THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0. IH. Wild Compay $ = Loading Merchat Tailors Z SPRINGi WOO[ENS 2 For Suits Top Coats and Tosr.Full dress suits *specialty. Let us show you' Iour London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, F dinurghs, Drum - tochty's, McGugors, Londonj and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Ame r-t ican Serges. Please call and see: G. H. 'Wild Comlpally lo0l . WAtlINOTON STRET. SENIOR STUDENTS 1 Leave your ordersno s fore ENGRAVEDo ScrptRomnOld English Frm$.5to $3.00 100 Cards and Copper Plate* 100 Cards from Plate, 75. New lne Cranea Fine Stationery SHEEHAN & CO., University Booksellers, Sta- j tioners and Engravers. 320 South State Street.j **@*1s1.NO**@*oe*S**S*e* U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATh k00151. J. R. TROJAOWSKI, Proprietor. Face Massage a specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET C. . "AJOR E, CO"PANY Secialy of in Inferior Decorating Complete new line of Wall Papers, Paints, Oils and Varnishe. 123 E. Washisgto. Phoac 237 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entered asseo d lss inate at the Ann Arbor Pot Office. Published daily (Mondy ecepted during the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, (basemenet floor side entrance) Phoet892 3r MANAGING EDITOR: S. EMIOY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAER: RIOSCOE 1. HUSTON EDITORS: JAthletics, - - - HounER K. WAeTO News- - - - 0.J. -BALEYe ASSOCIATES: Clifford Stereeson, Roy Peebles, A. M. raver, iHenry PErwin A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeeye. Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. Ida M. Broanrigg. I. Waite Jayne. Ge. A. Osborn. Harold C. eSith. Barry 1. Andrew. Plhs. A. Sins. Thomas S. iRobrts. Clydr L. Dew. BUSINESS STAFF: C. A. Thompson. We. it Lloyd M. S. Noblitz. H. K. Etourette. tBej. . Ilcioy. fles. L. Feee. Editor Today-A. R. PEEBLES. Suscription -weo Delr per year, aable lee advance. if idcisqsees after Nev. 1 00, $2.00 OficeHour:--12:30 to 1:3 and 6:30 to 7:30 p. t. Daily. Addres-ROSCOE . HUSTON, Bsines SMan- aer, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. CALENDAR. May 23-Comedy Club play "Miss Hobb" at the Athens Theatre. May 2-07 ~it Dance at Barosr Gymium~ln. May 26-Thoreelty evening-"Mental EvolutisneiniiAnimals," y Plf. Pillsbury, Mseuml Lettrero tom. May 27-Friday evening-"TieRi- vals," by he High School Coemeey cluib, Ahens Theiatre. May 27-Frieday, 4 p. mn-Supt. W. J. McKone, Albion, lecure at Tall ian Hall. May 27-Dr. D. J. Phons speals as teeiversity . M. C. A. at (;:1. May 27--Dice Club concert in Cniver- sity Hall. May 2-Deutneher Verein play "Die Hlochzitreine" in Sarah Cawell Angell Mall. The unanimous decision of he J. Hop cosmmittee- in devoting he $170 trofits of he sdance to the Mihigan Cisib Hsous, fsnd furnishes he fit tangible encousragement that the con- mittee les received, asd in true bssi- ness pirit tis will be invesed Is secure more. That we need a clsb housse, and hat the idea itself is here to slay, is beysod question. We nmsst now devise he neas. To do this the plan insst be advertied and sle alun- ii, ssudent boey, ansd people at large, thsorouighy interested. As a means In this end the committe has in uind a monstrsls banquet to be pslled oft early next year. Ansd it is to this end that the J. Hop fsnd will be devoted. Thorough advertisement of it will be given, noted speakers secured and at that ime ho project will be launched wish a display of enthusiasm and spirit that can ont fail to big re- stn. Thus what a fe* months ago was considered by many as an idle "pipe dream" has already asumed definite- proportions and has received a real financial start. leWeis Rackets We have bst to convince the public and the alumni that we are in earnest, that we need a Mouse, aiid that we _0 are going to have one to enlist their sits. ecatise though few of them be- long to the millionare class, yet many PretBlne have the means and he will to help Best Whie Ash frames. csonsiderably if convinced, that they would materially aid the alma mater. Clearest and Best Quality Gut So it is nst snly the financial aid that Stringing. the $170 will bc but it shows the def- Wrmnhp adfns nite shape which the idea has areadsy Wrmnh ad fns taken aisd can but compel all inter- Throughout the Best ver ested in Michigans welfare to work Put Into a Tennis Racket. with tireleszeal for the clsib hosse. INLANDER MEETING Yu'lfind all sfteese good polents ine At a meeting of the oard of Di- rectts of the Inlander Publishing THEt PIM at $8.00 comnipany, the folowing officers were, elected: President, F. N. Scott; vice-AD presiedent, Nathan Vigr; secretary ansi treassirer, Husgo Sonnenschein; SPALDING'S 60[D MDA business manager, HI. C. Sterenson The managing editor was not de- With Cover, $8.00. isded pun at this imeetsg us the Bosardl, bti it is tprobable that lhiss office will be filled at a ueeseg whch wll be held next were. The' Inlander, it will be remen- for sal at bored, has recently loosed usider new managensent, and placesd upon a sonnet 5AHDR$ OOSTRE fsiancial basis. The stoce is owned nr.ns111 (TRI by member sof the facslty ansIsts, lent body. The Inlander uder its new asuspices will represent nmore truly than ever the whle studeint ,,;,.:+ 4...«b .2. body. y*1 1ty. Stevenson, the new business = P E IA manager, is a sopihomre literary stn-; set from Kalamazoo. Hle has hadtI L considerable newspaper experience ande during the last twos years has.7 bein an assciae eitsofthe Michi- gao Daily. +Donovan's Dr Y . sM.osC.A. ds stte M odern Jury Dr F J Poms gadat o te Trials M\edical Deartent class vef '98, wo, j sas beets living in Arabia fer sssme 3i years, and whoe is this year pususinlg Cotaiin~gcondensdl 4 a special cosrse of study here, will c ases, withil setches ad spteake tonlight as :30 ini the ausdits- speeches of Amiericanu riesm of MMillan Hall. The lecsre ~avocats. The art of will be illusstrated by stereopticson. tsinigases atdmn ___________man-_tier of consel descried; 4 NEGATIVE IS CHOSEN a= Inotes aneli tles ofipracice : Minnesota has chosen he negative By/ Jlge Jsvj . 1 lossvss'sss, 'I of the following qsestion, to be sebat-3 ofDelofti. ed wish tCsicago: "Hesolvedt hat the 6 Uitedel Sates shssuld coistinuseits srvso- 4. (des90esI. Os ens psolicy in regard to comsbinationess tee a 1s' aa. ot railroads." p(c, o $2s The sdebate will lake placc next Jan- '___ sary. Thse afirmative was coseninl she debate to be held wills Ioa. '$ Jsoe 3.1,eieItsl Tbh' Vigilance committee secidedel _11 ; S" . StalSt. I3e. '6 last iight that the anisual freshsman .1 caso butrning should takee place Friday night, May 20th. The freshnman class will gather on the Library slope and tart with their regulation caps for- ever. The folleiwing committee was appointedl to be in charge: H. H. Van Be fair to your leet, D. P. ells, H. Correll face" Use Wsilliams' NOTICE LAW SOCIAL CLUB Sh1avinlg Soap. The ast: of the Law Social Clusb Sold 10 Shaving Sticks, Tablets, Etc. dances will be held as. Granger's, Mo- say evening. 67 DIAN M. 31AI3OLT, lMaagrT L eek commencing Monday, May 16 z IVIUVIUIUramatic Co. r z In a Repertoire of Metropolitan Successes.Z IGH=ICLASS VAUDEVILLE PRICES, 10c, 20c, 30c. NO H IGH-ER. s COMING!1 II MRS. FISKE in Ibsen's "liedda Gabler." *m N 1Neeeee~eoeoeeioe eN@.o TIS SPACE IBELONGS 10 THEt S. L. A. I I I I I 5 @wrw...owom...jil . TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS and HATTERS. 334 5. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r,