The ichigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICI., SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1904. WISCONSIN DEFEATED COf"EDY CLUB STAGG HAD IT RIGHT 'Varsity Takes Badgers Into Camp- Produces "Miss Hobbs" Tomorrow Guessed Correctly That Michigan 3 to 1-Pitchers' Battle Between Night at Athens Theater-Many Would Win by About 71 to 55- Wendell and Young-Bril- New Names in Cast Along Three Western intercollegiate liant Playing by With Old Stars. Records Were Smashed Both Teams. er mby Michigan Men. Jer ome K. Jerome's clever comedy Hats off to "Molly" Wendell! Is "Ms Hobbs" will be given at the The track and field athletes of Mich- Athens Theatre on Monday evening, igan yesterday invaded the Windy the most brilliant game of the season, May the twenty-third, by the t'niver- City and administered a decisive de- the freshman twirler yesterday o- sity Comedy club. feat to their Maroon opponents. The Young, dispelled the hodoo and it is hoped that the student body final score was 71 to 55. Strange to brought the 'Varsity home a winner and faculty will turn out in full force say the outcome was almost exactly by a score of 3 to 1. "Molly" was in and support the production. Since the that predicted by Coach Stagg this a parsimonious frame of mind, three proceeds are to go to the remodeling morning. The Wolverine athletes im- hits being the extent of his allow- of Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, that proved noticeably on Keene Fitpat- ance to the Badgers, and for the first hreater1 the University productions rick's "dope" as the Michigan train- tragnsca be staged there. er's start only gave men on form a first basing Only in the fifth didow Through the clever management of margin of five points. falter for instant. Wiilth one down, lr. Dupcnt the members have been Michigan men improved on three rounded into excellent condition Western intercollegiate records. Capt. Gates ed onbetween In 'rcc though many o its members are new. Kellogg lowered the Western inter- Carrothers t mforienbaoes. Inertori Miss Van Volkenberg, Mr. Dickey collegiate two-mile record to 9:57 1-5, Unepire Byron motioned Gates to con- and Mr. Bird are the older and well Hall made the half-mile in 2:00 flat tpie Byrone motonte Galesk - remembered layers of the past pro- and Rose smashed the world's record tone his travels to the third sadk, aheI fcctiocc. to bits with a pu -f 8fet7inhs leging interference by Camsphell.- Tb-' cins obtswt pill of 48 feet 7 inches. shortstop Hoelte made a drive which Among the new players are Misses A surprise was in store for Stagg in shorstoset mdexact dpicate fwh Caldwell, Flanagan and Boyle, and the 440-yard dash and mile run. Both ewas balmostans .exact wrduplicate o h one by Gates. However he overesti- -essrs. Trumacker, Becker and Dut- Garrels and Goodwin waltzed home mated his sprinting ability and was an ton. ahead of Taylor, the Chicago star, in easy out trying to make third. Roys This performance promises well to the quarter. tried to emulate the feats of the two ice the cleverest production yet staged Hahn's showing in the dashes was preceding batsmen but Carrothers had by the ifversity Comedy Club and a disappointment which is as yet on- gotten the range by this time, mal- there is little doubt of its financial explained. On his showing of last ing a pretty catch of the drive and the success. week, he was entitled to first in both threatened double was averted. After The cast is as follows: events and the 'Varsity meet, improv- this Wisconsin was dangerous but Wolf Kingrearl .........P.B. Dickey ed on the time made by the winner once, that being in the sixth when, Percival Kicgsearl ..-.....Tom Bird at Chicago. He probably had an "off" with two out, the first and second George Jesop, ........ Walter Becker day. cushions were occupied by prancing Captain Sands ..........Dell Dutton Chicago's unexpectedly strong show- Badgers eager to cake the trp home Charles............Budd Trumacker ing in the sprints left the result of but "Pat" Boyle quenched ti cir as- Mrs. Percival Kingsearl..Kate Bogle the meet in doubt until the last twoc pirations by a pretty stop nd throw Miss Millicent Farley ............. events, before which the score was of Leahy's grounder.-.-.-.-.-..--.".".... Frances Caldwell practically a tie. It shocid bynocioeans bei'ferred Miss Susan Abbey....Mary Flanagan By winning first yesterday a new that Wendell was the whole per:'mn- - ance. There were eight other heroes in the game and they gave an exoibi- tion of baseball that was joyous to behold. The outfielders, haa habit U NIVEISiTY P E S E N T S of projecting them.elvco in crot of MISS H Q B 8 5 fly balls that was extremely ac-ciMng M SS to the gentlemen with strilce lciockc- ings and it was like trying to hit through a stone wall to attempt to drive one through the infield. 4U The game might just as well have w ATHENS THEATRE Re been called at the end of the first dso W C r Monudy Evenng., May 23 far as actual results were concerned.- The local aggregation proceeded tc get very busy in the first and started Seats on sale tomorrow at Sheehan's Bookstore. PRICES: $1.00, 75c and 50c out after "Cy" as though determined ---+ - +-...+.++++++++++++++++, to give him a permanent abiding - _ place in the tall timber. Bird hit tbo A liaid Servant ...Nettie Schuyler man is added to the "M" list. Garrels first ball for a terrific drive straight Myiss Henriclta Hobbs............won the coveted ensignia by crossing at Perry, who fumbled. Accorling to Nellie Van Vokenberg the table ahead of the field in the his usual custom, Tom then stole sece- ''' - .cIiVa V qebg te t ond only to be put out at third when Tickets will be placed on sale at quarter. Redden hit to the shortstop. DePree Sheehan's book store, Monday morn- The summaries:- came along with a single and Boyle ing. itt-yard dash-Rice, C, tat; Hahn, advanced both runners with a neat -M., 2d; Blair, C., 3d. Time :10. nacrifice. It was now cic to Tccrnr. MAMATEURS AT WORK 220-yard dash-Rice, C., 1st; Hahn, The Little One swung furiously at M., 2d; Blair, C. 3d. Time :22 1-5 ' one of "Cy's" benders, knocking it , l d -. half way down to first and then The class ic journalism at the Uni- 440-yard dash-Garres, M., 1st; starting on a desperate sprint for the versity of Chicago, recently went thru Goodwin, M., 2d; Taylor, C., 3d. Time initial corner. Young dove for the the entire performance of getting out :52 1-5. ball but with Turner between himself a great metropolitan daily. 880-yard dash-Hall, M., 1st; Cahill, and the first baseman, it was a hope- The paper was not printed, but eve- C. 2d; Parkinson, C., 3d. Time 2:00 less task to try to get "Eva" at first. ry part of the work tf making a news- flat Mowever "Cy" made the attempt with paper was gone through, except the the result that the ball caromed off actual composition and printing. Mile run-Perry, M., 1st; Lyon, C.,t Turner's back to the running track The various members of the class 2d; Daane, M., 3d. Time 4:34 2-5. while Redden and DePree romped were given assignments, all parts of Two mile run-Kellogg, M., 1st; home. Carrothers saw a good chance the city being covered. Two scoops Stone, M., 2d; Henry, C., 3d. Time to fatten his batting average while were achieved by the cub reporters, 9:57 1-5. the Wisconsin pitcher was up in the a drowning story, and a south side 120 yard high hurdles-Catlin, C., air and sent the ball whirling to left diamond robbery. 1st; Nicol, M., 2d; Stewart, M., 3d. for three bases, scoring Turner. The Chicago Tribune aided the ama- Time :15 2-5. Young decided that Michigan had teur journalists in the form of tips 220-yard low hurdles-Catlin, C., about all that was coming to her, and and siecial assignments. The Inter its; Stewart, M., 2d; Nicol, M., 3d. his great pitching combined with the Oceac pri' I'd some of tie work pro- Time :25 2-5. superb fielding behind him gave the duced. Shot put-Rose, M., 1st; Dunlap, M. 'Varsity a row of goose eggs for the 2d; Gale, C., 3d. Distance 48 ft. 7 in. rest of the game. But the damage '07 Dance, Pole Vault-Kennedy, C., and Clark, was done and three runs proved to be enough to win.'.td rfrs;Wty, ., d- Wisconsin looks the best of any oc;The social committee of the '07 Lit-- Height, 5 feet, 7inches. h esconsen herethisbeson.ayfererary class has completed arrange- Hammer throw-Rose, M., 1st; Par-1 the teams seen here this season. After mCal;osnC.;d Ditce No. 167 GLEE CLUB The Musical Clubs Will Give Their Final Concert Friday Evening, the 27th. New Stunts Worked in "The Victors" Will Be Sung Especially for those who did not hear the Club at the J. Hop concert, nor upon their trips, and also to enter- tain the Interscholastic athletes, the Glee, Banjo and Mandolin clubs will give a popular "negligee" concert on Friday, the 27th, in University Hall. The price of admission will be 50 cents for all except the visiting ath- letes, who will be admitted free. The concert will abound in good Michigan songs and stunts. Many new pieces have been added since the J. Hop program, most notable of which is "The Victors," rendered "en- semble" by the Glee club. Many of the older students will remember this march which was written for our vic- torious "eleven" of '99. During the spring trip the author, Mr. Lewis Rb- bel, conducted the club in this num- ber. Wherever it was heard the praise was so hearty that it justified the adoption of the song by the club as one of the regular Michigan anthems. It is safe to say that never before did the University present such a fine musical club as we have this year, and with the fifty cent admission price, and the audience expected to wear "hot weather attire," the concert will no doubt take on the air of a large mass meeting, where all can hear the old Michigan songs again. The management is about even financially and the proceeds of this concert will be devoted to buying the usual musical club ensignia. MAY AFFECT LAW DEPARTMENT A dispatch sent out from Lansing last night will be of more than pass- ing interest to the law students at the University. Should the supreme court decide that the admission of attorneys to the bar is a judicial and not leg- islative function as the state bar as- sociation claims, a certain prestig will be taken from the 'Varsity law school. The dispatch reads: Acting upon a resolution adopted at the last meeting of the state bar asso- ciation, the association's committee on legislation and law reform, through John C. Patterson, has presented to the supreme court a rule relative to the admission of attorneys to the bar. The change proposed is radical, re- quiring all applicants for admission to submit to an examination before the state board of law examiners. The present practice is to permit the stu- dents from the state University and Detroit College of Law to be admitted upon the presentation of diplomas. The proposed rule provides meas. ires to discover and to exclude unfit and unworthy applicants, and its au- thors declare it would raise the stand- ard of qualifications of lawyers for admission to the bar. It is mentioned that there are now only 13 states which retain the practice of admitting applicants to the bar upon the presen- tation of diplomas. '05 LAW DANCE. The social which is to be given by the 1905 Laws on Friday evening, May 27, at Granger's, promises to be one of the most successful affairs ever given by the class. The feature of the evening will be the program, which will take the form of a legal document. This novel and unique idea, which originated with the present senior law class, of hav- ing a program typical of the depart- ment, has been taken up by the jun- iors and it seems very likely that it will become a fixed custom of the de- partment. As this is to be strictly a class so- cial, it is the desire-of those in charge that all who intend to go shall pur- chase their tickets as soon as possi- ble, in order that adequate prepara- tions may be made. Tickets are $1.00 each and may be purchased of the committee, which consists of D. Witt, W. R. Weeks, D. F. Smith, E. H. Ireland and J. L, Ir- win. V11 lGW11 . ment~s for an informal party to be giv- the first inning they did not make the en in Harbocr semblance of an error while they pro-c gmhe uoeth rly ceeded to pull off some plays that lay evening. The purpose of the party were scintillating. Short stop, Hoeltz, c to raise funds for the purchase of especially distinguished himself in the class caps and sweaters for the base ball team, which has fought its way sixth by making a pretty rcnnang through the interclass series to the catch of Campbell's fy which ap- finals. Root's Orchestra will furnish peared to be an assured safety. the music and every effort will be This is the official tale of how the made to make the party a notable (Continued on page three.) social success. ry, C., 2d; Tobin, C., 3d. Distance, 154 feet.- Discuss throw-Parry, C., 1st; Rose,t M., 2d; Garrels, M., 3d. Distance, 121 < feet. Broad jump-Freund, C., 1st; Heath M., 2d; Kennedy, C., 3d. Distance, 1 22 feet, 1 inch. Final score-Michigan, 71; Chicago, 55. .t,