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May 20, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-20

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The iNchigan D.Wii



No. 165

Track Team Leaves' Today at 1:38.
Men in Good Condition-Fitz-
patrick Says Records May


Sb 5- A A{} CY-


:NTS M Yesterdtay th
j 111 the 'v
-IOBBS cat -lcc-c,

'Isin game o]
Rain interfered with the final trias , ATtHES THEATRE. MONDAY, MAY 23. E ) , pree a
:.f the track candidates at ni ht. pr r e trt
The twenty-two men in charge of 2Ma 0f 55-5 M,-05- 5 '' -when ttei
Trainer Fitzpatrick eave Ann Arbor octupie, to
for Chicago at 1:38 thto afternoon. Ti on
Ac to customary, Michigan head- $170 FOR CLUB HOUSE B[[L6iAN CONSUL HE[R[ hsyot
wilthe stabishd a the______of tieing the
quarterse ilb etbihe tteWtandistel
Chicago Beach hotel. Saturday morn- At a meting of the J Hop comtmit- Mr. Francois of Detroit Addresses the for ioseft
ing the men will be given a chance tee hetit at ight a final acconting Cerle Francais-The Work of Tte tBtdce
to unkink their joints in preperation tfttundo was made, and te oturplss aCnu n h oslr Mdsno
for the afternoon tussle with Stage's of $170 was ttrned over to the Mich- aCoslndte osur Mitocto
athletes. igan Clob Hotuse fnd. This is the Service, of 3 to 0. Y
Keene Fitzpatrick smiled knowingly firstfiancial assistancec which 11ic Wlvcrnets
when he was told that Stage proph- Clubt Hotte moveoent hoc received. Lot evecing Mr. Theo Francois ti-cc-It tl
esied a Michigan victory in both dualt The money wilt be devoted to te the Belgian consul at Detroit, gae an tte Bacter-
meet and conference. Needless to ay genera works of the committee in pre- interesting talk before the Ctroe
he is not relaxing his vigilance be- paring for te banquet net fall, and Frncais, in the lectre rcccn at Tatt
case of the Chicago coaches views to securing donations for the club pan Hall. Owicg to thec avere- CONV[I
on the question. house. weather conditions the attendace
"The men are in the bot of coodi- __________ was not so large as hd been thcpect Given In U
tion now and from present indicationcs 155 iOB~S for, but it spite of its small numbers Deeate
will go otoItarhall Fietct at their the audience was an enthcsast ic occe piy
best," Of course I ook for Michiganc and highly delighted by Mr Franciis niy
to win hbt by a closer score than most Comedy Club Wilt Present Jerome K. pleasing manner and the ectertaic-
people seem to expect. If a few Jerome's Welt Known Comedy. ing way in which he apprcohes his
events go wrong in a track meet it is -Outline of the Plot, subject. Act appice
apt to upset anticipations altogether. ___ As Mr. Francois has long been iccblycillied tte
No, we dont expect a wl-away. Ii h oeyo MisIob"b e the consular service of Iis cuctr [alt ytstc-c-
the tracko and weather are right at Teetccyo isHbsb e he is fcclly acquaintect with alt its tital cocvent
Marahall Field, there shoucld be sccne tttcte K. Jeroome, is one o the cetver- phases, its pleaant sides as welt as abc 1-eratern
recorcd-breaking work: done." est ieces oft works of its kind that its arduoucs. variocicschita
has eenwriten It crsp ialgue Drawing from his own experiences, Stcchidtat
OPORTUNITY FOR ARCHACOL-O- acttclcoc ioaics o-hrwt he gae a tocing decripticn oct cne ric-dthet tr
toST cot iermncngcgo tatta, samcp dr. f the many disagreabe tasks.i teictftvoca
GISTS, Jercime 00 one ttt the foremost play- was a case which occcrret.matoe tiiiccnsitc
Icrfcllcwingcmmncctcct c. cat cgcs ftetio.Te tlywshant a year ago in tDetroit. A yccung cfctcia, ccl
be of ,,tccrest otose pcc: c mg arc- writtena espeialy for Miss Anniie Belgian ot goocdc'family anc potsitins \Vcca sclc
ecological studties. Rtussel, andc met with great success had scudenly determinecd tc Itave tcs -ccci icc tte-l
The senate near the coecit the worvrIrcicdfrfu er. htme and cme to America mch c--oc~dt-coi
last session passed a ilt torr le tres- The sceneocithe1c play is laid in against the wishes cit alt his friends. mostinthu
ervnaictt of the rem-ns o of ha.,'.-m cs Mtaine; tine, Ie present. The plot Nt lottg after his arrivat in this cccn- ibac tcccr ac
ancd .her relics of prehistoric 1.e 1_. is as focllows try he had come to Detroit acd icc do- Atticrswtoc
ons the pclic lands of the nite - 'fietplay otens in the home of Pr- spair over a lve affair, he ait cocc-ters ccci th
States. Owing to the presr c f bit- cival Kingseal and his wife, eua, mittect suicie. It was the inleiasnt acd s-5 ctttc
ices attending the closing hou rs iif atti is nmost intinate at this time dity cit the conscl tic informcittic b- asi coml
congess, a smlariscbi1, wi- cci hadc with at certain Miss Hobbs, a con- reaved mother, and tter tic cittaict a wrkccciAcg
been tresented tic the hocse, iclt.iifirened man hater, buct nevertheless, removal of te remains tic Belgicucm.ticritsietc
retch a final hearing; but it is ex- the tossessor of no mean charms. The way in whichc Mr. Franctos ttld ccergettied
pectedl that this bll will Ie passecd Iy She has tahen a sumner residence of te lheart rending lttecrs ci thti- prevecntc-ito
the house scom after cinceee ascra- ear Iy. The close friendship of mother, anit cf the diffictie hehdcd cpctIatiofcI
bloc in the fall. thst twitwtmen results in an cc- in cmcplying with her retuest was Last eec
In the meanticme, an infortal a -tier acgi-cciccc betwen Perival acd mocre than sicfficient ti cocnvinccie the itic-ecltre
racgemect icas en nade with te au- is wife, antI at length Beilah goes to adienee that there is oftentsadne-cs-cree-c ccftei
thrities in Washingtoct tentccrrly~ live wit ter caanttion. With them is and trouble ict the woir. cat a cnscl. afenon cc-
to withdraw rom entry actcproecteMillticecti Farey, a yung laiy who In comparing the Americn cccnsca ster ccctcirt
succh parts of the public lands as ccit-Ia qarrelect with her scitor. On the service with that of Beicim, M. igthini
tain rtins worthty ittpreseratioin and sane aternooncc as the separation, Francis sobtwed the geatcdisavan- the tCccok tt
in danger of detrcction; andtRev. Woclt Kingseacl, life long friend, tges of oucr ysten. In Belgiccm, as A verye
Henry Mason Batm, the ecitir oitte thicithb nc reative of Percival King- in nearly alt Ecrptean cunctries, 10cc- paredt. Pric
archaeoloigicajourcal in Wssltngtocc sear, arrivs. Itearictg mtich cf Miss concular service is cot at alt coniti mtaster andi
kcnowccasc"Records of the Past," has Iltlosanctseeiccg her unexectely nected with politics. Tte resignintg g Ticcls thocc
been invited to make an expeditionin mates him anxiousctotiklncow her bet- consult sends is the name cit a matoi sixty mccct,
the Southwest in orier tic decsignate tee. This oppotrttity is atorded him stcceed him, the gcverment ttencties. Itec-
to the authorities the ruitts for the when Miicent and Miss Hobbs rowf mates the mist careful icqirisiti decraited i
preservation of which stopscsould te to his yacht to return him something his character, positicn and tttaific -infistitc
taken at once. which hesota left at dte home of the tions oct this man acd he is nt al-thecllegi-
Dr. Baum has lately written to a atter. Fictiing himself alone with pointed unless he is cnsideredctntProessrvct
friend in Ann Arbor as follows: her in the cabin of his yact, he re- every way fitted for the posiitin. A -tcic-y wis
It has occurred to me that there sclve-- o give Miss tiobbs a lesocn knowledge cit aw is reqciredt as cc-lIotian. Itt
might be two or three yong men in whirl, wilt shcow her her mistake in as a kncocwlege cit the lattguage ofthettt sied-i-ti it i
Ann Arbor whu are interested icc arch-nmedling into the quarrels cf husband contry to which the cnsicl is tic be e accite iti-c
aeotogy and would like to eta with and wife and sweethearts, and will ent, In cntrast withc this oriect-ly Aciatac-
me to the Southwet this summer. alsia induce her to mae ome higher systemn he broght otnice Amricanc tsiant E. M
If so, I shall be glad to have them join atdt tirer ise cit her many coabi- methods of wire ptlng tby wic cny liciy.
the expedition. I suppose that they ies. Meanwhile Misc Abby Ben- one with the necessary infuencce is "Vatuecit
could mahe the rounid trip for about abs aunt, with her ucsual tact and able to obtain a consutlship, withotiCi W~tiliamts.
$110, The baggage of each one woulit goodc sense, trings abouit a reccncilia- any seriots attentionc being givn Icc"Stint- Mc
be limited to what can be carried up- tion between Beilh and Percival, his qualificatioccs foc the cfice ir his Eduttcaiocn.-
on a pack mute, which is from 150toti and also between Milicent and her previcous training in cncular wr. The aci
210 pounds." sweetheart, George Jessop, a well- __________ -Iedcit
The ruins of the Sothwest form 0 meaniccg but rather slow youth with ALUMNI TO ORGANIZE ely Lv,"
fascinating field of study- a more deo sn - o humor. "Ethos_
lightful and profitable way of spend- The hst scene is again in the home Battle Cree's two hnredtatmni RatctiPc-oct
ing the summer vacation could hardly of Percival Kinsear, and after much and alumnae cit the Univerity cit
be Imagined than such a trip as that miudrtnigadepann isMchgnhv eie oognz n SM
suggested, under the guidance of a msnesado n xlann isMcia aedcie i igna t E -F
leader so companionable as Dr BaumHohbct is finally conquered by Wolf asociaticn like thse cit Detrit and
who knows the country welt from Kingsearl, and the play ends. Grand Rapids. T1cr 'd5 iI
previous expeditions. If any sttdent --_ ----_- ...._____- --tit payedtencc
who reads this notice would be inter- .2« +t 4+4 sl.+++s? kl++4+'1 . ;t...... 3 2+ 48<° ' ) m. tdiay.
ested in earing further of the matter. Onaccice
Professor F. W. Kelsey wilt be pleased a~I Q f _ ov.l- ~
to give fuller information. willtercwss
Messrs. Olson and Ball of the hem- THE VNIVERSITY YEAR B3OOK.R MICHI
ical department will speak before the s r V s
Engineering society tonight. The xOn Sale Toda.y In~ All Depa~rtmntal Blulldngsr The- third
former will speak on "Aluminum, its 4. mas arri
Occurrence, Production and Use" and ( PRICE $1.50. tpoedt citina
the latter on "Illuminating Gas" is exectedt
At the business meeting will be MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ILLED or tmcoirrowc
held the annual election of officers. . +. + + ** *+'..,. .; ~ ~ fIe~'l +4 immediatly

'lnitstwetllso cpiously
at worktsoncsPerry Iiclit
cc ccitt cuttiecquistin.
cec1'il ,ewasuetrivedo-f tta
.rtice. With 1the Wise-n-
ly two clays ott every tmi-
irat itt count. ITe BDog
ridatblethtis year esecially
Itr wirler,"ty- Ycucng,
e cecntecit the diamond,
macchis the reputat ion
icc-t colge- titcher in the
to it ne-w strikte ott record
in iccarty every game.
eec shuciiMichigan out at
thu terst tritby a score
uncug was lte tbiggest ac-
huti t ccIi. tictebocithebi
itecetun etfcithard lccck,
s ectds hus mtn tic trimt
Onc lte home groudsct.
iversity Halt by Visiting
s of Sinfonia Frater-
Banque is the
dtive uietcnc-coumforta-
layci afenoonuicad the an-
lin oner, if hr Sinfo-
iy. Ic-itegats fromthe
pieri-, tas-iseccd Iy Atgst
di Peti. Stanltey, cnrib-
ogeiciuwshic-hcwis a cmi-
it ccit instsrucm-nta slc-u
cadicg bicerhtcytBune-l
s wt.erctimtioc- tnaundtctii-
diii nbu te.audince
reuc-cicc- iMl. Eric- Dudltey
itst catty adcaitlcittcthim
n ncre M. Caentce
cccv11ccc-c-eudieti--ii cm-
pianouwilta fiie tchnic
rtici-ct undirsanduing was
edcto givc a tsec orice. The
uScc h tiImidti t dlii- organ
it commtendl attin, Iis ta
a tat tIhi- tn prgrtam
In frotm giving 1tcr see-
Iis cl inutnbe.
ing the c-sdcclchtec-c-in-
c. cuuittts. 'rho-flrst e
icicci cci t;ici-n the
,ndi thi-finisintg tuches
in thc-eu-icning. I'cllow.
.iat dcccitaint-anucdet at
ciaortei- n-utwas Ipre-
usscut Sitnley was itoat-
tubec-ci ccctinishis mcccl
Pla tcecs wiru- sctIfor
reprecst-iticg evsitiicchap-
anu tcchilwas tastily
it ru-ctant lcatchbnting
olrctcs- antI tpe-nants cit
cccl chatelrc represented.
Pcactecut Ypsianti Chral
hi- tidy dest nt a Sin-
repltiedutica try Icappy
ntrodntiotn atr which
Moluwing tatsts:
,osrc bcing-itaitFater,
ills, Failure cutthe Frater-
Si uctcnitc Movment, er.
cuern IPiases cut Muticl
Wm. S. Sterling.
u-c," Earle Kitlcr.
dn froim t1eCtity cit Broth-
fro 1903tt8Convention,
ice tsn.
it vs. 17 it game will be
cucitr-ry Field at 4 p.
it cut thu rain thc 17 Md-
,w gamec-s-chduled fr yes-
lutstponedcu. This game
rut its Socuth tFerry Field
iy 2, at 4 p. m.
Ichipment cut Michigan-
ect yserday andu was dis-
a fcwbhucir. A foiurth lot
tic reach her-ri-atae today
vantI wilthehut cn sale
,ctupon its arrival.


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