THE MICHIGAN DlAILY P TYPIOWXnTING J 4 Made to your measure and I Dropsa card to 323 S. Mfins St.rj A FIT GUARANTEED1j -- ___ -0'/ai ATCOQOK IROUMLBL0, .OD ALL [l mdr i n n' ii ! n1 (( Unde r N ew frnagem e 1 . ljI11Ill,, it~/lit (Y IIISChjos givn god for anwhere is.7 7 the house. [ree Luncb.w ., CLOTHIERS, .L~ri[ Hatters and Furnishers. Frost Avaliu Meat MlkCt, Linen, and CUFF 109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Poultry, Game and Fish in Seasn dYeDU F ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 ARE THE BEST. v :.4 r..- a" "V ,,..... ...-." ." ". ...:. , Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen" t . T. Other brands advertised and Sold a linen are fls ofALBERT UTZ NbOT stamped "Linen. Why? Clss ,XFOR S o _ _ _ __She ele G~t' OUR U O RelableSoem Deae t Sold by Wagner & C. 2 for 25 cents 113 124 S. Male Street ________o."___"___. '.....2_._"________________ A3 '04 Oveett0yeaes agoPond's Exteact-he gg* g l tg *s+&g, 4, 708 s 0 f, I,.,18 -1. gQ I g +++41ts "i<+astq oldfomilyrloe-ame intoeiteroe. , Durngal tes yar i hs ee ' ,RE N T SGH L ER Fr anything in the line of aand theome, laig eyfr these relieff of all the olg Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentshler, '~ palms, aches and arcidenslofo so fe- 0 Phone 3892r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 'i4,tcuerle lotesolb s~we've Got in the roomeofevery studeut-haedy ',,a&" 8A" New~kg $ g $ $,4 - Pq,++.+ $ &" I'+ " for quick use-and applied eoreANe aidrvssuyfothbri.e- -lieven earache, toothache, rheumea- $0 FOR SUCCESSFUL ESSAY. corl-iamndscaLLin.AR tlsm l cures ruts huses, hrns;0 stps OS _cra-ia onsarpn hleeding from ets and wounsss,aned LOT--FLDCOLA sothas all paint5 A woderlly cut- The uive sty authorities recently ibea reward i returnedt to 209 S. stheaearshadirrogt Consimers' League, which offers stu- mxeX Have You Seen It? on fyashv rseoe et nosiarintoI s u. Ticket for four aampoo-$1.00. t n'oaeatoocF "re. James . Angel, orfueCs atedrdWic Soft water. Miun Vaughan, near Quar- f ItHazel when itiseireredi "Dear Sir:-The Consumers' Leagtue ry's. is yo'' a a sbstitute; if of the City itf New York offers a prie _________ Extact yoa will rrfusfeitydllr ($50) for the est essay ~WGE O Inttakce naysustitte- on "The Consumers' Legue" I Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- A yon will insitonmst traoftn osmrs ege row's and Huyler'a Chocolates atCush. Haberdashers .$~ Hattersa. -c old ny2 e e oce its princisles, aims, methods and etd tg's Pharmacy. wmve°ou sder tesff ae,ees of acion, as well as give practical ACCPT O UBSITUE, suggestions for the immediate eten- / TYour eyes examined by an «« A ETNOSBTTE. Sion of its work., expert optician. All the a- '44%r"; '4 * °< "ka42 -The eaometion is open to wmnen st approved appliances and methods - Priesonstudents, gradtatoeor tunergradtate known to the profession are employed. + SpecialPrcso who are engaged i wont at ay col- New eye glasses fitted, lenseu dupli-} frad ulPilo& Pllwlege in the Unied States. setrs cated, frames repaired. Halers Jew- Arkansas, Texas, Mexico MadeUp p11 W, p110W "' M. Jhn GahamBroks, he pey-elry Tops and Banners, itent of the National Cnumers' and California... T~i WEK, T Lagte;Mes lrtcoeteSh Bath uppies of 'it kinds at all AtDrln &Mllaxs secretary and Prof. Charles etalin prices at Cue hinga Drug store. t. Are best reached via -_..- ---to actas udgev st THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. S.Lus World's lullCty A. J. WATSON 'The pulcations of the League willth he fotnd in thec college lirary. ( Furnishes music for al occasion. "Essays must e submitted efare i Danco music a specialty. Address L. Wall Paper, Paints' May ltt.1905, to D aemngr 0 .Fut v ion floun i[ THE CONSUMERS' LEAGUE lne. 29-tf and ois PRIZE COMPETTION, Ro t 1.0k East 22d St., New Yrk City. LOST-A ladies' closed face gold; -216 [ast Huron Street. TUSA-TGAGRS ach ev tAgoo ie Two daily trains to California. TUSDYATGRNERS office and receive reward. Three daily trains to Mexico. FINE-FordiytantoTxs 10Pratgram of dances asusautal 8to' The University Comedy cluh pre- Four daily trains t ea.Pcue n Fa e lcteewl otnetl et Ms ob"a h tes ordiytan to Hot Springs. an ls fschool, June 14. The regular Monday night, May 23 Six daily trains to Little ock. 't-a-ve.assemhlies cntinue to June 2t tv o a t TERSEST OF EVERYTHING. D1 PkEr5 ART(T ORJEtk, 7-ii8 ItOSS GRANGER. Hv ouhda irssg tWRITE MsE. 217 S. Fourth Avenue. SUMMER WORK H. D. Armstron, TP A., Stdent agents wanted ftr Mc NOTICE. 1231 Wastenw Ave., + 'tktt ''$'" ° Clares Mgzine. Large commission., Memers of the gradauatin schoolAuAhril. Cash pries far est work. Easy. taking the degree of A. . in June, - tao Dignified. Write now for ful partic- should place their orders for caps and ?$ ___ dt i .~ulrs. 141 Es 5htNwYokgwswihms Lvlihotdly ) S . E . ri g t , g t . C t y .1 67 -e . N o o r d e r s c a n b e fille d la te r th a n M a y 316 . Min t. nn rbo. JB PINTNG-MEYRS.215 Man S. S PhneFountainntin epens usat g .Cu.shingss ' t o d0 UR _PO IC Y Origisal Milk To t~IudentS The building up of a Telephone Sytem with evry possible Ynod- h c l t t ise7amed erc niprovement; the giving of better service than wa ever thought :a iefns ail hclt S nna pietasnriats ob'Foabe justcintever --oaron us, refer- J fie with nlotlhing short of the confidence atnd good will of every citizen_ to b DR. I]IIS chase ton aske hiin the county. the SwisMilk whirls I oee avekoawn H "U WASI tE t[NAW IHOA1[ I[L[PUON[ C®.' t $is r. Cotweli's Magic # gvsata rcnesS Eyptian Oi foe TEMPORARY OFFICE: Liberty street, ntear Fourithiesi. rcnssp5 - many years and knew tDr. thighColwel sf-sessed by 110 0011r. a ,ny ph y sic in and segia- ' the Jackason Gaasnty f ~ L1 et l Pharmaceutical Society, and we do not haesi-I tate to recosmmend to our trade his oil -as a WL sperioe remerdy to all cases of sprains, heuts-,a N es. sore msclees, lamene soand foi n eal a1-m{ jvYMI plication after gymnsium orscoelur violenat ex- Cic32AS'''AE ST.w else. Itsis a high 'rode peparation of -alee- 't 324 STATE hot -and essential oils and soothiang and local- (;rokm' in Turkey. iog medicinal ingredients that penetrate Perfected tn Egypt. quickly and alloy a11l soreness sod Inteamma- ;f ttos, leaving the skin and clothing.finefrfiom stain. TChere is no grease of any kind usedi noed in Ameica SDr. Cowell's Magic Egyptan Oil.EnoeinA rca t 1i We have suach confidence in Ds-. Colwettl's ; P5?5OdesSML HO MARLS LGYI'TAN s~StnsN MEL GILLESPI E teaches with the nouitive guarantee that it will givetofrsces.1adln BnjadGu a. satisfactplen. If it dses not you can return Cork ips o rPlan. IndlnBnoanYufr the Sttle sod we will refund poor money.-Saver he Coupns,.20E.WsigoStPhn73 QurysCmu rgStore east Has agaey for BrntMandois, Fared Banjo asad MartisnIGuitar. Always Ahead MILTXIAPPI THE, TATTC.D The Best AnStyles. -s/.. of Everything in Tailoring