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May 21, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-21

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'0 0 0 TT 7-Ti- T A-OT- ^4t- #-- 4-14-6.1

Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and
Oxfords niow in. See our new
Tans in window, button or lace, in
the "New Spud Last."

Qrotvn in Turkey.
Perfected in Egypt.
Enjoyed in America.

A - t , f )t
c 111 I
4F'u,,J C s F

For the benefit of our customrers we wishi to say t t the
Puritan Shoe Co. lhas bieen trade very tmuch sti otigzr by cot ri
into theuliands of thle facturs--Geo. E. Kelih CoirinN,,truck tinr
Mriass. Geoirge E. Keith dins not coutrol the i ue Par iran n it

.. 'i I _ r ttr
-ll c;:
tt!t r .lii
l .1lii(ttn"ll S.

She doues noew.uir nd onriolfhl foa, jpalfreirs uri ad entr ub jicIncca
tiiiitde the niiveirill rlititfiit Joirt. He has always lrailthe ex- .
cinusive right ini rrrakirrg yirir shoes. iheir mus1ing, your IPu Lii°
SOxfords tis rsprirng he sure arid buy tihe ortrrxsti,, anld riot Soire j\/MONEXY LOAN ED ON
tinferior ibranrd with tire Piuritanriilabel. Strick is all fresh; litCVW *. arisDnnd. .
+shrapes rand styles anrriving daily. .iZ. rnrdery,aid all tttgh +
I lssChattel ttni
collateral Security.
+The Old Place, 111 South Main Street t t,~,lensretort louse 11( 45M
R-HE N T S CH L ER For anything ini the line of
T~Snisora Falls Iflo Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, £
1't1ill 110t10' ii1,1,- 4 Phone 3892r. Corner :Main arid Huomn Streets. 4-
ANN ARBOR to it)4~444,4r4,4s

, ! is-i" t

t Arkafsas, Texas, Mexico
+and California...
Are host reached via
St. Louis, World's Lair City,j
IroD cuntain
'1 trotda il ir s rt aio-
1-h -ren i-uyWnato N tnt Se-. +
Fou hr trin;; tir a it.



NtEW YORK -li O N IstiT ir.
AND BOSTjON A meetrrittf re Ann Artir i t I .uuxr u; .P .
ciiiire n~nrn nsii treoi~i5Stchoos tAhlteticAssrrciatnrecenrtly Tliii ininersity Homrrerrpathilrte r"D 'l * i .P .
aoilrrnu ll.F. tu ro r V iwan adressedt by Cairt. Ketlrrg, if err is tin'Wrnrr'rf tire ariarterly. 1 23t,\Vninir r errarr vr.,
Isir litoorotticoond tirrog;i lescall oner the 'Varsity T'rait Teamr. KetlrnggoItie- irrbticatirrnr of wtichl by rbe Far-
write lo W. 1V. CASE. Agont-ri In Arbor. Ants Arbor, lilch.i
gas-e the youinIreathtittenqunite i Wrsilty r isandthe stririerrs of ttrehoe)-re
- ~b -i t, of rartical hintsn aiboutrtratiing . ritbie rieril e nt t he l i ve rtnrity . . . .. + s...-. . .
A. [tfrIBI[q and gettig anrilteetpiig inieonditionri, ifAiii i-t;rn ii ian recenity bign.n iii.r _______________________
ForestAvenue MeatMre.adtvisediterms-err si iriirty tio cutiiuinn innjornail stirecenrin"Phiats,' wiih
Foes TI }b are. moinandnerrgraturlartdtie n-u iiiinansipublistredrtytryhierembers at tire
Poo IIry, Oame and Fish in Season their rmiaterialt ittheirtprnnspects nattjunioirrcan ss iiisran irriral Inc seveir;w a
tire comiiiig Itrte.iila tie. . n-ri. Tire nissioiirntf lie rnw ill,-A
posoessv. ho 41 I i rilre thatiniiianortber yer iililtiorn ray ire juidged rromirthinfr-tntr
the inghiisethool maiiy- ruse-tire use-ofningr rpraraprhitale roimunits Sal-
A. J. WATSON lie 'Vanrsiy Filorti uitdtoor triig itnitirrt'lreObnererwilittei, prant-o
--iiIplace of i'tlaiair oi 'hire I entry, a re-irtrer iiithe var itdi titH r
lurn ape , P in swiltlire sorim e- niiern of ire 'arsiy iy-al anut nirgical indris-es bting cirai e
tamriount, i to cac-hr the-hugh sihool i ed itn itre ceriecini- csiiii t ure
"i o ail igr.irs itiei i i'.rnr i r 5 i way fromirthe trider, soliciitous ores
andii tritnieebritaiih nl rtt rt iinm iinihrtl l aiarthe Study. eli atoher-at school-studynyghalr,
t7 he itersholsticwillbe hld his t isnot intndedthattheprovnc 0sl 0eeisin gI iideiraeerdenutsw so
in iion lie 27111 i i (thiiof A1lyandn'oitihr jornails shalt ti, n roer chmied tncesiihappeniili it Kiniemothier
2 I 6 [ a14 itrOn SIiteCt. isit nisii asiusiraitof at ir'"t is her Io in iithe-leanst;on thieront rany-.hliii would useiPod's Exrtere-ie indiy
hi- - ricl oer aMic-igan andirtomn le-adirin run sswiltltbe-tofrinrrrishthir-rr srithIiurn -thoe inny noon hlr. For onveli0
P - h i scthnolsains(teselaindt andrt(phi i- eilthlit rthey a y- utilizetoiadviri- yero thieesrsae eraiedin s5arid
Chew il1i. i rgCnd ' Tire ILewis ntriirir eilirry b 1Ighefeondhrs'"busswt
CrJenaeiit ya.mna tr iiii - ___P__lon's 't rractacliii live nevebeen
j oh t it ii hilts i-aot liiiati-er'nt liiittis-illdisapporerrid iniit Trreisnooemonedy
, alt ni I SlotI s ij s o te-stlillre madlie- to enorie' a ftune -ilcket for fllour mpts-l5 whibhswill take its irruer-ro surbsitutce.
irieyr-ar rule fir repa r'ratorey nsbhoolt. spos$10. ewater. Miss Vaughan, near Quae ii ie.bttle iesndy Ifor
Candy ou I001-1i F ry'S. t ~i se rehensiihelfaceafter
:lot st~te S. "" 1runys hng. Watered
--NFSCETr-esh Loseneys, Allegrettis, Spar- 015'i oiit io - sorotitees
fr, redri ins pinree of
- .A & ' AL A ow's and Huayher's Chocolates at Cush- l'oird'sr btriet maso
DYAA&I. AI AY ri-liiir-co iiiyiitltinrg's Pharmacy. epsnirivelry' ls
5-r'ANDAOIZD''MP regularrmnity meeiting lastniirghtr. l'oad's__Extract_________
i-iretin alfihoiurly frn rrom :.a.m. untiiilirhe Irerrnarnr eonsisted rif a tpapter by to reyes eDmIed byan TomONSi threrefore is preliess.
GA 1.sr. In. e'Th irihiry untili1:1.). o -reY vin- Y u y se a ie ya
irlania Sitnb. r o lardn'o.yi.Inu re t. tBatlh onire ' ith rnltrg (tas" andri p "~
-lyinii fnrom inn~i n. unil7:1.ria. on. li.one by Me. Olsoiiionn"Atuntminm" - ie orta.Alah a- ~~ -ie) ouniecr daap n o-eee.
't~hn t, s: t5r. . ad 1t :t a.rn.noet approved appliances and omethods ACCEPT NO SUJBSTITUT1E.
wiing a R5li.oolHurinSt.p . o Mi.nhsiate.evein hehsr- o
of Mb thns ttterrevie-ren th hirtine i oosn to the profession areemployed.
he anyailmpi in mate trirninil New eye glasses fitteid, leases dupili-
stdi 555 IAIari ineii a ennmmerc-n eiardict inp toitbecnsni- cated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew. ----
rstet V. 'cerisinenti. esltCareUlySor.I. ctriC and bas
5S. nr.siorns.Itnoashir. c soICale falt, an undrei grcear tre f
crate at Obnerlin in 1889, anndrof lie ______________
FIRST NATIONAL BANK wiespreadl use ofthIe metlsince Fixtures and Construction
OF NNAiit~tsiirtL ha rme.AterlbSpegem ii~tit- Bath supplies of all kinds at all Iluin iriand inrIstenainmain nk t ll a
OFAINAL, - - - MI uri.othatstnieg.fteeserete poriaSlm triafolprices at Coshing's Drug sae. tf. f reinasonn ~era. nila
SURPLUS ANDS PROFITS. - $40,000uorn. See., K. R. Tinlbinam; Chairman J. F. SCflLIS, 207 f. Wasbingthon st.
'Technic" Boiarnd, R. A. Stonwt Pees., THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. _- _
MANN'S DRUG STORE h~~f ~ ~ ur onnishescusic or [lloth ionff Bixier's
13 OUI IAN tarrar, Fredl Traey; Re. Secy., W.. nu~e.to mngr, 29-tf Ph 1s cal Training
Th elere urit a udaLOST--A ladies' closed tace ogntld n W ig
... .. r . :, very successful year. The active watch. Leave at Argus or Timeosv ri~~
BAILEY ft EDMUNDS, ' membership has crime nip tn abourt office and receive reward.
nnsumtE *130 anlI the meetings inane been well TheBookforAllth
FIS riNETSB1 for tDecorating f attend~ed.- The Uiaversity Comedy cluob pro- I- TeBo o l h
seclte "Miss Hobbs" at the Athuens, People All the Time
j 121 E. Liber-ty St. NOTICE. Mtonday night, May 23.___
- In all t n forii hmOne m r o emsentl.
^- Members o'.h0 graduating scos FOR RENT-A furnisbedt housne after iuIiio ilu-nltte. Price$t1111 lu-sn-teryn-ns
,,++++++4+ ++,,.S..++.e.'.+taking the ndegree oli A. M. in Jurne, school closes, 313 N. Thayer St. d3 luhe r nnInhs' n-niees Iionurenunsceureby ui-
~.AHN RS. should place their orderu foe capnsadtnor, $ rrnn tri IlittI iunnendirpyin-uri
gownu with Miss Lovell without dolay. dave your balla Vibransage attrhunrinrg inn n-niditiinntfo lre$1our irone week
Q'Noorders can be fied later than May Trj'? cfuren fineail 'citing. touiidnhraindtnirourteu
li0, lt__________B__IusiniessPnmnand u l n essnniloe.
Zssd Fltos.. Atlius. T~eatrc0 aid0 JOB PRINTING-- MEYERS. 215 AdesPO.G ILR
." i +$.Y*$++ +++++I,+ Fountain pes t Cushings. If. Min Si. S.Phnne 281.aio t n ge v. hcg
Always Ahead MLW R, H AL R The Best
nStyles. of Everything In Tailoring

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