The ichian aly VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. No. 15 50 O R~[NI EN [SSON ~55h4. r~++." 4.+*s ~+ E.+++++4 ++..1e topsh th ballgoing out of bounds, ~ U E~ Th tleiga Dilysetnn Ie 22-ard lineIHeson and Prf eo se o 7,0 o n= D iyfyu drs ot'D iy $t Exhibit to be Placed at the balance of Isi semeser th],Ill' and lhe lter went oresfot Words air ~ 'aiI~ i tochdoliwn. Mirhign kirked off Wolds ai. lal nyour address to TheMiuciganDl my, or fphone 461" ani then lell like a twal. Nrros "b : :"."A~r T~::"d'.>a~a .." Fks :d o+rTsecredI II,ball onia 1punt, anil les- 'the badtiiits i 1regets leli t heir rig-tokadT mp nre aed hir r- u trtiit s-cno iing ttoiay andco-s OmiOasilO wso ti on4reeat i teir+tire ttrtit a solme isitergoirtin ttbs- ***,, ***... ...... sss and silThopnitioswent iover ieee. iiiiiig itest ttis lii' renirtoriia.tiiichdioiwn, arryig a sas sit ic i. AmoillhS Ii itwrisirhi potiaii i-R[SULT.S O[ Y[ST[RDAY'S4GAMES si irs ackIronithli- yariline. am- iisiProp. iJoiiiiit , ol hatiitanceosiii-i' 'iiiiiil s , iial imidelettiescore 24-0. lnte, o Iithe iversit y. 'Thte beardt lhit ......-- - - -I..,5 ( t a 'l t e No m it ....... . it)*f liRidien s- eh irei thIle'nxt luk-off v et h ts for tihe'ifgit f , soiltt * ia n-...... -.....:9 ush M'deiis . ....... 0 f I ymrs, and then the team w s e airhes so i c ofitht'te tsteProifessoreHinsae. I'll i s ............ t.... tt4isis D esia's... . . .. f aiei'i2011yris fiisholintg. Tomph- tesomtis elie mhsi-itssof te facnl[.iti '1k' * 1inton .....i..:.i. . . . . 12 Leighti- - - - --.... *...1111 111111 ~n llsisitstimadei'gdini Sts,lbutt raillumilt .e..ii..........tii.. titwarthmore .....ii...... . . . 0stt - - - t* te third hisw5n tils one yadshot.s Dit iiiIi .1 i it' Detriii, as e '- * Yale. . . . . .Holy Cross........ . . I(Ii * ani le ball went eee. Onithe seondi si-tlel lto Ithe L is itcely a iissiii-itpie letitinslvaia ......., 2. hit t ibugi..5 I *dtwneS chlittie alIHestnit brike iir ofsi seeee in Sical fiicit liii Artistd *........ .... 7 W ieslilits 6 l thro glnt ackI ed'ttiitAalifir is5-yatid whi willboe i trfsti Il sr Ii * is Ata ws elsowteset ak for htli siiti's riisi. Somie fashipotos **f 0.r.0.0*0*0*r** f ig i thelinetll, -adtn lii i ies of der, he grt otietitWhleidleton sasaeit2255arsi adil''ltsittiott ieo. teli it-giwte if li-c XX o lilt eut I0. O(he se ondtla tty 'Tomsoins st tuce uicetii 1'tlelilg i Lst 51 ii ttsititthe Am s hsiti ents A R [[[R ['S GAMEI. ses si-stover for s tiutchidiwnt. Soe, Toli r.511 ls lt- Steiarsisfor tie me t itheI tri-l ipt AuiiiAurIor-altI i ______ ut anh it 50 'iTheo'ori-icknteI'll, f tor i . $500I Ili' iilliforii li'Game With Ada Normal Yesterday Nreriss ranthei'btll tak lthest r p~ld halth n r agm(ti, wllbe14-yarsd hue. ut Mtiehignihrteltsi'lst lss f'ttiwtitttt. este l oe d .1abIle [ semsi tcabouiti (heli'same1'rato i'orue Characterized by Michigan Pen- 15 yards for fot i itesfeece. tles sil t s.Thl fisiii'c 11wastaredi it t iIhis lilies losiltel naizing-Maddock in the Line -'ists toil S8yrd s ktsshom son s12.tandi d1'iv itt i'i'i iidet cu H nyt li 11ii i s Ii t lt tArm-sit-y i115up-Game in Detail.itth iig lost0it res.-it sIl-ttisstoos litlii h5ti e 1 ti-ersit nt-lilit ti lindlill' be hll-i-tkensly sf ''siissosIhsy F eti h a llf-rtor ts ills inan d - a mm olntdtis The tllwinti t i111111war1Y-I-ray fteiisooAnhonItleriry is 4 gainedfti4 yatrds li-lisritisniesuckl I til i tuu ' h li- - ---t -tiu ituily uutuiu ltu-- ut stlsli's llLtaital'gh'g~l tutu aiii t i ste in s c ce''h ssl her-tohat l AT.i il lardtia- i-t t t it' Air.Tug huto ilor tlt 1) . h 'Sor ieatu. Nithanils. As game wtic theyAsbionihc il Ittd nohit eh t f i'ti.' hat' lf i t Il At ti s o ' D m u ; as c~ l m i fle' t'iittttttit P urtel i til uni potI it- i :on i' titti.c> the y a !k: -. Th ute sI it -nu mbieiti'rh s 51i5t5 , si iig I of st-iirit-tlitollt ti t it li 'lh tti comit S I t-'tee x li e it''' ittou hiS.e iut Iitwor thy .to ibe cor titus. it's 'tutu fni Lheu s eo i- Tm huatts ofit tih e il ti ittiIttit i' h h I-tile Ai-tutmut, XX'umteu' ' 1 - Ilb i yarism'tlargethliani sut- s rgutu ul'hi uuuln roSOiu'hul fault. 'lIm thet 'kickeitgoalti'htg31;t0 itel totu I$2,r u It h toer piths'ml I tit imtit(,it u'u11ute hshoar hi'i tt uf uuina i 0mettr I t'tit. n o t igt umichhtm'hUig m e- blus i itt a d n i s" IItil h I'de Itmt.Xii t ~tyt -ett'it bAwlt Mr. ththIlti111 H.55111 1 -m sti[,t-t w s t u'mt tiltme sy t ih ut th cri a h' s--anmu I stldt lm mue i-tnr tuhum auttur A. St-lu mu i' I to ltm Re ttis ii Iuiut ut"-^5tnt ut-t tms-usmlimi iu u i sis 11 amis i lts m th uu-tI' IiSuk t t In iut t-h e rno n h-itte fllw lr.Arstrhut- gti s grtut ed i froimuu theh i efuautu t t t s--' n mthat eit's mp tm-hurhitit-i-sia mum-mu itt'celius haeheh . inn cn lrc p~r; orcawad~v cl r , lit i ii' IrvcLpt n i t'tms lfiIh.iuumiiii herue t hiss'uuumum-. tutuMchig ItFan' iiief ne; ''it and ut lih hhs "l he dn~ee of B. . u-nws Wul t- 11 in 1:hutnrig i ll'grdu te 'ois' ey fipet- e sit ops1. et- ] so, ho ran'it ittti forii'sIf, yard s tnd ehihut.i tintus- h us hi' si-utHt.I til ( -d het.follow ui Otober-m-uuhe conluTeh le'' r ilri n-ta lmth.Nt, a e n s teniiiiwan t - tr sit atohus o wnm . 'th -m tuie S .i1t R c, Th u.rv f RA.i l ii hi ot: uiniitt(, th~t, i-mulini-dsit loulS ed uttths' fartis ea iitson hustes r sim'no uuthr ttuu sof ut-u t- u n as'. htk hum Ist'itttseba tutu I l it limi miiLe it ,h it tutililiv t'. ii (ktuset'e t' t's umitve 11 say th'to ano h fus'sl t s Thee' sCak it v I '-h;isum lt- l ti-t Mic~'hig - C a ui:sm i $rliii Ci ppI rm-el r, ist arhrt'li 'ttutuutlusiiti. iui im t Imsstutheulssm-put'Itumuus mml l4'-tI1u.i i t iths-im t u su IT h155i511Wt. Ihuittit' 5111)11 A hut itus ha ut i husu indet ii' tmitum tin mstb u t s II hund gansi Mi'sih i ge 5-1(i11 N ll. si- s hm was11 yu-is 'i atsY iie ii $lih li tt' ih ht' i ps 1ndthu-e siu'uu recetlys eu rn hses lhis wtuhds bes i ttu rth us htutui, shu t ium l hd iluh i h ttu hIersey-ti. Smtor r hn tacledIt eu't ( 11 1 ll(, 'um smgtus tecar edi a-ims tti t tit ht'ai'.'i e it nielwhh h -t hiIthi Iii 155 i u pt t s. t tsti iu is uusg 51 oitust sit'M D.,tu.ets.toirst-t ut til' ttt t-u'- Ui sit y Xli'. Ihust t ii Ii. X s rngu iIs. P 'ullstt cllsu .ti i htsm as s eug 'hiss- t i;nle o b e r e o o o f o (r o e o i lt-mu u ii ltrcr s xhnttites of + I. r V. Selosut1s-A.i.tit Frank 1' to ii Itueei.sit'i 111 'mti-es -dtim' soit iii tyisufirttm emIf ths' yitrii'1oe1 hui tur hu tsteurt sidhl(stsiesus. \ u1'gs Xraiuiuutu r om' he oi' - Mitt locktuutuuss i h . ie1 ,hn o l ieha gds ui ttiueittNoru r s a nd Nulittil'set-s s atutu ntlsut iii ass isthuh l 1 'Cli i t - f i hit i mit tRochess t N. h:, in Auu l ust-,; dl-ut miff argeul nA u gh 51 ltt' tuh'uit usj I'd ca r 1-ng th X alls' ato-ir whf illh 'mays e ot eds. S l its u ti ut iis e t s-i uu s ut hum in Iis tudruiv I mu ' carhI .I thyu uh .'It r- d' int- sto his gameI . Sihrwee hu tl ' t-soIsu-it stsuuus w u 'tu m ele u ii-a 1sS fr 11 w ro hmmu( sir lts' yan rosst plastse tiIti e am ag sohift uarses mots e.. i'tut i ris' io .. U P n i(, Iytt' as e it 910 11. XV tyhor ilbtaSlumL' -iit' mud ss tutu tunu lssi csut r( s et's- ndii thi ut usaindsti s Ilsn ersi nuu n.u gtuiet' itmutusus S (:n Ia t. guar , i ee a wrlnsts llholhh l d ~ rrn h mmmt i ~ i tlugy tI li:the itoftimsm'tumiuishit imesoAuAssseing bak fro seJaesthum s- Seemv gin rahtu ; i t. and 'r hdssin sac aeitutnhar y f ssut ssAlrsih as it's stuo t ul l uhun xams ait 'itio u m u hull8is ic mtenis str ued iyaspruainedsushumbS am-t its Iassu l actustumu Iregory. at Ice gtr uian l s ss ey-ri , w t silnth ofs $20r ;A isthua hsi sbe n 'rhm--s uus ghs(t'I~~ inIs igh t Ihitg Iet tus kiih i gh n t imuth is t o it iNorcr loss m .Ih Ita IIrun i yard s for g. ir thi n due 'os 1 B. radieut , i s til I' s ie in Iiioittwhor guhalf. Rakmus re lr -0 s o ed a tnc~ iw ,fnudinrmhiss( way rgwht Ju.Iiiue isl i aryo h00a chy Nts-kwor t istri h us 1gfts a hus' cotrlt. r i i'hbtg s afosrm thaisn ilhuff a( itti' 'tis t(,t hle's, Ssl usf heIt stim-sts Insth1le deptartmenut- orGemi . oftiu h Iu i ull.I lltuetushamshya cadi tt oi. I lt(, h ith el ie t millR ead'uh S seamdsln ha.mamgsi uie. I t saglearsu cses ofs'' goodli hi. I~T,'I). hasrin-u- reit h uti tied. A. . npev itus itt'rs pitu h't'ihiby tehh iiiwasl bedm tim ersi du l s unto N atrersss s-l : o t.en.iil r " tohit h iu i i'ieciin. ssa5ys issn t ti's I .',0usuhnetisuof lets cm-,g 1111 sre'thi'e.vanced's I1ISyardus. (Ostliitheet latuy, 'uuis' ssitsI Hestons I4- Maddork, wur Sectt's euoursets.mitttnts tinthiltsI} itseiitime ewho suuhetsr a°Asda was mff-sieiuhu'itsh atatIiuhshuss t 1;'1II hliiTtill 1 Husmmnd, 2; h~as-ittJ veLevy was appited ilaseis tn t m i ~et-I su'ss heheusli'tsht, fluttue1tmul humlusthin lay rahthIass XeekusI; Nuorrss, 2. (Aoiate, 11am- htlin tsas'fturisslumgy. st'rtlrt mussfus ee xact'usinsmgseuuikiof cal~l fuste'penatlty. Nuirtcroses musuuut. ut hum viesrosit hos'fact:;b thathe-). 1.sun'their tproftesisin. umadset'Syarssnlthsrughhe-fltaceh, stnu bardsulhas lsi'n nabl toii heget us suit lisle - -I tistuss tooul. 15yasrd s nass esndhrust.'n,__ assinsttnp11 ilsstints, thme nrmeu( ss Bloomfield Broke Record., Mtddockelstlen brsoksitthsromusghthus'linte MINN ESOTA TRIP. dtseidedto ttallew thimsats selett, i e Bloomsfildbrokueut'ths- recordtat the fusour tsa'uton ssessWI. Ilsssssussu's goasl st udehnt assist ashts, ata salasry sof $300,lEi.AtArtorluInr gituks Ithis nmornsing byuesits no-us sadhe'thme stun' 12-0. (traiusust u- anage'ur Basirdl is stiltlor- Who are 1mm gist' osse-half Itir'those t51151he151 silt'boh-s i Is214sstkes. ''htl' Oistthis'nsitlaty Asa a W ssstackldgutiaiuug eeith Ihum'railrosadls toan this witsk. elubsrcourdltessItfussar atuss os a adoubnleu'pass. td oitrcedi etffort hum .-c-suscc'a lmw rate' tor thin IsnIethe epartnmentof engineeringStinsos-stasgaessn'as t. inneapotits, o.Or- R. 13. Jackson s-as apptointud isstruic +,.# *++ +rbar...smuse's4.4J 71 Mr.+ Ihasrut ist rGu's's'iri+4ssgi.++ massybel"1 M. aid i rcevig an ta n11cairlengineering, al: ia hhsi'stuut t'esi' sshks salry if $900..tAutin P Wgs ndM Thelichigan Daily sent flygre-atintheriest shits t his'conssest is s. hayo 90 Asts 5 hgsas u 'E d to gour address for the 117 esect ftisi solng 1thustsuden'ts stakes it. LewsC-. ougers were smatte his 55s nest month for 30 cts. i's it t ta ag ssshs' il c sistaants,.at $2001 each. eti hta11g ubrwl c F. M. Dunslap wa.s.appoinfed ssis- ail in yjour address to TbefMichbigan Daily, or Phone 461 c'ompmanytyhs-ltshumto Misneapsois if (ContinuedSon Page Two) + +.+. "t.t+++if .oa , I gg:g. gg g., .g... satisflac'toryrat ns:;asre obtaised.