The Michigan Daily
VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1904. No. 168
Trainer Fitzpatrick Satisfied With Re Will Be the Final Number of the Glee Seniors Win From Sophomores in Fi- Presentation of "Miss Hobbs" a Great
suit-Hahn Has Bad Foot-Spec- Club Concert-All Three Clubs nal Basket Ball Game by 2 to 1- Success-Parts Well Taken-Miss
tacular Contests In the Will Unite in Giving Michi- Scientific and Fast Playing.- Van Volkenburg and Paul
Meet. gan's Greatest Song. Good Prospects for Next Dickey the Stars.
The majority of the 'Varsity track The musical clubs have been work- The Comedy Club in the presenta-
men were out at work yesterday, ing hard for several weeks for the The basket ball team of the class of tion of "Miss Hofbbs" last evening,
howing no bad effects from the brai-spring concert which is to be given in '04 won the championship of the Bar- for the second time this year, ace-
Saturcns ie versity Hall, Friday evening. This boor gymnasium yestesrday afternoon. ed a great success. The play itself
turayn F pwill be the last appearance of the The game was played between the was remarkably well chosen and its
Trainer Fitzpatrick expressed him- 193-04 clubs and the concert should seniors and sophomores, and the final abundance of comical situations, its
self as well satisfied wits the result be the best ever given in Ann Arbor. score was 2 to 1. Both teams went rapid movement and its successful cli-
of the meet. The management of the clubs have in to win, and from the first the game max made it one which held the in-
"What do you think of Michigan's invited all intersoholastic visitors and was marked by fast, scientific work. terest of the audience at every mo-
chances to win the Intercollegiate have arranged to admit the contest- The teams were so evenly matched ment.
after Saturday's meet?" he was asked. ants free of charge. This will give the that until the last call of time the The heroine, Miss Hobbs, is a con-
"Well," he replied, "I thing we have High School boys an opportunity to issue was doubtful. firmed hater of men and upon her con-
as good a chance to win as anyone, ee Michigan from more than an ath- The first half, the seniors had the version to rational views hangs the
We have at least an even chance." letic standpoint, and will be one of the south, the sophomores the north bas- action of the play. When the play
Mr. Fitzpatrick and all the men on features of the interscholastic pro- ket. The sophomore center work was opens, Miss Hobbs has succeeded in
fident that Hahn can heat Rice when gram.r better than the seniors' at first; the bringing about an estrangement be-
the Michigan man is in condition. This concert should appeal to all senior and sophomore guards and bas- tween Percival Kingsearl and his wife
Hahn injured the big toe of his right students; even those who have heard kets were very evenly matched. The who, in a fit of anger, leaves him, go-
foot in the 'Varsity field day and was the glee clubs' former concerts will first basket of the game was made by ing to stay with Miss Hobbs. That
unable to do much of any work last fnd an almose entirely new program Miss Broadbridge. Miss Broadbridge same afternoon Wolf Kingsetrl, a
week. Even then he was leading Rice for Friday night's concert. The pro- made her throw for basket evading very close friend of Percival though
for the first 80 yards of the hundred gram is not long and will present the Miss Kinan's exciting guard by a high not a relative, arrives upon the scene
and was only beaten by about eight Glee club at its best. jump. Just before the time for the and hearing about Miss Hobbs, wagers
inches. If the little champion is in The feature of the program is the half was called, after a fine pass and that he can overcome her hatred of
condition by the time of the Inter Victors' March, which was written in much juggling of the ball in the sen- men. Upon seeing her he falls des-
collegiate, there is no doubt but that honor of Michigan's first victoriousis r court, Miss Permort made a basket perately in love and determines to
Mr. Rice will get iis'n. Hahn, ni footfall team-that of '99-by Louis for the seniors. The half ended 1 to I. win her. Miss Hobbs, through a mis-
self, consideres Blair a fastsi man Elbel who was a student at that time. The second half opened in a do-or- take, supposes him to be Mr. Percival
than Rice and says that the former this song has been adapted to all die spirit. The ball was passed into Kingsearl, and thinking to demon-
is not in condition which explains the three clubs, and has been adopted as the sophomore court first, then back srate to Mrs. Percival that her hus-
poor showing he has made thus far. a regular anthem on the Michigan to the senior court, with only one muff band is unworthy of her, allows the
Every one was full of praise for Glee clubs' program. This song was in the double pass. Miss Enyart at supposed Percival to make love to
the great race put up in the quarter the final number of the program giv- last got the ball, and threw for bas- her. The mistake is soon seen and
by Garrels. The big fellow jumped en on the spring trip, and gained tre- ket, but the ball turned from its aim Miss Hobbs is more than penitent for
into the lead at the crack of tihe pls- mendous applause. by Miss Emily Stark, skimmed the her hasty action. Through Miss Abby,
tol and was never headed although There will be no reserved seats, but edge of the basket and dropped. A an aunt of Mrs. Kingsearl's, a recon-
Goodwin crowded him at the finish, tickets can be bought at Shehan's pass back to the sophomore side, and ciliation between the husband and
after having come up from last place. book store on Thursday and Friday, a series of pretty catches made a fine wife is effected and also a reconcilia-
With any kind of luck in drawieg tool- tion between George Jessop and Mil-
tion at the Conference meet. Carrels licent Farley, whom Miss Hobbs had
should be a pointwinner in tuhs event. ++++++ ++ ++ ++ ++++ +I+ ++ ++''influenced to a quarrel. Wolf Kings-
The spiking of Taylor by Rebstock+ earl, by his straightforwardness and
was an unfortunate incident but it is 1 9 j4 9manly ways, wins the affections of
needless to say that it was usnten- the heroine and at the end they be-
tional. Taylor has only hi to M g Id A N E N I A N "me (gaed.
blame as he ran t o cloes behiR Heb- +H Miss Van Volkenburg in the title
stock. It is hard to (xlain th poor +THE UNIVERSITY YEAR BOOK role, showed an excellent appreciation
race rui by the latt-r. Evidently he IY of the character of Miss Hobbs, enter-
has not yet roundedt into condition. ? 5 5?ing at first wholly into the spirit of
In the two mile run, the race was ( On Sale Today In All Depmrtumental BS nlldais man-bating, but finally a most agrea-
all between Kellogg and Ston- as Pat. 9 ble change of opinion. In the scene
Henry of Chicago was at least 220 PRICE 0$1.50.lontoard the yacht where she first at-
yards behind the Michigan pair. The FIL LEDtempts cooking under the orders of
race was a great one, Kellogg winning + MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Wolf Kingsearl she was at her best,
by a yard or two. ++3+ ++"~ + +++++++++++ ++ 3 Fi+...++ k 'teepting the audsience in continuous
However, judging from the ac- ------- -t-------laughter by her unwilling submission
counts, the half-mile run must have May 26 and 27. The admission will be show of sophomore team work. The to the wishes tf a man.
been the banner event of the day. 50 cents. play grew faster as the time for the As Wolf Kingsearl, Mr. Dickey was a
Hall was boxed in on the back stretch Folsuwing is the prtgram: close of the half approached. Miss decided success. In the ludicrous sit-
of the second quarter and when he t-stita nPr Stark caught the ball in the senior snaions he showed himself to be fully
finally got out. Cahill had a lead o PART I court and fell with it, without fouling. in keeping with the ful of it all and
at least fiften feet. Coming into the 1. Yellow and Blue-Carmina Mich- The path of the ball was followed for in the heavier parts, especially in
home stretch, the Chicago man was iganensia-Glee, Banjo and Man a minute by a series of hard falls, places where there was a suggestion
three yards to the good and apparent- dolin clubs. but no time was called. Again after of pathos, he showed himself even
ly had the race cinched. But thirty 2. Assembly March Pall Eno a fine senior pass, Miss Enyart got the more capable. Mr. Dickey already
yards from the finish "Mother" came Mandolin Club the ball, only to have her usually true had a reutmtio as a stage artist
on with the sprint that has made him 1. Elixir . Juventatis Drinking aim diverted by Miss Stark's excel- when he came to Michigan, and now
famous and passed Cahill just before Song Carmina Michiganensia lent guarding. The ball remained for after the successful performances this
reaching the tape. Glee Club a minute in the senior court, then the year, he has certainly proved himself
The meet seems to have been one l. Elephants Promenade Saunders sophomores tried the doubtful expe- one of the best amateurs that the stu-
of the most spectacular contests ever Banjo Club dient of throwing the ball across the dents have had the pleasure of seeing.
held between the two universities. 5. Negro Lullaby Ethelebert Nevin center court from guard to basket. Mr. s1ird as Percival .Kigsearl,
PART II The play resulted in a loss of the ball, showed the usual high quality of work
MICHIGEN 6-OBERLIN 0 G. Qusartet in spite of the fine exhibition of which he has led his audience to ex-
a . . Parker, Woodward, Killeen, Berry. strength and aim made in the throw. pet. He made the character of Per-
dual tennis toroament by the decis- 7. Our Director Bigelow Several times the sophomores got the cival lively and thoroughly interest-
ive vitors y oft61 h 0Fsowige tes Banjo Club. ball out of the senior basket court ing. His reconciliation with Mrs.
ive victory of 6 to 0. Following are the 8. The Guards Adam Gaibel into their own by this meas, bt Kingsearl was one of the most real-
ttsn H b AF: . 9. Dance of the Skeletons Allen every time they lost the ball. About istic bits of the play and one of the
Hunt, M., beat A. F. Reed, O., 6-2Mandolin Club. the middle of the half the ball again best explained. As Mrs. Kingsearl,
Lee, M, bet Jay, O., 1-6;-6-3; 6- 10. The Victors Louis Elbel struck in the senior court. Miss Kin- Miss Bogle was admirable, playing a
St. John, M., beat Ho er , -6; ;8 Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. an threw for basket but by good work difficult and varied part with much
up , - the ball was diverted by Miss Green, nicety of perception, and with decided
62.. her throw was useless. The team force.
McNeil M., beat Hopkins, O., 6-4; GRADUATION RECITAL work towards the end of the game The tactful Miss Abbey, so expert
6-2. was a credit to both sides. The 1 to in bringing about a reconciliation, and
Lee and St. John beat Reed and Miss Caroline Davis of Mexico City, 1 tie was finally broken by a basket so ready in overcoming difficulties,
bHooper, 4-6; 6-4; 6-1; t-7; 6-' Mexico, will give her graduation re- made for the seniors by Miss Enyart. was given in a pleasing manner by
Hunt and McNeil beat Jay and Hop- cital tonight in Frieze Hall. The pro- The quick play went on until the end Miss Flanagan. As Millicent Farley,
kins, 6-0; 6-3; 6-2. gram which she will render is as fol- of the half, but the score remained the object of the tender affections of
In an exhibition match Hunt, M., lows: 2 to 1 in favor of the seniors. Getrge Jestup, Mtss Caldwell was
beat B. B. Reed, 0., .-4; -. Sonate, Op. 27, No. 2...... Beethoven The last game of the series was easy and natural, while Mr. Becker,
Adagio sostenuto remarkable for the small number of as Jessop, gave a remarkably good
FINAL LASS GAME Allegretto fouls called on either side, and for the presentation of a decidedly difficult
'he inand thas'07ametswen the Pet gtofs ly otiewsls hog-rl.'Prelude and Fugue, No. 5 ......Bach out the game. Only once or twice Capt. Sands, though one of the
LThe fnl class0gaMeetswenlthe Pet gl at ta.N iews ottruh oe
playe Varsity Field Wed d Caprice sur Alceste. Gluck-Saint Saens were the umpires compelled to count lesser roles, was well carried out by
May 25, at 4 p. m. Etude, E major ........Paganini-Liszt for quick play. Every time this was Mr. Dutton, who looked and talked as
M E. CLASS GAMES. Meditation . . . . . . . . . . . . Tschaikowski done the seniors had the ball. No though he had been a sailor for years.
Rhapsodie, Op. 79, No. 1...... Brahms time was lost making discussions; the The butler, Charles, was an excellent
NOTICE! GLEE CLUB. Concerto, Op. 21 . .............Chopin ball was passed quickly, there was no epresentation. Mr. Ne wmarker show
Maestoso hesitation about its place wheno r it ing that he perfectly understood the
Final rehearsel Wednesday, May Larghetto touched the floor. From :start to fin- part. Miss Schuyler as the maid did
25, 7 p. m. Room 24, U. H. T-W Allegro vivace (Continued on page three.) (Conanuea on page four.)