THE MICHIGAN DAILY. rPuritan Shoes $35 ON THE SQUARE WE'VE GOT THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. LET'S SWAP! 111 South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. r' r' j i S v ,q i © i l" , 4 ' . v . S PENNYCOO l.r ./ .K. + The Confectioner. 310 South State St. Fine Conetios. Lunches, 10 th y :1 ieso b hat, o e01 o l e deal or does1111 k10'01 Ill 10 0'Ol I ' hey 110 I 3tolool, iol y 101100 u1'01100ti13 l. p r Ice Cream. Soda Water. PENNYCOOK, 310(1Sou~thI Stat01.1 SI PICK WICK BILLIARD PARLOR AND BOWLING ALLEY REMODELED. NOW OPEN. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. 307 N. Univerity Are S. IZ(T'"PENSPTo'N, 1lOplIJ Before joining any Greek letter frat " get into thn lark organizationl 1130 aci- ty 1111he MOGULI Cigarette. iley're 110ekL'7.to1thoe Ollb- Appi cat; >n briks1at the ot ie. Fcn folr 1hc. Pltoa and Cork Tip. The W. C. Kern Co. r , t 411 E. 57th St. Chicago. y i o'rp. ad ol wn;0000 01ooe to orn 1,,lder'Oand re101e01 """. i i! Pennans forIll 1.00 k an (li-oI 10103 (itoo'. toar oi to tt ' w c('l.I 7 1 atli10rl1 01 re0 1 hi try the "UNIVIRSIIY." ll'l1'1 A aon's Drug Store, 203 S. Main St. Alt fiost year Lito 00011Enogineers0 01111iiI' 1be0examined lphysically tooforo E. 1) 00 00N,101001100.11 0,1N"IOI00tov '0' 1 01.. oll 111000slnot. liltl 0101 Cl . .IAI 000 0.10 01111 1001,hfr fl rs 10' l'5x.mlillllion, 2 Ito 4 po.I000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK an0'01« 7 1 1; 000 llTfZlPAfTtttK. CAPITAL, - - - $100,1)00 NOTICE! SURPLUS AND PROFITS, - $40,000 Altl0111001103 of oO 3 0s110a's banj1o1 State Savings Bank. 0n1111 JAl ioborlo0015 1of 0000,.0100000. 00 . IL W od"'a:.. '. 1Mi1ls N. .I. Oyor ..l(l.Jlol'0'0' l'1111' l aYlll 110)11 1111o VwoIldI ito too m)0~h1'u.1. I. 'a 0101t1 oin.11 He111'Ac'adem'y1'Orche'tr a,'' Prnk 1 '1 azier 0,1rislia 'l l 118 lt.1nl11.(i 101111rtoo'01100teoo't. [11l llico,03' 0r101111 foor', ,01ti0111003, :10-121 A3110n0010 Street,(01 toll' t't1001' no1w1opli Cir c'lallroslatl ho oisores, ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB. '11101' 00111l he1it 10 t00''illl7 of to"e Roky Mooootloino ('ub 't'll00'011103 O~l. 15, 19031, ot, :12638 11011'e0street;(thbo 111000r). ('11118 0. 0111i01AL0Nttt 1101. ('100ro poitions0to 10.101011i01111 d o tOto tiriersto ~rite t~o .01mes10F. Idol'l10110h, 6390 lioooe'Ar'Oo;01110.. hi 01001. IT. Freoh 1.owney'o, Allegrettoo. Spar- row's 5001dttoyler'o Cho~olat eo at (Cush-o ng's Pharnoacy. Youor clotoo's,11000111d00010cleonedl Pantorium, 330 5. State St. Yoorcloothoes Ipressedanod cleaned 1000nd b00ooooursessinoeolfor 25c aoweoe. lPantoriam, 3.30 S. Slate St. U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop AND lBATH ROOMS.75' J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. Fate Mlassage a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET D,, Y,, A, A. & J. RAILWAY 5STANDAgD '(1imr 1 ( 1A v 1( 11)it' 00ha 10011(m 'yfr n(:15:10. 11 11111i ti:l 1. 000 . I. I lv l1 (1 01 1 01l I t.111 5.1. 001 000 si I.'olollonoly. .al,01 1.. n10:15 a . 0010 10.1101 iiiitly 1 ('00100 i'.1 . 000. u1011:1i) .' 0100 1' ;11 !):.15 1 . 1 . d1 1:511 . "1. Waitinog Room, Huron St~., W oStain. IlTIS. M(. A. FIN(iI2-RLF:, GYM. SUITS AND BANNERS. OIOINtiI 0 S lo .1 'Eo(30.000. Naxt.olooor' 3to 10100(11 t~t1101os, 0tw00 Stooetoo%,ooso 10k Stoioo' 1UNIVERSITY ACADEMY,0StteStreet POFESOSOTTPRINCIPA Lost-r\ 50111011 11111s' 0111c1 olooloto oilto1 0110itit, 1'. 111 001 1 boo', 0'l'l' r 1 KOLLAUF, The Tailor, 100 floroon 80. R. 0supplie-S Wolh Raog' +. Hlart-Water-Soap rTLoofahso 31 Toilet 'aters 0,Borax 0' Ferytlot ou300need to onake X A1 y0010 13a11 enojoyabole---Or prce areOS50 alwasys loweot. . 3t34 SVIA TTE.'1 V 1A.i4+ti40, ~ st+rtr.i a. +r a. *4. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. A GENERAL AI oNKING BUSINESS TRANSACTEDI. (00001 10101 0001 1. r 13 b. WSJl0.'01 Io. l NV. 10 ). Ifur00-110100, 0Vice' o' . J31 ..Fr(iz.('000sh 1ir. LADIES' CLASS CHANGED AT GRANGER'S ACADEMY. 0l_" tl a teroo' ltoo' t'ooolml001011 oo'ooo is 00000' 0 1111,too'c(01100i11111010' 100fo'r Inaolo'owoll 10101.1ooat1:11110o'ocoo' n10 Satrdl s 0010M.r0 .. oooo Mrs. 0G01001010-oit10 SPA OLGIAEOFFICIAL otbo csyor theLedin Gove us anopportuty to y figuore o orlist. FOOT BALL 'PRICES IALK(. Colleges. We call save o 011111010301 Foot Ball Pants 0-1.(01111n,10... fin0mled1100'M11101'u .hi 001'lloooil C /LA W~c B O O K S:--" y; Wt ~ e4rls+A. G. SPALDING & BIOS . . +'+oo I 0 !cr CALtl~ rL J OMPANY, Law Ouhlso'.003and0 New York, Chicago, Denver. ,S+ GH Nf rlooolooloroh. Spaoolioog-' tltlioiool t'oo=3tll 00a1id0101000 a 104 MONROE STREET, CHICAGO. fboo'11113. ('110111by WII ter0(0' l'oooop. 4 I'rice 6000000 ++ ANN ARBOR BRANCH, 34o State Street, Oposiate Law BuildingI Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction.. Plumhing and Steam Work. All at Reasonahle Rates amd First-Class rier at J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 E. WasIlvagioai. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the 0100boofr-all the pe((0 'opl to' 1 0100ti1'. 000 oal low: ooooo, boo'}mtoooooo o' n0'o 10100.10 pop.illoosto'olo'.pooi. T'letot'oooo*) 'o r.. 'floo-o'o'oooooo1.Ooo' 01001030000 O('00'course by 0( ae 7hor Ior bro nn1 O'i' I iooo- tI ci l tt00' Ooolaooooot t o 'o ()000 lool «0. l'l les c eo l ph~ys.~ic. ruooooooogooo '10 pid0 or iioooto(olr 0,1 o 00r r coolt tlo t :(to n310. 0'oolo'ic e o h10 #. arlpsiv uefot r0(orti loc livoic iooolmlbe o'Ooiooeo. B lloo -;soo'oo Oroooooooo 1000 oelesson,ooil. Ad o~reof.Ga. .BIXLER, Madison St. &gOgden Ave., Chicauga, Ill. RANDALL:, THE I~HoToGRAPHERl 121 E. Washington St.{ Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.