THE _MI,&IHIGAN ISAILY In ANEW LOIH~ of the famous d4S. £. ~ Jus fri SPRNG sns. 1 DRESS SUIT CASES The nobbiest and most exclusive pat- ) THE LOW-PRICED, MEDIUM AND FINEST MADE J terns of the the season. Call and see them. You may fid just d HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES 3 Swhat you've been looking for. Ask about r,. TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES +our new sailor waist trousers-$4 and $5L ODRTLYPIE ALMDRTLPRCDthe osily perfect fittinlg peg top pallt made.; Th Theher NeQSor,, t." AC & C 4J ThRANDwALor, a, t.M CK C , THEI 'WE WISH to call your attention to the fact that our en- 4 tire line of SPRING WOOLENS is on theO tables and will fnrthter state that we are ini - position where we can get ***** ~ ~ Sall work out promptly. Thy t'eryfi'Iest of tailoring will pre- 1 I U I UKt~K l vail as usnal at our establislhment. -, -RA2hH RA6 BVKC HFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE I121 E. WVashington St. 140 106 East Huzrou% Street ** :Bifb~+.+k~ N M .;,g., ;r,.,,ff+~if#sid-4 ® 1 liiiil~~ ONINIi i i C~cnn~~ACA D E M Y'Y:"sr + 1 OffI~JiceODACI ..*MONEY LOANED ONd; Mr Granger weil be atacademy ollien Iron,. , Watches, Diamonds, t 7 toa8eoclock eetnnsexepting Monday). ;" Jewelr-yand all High + Frm95a, m. tob5P. to. lPhoneNo.owill :. Class Chattel and reach hit. Collateral Security. ' +hOBSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. YOU CAN GET A 0 HtLunch 0 Trim Above and the Neat Feet arnte legs that wa BRIHTON CL P fAITFERS FOR liEN PAi..The fanmotslBrithton ftateclap rant possilyecatc robfray theclotting- amatesathegatesimpl,tcuranodabso- lately cotmfortnble. Alade ofloea pec pur-e silk webhowtth nickelttrimmngs that cnnoterutorerub. tre-eonclyn25c. attoes ortbytmail. Get the "BIteTOaNn." PIONEER SUSPENDER CO, 718 Market Street, Philadelphia. Maker f nou , Supenders. ~dwlUNIVRSITY DAN- CINGi ACADEMY t~jL.L 336 State St. SilItIT 'TII.} 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Parlar Car.ash ll Traine MICHIGAN ,MICHIGAN BANNERS -inC OL OR S LOVEL'S CORNER STORE. LjIOHJ6ANCENT' "The Niagara Falls Route," SFER SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct eoanections at Chicago for St Lasis, Kansas City. St. Pant and the Went Far iaformation aad through tickets call on or write tc W. W. CASR, Agent. Aan Arbor. W. J. LOURIM. Oppotte CanktClase -' Rhoma7,denning iIoc(. P'hotted4.9 Oice flourns ito.1:0,ito 4:3. GRADUATION RECITAL Miss Davis delighted an unusually large audience by the program whicb she presented in her graduation reel- 1a1 laot night. Thoutghsnolt as coedi- denlt 0as011emight he, 11cr OXOc Ition was very brilliant and did credit tu her instructor, Mr. Lockwood, under whom she has worked for a number of years. Miss Davis romeo from Mexico City, Mexicu. INTERSCHOLASTIC NOTICE Any independent who will take care of a visiting athlete during the Inter- scholastic meet front Friday noon un- til Saturday nigh) will be given a tcoke) to thle contest for bolth lays. Any wishing to do so will please notify bty Thurbday evening, Charles -. Hayes, interscholastic Manager. t0'71LN. University Ave., Telephone 532. 16)9-71. N'OTICE! GLEE CLUB. Final rehlearsal Wedinesday, May 25, 7 1). m.toom 2-1, U. H. FINAL CLASS GAME The final class game between the '07 Lits and the '1)7 Medico, will be played on 'Varsity Field, Wednesday, May 25, at 4 p. m. MGR. CLASS (lAMES. LOW RATES TO ST. LOUIS. To stttdents who intend visiting the World's Fair, the Michigan Central olffers on Tuesdays and Thursdays the remarkably low rate of $9.75 for the round trip. This rate is the low- est that wilt be in effect from Ann Arbur, ant isi good via Chicago over the 1. C. H. H., C. & A., or Wabash in coaches only. The return limit is seven days including date of sale. You may make a daylight trip by ceaving Ann Arbor on the Michigan Central 5:20 fast morning train, ar- riving in St. Louis at 7:32 p. m. Other ticksets for 15 days, or for the season, at higher rates. Ask at the ticket office for ftull particulars and for World'n Fair folder thowing map of the groundn. 63 end New Brunlswick Tables' AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Flat Cigars and Tohaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate Si., S. I have last received the largest and finest line o1 Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brought to the city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Everything Neast and Cleatn. 308 S. Siate Si. R. E. JOLLY University students desiring to se- euro psositions to teach will Gond it to their interest to writs to James F. Mscullouigh, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago., tf. Chaffing dishes at HaIler's Jewelry Store. tf. Complete stock of Washhun, Marlin,, Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest prints. tf No KODAK Complete Without a Developing Ma-a chine Pttt onte in your tritik astd develope whtile yott travel. Witht Sepia postal cards you catinstail printis to your frieitts enrote. Calkins Chafing dishes at Hailer's JewelryII Store. tf. Mandolin strings 20c per full set, Banjo airings 25c per full set. Guitar strings 30c per full set. Violin strings TU u'Iii 35c ptr full set. tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO.:r..........._..._. Chaffing dishes at Hailer's JewelryI Store. tf. Vibrassage- At Trojy's. It's.:'' great. tf. 'resh Lowney's, Ailegrettti's, Sptar- ARROW COLLAR row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cushi- 15 CENTS, 2 FRn2a CENTS lug's Pharmacy. tf. CtOETT, PEtABODYv& O. --Completet stock of Brandt, Waldo, Washbun, Regal & Martin Mandolins _____ on hand. . Pricts 1t lowet. tf SUMMER WORK OYSTER BAYV Student agents, wanted for Mc Clure's Magazine. Large commisin. s CATERING CO. Cash pricen for best work. Easy.* Dignified. Write now for full partir-* ulars. 141 East 25th St., New York A I U' City. 167-c. :C$- NOTICE! GLEE CLUB. ® AND Final rehearnel Wednenday, May ® BAN QUET HALL 25, 7 p. m. Room 2d, U. H. T-W *__ NOTICE. : Special Sunday Dinner S From 12.30 to 2 O'clock. General meeting of the Deutscher Verein, May 33, 4: 30 p. in., Room . C. Election of officern.$ Roe Shad, Frogs and Chicken, 35c JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 315S. State St. Phone 467 Main Sb. S. Phone 211. fff fooOOON 4doo Fountain pens RE Gushing's. If.-- N N N y NN NNN I I I " AL LE N'$S F OR Q UAL I TY" We give the best Clothinag Valules, saving you three to five dollars on your Suit or Overcoat. Spring line now ready ; $10.00 and $ 15.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MlAIN STREET fEectricC Cka f ing DiNI'eS Is hfact, anything ta ligitt-up 'yane manot. Call in and s e u ali~lay.. WAS5HTE NAW LlI6HT & POWER COM'PANY. 1 Ca.'t'a..l.n eory ani4th Ava. Pkhn.Z73 N N N N N N NNf N N N r WVE ARE NEVER UNDEIRSOL;D-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE