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May 20, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-20

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SUITS .Dwight E. Watkins,
\Made to your measure and seerp u actisod ..32s S. Miaeo St. t^
AT 1COOK PbS>. hiLOA D) HALL :T ,.,"
0itin 1 pUnder New laagm//t.2$
UUNII I A U ' thi~a4 tuucod for aanwhere iD
JJthe house. Qs s 6LL55Mg "M'
CLOTHIERS7 Irci Lune./ *
HattrsTaIFrnShesFretA. / COLARS
Hatersand Furishrs.ForstAvenue Meat Market Linen rand CUFFS
109 and 11I1 E. Washingtons Street, Poulry, Game and ish) in season ARE rTHE ]BEST.
ANN ARBORi 530 Forest Ave. Phone 40
~ 4~ 5. ~Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen"
Other brands advertised and Sold an Linen are
s sALBERT LUT1.J1Z .1%OT samped "Linen." Why?
(,I,'T 1151' 1'01' Rliable Shoe Daler Sold by Wagner & Co., 2 or 25 cs
+ ~~124 S. Malt Street ----
C'RE N TS CH L ER For anything in the line of 4*v .
Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Renschler,+;
0Phone 3892r. Corner Mlain and Huron Streets. * : We've Got3
44+ &$4. &e1,4 "&4 i 1,04 1 i& 41 @ 4 41&'l4$ 4 4 A Ne
COMMUNCA'lION S-oss. Lockeetset with opals.
~'Give and Take" W' h te i'teLl:I. M.It. enraved ot back. Return FOLD COLLAR
ToteEio fteIal:to 1020 S. University. Reward. '
is the princple of Allow me to correct, ins at least 163-165. r
threde t e pp en ct ar 'sthe seh . HveYou Seen It? :
etc leart is yessta}y's IDaiy uini- Ticket for four hampo-1.00l.
Su~p i" r5 o rtheheading "Postgraduaetes to Selt water Mill Vaughan, near Quar-
Sus end rsgowns ry's. tweyWANRh O
Whatonesidegives the oter side Inthe ftrotpaetcnutico Alegetis Sar
they woultitptes ent themeve'sr Iruw' and lluyler's Chocolates at Cush- 4 Haerdashers .,t.o Haters I
Absolutely Guaranteed. their (erets"atirest itssesis(r""is-lg's Pharmacy. 4
Metal trimmings annootrust. Stc tuese." It to, underlseoooil that ati i.oi
sod 8, any store, or malt prepid. will not apptear ;n A. 0.,,uwnsso lit isor ysemnd-ya
vCo . 4 085705MFC. CO. thMasters'~esns,swhichi are gut expert optician. All the Tat- ..4l4+F 4.d+ r t.+t~b 4.tA
oo26Ihee.Mn. unlike. est approved appliances and methods --
In the scisndt placs'I sit itiet known to the profession areemployed. .
esttha tey th Itsettrt "ct1 asoNew eye glasses fitted, lenses dupi-
A. J. WATSON all in lines" There tosiees ot lis caed, frames repaired. Haler's Jnw.
tino ttigi ue"Teloie ery Store. f. P t r
Nal P perPlin s ae eteeto lais sthey see it.asditheliy
will crry suttheir own wiohe.T'IeBath suppieof01at kins at nall
d nd 0iI Masters re whoslly uasare o whiat prices at Cushing's Drug store. t.
ther wishs'are sait cosequen'stly 4 Origital Milk
have no "expctationts" at sl. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA.21EatHrncre. InhehidpcnoeslinC o o a e
"was passedt astking that lIproessossrs Furnishes music for all occasions. h co ie
whit will sppteae at te gaduastionsiex Dance music a specialty. Address L.
Special Prices on ecses sttre themsselves inthlei D. ates, manager, 808 S. Fourth ae-
k1ade up Pillows, Pillow gwns asid hooss." Ssmesne is, in nue. 29tf Is the finest eatitg Chocolate
deed, suggest that pich a rescgnition
ITaps adlBanners, utoftthe sesolastic ttreey the fsculty LOST-A ladies' closed face gldl to be hadt. It cotis
THIS WEEK, AT would be a gesciosisssdgeetly appre- watch. Leave at Argus or Times
At Darling & Malleaux's ciatedl thitig.btssnit absurd actissns ses ofice and receive rewrd. teSisMl hc
-As sereary sif te-gradusaesti- 'rietUniversity Comedy clb pe- gvsi iltts is
-- FINE- sdents (not it t htgadaste schsotl, senttle"Mtis Hobbs' at the Athets, sesset 1y3 11 otlter
Picture~sn d fl please, Dr Llsyd is thist I feel tsbligeds Monday night, May 23.
aild ri~mu~to soint outs these buntes antI ask
-htte e oretda ne FOE ENT-A furnished house after 10 Cents ul.
sisal tisey tT~i icerelstoatsine. school closes, 313 N. Thayer St. d3
213 S Fourth K.vK.nKIR Mandolin srings 20c per full et,CA K N
NOTCE. Banjo string's 25c per fll se. Guitar
strings S0c per ful set Violin srings 324 STATE ST.
++44A .A.....44. &+++++4 Members ot the gradiuaing school S5c per full se.
.s e .tating the sderee of A. . in June f ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. ...... ...,
eCHOUrt ~uQio should place their orders tr caps and -
4gowno with Miss Lovell without deay. Have you ad a Vibromassage at ...4.y________
. IE. 'llrbi'IM Ir~. No orders can be filled later thans May Trojy's? f.
30.SssPhonee 81____.___3___ tf JOB PRINTING-MEYERS 21 Arkansas, Texas, Mexico 1
Fountain pens at Cushings. t. Main St. S. Phone 281.
*4*4+.I.4 .I.44..I. and Caliornia...
- Are best reached A W r U O I YSt oi-Wrdssvia
-St oi, Worls Fair Ciy,j
Y t d is Tebidnupof a Telephonte System with evr osbemd the
4 ! e TnitpoemIentthgivn ostpe evietanwevero ghible mod- Iai
It s ntoucusompossible before. To be hosorable, curteotus atd just itt eery detail. 1
~ n~y pta resed po oanticipate retuiremoents. To overcotme ispedinns To be satis-
00plte remede-std os o n+t.Route
ouer ptrns,.pree- fed with nothing short of thle confidence and good will of every eittzen
ring to lt ease the 5500' ittthe coutntyI
chiser to sate his
R' ewo seectieon. We WASH N W H E« H I O Two daily trains to Calirni,
hevserher toItswn f ~ Tre al rsnst eio
+ t D r clwel's Mgidche diytrains ts Texas.,
EgpinOil fsse 1TEMPOKAttY OreriC: Liberty street, tnear Fouthrl. Fur daily tan oTxs

.. many yeasrs andhknsw 'our daily trains to Rot Sprints.I
01 te highs standing of__________ ____________
tD rpiyci'3sClwlassdrea ,Sitx dsily trains lotLitttle Rock.
,..cwcMo.. " her adpresidentiofsl WRITE ME
the Jasckson Coty U E WIEsE
Pharmiaceutical Society. sodwe do note est- * C kE U IUrLrm m
tatelsoureesoassndto ourltadehissoil asai I UmsrogT.P.A.
supe~rior remsedy in'a1l cases' o spral s. bests- u R
es. sore mssles, loaseness soil for reserot sp- EGYPTIAN t4 23Wstea v.
ereise. Itissa high gradeprepsratisooaalco-5
hsl aond essential silosod sosotthing and Sheat- rroken in turkey. Ann Arbor, ich.
log medicionaIlogredieots that5 senetrate1
qusichlye and allay all soreoness antd inha0ma- Perfected in .Egypt. " ++++ +
tio, leavin" the shin and clothing free frorm_________
stain. Thereisnos grease of' sy Ind used is Enjoyed in America.
Dr. Colwell's Magic Egyptian O1l. ] jJP tecs
We have such confideoce in Dr. Cotwells . 'MOGit 5SMOKE MAKES ECTTIAN SO5OLC5 M L G L ES I ece
MagIckEyptian Oil tats we sell every Sttle
with the positive guarantee tha t it will givetofricet
satisfaction. If it doso not you coo retoron lts 1 fandolin, Banjo and Guitar.
Ihe bottle aod we will refand your money Coc e or lma21g.U .Vaslisgton St. Ploe.-7:3
3'" sao, the Coupons
Quarry's Camlpos DruqgStore Brandt Mandoln, Farand Banjo and Martin Guitar.

Always Ahead
in Styles.

MIWA D T ETAL R. o Everything In Tailoring

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