THEI MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. GEORGE -BISOHOFF l Correct Clthes for Men 1F.AR[.7. xnoenli Di(rC o. V hel a 5~LT t tu1 . MI s CHOICE CUT FLOWERS5 & PLANT15AN amnhs SH R C K 'i lrin(,rh 5Chpio 5t., ictwoeeo HuroS. and MlicrA. advnced himself SIIORICAK[ier Critann¢It LnPhn tiociety1because Ain business and InI order that you nmay be- s he !ws± i'looked, spoke, conie acquainted with our ex- IIO KIN6 VALL[EY 3' nRny ~ au~~can and acted the cletuces v xtietTRAIN SERVICE -4 emelan. We Seltrwbeshoreimder ' - -YOU WILL FIND-- Cpyrightiiso3A.. &Co. can't help you ,Strwbery Sortcke, adein speech or actions, but e can of the best cake, large fresh FOUR TRAINS DAILY FROM1 10L1D0 in looks. Find this label beris ndprewlppdCarrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains ________________ creaus, for Sleeping Cars on Night Trains MAKE I cent AN occ+USe. L. W. LANDMAN, . . A., Detroit ___________________YO _ x~ ~+,s.s~~v,,+on your clothes and you find the strongest aid to a winningap TALOR o hold of an Es ll pearance and the world's good te'o ccoLo College Sack the other day and opno htw nw f te rccotecopied it! Dot't blame int. Equal to ine custom-made is all but Nothiig on the fashion cards lhalf so~ price. The makers' guaratee, and r te osr, with every garms. We are S graceftl-tihat's just one feature aout Exclusive Distributors is this city. lit uri cloth es. ots sore besides excls- fitis-the and work ots lapels-lu the D UTNkEE o frn--nthiolas-hieteml o-imu -at Washington St. '- "I ultrashape o all the garments- the fig- s -- ires built into the coats to lend a good _______________________ 9 ACAD EMYIT physique to any Yousg Fellow who I UIUIIVrUI 3afDANCliN ' needs it! Wrought for men on the in- yr side anti the ostside of college. Their + *-- +""" - Office Hmo"-u:I , price is level, too!Q u n~h stu .'}Fine Line Fancy Hosiery 25c-50c ; __________________New Line Neckwear, just in, 50c t.+Pew S H OU LAN chETA fStaebler & Wuerth I Chocolate At Tuttle's, 338 S. State __ __ __________ S ~~'d ' GOOD) SHOWING BY S. C. A. University student dsring to s- Is te-fnest eilsg Cocsolat - -- -----cre psittono to teach will find it to Tthe asiosartery meeting of te teir interet to write to Jamea F. toi be is 1 Ist cwin is boacit of directors of te Studetns' McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- - ti 'V hhsitan Assocition was tedTit'ues- ags. If. tic Stx i \t l hic = y day evensing. 'this was the annual - ti bsisisss nmeetinig and a very saistac- Chaffing ishe at Hailer's Jewelry gn515i tS5~ ty sesstons was heti. Store. tf. si -vt-il1 uo otter ~ 5 The fottowing directors were rs- - - ® ' i-n: Prof. P. C. dGoddardt Dr.- W. J. Complete stock of Washbun, Martin, H'lerdma, Prof. W. H. Waite, Mr. Atl- Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest) 0Ccliii Up. 5,5 ensuisger, Mrs. Een S. Carhart prices. t Prof. 4. L.tD'Ooge Prof. A. . tPres- (C ALI 1T~ wU~iJames I. Waite. FOR SALE-Eight room furnished C1 Tthe coniition if he Association as cottage, atl conveniences, situatelt 324 STATEI iresented by the reasirer, J.Aleri on Michigan State tartk, Machinac tippe, was shown tii be better than stand. Address J. A. 5.txsloey, 604 +_______ _______ TrmAbov at any time itirig its history. h'ir Madison avenue, Ann Arbor. "" ''" TrimAboe te crreiii 3ear he ixtiese frni- and - the niseibi- Asociaio i-ane to a litle TEACHERS WANTED. eat Feet uner$240).Oilaceontof the in___ citt extent iti whichthte Associa Setios, do you speciatize in Ltln FiLAeTts oniEislRtebiigtwitb ist Gsderman? We can interest y-. BRIHTON LAS4iARTERS -aget nexi year tan hereiofore. WRTEr A. T. Pearce, 65 S. tee-sis, FOR 'lE 'trn be stisatreprt t te ge-U. of M. representaive of Lewis The gartes 1 5 i 0-that wonn-chat latscrotary, Richtard R. TbomsoiTi.'eacher's Ageiscy. MA raer Iermrseaso ltlap _Iv tlearisedtihad itsaditiio itote_________cy ____ tncliy llaii illlils 0ct d f ic e r--, r-iieloesiesito-riie-tls por. rut.-iL1, t OsSwtOn c iiiiue~ast hii, ad fy siuentswatt'given Chaing dises at Haler's Jewe 1______ERF____P___ S i-iCO.,ISevera 718 aI keist s eelI edrp itroe e p1asyear. Seetxratl~t-i dboks CUT EBD ;O aarrP,, ap&_ admagisises were fursisheidi thi s Jrse K. Jerone's 'Miss Htobbs' LETPEBrY-O pitiat ibrary. The Association tltke t te Atties Mondxay night, ay 2i - MKES-A wise stayed a great part.iunte iopen- ! iug of cost:ege the pa~st year tian it Youtwivl itndu the best strings for has ever idine aind it is notsiffulat o vioin mandolin. giitar and banjo at - sei- that i enjoys a growing popuar- Root's Music House. We mate a ___ y ity among alt easses. Thingyiotars specialty of the hoot. Try them. wfs 2 Uw INIV[RSITY DAN- t hare been send this year to China^-Ne Brn ic Tals T ING ACADEMY tntnlait misson and in th near future SENIORS NOTICE. f4lll 1 stIottT 33uStats St lorty dotars wits be sent to Dr. Jeoe Ar SOT TERM-. K ad a former resident of the Do you intend to teach? Securea maebuhc seraigpon A. Pearce, 615 S. Ingalls street. FieAS as n 'oaco rioomwsuS made mowhc tre tacive U o!M. representative Lewis Teach- JA . RI, Prop. 32 Sate S., S. OHIO E T ALR T -' nfrnsig and magizines. ers' Agency. w. S. InI ETRIiINE tnthvnsshtetreciveshodret ~nlfns [1,AJ Tfour membera of the board 5b)e as s-,ieddliotri-i-odfi OfI IJP~llIJbNiSwhose terms expire-Prof. V. aM. Rain Coat exchanged ty mistake in Turkish Cigarettes and pe DIRECT LINE S~alding, James H. Wade, A. E. Jen- West Hal. Catt at 52 E. Liberty.eer irogt,tio tue iy. gtj)V11~t I T COLMBU ins ad Ms. ElenS. arhrt-Fine Lunches in Connection. TOLEDO TOerOeMBUe-eingstad fMrs. aterm ofathr- Mandolin strings 2c per fll st, tveryhig Neat trolClian. LL P.O., rC. o u . i-i years. Banjo trings 25c per full se. Guitar SteSi __________________ Secretary Richard R. Thompson has strings 30c per full set. Violin strings secured a teave of absence for another 35c per full set. ]E PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM year from Maddox Seminary in Ten- tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. C F E AND nessee, to accept his reappointment T ' -T ~lh J~ Tfor the ensuing year. Cbsffing dishes at 'Haller's Jewelry JMjU IILI IIIV UIJA J BOWLING ALLEY. The great interest that is evidenced Store. tf. , O wr0sesKosaestirig in the work of the Association is shown by the fact that seventy-six Vibromassage - At Trojy's. It's Awy ie" 2cpr on 707 N. UstvURSaTY AVSNOS. new members have been received dur- 21 amimaSat. DMAN ft.CO. Y ~~~ing the past ten days,+o.+,.. Wm, Ihohrei, FeshLowney's, AI~egretti'u. Spar. Win, ItbocbreinX11 CONFERENCE MEET RESULTS row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Gush. THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor an itarr "M~umbVelrigshray.t. Direct wire results wilt be received Phray ROWE'S LAUNDRY1 steam &' Gas fitter. at teeORIENT" on each event at ..Complete stock of Brandt, Waldo, th ofrneMeet, Chicago, Satur- Washbun, Regal & Martin Mandolins 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457.+ O~bone 667. 303 Z. State Ot day, May 21. 65-66. on hand.. Prices the lowest. tf .4 ," J2XYCUL USIVE NO VEL TIES IN SPRING S UITINGS 12 1-123 South MJ~4in Street WAGNER a CO. WE AHDIJv .1V 1W XUNV1)iS.04 )-OOD Y AR'SDRUG STORE