THE MICHIGAN DAILY SIRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE In order tat yoo mnay be- come acquainted wtth our ex- cellent lunches, we will seve Strawberry Sorcake, made of tbe best cake, large fresb berries and pure whipped cream, for 10 cents Rolls (aniy kind) with coffee, tea or cocoa, l . Granger's . ANN OffleHosm-S: Mr.i t an et rillit he tttt~y otietron Fomtt9tta. trIn. 10 ot.. ion ttttty 1 reachahim. tt t iN tttttI YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tuatile's, 333 S. State Trim Above and -i the Neat feet BRIGHITON F LAT TR FOR IEN Therite tat TTi--lbat wrAR-ttt Pt h itUS]igton tit toitoi eal ~ct,,- ooy to'o eayte,-toittg- ma}itl~ t r orapl, ad l lit. St~loe t ]- Hanr ust e h. 1 oly N i t ,,,,,stot or bysol. Get et te "Bi ,to.' P'IONEER SUSiENER Co., 718 DVar-iti Str-t,.Phiinieph. j$ UNIVERSITY DAN- } CiNII ACDlINY 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM AND BOWLING ALLEY 707 N. UNIVE RSITlY AVENUE. Wmn. lbocbrctn, steam & Gas fitter. Vbone 667. 303 S. State SI Stt Dings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF,' Correct Clothes for rMen W.tO Bot ins V.-Slieet~t isLOkL5T. Wm. Arnold Ur . OnVitti~ OUBL.E duty tne Jas. ii 0 ott {IFI 11x115 -0CHOC'cur ccLOW Eg5& PLA.N 13 nnfinh P 1rof. ii. U eahat Oh a~pnSt.,beiten iiaron t. and NiItIr Ave. Frankl P. Giazir ChritstianAlartin Phone 809. / ( _ e-.. _ .-o0.._. ..._.-.. .. Rain Coat per- forms. Be it IIOCKINO Y L[ l Continues Its Excellentstr .un --YOU WILL FIND Copyrihtisw3A. B.&aco. shon oftheysea, FORTAN AL RMTOLEDO itietor your friend and pro- VOIJRTRAIN DtILt[or. This label Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains --Sleeping Cars en Night Trains .4, d,1jai UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO C N OUBS L. W. [ANDMIAN, G. 1. A., Detroit MAKERS___"___NEW__YORK and the word ff iden. .~ ~ tify America's finest rainproof 'overcoat. Your wardrobe is in- i'1 AILOR got Bold of an Eniglish I College Sakteohe a n complete without it. _ co ied lt. otit blme im. price. The mahers' guarantee, and c otigonpie fsitDoii'ctrslf soiti Euatowtn everytomaetIDWaleu : ~ gracefiul-that'si just one feature abtit Exclusive Distributors in thin city. , iless hiwver. There 's tie real custom , k suet a finisli-the baud k ork oni lapels--iii theĀ± - fronti the collars-tl1w extremely ". /r ultra shape of all the garments- the fig- . jo tires maiiiiinto the coats to leiid a good d1 physique toaiiy Young Fellow whto needs it! Wrought for iiiei on the iii- ;? 1 side aind the otsidle of college. Their ; nnn.~ /Fine Line Fancy Hosiery 25c-50c > " .New Line Neckwear, jnst is, 50c if*4 Staebler & Wuerth (C'ontinued front page one.) Turner, c. f i ... 5 i0 3 2 00 went to tird in Baird's single to cen- Cantitbell, s. s .... 55 0s04 0s tet-. Then OiBrienosmoofed Tueners Ot'Bin, 2 b. .. 4 0 0 1 0 1 retuin of lie ball aind betore he coutt ld Ekep tt....a.2 i0 0 recover it Patti had scoredi. tWtedel,p.... 1 (0 0 20 ,Miieligao sented to hate the gamie ,tritcltct when titreeettos were made Total.....41 5 13 2753 tt te seventhl. Eyke wetnt clear to -- ectit otn itlootiers error andti oktihicaoi iu 0ii1 0 ti -S iii ona ipassedi hail.5He scored Mtichigan ....1i0 1 i0 0i0:3 iifit toe hitDlter- inglted anti the latter ____ "on iitoiit hirdiwhtent Beozdekafumbledi Struceloutl t., i iac, Bezdetk,8 Har- itt,.i It groundtter. Then whtile the C'bi-iper 2. Patti, Nitwies-By Wendl-l, cagoitJean were engrossed in watching Patti, By Oditowoeth ('antpbell 2, Reil- Btoyle's antics tinfbest, DePree quietly let, Carrthers, tirt, WendelTurit- sneakoetdboineJbefire the astonished not-Base titiballs, bJig Nyki-5, tby tttartotts realizedi what won going io. Ellsworth 1. it~ by pitteier. by hlts- ititritersingle-d attdtCarroather's drop-itwothli2,by Eykte 1'Twit bose tils ea.Ti-xas-teguir behino to h iirtd, Patti. tllsworit--acrifiSe'hits , 1 ioti- s-ting. tek-oubleiiit'play, Ellsorth, Ilant - liat iandifegt.walced-tilii-dlrStit-mas stil i titch k-lmtis,Byo - ii ;et. tlting the bases. Eykelie mu- ahttitrs, 201 iminutes. lasosted lairdt treittg tit arun. Blom- , r singleid toicentelr, sctiritig 1Paulandi itiseitn. Notwles fantnedtbit Ribs lnivernity stutdents duteng to ot- wto eli.itto icetiter, scoritng Blitontor. tirepitionsiii to teach oiindmuit t. 13cilo ut-, tote tinLityle's errieot n iS eir initerest to write to James F. ,(tte00wtoni0'Bteen hrtkitedIjortitr's lcC'tiiotgm,1619 lime Artsoldtg., Chi ttttttriuti-d a otitll trows.- the 1. -t ily of the itcctsont antiEllswoirth' Chaffing uites at Halter's Jewelry eroass-dtihlit'anwith the oeettitStore. tf. scoeottofthinintg. \Wende'll wan - - tt-it sentits atti the slaughter was Complete stock of Washbun, Martin, stioppedi. Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest It lootkeid as thtoiugh the game might prices. t otill tie pulled outt of the Sire; in ihe _____________ eighth with OBrien, Bird and Redden FOR SALE-Night room fttrnished tin tetases anti inly tine gone, bt lieeti hi mii athtitlle lay Eto- cottage, alt conveniences, ituatetd witti ii taite tn liitutoran Li- on Michigan State park, Macttinac worh t I-arpr o Boomr, nd he Inland. Addresn J. A. Dummly, 604 ettance was glint.MaioavneAn rb. A itewretire bitard was itsetiyester- SisinnaeieAnArt. day, bitt as a mascitt it was an titter failutre. TEACHERS WANTED. 'rhi. otficial score:- Chicago ADB. R H P.O. A N Seniorn, do you specialize in Latin Bedeke, 2 b -...5 15 0 2 a a or German? We can intereet ytou. Harper,' r .....5 051. 9 2 2 WRITE A. T. Pearce, 6115S. Ingalls, Stmart, r.f ....4 1 1 2 0 0 U. of M. representative of Lewis ttaul, s s. ..... a. 2 1 1 2 0 Teacher's Agency. Stilimni.f.5. 10110.5_1_1_0_0_0 Batird,3i ........ t 2 01 2 Chafing dtshes at Haler's Jewelry Bltiw ri .I. .... 2 8 1. Store. tf. Ellsworh ..... . Jerome K. Jeromens Miss Hobbs" Totl.....3 5 27 11 at the Athen Monday night, May 22. Michiga .B . H. P.O. E. LOST-A ilver watch anod gold chain Sied,c.......5 2 2 5 2 0I with nilver penci charm. Frater- Rteidnlil ..... 0 1 2 0I 0 nity mtnogram on fats of watch. tDePree, 1 b. ....5 1 3 5 0 0 Fintder return to 607 South tate St. Doyle, 3 b...... 4 1 1 3 1 2 and receives reward. 62-64. CUTTING, REYER & COO log-ImnBast Washington St. Demonstration All This Week + Cotoe itt anti try the itew Swiss Mlilk Chocolate Is s6t iticlihbelter tthantatty outer that we wvant you to (get acutainted tx-itit. REDS MILAR R LOS CtLUETANeD OTOLAS JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I hatve just r-eiete ii lar-est a-t i nehist Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes evrbouighttoithe liety. Fine Lunches in Connection. Evter~ytingNet ind Cle'tyn. 301 S. State, St. R. E. JOLLY COFF1 EE OCA AD JAVA isx mseRosting Alweays fr-esh 28C per- po~nmd 254 MatieSt. DEAN l .CO. THOMAS ROWE, Propieor1 [owE'S LAUNDR EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES IN SPRING S UITINGS 121-123 South Plain Street WAGNEIR &t CO. WE ARE NE VER UNDERSOLD-GOOYEAR'S DRUG STORE