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May 25, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-25

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Made to your mleasure and Dro-p us a card to 325 S. Meins St. -
adItvae us calfor oworkd.
o p Under New H DOMJ eme I*
I % ew illardOul it W I A u Chips given good foranweei
UU44 U'ythe house. IIi WL
= t' T[ree hunch.
Hatters and Furnishers. Forst Aveue eat M~arket Linen and CUFFS
- ~109 and 111 E. Washington Street Poultry, fam and is in season
AN RO 30 Fr est Ave. Phone 407 ARE THE BEST.
® ...". J ".. r M. r . .r.:z : , Barker's Collars are stampe "Linen"
X ALERT f11 3gOther brando advertised and Sold a Linen are
C ollegeII UT : NOT stmped "Linen." Why?
(1t,111OURt OF Reliable Shoe Dealer X Sold by Wagner & Co.. 2 for 25 cents
"«124 S. Main Street ______________________
PondoEtractoi n oeveydysandbty 4,s ~ gp.iggg *4 4.p H "nn4£.$'$4 a 3 8dn2m .2
am00ot cotdets. They know
ttttto asosereign rc dytor the R E N TSCH L ER Foranything intheolineoof '
m'raccidents ncdentot to scoo
oifr Pond's Estrct-e h ti c 0db f IMaker of Photographs Framing, Call oRetschler, 0
d o etor -m i t ith equ a p ro prie t e ' 0000000 3 8 9 - r. C o rn e r M a in a n d BH u ro n S tre e to 0 e v o
rlled 1 e od college dotor0sore
steork ofmercy curing uts, b000.e, .A New
boorn;relieving acheo and paicos;
easng oouffeing, ad maoiog lifen PROMINENT ALUMNI DEAD. Freh Lowney, Alegrettis, Spar- .
bgloere too 1001 as0efiientto-day.. rowns and Euylers Chocolate. at Cuh FLDCOLLAR
Anbottle(shou ld aowayote loctotnce. Proclf, -I arnranrdot so lgPharmacy.
tet ote n rsesteefc ae LI"Grnr rdeo 'aftershaingDo tospeeiooentoittc loiversiy, reently diedl at Los An- 44
soclermdesit isClof tublercoloi. He npec-7 - Yor ees exatmined by an +P. Have You Seen It? 1
wo.,. L-Extra-cto therein o aIl z infitcemistry whie at tte Uni- exprt optician. All the at- j
ocsbs~t O 00Wae edWileli crs y. tr. ardnern eronence an et approved appliance and method 0
H=j1 smeel s 0ottnolotinc xet hns wsitrntoa.known to the profeson areemplyd
t , oh ~ 05001 o 1 xttgtoltNew eye glase fitted, lene dpli- ~ WGE O
l -toas5noedicinal HLIA MNDY cated, famsrepaired. Hater's Jew
worthlesstnd'100040.n ary Store." Jf I Haberdashero . .IHatters
trocI tlttE--tlerfore I has been oficially announned that+
nnowt is rtceltss edoetls accordoitg too the tustat cstotonsthere Bath auppie of aul.kins a l
an" a dccl riceco. wct11 te too classes Motonda, it being prces at Coshinga Drug atore. t.
ACCEPT Ni SUBSTITUTE. ) Decoration Day. Thin wilt afford a
welcotmte diversion to sudentts in gen- THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. ___ ___________
rot bdfore ettling down to the seni-
ols wonk cramtmed 0fr exam. Furnishe msic for all occasions.
WalA.. WATSOIN Dance muic a specialty. Addrss L.
Walpaper, Paints UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 0N . Bato, manager, 808 S. Fourth ae- P e te r s '
and Oil& Accorditng to ito usutlcuscotom the FRESH ENGINEERS, NOTICE
11 [ast itluron Street. tniiverntudofnChico isoft sending ant A meeting of the 1907 Engineer, 4 OtgitlMk
216toicicigoc toeno o~in f he00Room10 Old Engineering hbilding, +
Wednesday, 4:00 p. m. tmportant.
Special Prices on Paint in glowing term the attra- All ou. 6869
M1ade up Pillowsf Pillow linHfteMda nttto. Oave you had a Vbrasage at ,Jtt ietetngCsclt
Tos and Ranes An engetchster who has had ex- Trojy's? If. -
5Fo ,n~r, petence tin canvassing and organtzing __________ - to ibo had. It cntttits
TttlS WEEK, AT tool seure a very libera salary with NOTICE.4
At Darling &o Maleaux's expetnse all paid, an Ditrict Manager tie Swiss Milk whith
ior onoe oth(e oldest and mot stand- Membero of the gradtating schoot
ards Old Line Life Inurance Compa- taking the degree of A. M. in Jne. gves it a ihness pos-
- FIN[-ies on the continent. An exception- shod place their orders for cps and sesed iy o ote.
Pitues ad ,otIII ~aly good ojporuoity for a high-grade gowns with Miss Lovel without deay.
1o mn. Wrte giving age, experience in No ordero can be tied later than May
PcL1 rale atvastng and address. 30. tf 10 Cents up.
- 408-9-10 Union Trust Bldg.. NOTICE i ( C
217 S. t1oto-ti Avenoe. 69-7u4. Detroit, Mich. C______I
-J Any independent who witt take careCA K NS
Be an Inspector of our biding and of a visiting athete during the tter- 324 STATE ST.
d s':.t A.n.'.n.n«Zv0'0tnM.i ;.?+,ytb~nn.4a see the latet deveopment in tele- scholastic meet, from Friday noon sn-1
J IIIdO N UV hony tit Saturday night, witl be given tick- ... +..w......:
~LUOIO j'There is a Reasn for your wanting- et to the cntest for both days.
4.independent teephone service and tolt Any wishing to do o wil peae ---
A. - lrtgbt, llSur. s lines. notify by Thursday evening, Chares3
I hon, 819WASHLNAW HOME TELE- E. Hayes, Inter-schoastic Manager,} Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Y
3t10.,NidootSt AnccAor, c PHONE CO.. 407 E Uiverity stree. Telephone 4
.5ldn.'e.l.I,.fn.l'n..n ~ n.o 211- 21 Liberty St532s, and Caliornia...
- Arobset reached via
Word 0 (OI? IOLICY1 St. Louis, World's air City,
p c the
lto btudentS e The buiding tpof a Telephone System with every possible mod- Ir n flu ti
ern mprvemet; he gvin ofbetter service tian was everthut Ir n H n di
tso tot sctioo possible bfore. To be holorable, courtous and just itl every detai_
10tat're UicI'o-Toanicpaerequireenctts. To oecm impediments. To be sats-
b~nOOe~Os5s~ourncpatrtococo dc cccon,lrdeo-r- fled witht tothing siort of the conlfidctce and Eood will of every citzent

DR. oLWEL chase- to caite tots in thte county. Two daily trains to California.
j WASII[NAW IO41 havL[PknN[wn, Three daily trains to Mexico.
o sylctcsion vFOAST EAW OTLEHNoE C0.
Dr. a TE OFICE:Ltbety tree, ForthFour daily trains to Texas.
many yceas oand kow Pour daily traccs to Met Springs.
tr. (1tt13.Cotoolwl s a--Stx dailv trains to Little sock.
-n t phicci-on acond eed.
'JDPiNOL tere-d ciccoccocaest. ice THE BEST OF EVERYTHINGC. 4
the'oc. loccon County ~U W E RT
Itorarmaceotc -soi Oeecy. cand wsonotlhesi
tato reeccoiend od Innctrade histoiclaai oUE W-11UI Lst 9fTP.A.
superinrremcdyin allcaesdoccsprinsc.dbruis- 1Y 0
es sonremsclees, lamees adforgenrtooaccp- EGYPTIAN 123:3 Washtenaw Ave.,
eicatis after gyoccotsia 0 eorkorviolcolo-c , - CIGARETTES
hoot-nd eseectialcoils adsocotinog acid cI4rlea Tuky.AnIror-1lh
1n' ocedicicnal iogredieott thcatcpescrt , ..ae ".
o ieloty cnd alloy all soreness and inliarnoca- Perfected in Lgypt.
tions,leavinog tce skincondccleoting free from__
stain. Theceisono gt-eas e o ny clad aced in Enjoyed in America.
Dr. Cowelt's Magic Eggnythoan Oil. ViCTaC
Web.avesuc confidence isnIcr.Cotwebi .. ,jj 'MOGUL S1'OKL MARLS LGTA OICR 'LL .;iiL ec
Mogi tegt-yptian Oil tb-I so sell evecy lottle: 1adoln ano ad uiar
Ittth fl ie ostve guar-antee tbhat it sill give'/se "r to s e.'tnoiBnj n utr
satisfacton. If it does sot you can rotorn t~>.'~ onk o n cens. ltE atioooS.Pcoe
the bottle sod so wilt refund year money. Crkisn or CnPan.0E. W j as gencyPhosr %
Quarry's Camipus Dragq Store Brandt Mandolin, Farand Banjo and Marlin Gnuiar.
Always Ahead MI1xTAn 1-lTTHE TAILOR The Best
In Styles.,d V L ~ .~ LL~ of Everything in Tailoring

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