I- 'THE MICTI * * NECKWEAR, UNDERWEAR, BATHK ROBES, SWEATERS, *DECORATIONS FOR ROOMS, : * IN I IfE l N'!' Sr'JiI'NC X0117 AT 0 * a IGAN DAILY. Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas* * BURCHF'IELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 14 e a~o the eFoot ball rlk(err: Irn cornsideration a/ofdor efforts, I wi//giye w * ler football marn of t7 e g, emdratirrng s his "c/f " a c/ire bill for $joo, transoferable S. W. BURCHEJEL D a®a rors ® o r e® ® ®oigred, s oos ~ "Teiagara Falls Rout.-, ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON I'm l , sll;i 5it . *St. IP:1 1 sss I s'he West THE ANN ARBOR RAILROADI ANiD STEAMStttt LINES. Sl'ci is Ictlsw II s '. 111 !. Fall S'uits and Top Coats b .r'°TEY'RE ,RE"ADY FOR YOUR i4. ++ INSPECTIION. ALLTH ~E NEW A3N1) lA'TEIST °C RFATC10N S:I jfIN FABRICS AND) WEAVES .1- ftr ..$1UL to $2 ..i+ +:+ PRIFSJILY CARV[NLFIIS $12.50 10 $25.00' Staelbier ('urh s SOUTH MLAIN STREET. ,1' Nsss6 - ::.II 5- . \t).1 l Is A.5 \t. N's. 1:33'5A . Ass i G s. OSiSIP OF THE COLLEGES. - C.I']. K111111,iss, l'iesor to T'I. I !t). tI :".s I' ss. 7 .. : : Isi' '. 1. i l h s tr la g t, it( of - ds n ' r y igh , -, 1551515>y () lss'( 'ss C ll and 5(Aes' lhsuss ss 1)11 71yo1 lIulsI 'SI K55111 . '.A 'wl h"Ii I1" ' I11 ll s'C still i'llli'd sssl (isllis s5'enIII 'I. A s sss - '111tw lli.1N III(oonyro. 11 1' 11151 I'l 'sll sI sisn s' lsslsss'i Anyvsplaces ewBrluswick Tables olhn 1 h is11itc", trn emi ~~icdlassv'1o IOlit ssf 7a1cla ssi sl IIIIIIIII'Ia tIl!thin- inade15 s' trliltly y ou>ssr- rsssassss's' ATHa v rd 11i y a 401111 t:;( (sinte' on5 1 ' '-sss' l'slssil . 'Islsr ..is "N - REIDS IILiR ) PARLORS} l(I: l~ i ll t) rIs sss 1 'ssssoIssipoorls isssssslllirsIilist. 17 Fine Cigars allot'(Tosaco-lsls s I I I s - i lsd llllan r. I_ ________ JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 SateSt., S. -- BANJO CLUB NOTICE. At I.eh i: 1 1111 'esity Ilts' lss'ssllx Il'he lllsec n xiissl lsis lsssr s'Ani- I p11,C 15 st '5 -''is's Ill tarc ' s-s'I1 111 11(in'l 1'o r)ihi the [IIs r 'o 111 I 'slss lssen fon aiosv fosr' Banljo ('I'I l ss'i l s I ill iIte folliIl- l A 111ly fatri ty'II. Turkish Cigarettes and iples ' sth. ll 'llllil Ilii ~A is " li' Lt.all l asslI, Ill ior Fine Lunoches in Connoectison. it i sss s'sa o ei ~155 I ll III ilA hs edr . l: ry 1ill? \ "is 11111t[t:1 5 I('tl;l 111 308 S. Sate St. R. E. JOLLY. "'"" Rooms for Rent-(Iris'locks'stlos i'sl slE? ss' ;; lllsissss lt. sC l:orna issI Ai(((111)11 ; AiiliI' (S1.lII , lsys' S.ls1'< *. Thoe Soho""n fora +x' I r('st(Sh, g; llA,tos, ssstaisossary swash I ils . *rs s'sstsandihI,$.25 its)Iso $5.1111, reducts'ion o(I 4, a jww Cl.]", A1 , ; 'li Al sdentsA; bath l, 1g5a 01111 1 ++ tt ' 'sIs t is 11 ' ,, 111 IssI s Iat'l'5555'l'll Issi' Ilsi cll' , s I Illll'sI Iii t0 smiv', As v t Grai-sger s Acede-o y- . IssWcil 'r( li' ' 'ss >- i lssIl s late Isss' i lll isisy, 7s21 1I isI lls'he fall haI issIclI rscis'ls l(('s I tii For Heist- 'I.. I ss 1,i11,s' IliI ';a' sll YOU CAN GET A sclsls is issollossss1t5aIIiAIno SI. ii 96 H s lisss I ( ni= olsisj1nf)s, _______ _____ At Twl tle's, 338 5. State 11111 "Bilthss sSupp~lie's of all Alinds al.1all ., 110 CI' ul.(shinsrg'sar mac'llly. "'I Iss , , l ' illss'slti sl'f 'Cal ifsrsias snds i C i TIP-TOP TOP COATS the "Manhattan" and the "Broadway Box," bearing this famous mark f1Jed benjamin(t MAKERS i NEW YORK The "Manhattan ": cut from olive, tan, and gray coverts; short, snappy, and stylish. The " Broadway Box":- cut 40 inches long from blacks and Oxfords; for more conserva- tive dressers. Both have broad, concave shoulders, hand -padded; close-fitting collars, hand-felled ; unripable pockets. No detail that will add to their appearance or serviceahility is ever overlook- ed by BENJAMIN tailors. The price is right. Your money back it aunyhing goes wrong. We atone celI them here. CUTTING. RE YER& CO. 109.1l1 East Washin~gton St. rIthe Tyfold Collar The' pictrle shosws hosw the cosllatr is custslut (In each side tol allolsi for adjstinig a nleck tie w ithoust springintg the col- lar oplvn. The cssllar comes close tolgethler in fronst, it keeps the tie ill glacv' anld YOUndon't see the cut-oust part. Bevsides tihe tie is re tsined jus~t iver the bnt ,W is is als ks'ep lt stofsighti. Yssis s limer scomfortsiI Iill bse ics ed p i1 issis wsar sills, and51 ssss'Il i hn sit A f'r tsl e e aI i, l e rs sAllthiris. ClusettI Brands, z ;v esach Arrsiss Brndi, 15ci'eachl Cluett, Peabody & Co. \V0 s')k yourl 111 0xai'alll~sl ssr goosl any, sdsd'fsss repairing ois'e attsins- edI s-Io fs , isrs. 55' I'sNva i o lvI it ' - ssts sassl(sto yours. Haller's Jewelry Sto re. PALACE e,. PARISIAN ..LAUNDRY AGENCY.. ()Ift t " Is' i W i ,i: I- LI 'll(s I oss'115; Pantorsam--::IoS. toS t..11 1 ll s- Ir r sso 'Iss ss(s. s ;g i rs ssi '15c.; Vs'ssilis hIf Aliork, $1,Ills 1r 1,11 -St isis 505c olssIls lississ lss'sl I his Is' ~s I I s ssss' sisisis I 1i51115 MaisnsSi. S. Phioness231. SISIC S'l 'AYour eyes1e11'sin lsy sas 'helsi' ill-si Iillslis asdiCsamosii oflA opticil ilan. All thlat Is- tI ho Wa~shlishiisI Sillsll> in S. PsI ialpsi'ivs IIl appliancshandslmetsIholA lls, toss ils Ii iissyI s(os li I (;te atdfam~s'Arepasired.I Haler's Jew- - elry Store. Lost-A ptaris tI IZols s i's1 sPin It,,-- hissis Is' ZetalsiPsi lI so ands'ssissI l KOLLAUF, The Tailor, ii 5a(511i4 1. I). v\'i'sieir.110 Ihuron Skt. E PWAONIZR COMrPANY, 4 Importing Tailors 123 South "inSreet, ____-vvv W [A R A lv~vv'vsv'~® _ 7 I )lIAN1OND 4 Z Il-irrios Diantonsshave beent worns fosrye-sAy Ri> shT 'e-titltelltisrof thse diplomnAlto corps fros l(I 'S smt Ase 'i' i ttitlricA, "These mtagnificett sitires lhae Rieen theine tllirat iin ansdivswonr iof.A Acity swhereve thsey AVere sA t5i.S Barrios lDiamnds have all the' fire, ite andstiltsre of--iitiise Asles 'aind i ap'iraitee pt 5 itisvt5 (511 itt ) s il isiligiisv' Ifrom11 tlhett. It is a wantton waste of iiittey toinvst V$7,.i-O,)tio T 151)hila1realstdiamondItl thnlttty he lost fromn its settill- alAy tilit. You call wearthe ivdenticasl pielce it inape5iaancei set wsit a Baio105Diameondl AT 1-20 1I1[ COtST Thsese goodls replresevntlslt (f the Iltet nis st popula~r styles ao ilesigits. They h~ave th itllstivtive -at ore's if'vieitlry worthn mlatsytitles thseir ecost atnvl froos AhiihI they cannsot he distitsgutishted vvets by the mtttcritical. We absoslutely gitaratetetse got s to)lAe as represented atnshWillr elace anyy tonle thastloss- its sorigiitalRbrilianvy o'ithtot oneo centt mt expense tothI~e purclhaser. M~oney retutrnsedlAwithouit t uetiont in ease of sdissatisfactiont. Thse BarrionstDiamtondslis s 'yostd Iostisthe IISfim--,n tmst perfec't imsitatiotn ever diseoverediad ais uy liv'worn atnywhere swith perfect conidencee. Alt the beaulty of so geinlilne damt~tondh at a fractiott of its cost. 4f Biar * 2o36. Sourt/r oairr Street, witft J. L. CHAPMAN, fh/eoJe weler. f f eeeeeHefr 44e+ eoeeeeeoeee rios Diarnvond Co. I WE ARE NEVER UADERSOJD-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE ,w