes tomorrow are conced-
ed to him. Favored by a strong wind
at his back, Hogenson covered the 100
yards in 10 seconds fiat and the 220
in 22%. Both marks improve on the
Michigan Interscholastic records.
The first heat of the quarter mile
produced the race of the afternoon.
Keays of Ann Arbor got away in the
lead but the fast pace told on him
when the wind hit him at the stretch.
He had strength enogh left to break
the tape ahead of Wykes.
Two Central High men from Detroit
Shaw and Smith won their heats in
the 120 yard hurdles. Hurlbert of
Oak Park was satisfied to qualify and
did not exert himself.
This morning the field preliminaries
will be disposed of in order that the
finals in the afternoon will be free
from tiresome delays. Judging from
the work of yesterday there should be
nip and tuck fights in the hurdles and
Although yesterday was an ideal
day for the spectator, the attendance
was disapointing. Today the stands
should be filled as the sport promise
to be first-class.
The summaries:
100 yard dash-Firsts qualify.
1st hear-C. Schenk, Chelses, 1st;
Candler, D. U. S., 2nd. Time 10%.
2nd heat-Hogenson, Lewis Insti-
tute, 1st; Stimson, Grand Rapids Cen-
tral, 2nd. Time 10.
3rd heat-Gilb rt, Saginaw West
Side, 1st Tooley ,owell, 2nd. Time
4th heat-Post, D. U. S., 1st; Day-
ton, Kalamazoo, 2nd. Time 10%.
5th heat-McLaren, Plymouth, 1st;
Graftam, Lewis Institute, 2nd. Time
440 yard dash-First three qualify.
1st heat-Keays, Ann Arbor, 1st;
Wykes, Grand Rapids Central, 2nd;
Wierremann, Saginaw, 3rd. Time
2nd heat-Sparling, D. U. S., 1tt;
NevisonMuskegon, 2nd; Barnard, Sag-
inaw West Side, 3rd. Time 55%.
120 yard high hurdles-First and
second qualify.
1st heat-Smith, D. C. H. S., 1st;
Patterson, D. U. S., 2nd. Time 17%.
2nd heat-Shaw, D. C. H. S., 1st;
Hurlbert, Oak Park, 2nd. Time 18/.
220 yard low hurdles. First and sec-
ond qualify.
1st heat-Smith, D. C. B. S., 1st;
Richards, Ann Arbor, 2nd. Time 27%5.
2nd heat-Crane, Saginaw W. S.,
1st; Shaw, C. H. S., 2nd. Time 28.
220 yard dash-First qualifies.
1st heat-H. Schenk, Chelsea, 1st;
Albee, G. R. C. H. 5., 2nd. Time 2%.
2nd heat-Hogenson, Lewis, 1st;
Candler, D. U. S., 2nd. Time 21%.
3rd heat-Harvey, Lewis, 1st; For-
rent, Muskegon, 2nd. Time 23%.
Heat for seconds-First qualifies.
Candler, D. U. S., 1st; Albee, G. R. C.
H. S., 2nd; Torrent, Muskegon, 3rd.
The track men are not letting the
Interscholastic interfere with their
preparations for the conference meet.
Several of the husky stars excited the
envy of the high school boys yester-

day afternoon and still more did their
day's stunt in the morning. Tomor-
row the men will work out as usual.

University German Club Presents "Die
Hochzeitsreise" in Sarah Cas-
well Angell Hall-Dr.
Boucke's Re-
Tonight the Deutsche Verein will
present Benedix's comedy "Die Hoch-
zeitsreise" in Sarah Caswell Angell
Hall, Barbour Gymnasiuni. Thee taste
consisting of Miss Freeman, Miss
Kingsley, Mr. Newmarker, Mr. Lauer,
ad Mr. Goodrich have been working
hard on the play under the direction
of Dr. Florer and judging form last
night's rehearsal, the play this eve:
ning should be a great success.
The plot of "Die Hochzeitsreise"
is simple but a succession of incidents
keeps the audience in a state of meri-
ment. The hero of the play, Prof.
Otto Lambert, is a man who has no
interests outside his books. He in-
herits a large fortune on condition
that he marries. The professor has
no inclination towards marriage butt
he desires money in order to purchase
more books and therefore complies
with the stipulated condition and
brings his bride home. He assigns
her a bleak dreary room in the attic
and then loses himself among his be-
loved books. This ends the first act.
At the beginning of the second act,
which takes place the morning after
the wedding, the professor is disturb-
ed by his wife's ringing the bell for
the servant. He has forgotten the
fact of his marriage and sends a ser-
vant to discover who is creating all
the disturbance. Howeve, by means
of her fine cooking and winning ways,
the "Professor" succeeds in winning
her husband's affections and tearing
him away from his beloved books.
Finally she induces him to go on a
No admission will be charged for
the play. The play is only one of a
series of social entertainments given
by the Verein . Immediately after the
play, an informal reception and dance
will be given by the members of the
Verein. Their friends and members
of the German faculty last evening,
Dr. Boucke gave a reception to one of
the women's sections of the Verein at
-his home on Oakland avenue. The
doctor gave an address on the German
newspaper. He stated that while the
German journals did not get news as,
quickly as do the American papers,
yet as a rule they are much more re-
Interscholastic Manager, Charles E.
Hayes; Assistant Managers, Carl C.
Kusterer, Robert W. Sinclair, Dell D.
Dutton; Referee and starter, Keene
Fitzpatrick; Anoncer, J. E. McAfee;
Track Judges, Prof. R. M. Wenley, Dr.:
F. L. Dunlap, Duane R. Stewart, Mor-
ris H. Hall, Irving K. Stone; Field
Judges, Louis P. Jocelyn, Chas. Dvorak
Paul D. Miller, Tom Hammond, W. N.
Heston, Garrels; Clerk of Course,
James S. Carpenter; Assitant Clerks
of Course, S. B. Laub, Arthur C. Mar-
riott, Loius D. Stickney, Harold
Holmes, M. M. Uhl, R. L. Biglow;
Scorers, Arthur M. Rebstock, Fredt
Schule, Van Lieu Minor, Chas. L.
Harpham, Martin H. Danne; Timers,
Sid. W. Millard, Nelson A. Kellogg,
Archie Hahn, Dr. May, Geo. Haller;
Inspectors, Lawrence C. Hull, Robert
K. Walton, Walter B. Perry, Horace
P. Ramey; Marshall, Frank C. Long-
man; Assistant Marshalls, H. F.
Schulte, J. S. Curtis, A. Nagelvoort,
W. C. Knight.

The Work Which it is Doing for the University Loses One of its Oldest
University-Its Size and Re- and Most Honored Professors
cent Growth-The -Prof. William H. Pettee
Alumnus. had Served Michigan
29 Years.
Perhaps no other department in the
activity of the University, is doing a
greater work in furthering Michigan
interests than the Alumni Association,
and, outside of the senior classes, its
services are little known or appreciat-
ed. The function of the Association
is to bind together all Michigan grad-
tates and former students wherever
they may be keeping them in touch
with the University. Michigan has
over 25,000 living graduates and form-
er students, more than anyother Amer-
ican college. A card index of these
names is kept in the Alumni rooms,
giving a record as far as obtainable
of each man since leaving college.
The organ of the Association, and WILLIAM H. PETTEE.
the medium by which it carries on its Born, Jan. 18, 1836. Died, May 26, '04
work is the Michigan Alumnus. It is
the largest alumni publication in the Professor Wiliam I. Pettee, head
world, having a circulation of nearly of the mineralogy courses in the (-i-t
6,000T. the Alumnus is sent free to all gineering department, died at his
seniors. As a result of a canvass home on Thompson street Thursday
made by mail among the seniors this night. 'rt.etltee'ssuthlendeattihltes
year, 800 names were added to the away from tlie niversity another of
subscriptin list, between the dates the men who have devoted nearly
of January 27 and March 1. The pa- their entire lives to mta ing the in-
per has subscribers in every state and stitution thi power it is in the edu-
territory in the United States, and in tational worti. Since the death of
a large number of foreign countries. Deans Greene and Taft, he lifts ben
Its circulation and advertising have third professor in point of service.
both nearly doubled in the last two Professors Prescotti and 'Ooge alone
years. have been on the faculty for a greater
In its literary makeup, the Michigan number of years.
Alumnus is second to no magazine of The cause of his demise was heart
its kind. The department of "Event trouble. For the p:ast year he has not
and Comment," where current topics, been in the best of health, buti had not
especially those relating to the Uni- released his grasp on his manifold d -
versity are discussed, has received ties.
widespread mention in literary circles. William H. P ittee was born at New-
The athletic news, campus calendar, tn, , Mass., tut. 1,1 88. lie gradu-
and news from the classes are other aled from Itarvard 'University in 18611
prominent features of the magazine. as a bachelor of arts, taking his mas-
The Association is supported in its tee's degree there in 1ti. tIe spent
work by the yearly dues and subscrip- some years as a student at Heidelberg
tions to the Alumnus, and by the en- University, where he formed a fast
dowment fund, which is being added friendship with Von le Ilmholtz, tie
to continually. This fund at present eminent German physicist.
contains over $11,000, invested in good On taing his mastr's tree he
securities. Only the interest is used. was made assistant professorO f chem-
istry at his alma mater. ttu 1871 he
GLEE CLUB SPRING CONCERT. was mae'flt trfessrot minral
tgy. Irs. Pet et'ametoihitgai
in 1875, where he tutu chage of the
A small but appreciative and en- miniig engineering courses. For tite
thusiastic audience listened to the past 29 years he has occupied that
spring concert of the University Glee position, with the title of i rfessor of
club in University Hall last night. All mineralogy, tmining Igineering and
the members were well rendered and economic geolgy. In these subijiets
the audience encored nearly every se- he was a national authority au had
lection and some of them two and mu ny opportunitis to lealve the Uni-
three times. All three clubs showed vesity service for more renunrative
great improvement and the work of work as consulting engineer for large
the quartette and Mandolin club was minig companies. Always a high fa-
especially good. The quartette re- vritu with the students, his loss will
sponded to two encores and in the leave a vacancy hard to ill.
last number that the Mandolin club For several years past Prof. Pettie'
played the audience shuiwud its 5-amthe
preciation by calling the club out for bainthe uohimsatIn fmist iannual
three encores. The last number "The worl tie ica tin ittout'ation
Victors" was excellently rendered, all caengdar. ietha thh rputuati roof
three clubs taking part, and bringing buengeo itt the mutr acrate urof-
out the piece to perfection. It is ad- redce e cable [ndvmsch Of
mirably adapted to mens voices antihimt ay t he asrniert huti cart'-
bids fair to soon be one of our mostate d
popular songs. Parker was in his fit work.
usual good voice and responded to ie is survived by a widow and one
an encore after he and the Glee club daughter, Sybil Pettee Dow, wife of
had sung the Negro Lullaby. The Professor Earle W. Dow.
concert was the best the clubs have The funeral will occur at 2.30 o'clock
given this year and was a great site- tomorrow afternoon and the remains
cess as far as the work of the clubs will be sent to Boston for burial.
went. There undoubtedly would have The Kings' b)aughters of the Uni-
been a much larger crowd present if tarian church have postponed their
it had not been for the high school regular meeting a week on account of
play at the Athens, and the Interscho- Prof. Pettee's death.
lastic dance.
..++++.II+c-++++F++. ....w2.
The annual election of student mem-
hers of 'the Daily Board of Control
will be held this morning from 10 to
M EI12"it"1"occkitoKomttUiverity Ialt.
,Attentuin shotut be caledutousthe fat

CY YEA EOOKthat the election is open to the entire
Y YEAR BOOK student body, and it is hoped that a
a large votte will be polled. 'three men
are t Ielecteud troe the folowing
h's, Sheehan's and War's. list of candidhates;
$1.50. Clifford Stevenson, Hugo Sonnen-
schein, C. M. Holderman, Archie
OMPTLY FILLED Chubb, Arthur Cook, Will Kern, I. W.
.p IlJayne, John Stover and R. L. Kerr.


On Sale at Cushing's, Schleed

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