THE MICHIGAN DAILY IG.H. Wild Comlpally L eading Merchant Tailors For Sis Top Coats and ITrousers. Full dress suits a especialty. Let us show you IKiloweus, Blarneys, H i Ilands, Edinburghs, Druin- toclity's, Mc~ngors, London and St. Andrew Flanntels, London Cassiuteres or Amr- icau Serges. Please call ad see THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY exmleo Michigan ight to the fina- is sii sone coulti ask for. Enee ats second -claso ia at the Asi The first half was all junior with Aro otClc. Ms hfrtebih atclrsa,1-1published daily (Mndayreegted) durng the site secturing two baskets at difficult cottage you', st 117 Kf. tWashington street, attgtes. The learn wark which en- (test-e's fltor, side as traseet those 592-3r abletd her to da this was also naticca- MANAGINGi EDITOR: tie, the low, quick theraws of the blue a. EMORDY TIIOIIASON and white sending thce ball in danger- BUSINESS MANAGER tttts ground time and again. The half ROCOE It.IHUSTON closed with scare juttors 2, freshmen Atoei, EDITORS: ALo During the interim the rival classes News, t J.tS.tS' K. filled the gymnasium with their class ASSOCIATES: stings, the freshman getting much ClliffordSteenson, Rey Peebles, the hatter of the argutment. Their A. M. Greaser, hlenry IP. Erwn song, " 0 how they tried-O how they A. C. P'ound. A. HI. Otmeyer. tried it" matte a hit attt evidently .Joseph Y'. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. encottraged their team fur when the idaN. roarigl. . WiteJaye. redl and white '07's lttik:their places in Deo. A. Oshorn. Hlarold C. Smith. the next half, there was a hint of flarry 11. Andrewas. Thos. A. Sims. soehndig. Thomas 13. Roberts. Clyde L. Dew. soehn dig. BUSINSS STFF:Dot at first it lolked all jtunior C.A. '1Ticonvo. Wmo. R. Lloyd again, Miss Shafer scoring two baa- 21o5bIsill.. -1. K. Latourette. Lets in quick sutccessiont ably assistetd Blenj. f. IDeloy. 'lime. 1. hekele. ,, Max F. lin 1:lsteio tty stome crever plaing anttuthe part of M iss Pating. Editor Today-A. M. GRAVER. And thenth ie freshmen itraceti, Miss Parnelt barely saving a btaskoet by a 5'ulseriptiot 'o oo llloer ear01, pal/able i tte catch allota titicklontg thorow. advane,. ltottlitl after ove. 1, 103,,$2.0Butt tile freshtmetn came again andt lont~tg sitde passes sotoitgate Miss YTr- Offica Hous:st12:30 to 1t30 and 6:30 to 7:30 toe a citottee ftt a basket wehich she p. m. Daily. Itrew frotm.te side line, the best Address-ROSCOE B. EHUSTON, Business Man- blasiket otf the gante. The '0)7's soton ager, 331 Packard Street. htatd another chance but failed ott ac- Telephone, 461. countttt ftor the fierce rushing tof thtejon- ittrs, Miss Snover needing titme be- - 7eautse tif a slight cstt an the lip. Wh__l~en play was resumetd Miss Carrie .m m- -__ - soton seetiretd anttther difficttlt goal by CALENDAR. the thrpwing fritm det'p center. Time ______ was again called. Duirinog tite short Malty 1It-Idelllty ecncert in Unoiver- interval of play btetween resulming sity Hall. play anti the final whistle neither May 1.8--:ase ball. Chicago vo. *MNieli- sceoretd. igan. 'Te final score stood jumiors 4. Masy 19--7.80 p. in., Lectulre by Dr. frieshiatetn2. Dulerden ott "ThleEolutiontl of lT'eline uottoftr the team: wasas oioM'ti's Btotily Sltructure" in 211set- followst: Ma~y 10.20- Notional conve'ntiontloci Centers: IFarnsotrh, aling, Sno- . inoittFrahllernity. Schootl stf21u-ve., H.I. Wild Comupanly fl108 E. WAWIINGTON STREIT.j SSENIOR STUDENTSI xS Leave your orders now o fo I ENGRAVED VISITING CARDS2 ® Styles:Jo SScript, Roman, Old Englishj From $1.25 to $3.00 e for 100 Cards and Copper Plate* 140S Cards from Plate, 75. New line Crane'"s ! Fine Stationery SSHEEHAN & Co., I IUniversity Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers.! 320 South State Street.2 1. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATH SROOM t5. J. R. TROJANiOWSKI, Proprietor. Face Mlassage a Specialty, 322 SOUTH STATE STREET Sipecialty of [finc Interior Decorating Conmplete new line tf Wall Papet's, Paints, tOils and Varnishes. 123 E. Washington. Phone 232 lennis Rackets Perfect Balance. Best While Ash 'rames. Clearest and Best Qnality Gat Stringing. Wnrkmanship an d Finish Throaghout the Best Ever Pat Into a Tennis Racket. You'll ied all of these good poins is THE PIMT at $8.00 -AND- SPALDING'S GOLD MEDAL With Cover, $8.00. For sale an WAHR'S BOOKSTORES "f.S P-ECIAL "+ SModernJr n ary STrials I ,f Containtintg condentsed f~ 4 cases, with sketchies atnd + a speechtes of Anericatn . advocates. The art of +~ winin~g cases and inan- z ner of counsel described;,'i. notes and tules of practice f .,f. j:On C . 8E. (Barthelik: 1, teoeo, to osedooiool- iooo I'lls So. SSt .1.Let. '0 ."'Ha aa4aHH**~ *~aHf'HH~wa"H iHaa I i i E I i r E f F 1 1 i t) i P' Alay 2(1-o, Lectture on Ftre- nat Instrancte'"toy .Me. Miles 0A1. Dawsont, inTo'appansoHalt. Mfay 201 4.1)i. in., Letulre' by t'res. L. it. Jutes, Ypsilanti, on 'The Life' Devetlomen t ofthoe tHouan Splirit." 'oTappani:Salt. Maly 28 Comneody Clbtpiliy "Miss Hlobbos" at (lie Athenis T5he-atre. F'ir'itly lolievingolini to'eiol adaogo', '"Muosic ltatih elosrnleothIto'savage iets01.'' to' Mosicllu'bbs will 11r' its effe'ts on0011liteol rscolstic rvisitores. 'o' 1-vhsochloo lladtfoo'000010toleryotown in .ltothigatt to Atoo.Arbtor'11e-t fol- prtoviedo-thte say5illshldsoods00(. Al- 010000gh aoilfirstgloanceeit,:ooig'lt seem1 a triflle- ltjoosto 0thit' higho sictool to loveth lultsiiallub itilconrtlalithle samttotime sO'00thou'r('0011011c-10110laO', yet oshoenotoeeeoooroil goodooIof thoe Unoivesityis considteed lbh 111071 Seloool's mntttooly iof thott1,' shooulid te disregarodedt. 111na111t'l as 'ici- gato istbehtindtomevoofnit t'eloteis-I erio coll-geos inl theenotoetanmlen~t ot highst-hool visittors, tis gotodltanlit a cetshotoldobeiteto'ilend~'ortst't toy sl it o'iii tuden tsti . JUNIOR GIRLS WIN. The basloet hall gameo yeoterdtay be- twee''nlth~e juntiores andt freshmeno' was weltt play'ed 011(1 showedlasprtrly ant Guairdls: Wiggitns, tle, Staffordt. Fore~stmeno:- Ct'lees: Startl, Eschenburig. I'llot's. Basklets: tClarke.Carey. Yorkotr. Guardts: Motsher, ttieer, Jauet. POISON IS CHICKWEED lT'erepooritof to- celebrafetdloison tecsI,oundoetaken, somne mlonthts ago: by two-lve'memonbers of the Alphla Sigma, 00 htomop'otathic fraeruity, an~dthreat sen~ior gir'ls, tosstrecently bteen pu:b- lishedo. Tile riole tpulcity giret-is1 .'sxperiment lhas interestoed tersonts in 'oerlpartof th~e coiunitry, espeocially scientific tmen. 'Th0eteport sotws that th~eodroug giv- eto to thle "Ipoisonl eaters" was none other thani Stelaria Medtia or "Wilod C'hiitoweoet." 'T'his conmmoni tlant, whtileoexhibitingpiosotnous traits, hs far from l tanlgtroths in small dotses. 'tho'blletinu conitains th~e rettortof th~e effect of the laity closes 010 the o~r- gan~s unl fiucioino of the toady. As as result of tie test, medical scenco is it: tiossessio ot aidroug, whl~ose actioonnitoh1:0hutmasnitrganism wras lhitherto ounknowvn. Foresiers wiltlnoeet tonight at 8 p. im. ini Newbery Hallto hoold a rally. Geoorge' Peavyovill spteak onthie "Pill. grinmage itote NorthCouotnrie.'' SECRETARY. You owe it to youtr facC to use Wilihatms' Shaving Stick. , *5G - -T-E--5-T-H--T-R- i I I I TIS SPACE IB[[ONGS 10 THEL S. L. A. OCLAN M~. SI7ABOLT, Malnager WNeek comnmencing Monday, May 16 goa AM WAAmerican Majoard SoramaticCo. In a Repertoire o1 Metropolitan Successes. "" HIGHi=GLASS "" VAUDIENILLE PRICES, 10c, 20c, 30c. NO HIGHER. CO INGS2! MRS. IK in Ibsen's ,ed Gabler." I@O@@S@@@@S@@@S@@O@SO@@S@@S@@O@@O@*@S@S.S.*SOS@SSOfrS J TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS. and HATTERS. 334, S, STATE- ST,,' Phone 342-2r.