THE MICHIGAN DAILY m 0-040 -.-.-.-. 0 -e ..".. + . NOTICIE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in i 1 t .4 Q;rokm' in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. NIMOCIL SMOKE' MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKLRS Cork Tips orPlini. Se theCoupons. the "New Spud Last." For the benefit of onr cnstomers we wish to say that the Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very muchb stronger by going into the hands of the factory-Geo..E. Keith Company, Brockton, Mass. George E. Keith does not control the name Puritan, but he does own antd eon/ee/l the lafts, pa/fri-nsancd faetotp which mutde the namne ''Piran fasntns. He has always had the ex- clusive right in making onr shoes. When buying your Puritan Oxfords this spring be sure and boy the ORIGINAL,, and not some inferior brand with the Puritan label. Stock is all fresh; new shapes and styles arriving daily. THE OLD ORIGINAL PURITAN 1 i 1 Money Loaned Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of value. Watches sod Jeweli- psired. Bargains in Wxeficffs and Diamonds. Office st residence, 331 N. Lib- erty Street, Ann Arbor. Rours 8 to 11:30 a. in., 1 to 3:30 p. in., 7 to 9 p. m. All Business Confiden- il. JOSEPH C. WATTS. - The Old Place, 111 South Main Street Send for (Catalogues. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico , and California...j Are best reached via St. Louis, World's [air City,x IroD frountaln Route Two daily trains to (alifornia. 'three daily trains to Mexico Four (daily trains to Texas. tFoiir(laity train-i to tint Spring(s. Six daily trains to Little lock. TSR BEST OF EVERYTHING. WRITE HR. 11.0D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,j 12331 Wastitenatw Aven., Ann Arbor, Milch.+ 14jXIG~AN CENTRlwl "The Niagara Falls Reute." THlE Si0tIT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALOG NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St Louis, Kansas City. St. Paui and the West For information and through ttckets caii onior wrte is W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor. Forest Aveniue Meat Market, Poultry, Glame and Fsha in Season 530 Forest Ave. Phase 4d7 A. J. WATSON Wall Paper, Paints! and Oils 216 [ast SHuron Street. I 4 R EN T SCH L ER For anythingin theilneof 4 4. Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, i 4.Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 4 GPOSTGRADUATES TO WEAR LOST-Gotd Locket set with opats. GOWNS W. H. R. engraved on back. Return _____ to 1020 S. University. Reward. At a recent meeting of the graduate 163-161. school, ihe candidates for Baster's Men of Ann Arbor! A canoe is degrees decided that they woutd falt what you want. I handte the tightest in tine with the cap and gown idea and strongest canoe on the market. and liresent ihemoelves for their de-j CLIFFORD B. EDWARDS. Agt. grenes attired in seniiir costume. Bore- First Nattonal Bank, Detroit, Mich. tofore this has nut been done and it !05-57-61-64. io the iipinion if the graduate school _ that it mars the solemnity of the grad- Ticket for four shiampoos-$1.00. iiatioii scene. Enogh of the candi- Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- dates for doctors' degrees were not ryes. tiresent, to eiiable them to follow the _________ lead of the masters, but it is expected Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- that they° will also tall in tine. WithrosanHye'sCcltsaiuh the same etid in view, a resolution rwsadHye' hcltsa uh was tassel asking that alt professors tog's Pharmacy. who will appear at the graduation ex- ercises attire themselves in their Your eyes examined by an gowns antibono.s. expert optician. All the lat- est approved appliances and methods .--er~v n «cr nrws known to the nrofession are emnioyed. is Creaum Chewillg Canty, lien., the nted Italiani actress, is Stlted Peanuts, Hot Battered said to have stuidieid the part of Bedda' Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh Gabler, iii which Mrs. Fiske wilt be daily. sees.iii this city, ten years before she C3ndyStateheS.[F. B.(iI[B[RI.had enough etonfidence in herself to1 assume it tin the stage. Mrs. Fiske ievotted long study to it before she D. Y., A. A.& J. RAILWYAY first appeared in it in New York this .> Ineasont, and she has made it one of STANDAPD TIME'f l the mtost effective and suggestive of For tDetroit hlstShearty from 6:t5 a. m. oatil the plays of Ibsen, and in the hands 6:15 . a. Then hoarly until 11:15. For Ypat- eRioFskafrda lantilonly, at 12:15 a. 1:45 a. a. F~or of a genius 1ieMs ik fod Jackson hourly from al15 a. m. until 7:15 a. a. remarkable dramatic experience. Mrs. Thin at9:15 p. m. and 11:15 P. Waiting Bssom, Saran It.. W. of Msan. Flakes appearance here at the Athens __ _- ----Theatre on June 1 in a single per- a. 1). susNN, nAnuison souLs formance of this great play will be President. V. Presidenti.I the tdramatic event of the, season. S. W. cesnARson, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK I NOTICE, MORE MICHIGANENSIANS OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. I__ CAPITAL, - - - $1t0,e00 The third shipment of Michiganen- SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,000 sians is expected today. The books will be put on sate as soon as re- MANN'S DRUG STORE !ceived. 21 NOOJN f1AN S . Bnj lbpaTICEtngta oclotck in Room 26. f BAILEY i. EDMUNDS, The Fiske Jubilee singers wilt give FISH NETS for Decorating a concert in the Congregational f I church Friday, evening, May 20. Gen- 121 E Librty t. [eral admission 25 cents. Reserved f seats 35 cents at Newberry Ball each afteno. f.r.m. . .o 6. 164-165. -S~ istI .111* Ilt-t.44.44.i..,aS Vibromassage - At Trojy's. It's Vhr0 ATHENS PRESS great,.t SPIt ters Freak Lowney's, Aflegretti's, Spar' Zoast Fiaaa. Atluasi Th.strc Oldu *, row's, Hfuyler's, chocolates at Cuok. i ~ t i t * 5oig's Pharmacy. tf. New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- cated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew- e lry Stare. tf. Bath supplies of nii kins at all prices at Cuskiog's Drug store. tf. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Furnishes music Inc all occasions. Dance music a specialty. Address L. D. Bates, manager, 808 5. Fourth ave- nue. 20-hf LOST-A ladies' closed face gold watch. Leave at Argus or Times office and receive reward. Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf. The University Comedy club pre- sents "Mis~s Bobbs" at the Athieiis, Monday night. May 23. FOR RENT-A furnished house after school closes, 313 N. Thayer St. d3 Mandolin airings 20c per fall set, Banjo strings 25c per fall set. Guitar strings 30c per full set. Violin strings 35c per full set.' tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. Have you had a Vibromassage at Trojy's? tf. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215 Mlain St. S. Phone 281. Chafing dishes at Haler's Jewelry Store. Of. ..Complete stock of Brandt, Waldo, Washbun, Regal & Martin Mandolins on hand. . Prices the lowest. hO Senior Junior SophiomorenoriFri-hman-firstday at scholtotorilast, yitouaejuasibl e ta ncenad i n ijuistoasgratneedof PoodsEtract---the old famiy docior-to relieveyou.Clinieuareimanyiillsltata yie~ld like mic to its h ealingfitfls- enc.Feor oe ert lhasenthe leading iretedeyii te odiltiyedi- ciesest-'irst aid" intallemueren- cems. At colleg..esir school, as sienl as in the home, it ts cotuted a necessity. Soothesandt~ fresens the fate after ashaving. If youi late never used Pond's Etrict yetu max tot refuse WateredW~ith Hazelwheon itis offered you at a subtstitute;tif youiihaveused Pond's asoe.Exraict uyswiilreus youvitalditinsistos Pond's Extract For humns, euto, bruises, to slt bleedintgand drive teeay " tooitingheliing rm f ~ edy, eaty of acppli-ation ksp sejininu a positive sure. gen"ha etd lonltiosalto ot I ( ou i tiesutder (ff wrapper. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. [lectric ad bras Fixtures and Construct ion Plumetbintg and Steamt eork,---allat J. If. SCHUH'S, 20T [L Washington St. B ixier's Phyti sical Training In Writing. The Book for All the People All the Time -In alt vocationus: for hoot-esrimremieint. Threemothist' ecorrespondi eicecousite ityau thotr, $7. Foita.strieftitoe I islitsendithebuook andt course ftor $i. Will lecture on pitystetal traininguintraiyid writing for0,r ottr eone week fur $5tJ,'ctitett ialtatiand positive cr lotdwtinbg.lntiidualtity retaidned. Buissenmksatn and oir iesston,- 10e. Address PROF. G. BIXLER, Madison St. and egden Ave.. Chicao Always Ahead In' Styles. MIL WARD,, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring