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May 19, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-19

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The Michigan Daily


No. 164


Took Plase in the Eighth Inning Yes-' National Convention of Musical Fra- Engineering Publication is Issued. It!
terday-Score 8 to 5 in Chicago's ternity in Session in Ann Arbor. Contains Biographies of Profes.
Pthn by Delegates Attend Faculty sors Greene and Cooley. Able f
Favor GoodPicngb Concert. Remaining Scientific Articles.
Eyke .Program.
f ~ The "Technic" for 1904 is ot and
Out at erry Field yesterday the The first business meeting of the the efforts of tie editorial staff' have
Michigan rooters were in a very sat- National Convention of the Sinfona lprouced a book wich is noobadl
unobel sistied frame of mindl at she end of the Miusical ~ratrnitywas held yesterday supterior to any of the previous 3niitn1
seventh inning. A combtitation of 'aftertoon in the rooms o1fte local hrs, It captaintls 121 pages5 a111i1 1
its amd Chicago orrmrs hail lus net- chapter. Seven chapthfrs were roll sustanially bound i a browtn, heavyl
led three rutts; with the ocore 5 1(o 1 resented by delegationa varying frtm lial.I is coiosly ilustraedl with
in Michigan's favor, ie game10seemed three to fioo mt guar, the remaind-boasexel.nt i ogaisyand racts.
out of clanger espeially as ye iwas r of te ateris 10. was set in sight Of delt intrest is an aciuit of
pitchintg a winning brand (f ball. Soiseinig. IiStieeingit5 tht'dlegtes le tsemoril exrcises sittenenti
the cold, lammyiwa xtev and blaeid attended, thi' faculty concert eni masse. pe th dahof ea Gree sI
suptpers wre forgotes andtheivsle- After lihe'cnicirt5 a ('r'ceptins sas wll as the biogratis orlfhim byl31.
tators compitlaenty eaneid askits hld in th' Alumni rootos. 'T' wives B: Mierrictk sonl Presiiin Aigl. J. l
thei ets t oiwatchiIte flnis ofwhat f thi' prtesst'rsoin aiy sudienst t.Dvi rites concevningPlofes oor i
promist'd to bethelibehst lomse game were presensled to le yung men wtit t'aotley, aisste new es, soil the accoiitil
tf lbesesason. has''etioe romt Bosioi, Philadlthi. f ismanly latle against tioihi-
'lhen things hgan ito happten. tincinntti ansiti ritutoiattinilte Ilf(itthis which bhs'st'laim in his qet.s
'i'ii'iighthelii'mist, lihe agnuized'ifais conveintion. oif 511 Pieducatot ivsitniinspiraton111ti
coulid catcht glinisis of bases o0 alls, 'Tie tprogram for the ronmaining twthelitudiient wiiiis ining thlii'n1g-
safe hits, errors anuitvirong arumiays f the convetion is as flliws: }le a little tari.T'at lviii frii'nil of
throws, followinig eacti other in be- 'THURSDAY every earlest engineer, 'riifessir1.t
wildering sucessioin while seven red- 9:101 a. m-tusinesoso esiotn in the I. avisto eligie i i t. Wilson
legged t aggts chased each oler Chatter Rooms. '12. His aly lifi' is so exmpleii
over the plate. 12 ni.--Ph1111v5115sf Dlegates. f what arilwravnt101 a1i'uvoi'.cil
After te gamns' sas hiipelessly lost, 2:30ii 1. 0. Smoer soil first degree eneavor will doi towards ivirominig
Wsedllal was sent 1nt111hlboiix ait in Chapter ooms. the tdificiltiis in le ,sv 1ofute'lu.-
duing his briefioijourn, tithInot alliiw $011 p. m. -Secondl iegree in Ctter lio.The engravings f tIetw oilpro-
a tit iirrin, but it was all over. Rooms. lsosaeeclet
Eykie'.lihe'latest aitioiin to thi' 1:1111pin-AnlnulChnvnin bulan- f Gseisorege lenchefdrft-
titching slatf, was giveni a cance toi qeit. $r
shlow his ability yiserday sail hi'FRIDAY mail tof 1110 SlrfiayPvucis i. wuri n "msepaialvaegod o :0a .-uiesssin
seventininlgs h a hslii li'tlic'ago 19:00 p. im.-Annual Clovetiion bals, 111190' gves a cmprehns'ivInii' siht r
sligger's cilmpltesy bwlee, a- Gage's Acdleny. itah oea~ oti 10liiii 1115ine ofi'alti
iilag hightfles iwhichi sore'e'syoutsillCOACH STAGG ON INTERCOLLEGI Therema t ineiii tevrs. lsr
H1oweve'r', liieliha1 i'll 1pr,11is ii iiiti ATE PROSPECTS.'hieinsniiimt i'alv'sr'
th_'arit__r__lawekndw ill subjetcts iif great iilv'iii i 'iit e-
.5 111cidiloisii g hi' 'il uis sie oach Stagg f Chicago was inte- gitering s1uiiitsand sut-(,iitreatedtti'ini
c. inie isi Thel'sivrii ut si's011viewei jusitefiiri'yesterday's ae ia clear, cincisi' amooiT' he'11' xtla
hadinniiingoldhuol liiialii inI the ball gaie ns'aiiaseid his opinion as to nations irs' assiatei Iy lnerusics'i
elighis lie' se'e'med'ItoiIhive 111bth tivpoabo' outcone sitthe Chicagi-'ani idrawings. Tie ' seitis are:
his l id 111ndi r .'v I. .i a itte Michigan dilam el e atuiriay 'Swi cboiiidi'i d m amll'siiBotiavid Do
more1's'wiorksti''viimill mi.!.e aluableaniitli' li eucmltgiaiee sit .Juine 4 sign as oiltinsrucion1.
Iwiler. The iy cisash, hioevev.,sas ary GuoodlRoais---\Whii Shoululiilil
Withi thit'eigl ining e111110 'inateit cnlsri'vin islystat'ments. ' IThem.''
1110 'V.,oilyy0111 ' II: eila g' .that shoid say11t1hat iigan hail the best 'Te ltManufacturec' of P'ivrtlani ti'
a':.s a tIs' moo I ri;' faIcis : ,kchance lto win btiicoiestes''he e- isent.''
ior. Tle fieling ws of nia1111 1 ag.-eimarked Iluoking reletively up at the "Locomiiitivi' RoiaiTists."
varisty while ae it' 11 vstlihits ogreat lowe'ring sy,y."''lie'hissseveral ren 'The Value of las Aallysis in GaIls'
ly esi-I isomeioii thei i ii' all i iba. shiiare nrestint'tilllwinners ii the In- REngine 'lsts."
l Oti l a.vagis. Wti ihi'e 'xc' 111110 ii elegitei'mit- Tee'arc Rs, 'A ass' Line Mi'soivineni.
his o111' tighitm111111'ingtt 1100_ elog, 11a1111. 11111Fiatt whitaresi'srsllS'eCeavliIaiongthebs'ts aoi'iiti e
sy t 1eam -e-iilloo' kedt i th11,31, oiltplces whileo'iwo'hase': mliiinss asvinicliiiei.'Tly are:
Cbicago. tltisvabslute'ly suie ut atlae. An ERperivimen'tl DIts-inaituiionuhof
toy the frs xiva n ns; i , iit a ('atiii in lthetiiii'dle'vis lbs neaest Rlnkinsils h'bry-iivv thvPi risomre.
nekdn ecssiu ks'-lacive wish Mit1-110iiatturoachi toia evtiatoy. 'The T'sis of' ttLubrictig ils.
baiong a sliglih-ol. 'h'tevr' ui-i' '"What1effe'i'i doiI bhilk tafiivi's "''Te Ivs'tigation111outthin Alisusi
niumei1155prolly plays onloih t~ eamnilsol hisie 110the fhost est,? 1110Cavrbonm (tll.''
Iharm-ur maile'a prvetty, unnmig cIIc-IlWell, I havt tim'sn abtou figure that ''h'sst mof a Keoumn011'ERgine.''
itt Tsiine's fousl inslim'frt fr s-ltwih i llsoutyin-. T'ebm ay nit tuto Michi-
hi'va'ntiigts 11'1u5' uti's pm 1otsuintheii'high jumup, tn thu ENTRI ES FOR SATURDAY'S DUAL
fifth, Nowlslpuldtlt'huiowna thou' mli ve-othev uuhan s"weill mse i this'ptutu'MEET.
of Reiddens'swhsichs hadlus tg fr aslt. Wi' bavi'1tw1o tt, whio, whis'
three bases attachelot.pthiv wiuln't have wn the event, 'Traine Ftptricik yeterday goo-
For'Michigani, 'Little Roa'l'urvervmoght have hieen in the first three. out ti'list oitIraks 5m'en mvwhoct1lli'
idsoume work,'h ils sarp ilinglsofitOf curusveDole's entering hlsseis taent Chcag'oufoirvthis'udual san-et
grousnsd altsstice 'conviug itmlttheir chances. H-yde oitaCtnfordl will with thu Miwayaatletues uetSmkity
singles, his whichwere aptpare'oly ate seitondltlceeins te shot put11day. 'Twny-twoi 0e-liwithlmaei'tlh
giuodlfor twoourhresesss. 'lheI- -way rim sosmeoe, bu just wh tril, vry mus'etbeig uti'uswhoubas11
te one as dsha mut finOOhe womrkswill wilt lst, tosudifcult todetermiune. any chances to sutre a point. Thu t]
the stint, getting three hits, while his Mtichigaon mightl have got secod haul lowing is thelalst:
bass running was very suggeti'sit Hyde mull enteredmult Wisconsit has Calm. Kelogg, fIahnushat, Rous'.
touch downs fr usexitfall. a goodmmtan in Miller while Mawel Prry, Dane, Sione Su.twart, Reub-
'homIBiird apheretdins the nw rle has hoots doing well fort its and is in-stock:'l, NioltGoodwlin, Fihutauus lar
of a high junliperuu'andiltwoiiori'thrne prinig althelv'time, es, D~unlaptuMiler,lBrewe'vruth-ner
imes he saveduEykRatsawildipithliy "I rually hntthikthah CanfordlRusney, Stuiurgeonu, -lac, Riud, limi
his aerial ascents. mentres wtll hurt Michigant any more Withey.
Deffree id some fine ae rsning than they withlms."
his steal itt homne in the seventh be- The Daliy reporter was unable to SEMI-FINAL CLASS GAMES.
tog a distinct feature of the game. observe whether or not Mr. Stagg had
Thee ws aIsiicohu iniutnt tshis fingers crosseud during the iter- At tieret'1,0 otheibmnaugrs mit
the thirud when Catcher 1-arler, gig view. bue ltas, rtshats-'been posgant'si
litre ree'n borllinguoer snolmve FENCERS' CLUB NOTICE. till Friday, May 21, at 4p. in. I, will
pin te mid.nRbo hilovandgovert e playedl tn SushiFerry Fiel.
inte u. ahha s grivd 'there swill he an imortant meeting Thu '11a Law-I7 Meic gamislhe
loo onhi fae uonariin ito the Fencers' Chb at 6:45Ip. sm..tplayedl 10Ferry Fieldmh t 4 mp.in.,
E+wothpichd hs sul tedyFrihay in the 'Trophy Roim. toiay.
game fr Chicagoi and his batting nia-
torially assisted te Maroons in win- _--
The game otpeneudauspictiusly fr +);$
Michigan. Birds shestenabledt hins 1 9I0Q A
to beat out an inie'uld iiiR'uede
linedt tne toicenter. (atcher tarter j
evidently haud a grudge againtusTo TonM'(imIG: E M S
and threw wildutou thirid to ronig himNIE STYY ARS O
of the credit itt the stoilen base, it H NV RST E RB O
cuming home on the play a%
The 'Varsity catcher scoredt another IOra Sale Toda~y In~ All Dep rtrietntal BSzldrss
runin lnthe third, hitting safely, steal-.

hog second and coming humsetsos-n $150
Pros's hit. tP I E :.0
Chicago gillhetr first riln in the I~ MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLEID
(Clontind on page three.) J11W +t. " 111 I hec 1. H1 h + -I.- ~

Final Contest Friday for Alumni Cp.
Prospects of Close Struggle Be.
linens Adelphit and Webster
The final contet in the Csp Dab te
will take place Fiday night in itoin
it ohm cLaw Building. Vie wo
copeig easat'thin Autl1i,,
repre-,usentng thus-Lii..hdepatment;iut -u
he \Ve'stei, rers'entng ibm' Lawv
hdepavtument. 'hese otesults iwere
strtedutsitsyears o a byilivemiv'totut
Alumnisst cia515t5mi. AlIhlustimini'it
dohnsaedta silve'r ('ull tom becomeheIm
propery mot thisosumst y swti sing i hi'
grvaest numbetir iofI is'sdluigItwen-
y yesans. 'Ihe'e conteta hays' been
'in great lbenefliti stimuslatig a5.1i10
teu--u-t iniueb'atin mg espbeialy auui.:og
ho' newr men. inci- conmpetitisnfor
placss'vnitheii'cupudbattg tamus is
sut opto tm'Vasit y hounor debauter.
'liss yan a close cumulievt is e'xpec't-
edu. 'lhmi laws hhusly has-u a goduu
su mmam, andth te Adelpuhitvcthry
music tbe'Alpha Nut iit thehdeartient
conteust shhtwedl lit is hail a strun,
weltIbalanceduteIam.T'he AelupthiCi-
ci'ety sillhis' repre'senut livby Hull, '05,
diii'mmm lu-, 'hi-hausuLahmthera'14. 'Pbs
Webtviu-ndebaluteh-us lilt Pierc'o''0, Di-
Nv-it '15 sanduAthertonss'5.
1rutish S. IHaliday hsaves tiday for
Lexo~igtoni, iKy., whe"re-li' isto utaslum
ttimitl contst Ti- h'tivs s i-limtesti of
thus winnemr s'mn tohem-righiito speak
in thus'namsionalmconteus~t im.Junem'tiltoil'
[tiei Nullionaustl'rohiitiontu chnv'ntihn.
MIr, Haliattuy repreu'snta sis uty the
Isiam usit y bts th Slum' tesiof iMich-
ig1n1an11111loct1osmpeii t sisxl"isay
swit uiem'aera:'uhm uP 'mu.Ohiot, lKen-
Ituckiy, I'e'ueseevu, Indiansia adh N'a
'T1mm'nationual cutet hbccursivery
woumeas-indmihhas eight contestsanuts
"chovsinfrttu heIoiurs ctisns iofthe
hhhounr.One uof itthe'fouris'mull last
yeartohuwsini ahlacaas J. L-tWelcihs
oft Mlichligsan, soulif IHaliday awissa
I;ac til y ear t'. i with e us' ith' a
ut-herintim .lsiigsu's al.
Ai. IHsllinay is a senir Lit. lHe
,yvonmfirst lainhise1 ormatouria co-
es i-osthuyeayuandauhsveond isusya,
ituas mtrt uvsao'in this'debautig
ea v hailm tefeatedh Minunesta. DH '
1s110 trvo'ng moramtmussandhwill alts'
a oo fsus ight tuu'rivtfir t an.. Hi- seas
Fridtay everting, Say 21, at 1:1 p.
hut., sWlo'~minsl's 1eagusi'will give its
relr Mauy Isawnmpavty it l.c ome
it SMs. . N. 'coutt 131 W ~sienaw
havsue-i'.Last year it rainedon u the
say waiusthe atv was splanne'd, adu
ibm' film' waus adjouredtmuthe gymna-
simum. 'his yuaransoefort will e
madeihto iiru'ventvcsithe ('lceme't, i
pohssi ilt-.so inusiash' itrainuss osFriay
s'venitng tic' arty wilt limi pt offuntil
aturd ay aftensoho at 4 o'chckAnsI
it Vj rains oii Saturduay aternsoon, the
tally will hi' adjournuuedhtim the gymna-
atumms.'I'eprese iiithus' tarty is
toi intuce thmu''hum'newly ul'ctedl ofices
ofith shvWAoan's Lea'gues'to the sollege
womenn; notissiusy m'mbevsbhtmlalt the
colletmge givls andh thulatis ittthe fac-
ullty anvyt it.
A baskeut all tuurament is biing
planned'ilfor thu arly. 11ftpossile, a
garne' of baskethatt will b luaydl le-
Iwuees fv'ohmeon'sanduuthus'sopilhmoes,
and blllwito the jusiors antI seniors,
andsthet inluals withlhoetulaeubetween
lbs winnersofi the uther twit gams.
tfilti not thssibe o houd the turna-
nmint as planned, a basket alt game
oct11 still he playsud, pobhably between
two itckedtitteams.
Musustes it the gradulating school

shudtlane their ordr forivcatus anti
guowns with Miss Louvell without delay.
Nh urder~s can be filled hater than May
i0. t

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