Te Michigan DtI VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1904. 1 No. 166 BADSERS TODAY ' 0 v ' l q11'P 2',' - ',P, '2'WEBSTER WON 'Varsity Team Stack Up Against Is ''TH NVESTY CMDYCU Debate a Close Contest-Affir. consin This Afternoon-Game rnPRSNT atie Won by Small Margin- PRESENTSLabor Unions Should In- Should Be a Goad One- sPcoprae,"heQus Coach and Players 2 MISS HOBBS crprtete. u Hopeful.' ___ ' ATHENS THEATRE. MONDAY MAY 21. h 'pdbt wc cu -ile This afternoon at 2:30 occurs a , o 5",fln.,! in the l.iw bulod ng 'v clash hetween the 'Varsity baseball ' of tselaset cotets ever witieuoed ler td hisi.toniWisconsin. ina alnt erde pactent de~ate.C'to 'The Badgers only play one game in! CONVENTION CLOSES PREP ATHLIETICS i udience li' Sotel act'-'.yet each tlen An'ro o hsi he only chance-I luhld 'tswtssit't sticplse1'is. Te tsee the aggregationiswich at pres Hd ' i t StratFry-ildi str phl eils-ltalt. 'hi'-i Iup to gitid sd- cilt seemis to bave the et chance to Sinfonia Hls: ains et ilStra er ildi nesh vsst ii-withtl lt'resnllhlit a de ls crry oftf the Westeris chainpionship. ing-Ball Gr -e in - ocin- atic Meet May 27 and 28-Par- in ws dtiiir t The situtiton is cossiderably con- Very 2ciccsful G'h: ring. tial List of Teams Entered. Tlth elAitit walei lila leitl b itty plseatest, as Wisconsin beat Illinois, _-_____ ltilt. 'llroc sit r-andiiit 1.01 the Illinisisdefeated (Chicago antI Chicago Yest.- y N'asas test ssiday of thou 'Frosm preseit iniicationsishe ssnaililtWestercctlieteyVbys Pie-ce, DeNff , rimmedi Wisconsin. However, every. Sofisonia Natiol ciivention, Thle iterscholasic mieet which tkes placse andl Atertoii. Ityspaoit in th- :., otne who has seen the two teams lay monssrig asi a I -irge Ipart of he after- at Ferry Fieldton Frisay as lowiti ingtIordetr: Piete t , I e N-t will agree that Illinois is eter than noon wert' taken p wish the business dy a 7as 8 iltrsgltLateni, Atht-tssStc it-r. Chicago, so just now Wisconsin ap- which sas left over from the day e- guhrmrehreralr csislali Cisbjttif e ve, t h~stsi laLlaor pears tia be the best of the bunch, fore, andi the ausal convetion ball ltes than ever beore. Ili alt snisses-Ic tniittiShuldll in ~l cpicrate, is oiint The cardinalotfit playeita game wsgvna rne' cdm nsity cessters, annual omeets for po itehchalrie'al e ac c with Michigan Agricsltural college the evening. athletes are becomisg ore an rite.uc- itasthatiiaIlusthe more tis'interest yesterday sod consequently will not Tlhe society event was given to thesucsfladMhgasintect- was stti-edtioi t- li-bat e. Th'lis arrive in Ann Arbor until tis morn- delegates by the local chapter. Very Lion to the rle. fac asi51wa siecuseos- the lbsitih- tog. It is likely that the freshmen elaborate decoratiions were festooned Ass incomplete lis of the schools titty iusle:dii in Ish- tceamsetsit the titcher "Cy" Young. toted as the ver the hal, lpr-ositisig a pictresquse wic hv etee tamlisi ess tiil-ladt iii'e s-ii,t is liii-this best in the WNest. will officiate on the apperance. 'Great palms and ferns, preparedt ty Secretary t' C. E. Haye a~is r Ir hc ol "fiils-l way ii slab for Wisconsin. and the red antI black-Sinfonia co- Among the Iprmsinent schoos to Ibel which t-y clpsewith its'qisistisi. Coach Johnson is hopeful of wi- ors-changed t'eusualhappearance o nee rmotetesot s ivaPchs i i tswa- iis lii let-inesl' slug today and there is no reason Granger's dan.-ing hal, shsitt s tletsi sc waivt liii iitusti-Ciiir' settal. Mr. why the 'Varsity bunch should not The convesitisformally adjournedu idl wahheelatyer1Ciag aes-afitheslit-oit iiAlIini siAssica- win. During the last few hosme gamea in the afternoon at the close of the wilasoboesrsnelrit trsu i 5 i the team has shown some of the best business session. About seventy were team from Oak Park, which took thirdi \\si-utIhei'1Itsi cliii tit wsllinuished-i, ball ever seen on.Ferry Field, but in attendance, bitt:several o1 the dele- it,5was 5lasIfosiieu'sislihtthi'si- place in the Illinois intersehslaati i ihas all been spoiled by the ere gates left in the afternoon so that a and.ix1etrieuhav beenrcivsaissselossltIi idst- sne. T'hi' bad inning which usually comes along till quta was nat gres5 t. raitsMrgass PaIk. PotiacIllt., the'ulu vteist sifolls : Airuatvi-, ~gstowards the end of the game. If the The eastern men who were present winner of that reset has cuter-s t s '2; sisgitis , I 'le cup sshihstod team can sonly onit the baloon ascen- were very much interested in Michi- wodru(ihscolwih on iousliIslafiscosws san res--ente scan shichi lau laely been such a gao college life. Many of them ex- weruhihsolwegtmn ward, who ook first in lulsth he lie M. Rtel' lstot- W-bser sciety, proinentl eatire iif the Ferry Field pressed themselves in highest terms hammer ard discus evens as ('balu- insesse 5' sion1 it iwill renaifor ostilees, all wilt be wvll. of praise, especially of the true demo- pag nifloehteevtlsI'nsll-y5e-r. Eithuer Wredell sr Eyke go in cratic spirit apparent in Ann Arbor. w'ith sndcollacedi the vialus 111 ag-liist Yung thils aternosioswih the wOne ecntry, acewo-inher, htaut.sul [E~ LT O chartgesafavoring tile formser. It e FRATERNAL INSURANCE Orevenvetratomior al, ls 1 en FRS"1. O team - vsins us play rosra v"sIsbe-reiv]fomN mal. hini l lb srnr 1). t17 5. n ad his Miles . Dawson, cosulting act- The strng CleelandUn 'rivrcaiy Defeated Juniors is Semi-Final Game iwo loists ieluisli- les 5^ulerably. ry of Fraternal Societies in New school team of 15 mnei has beers en- -shtute aid ilifer Carried The battog el ieriof the oppohsinig York City addressed an audience if lred ard should prosv a powsserfu Oft the Hnors teas are as fol us : students in 'appani Hall Lecture roons facor in the resul. Wisecsin: i ca.1 1. f.; C i ,c last, evening o "Fraernal Insurance" Amsgth MiianeniIlse Iyis-stugh-'Clt.i ,tvr f.; 5, -ilsue . .;ticny, 2 b.; i . Aifter treating of the sse'of fraseru- froni Detroit are sit cuhrs le Is"ld lay's si-isa a isisosithlest-aseasvtsll r.I .-Lwis, IHI.; L -s:hy, c. ; Breush ien in (Great tBritains soiltheir uevel-cunuoecsly 'heforsl ig sishs Iilisualetsms-vaa 3 I.; Younsrg sor e i. p.hmeit in the UtiedhStaes, Mr. hlaw- schosol will be representedl by 211 ath-chamiiionhishs~ipsI 'ssbity. In thus-final Miest''-s": -Biru. c.; Resdst]u,1. f.; stn said, "'The sdetermination sat a lts hl h etui llesl u :t cd w 5-I ith O inr, of si-cay'situ 1)-Prs , I b. ; 5ailc 2 I.; Ta'ur sr, c. ,0stusn(l life insurance company is the Wueserni IHigh will seoul largie siasms. si i1s't i-stuusc i isso I'.:t'arr e les, r. .; anisbel ,.s, ame s the ideernminations f the 'bstoyOasl Rlsus utrssi, sr hit' 'iil. iitIana '5l it itsl1 '11 (Stci'iu.; i.'Wendiell or Ea,: -1- soundnuess sit any oer btusiness. The received are those sof irisosn fromsVI te- i:' ust'as-silI ________pr_ ince lashd(usr the commosdity must the Central High sihosol. T'Plus- i-ohrus li i on sss''ity sits elsls, bhusmsa, fiOSF-~MCl';H S equal the cost of producion. Ims other from sothersholush iptoI (lats- art-sh\- us 1..a11 5 is, 1 CLJ BA ods ac uscotibtehs ar fllw: atig 'da Srng iltt ly. ae n 'h ha-u trerd share. Any pianofittinsuramceian 2; Saginaw E. 5. ; Arthsu ilt lis -sty] hnifh s bsill ty lbThe 'resa susebtr lieaicd "in snever be sounidwhich depends on the Sagimnaw, W. ., 7; Vassar 5; Msh--f sit l ' }"'c lua t s 12Rihi-r. JsmsitAssutSietsIa ~c- elhto i awmsmes teeaegn, I6; Chelsea, 2; Wayne . AmourS isuig t o t11 (I e ito5 X . Itfusethis luii lms.Sret ly ih-two methodsus of etablishing ates for the individlual entries ire Ithssi st of uitos wasit shl t 1IonssandI Iis gan." a1nsrac1oity4n sl~t n ashuluk (f E'asi;Jrauinirsthis'ht's tics ilt doih ;Isu w ts hits. 'Theniinsurance teaietsitOtheislnhver- ally ootlhill..tiea fthsiasi, ttte reaugrt lnwic a svn~weights, and Daytn sof Ktlsauaoossnishit.l elis thIstal-cI-uiuig,;tensI Wash.,owill Ie sec-ruin us gamue with failure in hpractice. Thse seconmd is Ithe tesahs h uri sayeius and 551tooui I- ilv, tiunss i Usu-smbtain hiscit nes Tanls-level ratehpamn where a man pays a brother of "oe" the famosus foostusl ii n, hslt rateubasauinophio teiagenattsheatim;etackle ansi 'Varsity weighaluas. I t" o ite shutid suiotis's- hu giving accosrdinthuman nunilscement rtIbasduo h g t hiee insurance is takent out soilwhich Many qestions have aris-usin rci-- Is Ppn'tte I,-utusrvs-u s errssagal sri masde Ia.lie local suniversity totay cnise hs ami hrsmbuthsgarth to the actoni f lbhe iutusehlush-.I- ar-se Is h tse nausidlu(It the,, W. I. Morley, Coulommbialu's graiduae cniusth aetrogoth shi sngmn in-rsmgI-vsuhs s., . ,. cea, ,a.tc football coach, who was in Ann Ar- life."elil temed Cals Mr. Dawso also discussedh at some hstitute of Chicago. Tlhsletroiu ansId hil elaIte-u bor recently to consutlt with vnsCharlteeewtssasCevlnv chsThelrsaerssIu hsy lsitssiu'f ielig stuntul of the Baird, directior of athletics at Mich- Ialesderetpoiintohikble ottemei heLwsahee aeocre otetidinn igas with regard to a game of foot- aswifeetphvenssIsrad en-est h etiftiaowsahl-l' oiis' ghtn cuisin shy-leIlsirbyutnhe balbtentetoisiuin etfit, of which the fra~eroties in thhis were allowed to comee buth mussfusr si- iiussg lsisi lyhyte bal bewee Ie tvusinsittios nalcountry have done very lihtle mal protest was mads. Hoiwevrlbshe uuisusru-i rushthutir pnr ulmtt. fall, reports that Michigan is sdesiroos __________ management has ntifiedshe UChiag' Thu ssce Isy innings:-- of playing here Thanksgiving, and ILNE LCIN sho ht osuet nteclee-1 2:3117th67 889R tha ony cnset f te gadute d-ate esourse may competesoul iis '7Lill..... 1 4 55 tI 1 I 1 i650-1 visory oard of Columbia University A directors' meeting of the Inlander hoped that the action may slear te '57 Lit.8.... 1,.00 0 1 1 0 05 1 0- 2 is lacking it is expected that this Publishing company will be held this atmosphere of uncertaity. Batties:ea; Shsstti anti illifer; will be obtained, and that definite an- morning at 7:30 in Room 6 of West Stack_______515s5adh (lark. -Umire Rain. nouncemet of the game will be made Hall The object of the meeting is withini a few days"' to elect a business manager, editor, NOTICE. NEW BUSINESS MANAGER Last night Manager Baird was una- literary editor, treasurer and business ble tuo corrouborate the report, as he manager for the coming year The The Woman's League Lawn party, At a meeingosi the Boarl of Con- has not beard officially from Colum- policy of the paper will also be di- whirlS was scheduled for last night, tro fthes Mihigani Daily hl here bis. lRe expects a letter, however, us cussed and plans formulated to make has been posponedh till toight at :3(11 Thursauy ight, C- A. Thobumpso, '87 a day or two. ~~The Inlander more of a students' mag- oclsock at the resisence sof Mrs. F.lawnves-ltilu-a uagro iineo than it has been N Scott, 125 Washtenaw avense. the Daiy fuse thsv-c-uslesgi year iof INLANDER BOARD NOTICE 1904-05. 'Clii-chois'e-of businss man- Important meeting of Board of Di- +g+ICI .+ +++:- + 'l'l+ gsswa iut us yelst owmuts s osI u compueiiuo afteu-u muics hu'- rectors of the Inlander this morning l~I~ __,14isberationr, ansI it was belhievedu this at 14:20 oclok in Room"6, West Mall.A 60'19 0 4 40 systenm will hprove stcceasful in se- cuinsg the btus ievices-foir iheu college NOTICl FREH MEDCS. ~patter. Mr. Thomsonsss has had con- _____ A~A ~ ±sidlerabule biusiness ixpuerience and has '07 Medics will practice on SoothTH VNV RIYY A Oi!benambrofteDlyuses Ferry field after today's game. TEVIEST YA OKIbstfdrn tpsyar.Iewl o+0WLOmg.+s ob iltebersiftho ealyuifnos + On Sale Today. In All DepeR.rtmerstal B-slldIrsgs he has demonstrated his ability along Students at Champaign celebrated the lines he will take' up as manager. the double victory oh Illinois in base PRICE $1.50.t ball and track by improvising a baod. The seniour chass at Leland Stanford and parading the streets. Many boo- , MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED will present the iopera "Patience" at kfires adding to the sport. .;+.I'+l'''I.444l1)It4)IIU111IIbl- :- the anneal senior opera.