T1-1 MiCHI4GAN DAILY C., U I I , I -- -- - e-_ - -- W _ 5 ..,_...V I4 ade to your measure and A FIT 1GUARANTEED E-lt lL AT & CLOTHIERS, Ha tters and Furnishers. . 109 and 111 E. Washington Street, "< ANN ARBOR 1 4 I Dwight E. Watkins4 > TYPEWRITING Drop us acord to 323 S. Mmirx S#. - and have sscalllfor your work.b COOK HQUSK BILLIARD HALL Under New frinageme 0.i . New Billiard Out fit. Chips given good for ansywhere in o 0~t She house. WIOEAtBR t free Lunch. WL4r Forest Avenule Meat Market, Linen. and CUFFS Poultry, Glame and [ish in Season' + 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 ALREI THE - BE;ST. _. .. y R i! rYsf4j+r Brer's Colars 3arestanmitid"Linen" .. . . ..... ...... ..._ _._ _.. _"_ s............. _v_ .-Z .L ALBER ~uiz Other brands advertised and Sold as Linen r ( ALBERT LUAZNOT saped 'bornn.- Why? GsT OU O RliblnSoeDele L Sold by Wagner & Co., 2 fne 25 cents 1245.d Main Stret ________________ Sopthomore or br hroo-firrttday at + aechoo o atrion rr ia -'is at or lot rRENTSCHLER For anythng in the lineof Pond's Extraro a td-rdfor oc to 0 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rntschler, 4, relieve you. Tiorareintsy 0 ,11:t I hoe38-r. Corner Main and Huron Street. 0 Wee o ecr. tlermort) lti laold a C ottip41r ladigreey ieta id nlr il- I +41414 t*4g~ '""g g~g'g er 44 'R*%t'S9' sr't' 1 'tg '44' 4k noht~raih ol.rro , A New vies. At colr- e or +,t sso iia leatbohomeeseitis co-,riddnroir INTERSCHOLASTIC NOTICE NOTICE SENIOR. ooshan 10 he00 t r-rora . FOLD COLLAR Pondoa Extract y5eouay 1rn r.rrThe clas tax of $.0 to now dre5 WtrdWtOlor aeiisoroa Any indprendnt who will take crn ooecn bantvtain2ni _ oual" l it substtuif a visiting allrlete during the Ittr- oecnobann.iatosuni you last used ionsO's ho boo paid the class tax. The trea- Have You Seen It? 4 soui Pttetou vilreu c scolaoic cot rons Frirday noon n- a~soo~. t-lrtr~rro1 norurer will e in Rron C from one tor*1 r~to rrrrrstrsrtrtr - it Saturdray night will e given a top s al xos oraSatroan st o rill isisrorr rts tilat to the contest for Ioth days.tlayp11mtod12.y S.xN.ptOMriaS, o 0et,u iruriss, Ira tots Anylwsinlg trdo so will please b ign vavy ntf yTusa vnnCalsTreasrr. r WN4& O sirrd.aces. ts iss L1.ayes, Interscholastic Manager, of ir ei ,,icrst ruife r nieriy-ve, eepeon Fresh Lowneys, Alegrettis Spar- 9, Hatr e arc ~edO e -y row's and .- 07 . Uniersit Aveh-elehoneHaberdashers 4Hatr w -inarcrrtr rr s iecrr 32'r 1.69-71.____ row' n ulrsCooae tuh zig's Pharmacy. 4 ACCEPT' 1NO0SUBSTITUJTE. NOTCE '56 LAWS. Y our eyes examined by an -A nmetingsof cdss will e heldl in 's- exert optician. Alt the 1slav ___ Rems G tis aterooln at :115 p. mn. so approved appliances and methods 151rlttertrlrrts rf considering an known to the profession are empoyed. A. J. WATSON amendttmnt to s Se. 1, Art. IV, of our New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- -~ 5~ 01ass consttustiorn. (See north bulle- ated, frames repaired. Hattr's Jew- Wall all PH- er, Paints ttn huard May 27.) RtUDIN, slry Soe f t and oils Preident. Yo wilt find the best strings for NTC.voimandolin. guitar and banjo at Orgnal Milk 216 Est Baron Street. NOIERoot's Music Mouse. We makea --_nnalmetigfuscacubi specialty of the best. Try them. wfs 1 C Special Prices on Rrrmr21,Uivesity Hall Tbrsay THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. M1ade up Pillows, Pillow Jtte2Pr11 1.S esidenIt Furnishes musc for alt occasos. stlefntcatgCooae Taps~ and B~aners, Dance music a specialty. Addrnoo L. Istefns-atn hclt THIlS WI-IRK,, AT NOTICE. D. Bates, manager, 80S.5 Fourth ae- 10 be had. It cottainst ADaln &Malaxs All thot- itterested in te forming the Swiss Milk which sri a Vrsiay hes-sosor checker club, Hfave you had a Vibassage at FINN- m001 15 Noswbrty 5Hsll at 5 ocock. Trojys? t. gives it a riclines6 sp0- PitlrS il rafls All a-trt ir hustler whor hastnd x- Vibrassage-at Trojys. Itsn great. sessedi by no other. Pictues ad Frmes eelance 1in canvassing and organizing- Ocan stcure a dvry liheral saary with Any sttdnt wishing to non fived1111- 10 Cents Up. DE I~r AZT STO r xense-s all paid, as District Manager ars a day now or in vacation s0111 21DSI Furh veue orsneofsihiso slest anal mosst sta- name forpatclr.Pfelyhn 211 5 Fosois Avnue. li la- ~Line Lie insttrance Conpa- orable. priuas efcl u CLI niesa511 the contisent. An exception- L. T. ATRES, +41+4114141s.e1.o 9414sfa 111Of4441t ally goosdl opprtuity for a high-grade oons 15 Higgiens block. 324 STATE ST. ln. Write iting age, experience in Winnipeg Cand. 1 ftrotiu'ssn canva0ssing and adress. GEORGE HBEACH, WANTED -___ IS E. F lrt, Mgt. I 4089-10 U5-i5nTrust'Bldg. 6~ 9-74. Dtroit, Mich. Stedents to canvas for te lightning lit loss. - duplicator. Can be carriesd as a sie Ar 'l~s '-I Aess Ararro *~Bath suppies of an kindis at all line.. Enquire at 102 . Huronas stroensstexs Mxc " 44.14 1"T-1+41 - prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf. betweeso 2 and 6 p. in. and California... _________ Are eon reached via A M ord 10 13/i? ® 1K -St. Lois, Worlds air City, Jo ~tuden ~ The building up of a Telephonse System witb every possible modth erniesoemnt;thrgvlgoosettr elvcst-n aseverytogt Ir ni o uldt Ills71 enrr c oi possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. .pp taos e as to rreso d eon spoenn;tegvn fbte evietsl a vrtogt Io u ti "T~t ritrrseriidrsst- To anticipate requirements. To overcome impediments -T be Sts Route w°"" or ptru«, rr~r iedwit n thig short o the confidesncean good will o vr citizet rintole atrseltp--fe ihii fado R. LE own hsertrjslsr isinthw cuny.Two daly trains to California. Ittiole vitowsn,, WASI'INAW ROME[ T[[[PHON[ CO, Three daily trains to Mxio. jUrcowi'Mac IEvytaes Oil for Fourl aily trains to Texa. a aayyearsandknIsesa TloMFORARY OFFICE: Lberty street, near Fourth. IFu al em oHtSrns Dlsr 0sig. soleasogas Six daily trains to Little Rock. laysiol-es asdrogis IAN IL.herd lsse-eestilerrl lTHE BET.OF EVEYTTHItNG. boer adl Isesir oty kuuauWITE SE. thse Jascsso Cuety ~*u PharmscutilSoity.atdoe do not IesW( aiseaeaedts a ld lsa I - . 1. A rmstron, 1. P. A., spon 'aemedvi naltca'seo ssrsines. thlin e.'sore ma'-el sameneasss~dfoa rori IaPaPTAN1233W- astenasvAve, 'hcan's-after gymaasiueat orlsri >oleslea 1 ICALT ho tnesetialai andep'soroaassfaa hal f an dhota el o 511l5 esdra-GCrofrn in Turkey. Ann Arbor, Mich. 4 ink esdiIal Inarodiets that penetrtes qiksecl.odallay .all soreness an d isanisessaPerfected in Egypt. "''-s-s-s -''-'" " ""'' ° tar, leaving ,the sinand riloting Pfre fro ___ _________ sai. Thereisneasenof sy Ikins sed EinedinAmria-^ .t Colwelfo Mai so pta Oci. Ejyd nAerc. p we av suh oneen. v D. Clwtls '~dl. MOMAESLYMASMPsesInNEL GILLESPIE teaches Ma 'r Egyptians Oil tr t we sell every boten wit the ositve guraneonthat it will give ,a~~" i ~l'andoln, Banjo and Guitar. satisfacion. If it does not yu e alreturao o s rte ote ne ilreudyormne.fresothnSave th '* sos :07. WashingstsonaSt Phoe 1.9 Quarry's Campus Drug Store Badt Madol, Farlad Basis adllartis Guitar. °.'. ,,c ., 1 X ....d + Always Ahead finStyles. MIL WARD, THE TALR The Best of Everything in Tailoring