TH M1 ItIGAN DAILT A NEW LOT of the famous . . DRESS SUIT CASES Jiust l 1 SPRINGSUTS. The nobbiest and most exclusive pat- THE LOW-PRICED, MEDIUM AND FINEST MADE terns of the the season. Call and see them. You may find just HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES what you've been looking for. Ask about TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES our new sailor waist trousers-$4 and $5 a:ALL MODERATELY PRICED the only perfect fitting peg top pant made. The New Store, 217 S. Main St. .MACK & CO. f RANDALL, THE I ' E WISH to call your attention to the fact that our en- tire line of SPRING WOOLENS is on the tables and will further state that we are in a position where we can get all work out promptly. The veryfiuest of tailoring will pre= wail as usual at our establishment. I~HOTO6RAPHER BVRCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORIING TRADE f 12 . Washington St. !106 East HUroi Street t4 J44'r +i "+2't- ..t. + t2- -4 221222222122W22221124.W 6 6 6NN NN6660N6 N(NN fifC ACADEMY~ 22::-ppz2~~:. GrIhtjer sqfDANCING MONEY LOANED ON Office Hours: Mr. Granger will be at academy office from Watches, Diamonds, 7 to 8 o'clock evenings (excepig Monday). Jewelry,and all High From 9 a, m. to 5 p, m. Phone No. 6 will Class Chattel a n d reach him. Collateral Security. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tuttle's, 338 S. State T .rim Above and the Neat 'irFeet BRIIITON eARs iARTERS FOR LiEN Thegmelesa CMIer-Chol Cenn-tatC I'bLlmnoo Ieiglee Coleln a es Ci ay , oele n y leianc ret e e sha tweinriecs 11a01 BRymNl. 01 1he GToN." PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., T 1 Ma rke Stire-t, Phldep-hia. makes ersiompeepend s. PION ACADER 36 Sate St.$ SHIORT TERM. } 0110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Parlor Cara.o!%all'Tra MICHIGAN .,MICHIGAN BANNERS COLORS LOVELL'S CORNER STORE. AICHITAN CENT1WJM "The Niagara Falls Route." T HE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO. NEW YORK AND BOSTON wIth direct connections at Chicago for St Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the Went For information and through tickets call on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. W. J. LOURIM. Opposite Cook House Room 7, Henning Block. Phone 459. e . Office Hours 9 to 11:30, 1 to 4:30. ± 7:00to 8:30 *+ H-+.+?++++ +4++:+-2-2 :21 2 2 : :. PROF. PETTEE DEAD. Wm. H. Pettee, professor of mining engineering, died suddenly at his home New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I have just received the largest and finest line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brought to the city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Everything Neat and Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY University students desiring to se- cure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago. tf. No KODAK Complete Without a Developing Ma= chine Put one in your trunk and develope while you travel. With Sepia postal cards you can mail prints to your friends enroute. Calkins State St. late last evening. Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewels Store. tf. ry NEW TELEPHONE CO. The Washtenaw Home Telephone Co. is installed in its new commodious offices on Liberty street and is start- ing its service today with such tele- phones as are in place and will soon be in complete operation. The toll lines are rapidly nearing completion These lines will reach every town or city in this and other states by copper service. The opening up of the Independent toll lines will mean much to the ma- jority of students as they have inde- pendent telephones in their homes, and besides they will save messenger fees and get cheaper rates in nearly all cases. The Home Company has equippedl its plant with the best that the mall- ket affords and will certainly give quick and efficient service. Their building is open for inspection at any time to those interested in el- ectrical development should take ad- vantage of the opportunity. LOW RATES TO ST. LOUIS. To students who intend visiting the World's Fair,, the Michigan Central offers on Tuesdays and Thursdays the remarkably low rate of $9.75 for the round trip. This rate is the low- est that will be in effect from Ann Arbor, and is good via Chicago over the I. C. R. R., C. & A., or Wabash in coaches only. The return- limit is seven days including date of sale. You may make a daylight trip by leaving Ann Arbor on the Michigan Central 5:20 fast morning train, ar- riving in St. Louis at 7:32 p. m. Other tickets for 15 days, or for the season, at higher rates. Ask at the ticket office for full particulars and for World's Fair folder showing map of the grounds. 63 eod Complete stock of Washbun, Martin, Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest prices. tf Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewelry Store. tf. Mandolin strings 20c per full set, Banjo strings 25c per full set. Guitar strings 30c per full set. Violin strings 35c per full set. tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. Chaffing dishes at Haller's Jewelry Store. tf. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Clsh- ing's Pharmacy. tf. ..Complete stock of Brandt, Waldo, Washbun, Regal & Martin Mandolins on hand. . Prices the lowest. tf SUMMER WORK Student agents wanted for Mc- Clure's Magazine. Large commission. Cash prizes for best work. Rasy. Dignified. Write now for fall partic- ulars. 141 East 25th St., New York City. 167-e. $5.00 REWARD. A reward of $5.00 will be given to anyone returning two vases and an iron horseman taken from Pi Beta Phi house. No questions asked. NOTICE. General meeting of the Deutscher Verein, May 31, 4: 30 p. m., Room C. Election of officers. JOB PRINTING - MEYERS, 215 Main St. S. Phone 281. Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf. I i e i e i i > i i J e z i i : 6 GOOD FISINGI At Oyster Bay. 2-.4- = Soft Shell trabs Lobsters Frog Legs 31 Live White Fish and Trout A Few Black Lass Little Neck Clams Lorge licy Steaks Lamb Chops Rarebits Sliced Cucumbers Tomatoes Riadishes oung Onions Lettuce Asparagus on Toast Large Fresh Strawberries Oranges Pineapples Ice Cream Fresh Fruit Ices Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream (Not the 10c kind others are serving) Sandwiches Eggs Omelets and Potatoes any style --+- Everything in season fit for a prince 3& TRY OUR SPECIAL DINNERS 12 to 1:30 p.m. Sundays 12:30 to 2 -+- OYSTER BAY CATERING CO. 3 "A L L E N ' S F O R Q U A L I T Y"+ We give the best Clothing Values, saving you three to five dollars on your Suit or Overcoat. Spring line now ready $10.00 and $13.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES ALLEN, THlE CLOTNIER, M AIN STREET 1! N w #N + fNNN NN 0 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE