THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTICECIGALTTLS Ciroln in Turkey. a\ Perfected in Loy. Enjoyed in America.. Spring Line. of Puritan Shoes and 'ivGU Oxfords -now in. See our new ________ Tans in window, button or lace, in t "V -=! The W, C. Keril Co6 the., New Spud Last." 411 E 57th SI~ Chicago Cape lolGoGon, made to o- For the benefit of our customers we, wish to say that tie r Pennants for al ini i.e. cni y4 rircntie I.carred Puritan Shoe Co has been made very much stronger by going H7 liii cllnUtollk into the hands of the factory-Geo. H. Keith Comnpany, BrocktonGClas Pin,,tlss a~nd teamn Mass. George E. Keith does not control the name Puritan, hbt ,*r ,,, - hEs Cap 4he does own and control the lasts, pJatterns anld factory wich +na Oa e K'* Send for Catalogues. made the name "Paritan" famous. He has always had the x-_______ ______________ lusive right in making our shoes. When buying your Puritan T 4' Oxfords this sprinig be sure and buy the ORIGINAL, anid not some Mvoney Loane Arkansas, Texas, Mexico interior brand with the Punitan label. Stock is all fresh; new ONadCatria. shapes and styles arriving daily. WatchesfDiamonds SOr other personal property of Are best reached via # value. Watches and Jeweln;t1" THE- OL}RGNA U IA paired. Bargains in Wafdis St. Louis, World's Fair City, 2 ad Diamonds. Office at residence. 331 H.. Lib- the The Old Place, Ill South Main Street 4 erty Street, Ann Arbor. mors S tol11:30 a. m., 1tto 3:30-p. m, 7to Ir n O -. di 9 p .m All Boiness to fie- o rl ti * a .'i______ isi. JOSE Ph . WATTS. _____ '_______Route s+ ,I, Two daily trains to California. 'I'R "'NT H L E R For anything in the line of sjThrleedaltristMeio p t OMkroPhogps FamnClonRtclr,4 ou daily trains to exio. * hone 39-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. +& nlr daily trains to Hot Sp ins. Spirit of Mak 6er Phtoraps$ FamngCal+o+RelEtle, tardaily trais to iTtexas. [elp fuln~ ies-- O - - TE BEST OF EVERYTHING. 4 (Cotinued from page one.) LOST-A coral-diamond scarf pit. WRITE ME.S not play an important part but she Liberal reward it returned toI 29 S.1 In cses of nceideteerbody manifet showed that she c0o111 have well one Ingals. SL. - . D. Armsrong, . P. A., alldets ee toe e itanee Asimeso o.1231 Washetenaw Ave., ihe 5spiitfhelpfulnesasecete itel, b te ofe te wreoctinletis5done anedhe right Throoghout the whole performance Ticket for four sampoos-$1.00.- 1t1hingedone Tne fist thing ee do int there we. not a hitch or hindrance of Sot water. isVuhnna ur Ann Arbor, Much. euh n ceetistoIquicllyaned frely apply Pos eeEta-tide ld f imty dctr-n any kind, no faltering or stimling, rye. I h -.. '-5 ....- .. reeoni eerencyoreedy, foreern6i showing the practice of the actors yeaes used by nonses, phyieianos and hSet and he efficiency of the management. Fresh LowneyAegttsSpr pi s. Everysuelontnnholdnave aottle _____Allegrettis,_Spar- close at hand. Qielcly slept nleedig in row's and Hyler's Chocolates atCush- dee cts cre buissspaisan__r ________RNGngshamay.irain Chewing, Candy, deepts;encetsiecingssorpefrom,"en. -NBLNE IN o' hray anic toexe000iles; r- Salted Peanuts, Hot Bttered ii I~n eeee, tootaae, This afternoon at 4:10 p. m. Prof. .-n- our eyes examined by an Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh rh~aeumntismta nd all pan. Stne will lecture in the Biiseum > piin l te1t aI soothes and fesens ith Stnle_ exert otca.Altelx- diy faneetrshavin. watered lecture room on the Nibelungen Ring. esCprvdap~ne n ehd andy Iltlclee [F5B 4j*[5[fl witch nane, aek totu- Prif, Stanley in an authority o Wag-knwtosepfssnarmlye.________________ eo-sometme offeed in _______totheprofession____________ place ef Pondsoxacet- ter, anei has repeated some of the ic- New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli nas no mdcina vle-i tures a oher universities. Lan- Batedframes repaired. Haler's Jew. D'iY , A. A. & J. RAILWAY E.pstiively RSteeoeworthless. Pnd'n tern illustrationo will be used thio a- ely Stre. f sonoo is pielesss. tereoto, represening scenes from the STANDARD TIMEC Soldolin sealed ibottles great operas forming the Ring. Bath suppies of i kinds at all For Detrtoeital horly teem i:l5 a..i. until under buf'wrapper. 6:15________.ilsp. t. Thee ourly unil 1115. For ypesi- prices at Cuhing's Drug sore. tf. atnti ony, at 12:15 a. m. ad12:da a. . oe ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. GOLF CANDIDATES Jac______Iiksn hourly frount6i15iaiim, until 7:15 to.ius _____The a :5 tp. in. adl1:15 p.m. The Golf tourament between Chi- THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Waiing Room, Hron S. ,o an A. J. WATSON cago and ichigan will take place Fri- Furninhen muic for all occaions.t0ttii, AteutnSlOt da fenoiadStra onnIDance muic a pecialty. Address L. Preidet. v. Presidett. Wal P ge , ain s un 3an 4.Inth ateroo, heI. Bato, manager, 88 . Fourth ave S. \. CLARnSON.Casielr. an lSmembero of the team will attend the nte. 29tf FIS NA OALB K conference. All candidates who in-FRS NAI ALB K tend to make the team should get out OF ANN Attll0t, .AIUi. 216 East Huron Street.' now no the trials will be held Friday FOR SALE-ight room furnihed CAPITAL - $100,000 ----- -and Satrday of this week and Mo- cottage, all conveniences, ituated SURPLUS ADPROFt50ITS - $40,000 A. [[t"I&[[, day of nexL. on Michigno State park, Machinac Islnd.AddessJ.AoBAror. 64 Forest Avenlue Meat Market, There are two hundred and seventy MinavAeue,.nnAro. 60 MANN'S DRUG~ STOKE Pool ry Gae ad Pib i Seson periodicals published by students in-- PolrEm n jbi esn American universities and colleges. 1 O T 1V S 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 Of this number 150 are monthlies, 65 I3 SO"T'1~AI i fare weeklies, 7.5 are daiie, 12 are _____ BAILEY ! EDMVNIDS. * quarterlies, 10 are bi-weilies, 9 are Electric and Gas s ~ emi-monthlies, 3 areseiwkls FISH NETS~ for Decorating and two are bi-monthlies,.r- fixtures and Construction * T ~ltmbig and S tamtwor-ll 111t0 21 E. Liberty St. AT WISCONSIN -- - reasonable rate, lt *ie* * -* * * J. *F..SCEUI'S, 207t. Washington St. The senior law clase at a meeting I4*+ D0o4 144+ f'++S*4..S4S 't held yeterday decided not to wear VW" ATHMENS PRESS caps and gowns during commence-f fmert week. They will be the only Bjxler's " J rins tera graduates not so attired. eP ysc l r inn setd Floor. Aetto . t e .itdq, n..9Ta ieRn' .iRtend faoo nin.d 1 'H4+ *+++ +*++ 4t'~ watch. Leave at Argon or Times oAffisN p-- 1 and receive reward. 'P ES-IDE N T afkcm C iiTA HSave you had a. Vibrassage at The Book for All the S1eNaaaFloRo rjn f uspendeUUs People All the Time FifE SHORT LINE- AN RO oNOTICE. work in perfect hsarmossny with ANNAROR__ the wearers every movement. -nalsoeln;frhm mtueoo CHICAGO Memberu of the graduating school C-frSyeedSrie S itolsrtd rc$.0 ettlyae rmonths' e~aorepotiietice cotrse by ne- BFAOtaking the degree of A. H. in ,Jone, e i 5, lltrae.oir nS Tlseeabo should place their ordern for caps and Vatid colurse fee $1t. still.lecture on physical NEW YOR ows wth issLovll ithut ela GUARANTEED training;it) ralidilwriting fortoo01, itrone week N 'YOK gowswt inLvelwtotdly flrOS,, odeuciotive io healtht end poeitive AN BOSTON No orders can he filled later than May Trimmings cannot rust, cure forbSod writing. Individuality retainted. X30. f BFieeseand$l.etnystnneeomnl prepaid. ueinesPeotman andoe lesitn., 10c. with direct connections at Chicago fur THE 0. A. ROSSAUTOI MFG5. 00.,." Address PROF. G.BIXLER, Leulo, IfaansCity St. Pa nod the PWool: 1. Box 186 Shirey, Man& wor inate o InW.W.CSE Ahoghet. abor w'rterti.CSEAentugtlkAnAbosr. ;Fountain pens at Cushing's. t.Madison St. and Ogden Ave., Chicago Always Ahead hIStyles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR The Best of Everything in Tailoring