- THE MICHIGAN DAILY jG. H, Wild Comfpay SLeadinlg Merchant Tailors SPRNGWOOLENS T SFor Suits, Top Coat, and', ZTrousers. F ull dress suits a specialty. Let us show you *our Loudou Serges, Lodou SCheviots, Scotch Mixtures, ZKiloweus, Blarneys, High Ilauds, Ediuburghs, Drum- tochty's, MGugors, Londou aud St. Audrew Flanels,* Londou Cassimeres or Amer- icsu Serges. Please call aid see 0. HI. Wild Collpally I0 C . WASINGTON STREET. SENIOR STUDENTS f * Leave your orders now w for ENGRAVED o I VISITING CARDS u0 *Styles: Script, Roman, Old English * for 100 Cards and Copper Plate g 100 Cards from Plate, 75. New line Crane'sj jFine Stationeryj ISHEEHAN & CO., IUiversity Booksellers, Sta- tioers aud Eugravers. 320 South State Street. The Ann Arbor Saings Bank. Capital Stark, $50,000. Surplus, $175,000. Resorces, $2,00,00 AGENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TANSACTED. Orrreso thres . Iisesk, Pres.; IW. A) lirrnan. Vice Pres.; M. J. Frit. Cashier. lo esChoice Cut Flowers flowrs ad Plants in seasons COUSINS & HALL, Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and 1 2th Street Telephone 15 1. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entered as secsnd class matter a t the An Abor PstOc.0 Published daily (Mondayrexepted) durine the calicge year, at 117 . Wasiingoe street, (basement floor, side entrance) Phone 8923r MANAGING EDITOR: S. EMOtRaY TIHOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: itOSCOE . HUSTON EDITORS: Ahldtne, iROETK. WIrooa Pes, - - - - - J. S. BALeKY ASSOCIATES: - Cliford Stecensn, Roy Peebes, A. M. Graver, IHenry P. Erne A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. Joeph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. Ida M. Brownrgg. . Waite Jayne. Ge. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. narry H. Andrew. Tha. A. Sims. Thomas . koerts. Clyde L. e. BUSINESS STAFF: C. A. Thompson. Wi. . Lloyd M. S. Kolt7. H. K. Laorette. Bienj. E. Detoy. Tha. L. Feete. Ma Vitkeltein Editor Today-HENRY P. ERWIN. Susoriptia-Tmo Dollr per ear, paale io adeancee.if delitqetd after Nov. 1 103, $2.00 Office Hors-12:30 to 1:3D5 and 6:30 to 7:30 p.in. Daily. Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, BusinensSan- ager, 33i Packard Street. Telephone. 461. CALENDAR. May 19-4:3S0p. in, Sinfonia Fraterni- ty concert in Unvrity Hall. May 19--7:30 p. in., Lecture by Dr. Duerden on "The Evolution of Mnas Bodily Stucture" in Mue- urn Lecture itoom. May 1-2-Nationai convention of Sinfoinia Fraternity, School of M- sic. May 2- 4 p. i., Lecture by Pre. L. H. Jones, Ypsianti, on 'The Life Devlopmnt of the Humnal Spirit." Tappain Hal. Mtay 20-HBaet ball. Juniors vs. Seniors. Mtay 2-6:30 p. i., Wonan's Leaguec lawn party. May 20-- Senior inging meeting on the campus. May 2- 5 p. i., Lecture on Frater- not Inurance" by Mr. Miles 51.L Dawaon, in Tappan Hal. Mfay 2-S p. 0., Cpi debate; Webster vs. Alpihi, in Room , Law building., May 23-Comedy Club play "Miss Hiobbs" at the Athena Theatre. May 27-Gl1cc Cub concert in Univer- ily Hall. Stay 2-Oculseher Verein pay "Die Hlochzeitresie" in Sarah Cawell Angell 11a1. Concerning the sad death of Leoi- idas Hubbard, a graduae tf Michigan, whll recently ied of tarvation wile exploring in the wilderness of Labra- dor, he Detroit Journal ihas the fol- lowing Is say: "t was a piteos fate, but it was not wholly in vi. There are com- pensaions. He accmnplished aoe. thing himsef 0011 his draisatic fate has turned mtentioni as i has not been turned in years, to loe(f the least known of the conltries on the earth's surface. "Hubbard's name wii always be as- sociated with this vast, glsmy, fas- cinating area. And some d1ay, when oll the wonders of isature which it Te n s now conceas are known; wien it 1s5 shoswn on the map ao something more than a great, bank, tndefined space. tHubbard's same will apptar never Is be effaced, in the atlases in which the PretBlne ssrlace of Ihe globe is ipictured. A majectic waterfal, a mighty river, a Best White Ash Frames. tall mountain wiii become the monu- ment of the Detroit reporter who was Clearest and Best Qality Out the latest to fall in the rapidly 40011- Stringing. ishing aress of the Unlcown as a martyr to geographical science." Workmanship and Finish Thrnughnut the Bet Ever CERCLE FRANCAIS Pt InaTenis Racket. Mr. Theo. Franclois, Belgian Consul p~~lfn l fteeHo at D~etroit, will spleak befre Iso ter- Yul ,v l ftos oo clo Francais of the Univrsity this Points in evening at 8 o'clock in Taippan Hall. His subject is 'The Work of a Consul TH[ PIMi at $8.00 and the Consular Service." Mr. Fran- colon long experience in the Con--AD sullar service of his countlry enables him to speak with authoriy on the SPALDIN'S GOLD IMEA 0subject, and the informations he wll give will havye an interesing bearinsg With Cover, $8.00. on the tquestion of reolrmlofsor own C'onsullar service which is now reces- log lonug delayed atention. Mr. Fran- - cois will speakl of course i11 Frelsch. The regular admiissioln will be' hargesd For sae at thsose who are nlot members of the Cercle Francais. WAR'S BOOSTOREiS LECTURE ON FRATERNAL IN-____________ SURANCE AND MEASURE OF DAMAGES.- Mr. Miles . iDawson, consuoling actuiary, of New York City, will gist' tw etrso rdyo swe.The 'frs1 will be at 4ho'clockc in Rooin / (. Law builing, on 'Measure of Dam- ag's" antd isoieno nly iolstuden1s y15 - wobshove takens courses in insuranrce. In the evening a1t58o'lork, in Tappan fal lLecture Room, a general leture y,('j;; 1)0 "Fraternal Insulrance" will be 0 e.All interestedl in the subljectIr Y ivited Is attend. MDwo i hjuho fnmr 0o1s works (00 insuranre asd is thle terisal insourance. -. SENIOR SINGIoNG MEETIN0. (S i t Tlsoight at 7:50o'cloctkothe senilors Shirts ilhodter issign eeig It will takle atcc01the seni111111 h.1 't'elembers of thesens~itor clasil W'v ~e iceo othemlssthts apiear in cap 01101gowon. The:e as,* tell s lootot ltie pattorns keel:enosch enthousiassmaoousedl oct: arc cNcl s 0 100011-, I-T,vo-r hi t mdsous r 111 he' plan and there is every inodicostion: 50y17ltll o little ldetail, - that rise first umeetinsguill be' a ros- tlsat olltisgoilshgosd ingb success. After this wecek the sing- sits 1,-ons ioooor. NIlossross log meectinsgs sill be h~eldon 01Tu'oesoay andochesiot cloths ittll - evening instead of Thusrsday the' noeow eet. $150 ADDRESS BY PROF. TRUEBLOOD. (' 7 g c Professor 'iruoood lets last nightB for Si.. Louis, Mlio., swhere onFrioay evening heuill gire tiletCommsenoce Holers 09 117 S. Mi: ment address beforethle 5. Lous:s ~ Sch111101of Oratory. ide swill speaklon 110 o these'dcatoilonal Vale f Training in Poulic Speainig" BASKET GALL GAME. I you value yourf Thse baskelt ball eansof thoc juior face, don't experimlent class will play tile team of the seniors . With S Ih a v i .g Soap. on Friday afternoons at 5 oclock.'This Use Wlliams' Shaving is an open goose tickets for whih can Stick. he procured us the usuaal way. A charge of ten cents will be mae for programmes. I! --- ------- ----------NiNNNN NNN N*****... TIS SPACE BELONGS TO THlE S. L. A. I.., I I ;66;AT HENU "ZA~qE OC AN M. .51!ABOLT, Malnager Week conmmencinqgNionday, May 16 American Mayndid Dramatic Co. In a Repertoire ot Metropolitan Successes. HIGHI-CLASS VAUDEVILLE PRICES, 10c, 20c, 30c. NO HIGHER. COMING 1 1 1 MRS. FISKE in Ibsen's ",Hedda Gabler." 'Y 8 Z 0 ZNaN lH- NN.NN A ®!* *f 4*0+1 Ow N N4 Ni 0 HENRY & KYIER, MERCHANT TAILOR5, N.UNIVERSITYAnVE