THE MICHIGAN DAILY Th.e Incras y it demand for- Oar Sherbets and Ice (Creams i5 an excelltent sinii. ft shows that the publicnapireciate skill. ser- vice aind puity. The saiie purie fruit juic~es that wneiune in oar Sherhets iare used in our Soia Syriiu)s. Ciii for in Orange iir Lemon l'liosiiiatn and niotneti ahseniec of aid ifiavoir.i Quite ditferent friiithe -drug store'' kind, Office Housr: Mr. raln-01 wil b pitw.-d iiyiofinetifrom From 9 a, r. to 5 is))r. IPh ne o il l $ YOU CAN GET A I-ot Lunch AtTtl',338 S. State Trim Above and the Neat Feet BRIGHlTON CAP G ~ARTERS FOR LIEN PTr guiTe n~n st i-ii si ssiatn-iisi ca'tp s issssiibyalhrf; teudothrin lue oiss ssss le. iles ofi glc i ec canossltressls . Pisscin'ii5e. ut sres oe ty sai. Gt-itie linsis State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, DI3ZECTOc55 . .Sheehas FL OkLT +W..Boh. tie. Artlld tie. V. C. Vaughan his. 11. W~ade E.IP. Mills CHOICC CUT PLO WPr.5 & PLANTS \. .i. iyer juhli isarer I no. Huoli Pruf. 1.5S. Carhart Chapin St., betwen Hlurun St. and Millier Ace. iiPrankIP.tilizier ChistiasnSMartin Phase 8on. BflC kIN~ ~IA IIVContinues Its Excellent HOKIG ALEYRY E TRAIN SERVICE -t --YOU WILL FIND-- [OUR TRAINS DAILY [ROM1 TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains g UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO L~~h~iI . f1' Y =3.4n s~ t *r~~t=4.y~t, rs=3.4.3t f+r + at 4444i fi~i Hi tli+ i t'ii4+'~t* ,t t -w., _:. er i ,1 x yi s eT ¢ z: //Il! i / " 1 {" J +r 1 I . 0. ;t. 1CY u M11 " k ,r a d 4_ , 1l TAILOR got hold of an English , :College Sack the other day aind copied it! Don't blame lhimi. Nothing ontth~e fashion cards half so graceful-that's just one featusre about ounr clothes. Lots nmore besides exclus- ness howev'er. There's thne real cusiomo finis-ibe nanid work on lapels-n the front-oin thne collars-ltne extrenmely ultra shape of all the garmnts- tlhe fig- tires huilt into tine cats to lenud a good physique tc any Yonng Fellow whno needs it! Wrotught for inens on the int- side and thne outside of college. Their Iprice in level, too! Fine Line Fancy Hosiery 25c-50c New Line Neckwear, just in, 50c Staebler & Wuerth Correct Clothes for Mlen ERE are clothes that strike the .-yf happy medium -where merit G and moderate price meet. In style, fit, fabric, Coprighnt 1903,A.&re. and tailoring they are equal to fine custom- mades ; but they cost you no more than ordinary ready-mades. See that this label E td Denjain (s A AKERS *NEW YORK is on your clothes and stop wasting money, time and patience on the other kinds. Equal to tine custom-made in all but price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are Exclnsive Distrihutors in thin city. CUTTING, REYER & Co. l09=m 0East Washington St. Peters' Original Milk Chocolate Is thme finest eatinig Chiocola te tco he had. It. countainus tihe Swiss Milk which given it a richiness pos- seined by nio other. 10 Cents up. 324 STATE ST. f+ ir,-*iraara rria* ari-,' +*s4a*+* *s. 4.4. :sj'i ' 'a'. .i .3n3.3..3.3u 4 + ris4 arIe I 'i.+ 'a+"6. .t SEGREGATION AT CALIFORNIA.1 Univeruity- studentu desiring to no- ______cure pouitions to teach will find it to Separate clubs tor e n and wonien their intereut to write to James F. have bieen found necessary by the McCullough, 639 Floe Artu Bldg., Chi- leadiers of the Unoiversity of California cag. tI. Frenich club. The olt organization, wchichliasno-ieducietional in a thorouigh Chaffing disheu at Ialater's Jewelry fashsioni, bao beenifoiuoid worthless save Store. tf. as a social institution, and Instructor :Macisis J Spinello has seen tin it that Complete stock of Washhun, Martin, it was idisbandedt sui a new club, Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest' strictly for mien, started in its place, prices. t sitb a sonenscdub to lie fiirmed as a separsate organization in a short Chafing dishes at Halter's Jewelry' timei. Onily bsy such heroice means, says Store. If. litrsicior Spinello, can any French be tasiht t eicier ex.mandolin strings 20c per fult set, Banjo strings 25c per fall set. Guitar This move nan anununceid last night strings 30c per full set. Violin strings at tinsclosing reception ansi dance of 35c per full sei. s French cub in the Town and Cown If ANADR UI O k-i0 house, when the facsility of the _____________ -iech sdletartmn ist ,eared as the Caiigiile tHie' ~or :;«ss of-ihonor and adeleightfil pro- CaStore. hs tfalers .ewlr oinsino woo arranged. The segrega -_________ io of the se s in line French Club isrifcularly interesting, asi it conies Presin Lanineys, Alegrettis, Spar. il'!y fllioing Profsisoi Charles rone's, II ylers, chicolates at Cash. iliis Gay ey's innovatiosit the same iig a Pharmnacy. if. Maso iQoiii..nsneua. Ii- masde amosst identically unhe saute "Complete stock of Brandt, Waldu," stateiment that Instructor Spinelonow Washhun, Regal & Martin MandolinsAROCLAS msaks, thai instruction in the ilaos in on hand. . Prices the lowest. tf hindseried by having the sexes togehher__ .. . .. ._8. ..._.. and greatly facilitated when thney are SUMMER WORK 2h' UNIV[RSITY DANpaa-st Student agents wanted for Me e rllsikTbe OtI ACADEMY $ 1Curens Magazine. Large comminnion. AT iii t NORHWESERNDEBTE. Cash prizes for bent work. SEasy. il1i._ BILLIARD PARLORS, lI Yescerday, Professoir Truneblood an- ularn. 1d4 East 25th St., New York JAS. .FluEIDtcProp.and Sttebnn S tS nouncedithle sunbect for the debate City. 167-e.RED Prp 31SteSt,. wntb Northwestern Uiversity which OHO TA INE wlfl tk lc etya tAnna Ar- NTC.I lance just receivedSShe iargent andSfnest OHOCNRLbji~. oc. The question for discussion in-Dusce Turkish Cigarettes and Pi pe DRCLIE volvesn atoa incorporation law. General meeting of the Dushr ever bogtt h city. DRCLIE It mais: Verein, Hay 31, 4: 30 p. in., Room Fine Lunches in Connection. TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS That corporationu doing interotate C. Election of officers. Evterythinug Neat anid Clean. biusitiess should be compelled to in- 301 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY Parlor Car s ll Trahe. corporate under a nationsal Ian'. Grant- JOB PRINTING - MEYERS, 215 edl that stuch law would be contito- Main SL. S. Phone 281. COFrEE PIKIKBLIR OMtoa.M CAAND A biblisography on the question will Fountain pens at Cuhing's. tf. iA JV haebe rprdb h ieteBOWLING AL-LEY. stsudents return in the fall. The no- INTERSCHOLASTIC NOTICE urOnRAsD JAVA ciety preliminaries will takte place Al-ways frens 28c per pouend p~ NvRIWAFC. irobably the last of October, The Any independent who will take care 214dMn S~ t. DEAN 181. CO. 707 N NVRIYAEU. contest withhNortliwesternocirs some of a visiting athlete during the Inter- time in January. scholastic meet from Friday noon un- .._______________ xrm, ______________ til Saturday night will be given a iktt h onetfrbt as THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor au,$.0iEAD nwsigtodsowlpeaeR WKS a la F toum bee, A reward of $5.0 will be given to notify by Thursday evening, Charles LANDY steam a fiter. nyon iron nihor wovenenandataken from, ntelchBetaicMPhier407onF.rseaniversitym i Ave.,h 4Telephonersty3Ae.,N.le5the 2 Ave.5thA el.BePhonen 445 I~bone 667. 303 5. State St house. No question anked. 532. 169 -71. ________________ EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES -IN SPRING SUITING S 121-123 South Plain Street WAQjNfR e CO. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOL;D-GOOD YEAR' S DRUG STORE