THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4. - - - :f® N OTICE Spring Line of P aritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, 'button or lace1r111 the "New Spud Last." MOGuUL LYT IAN (jrolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "t4OGUL SMOaL HAKLS EGYPTIAN SPIOKLRS3 to for,p sets. For the benefit of our customers wve wish to say that the Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very much stronger by going into the hanids of tbe factory-Geo. 1P. Keith Cotnptmoy, Brockton, Mass. George E. Keith dloes not contirol the frame Puritan, hut he does owvn "nod otltol tfe/«els(,, I]ctt t i/inf /etor y wichi' titde t/en tittie ' art(ttt f ntwui-l Hlehas aliways tad the ex- celusive right in matking our shoes. st lien biiyiiig yotir Piiritaii Oxfords this spi ng be sire atid buy the ORiCItiN xg, anid not somie inferior btrantd with thle lPinitaii itbel. Stock is all fresh; new shaltes antd styles atrriving daily. THE OLD ORIGINAL PURITAN The Old Place, 1ll South Main Street ;e_ Money Loaned Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of value. Watehes and Jewehsay44p- paired. Bargains in Wdfeibs and Diamonds. 011ice at residence, 3:31 Ed. Lib- erty Street, Ann Arbor. Hours 8 to 11:30 a. in., I. to 3:30 p. ni., 7 to = 9 p. m. All Buosinss Confiden- ial. .IOSPI C. WATTS. 1 143H1A N CENT]A 'The AMagrara Fllls Pet'. viPE sn3Oii' LIxE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Leets, ictnsas City, H..Situl attd tettWest Foar inforinatiton unithitrougticts gall'.onttr write to W. NV. CASE. Agent,. Mitt A ritr. Forest Avenue Meat MIarket. Poultry, Game and IFisb in Season 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 A. J1. WA-FSON WallI Paper, Pant ___j1£b*U- 8 RE N TS CH L ER For anything in the line of 4 4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler,4 4 Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 0 LITS AND MEDICS WIN. A $2,200 REBATE 'Titi'Fresh, Lii -uttefiateid the I'reslt lon't say he'll never do it, but he Idl igititis ittiSouitht Fervy Fieldl yea- one itf the thirty-five hundred to sub- utirity aftietittiitiby a satieitf 10 toi4.acribe for the Saturday Evening Post, itatieri's: Shupei' a 'ndsilliter: iale- $1.23 orticle Ladies' Home Journal, Cotion, (me;aititC'art. $1.010, anid save that $1,000 FOR THE Tie tr'sit11"'iets teat the Dents. in MICHIGAN CLUB HOUSE AND BAN. U.ttisi' ~ett'yeitteayto 'Varsity QUET HALL, and $1,200 FOR SCHOL. ieldi. Scoeti' to Ii . iBatteries: Siley ARSHIPS; Subscribers to vote for :md i tuu hul It 'oiicivriaiti Rich- beneflciary. 'Two-thirdls of your sub- .1. scriptioti comes back to the ttniver- Thiiethamin shti hats nowaciar- sit~y.Cointest rinses May 28. Wlaeth- ai-e dii intoifoirteamis, tte'0'55yr I get the deaired number or not, ie,'{15 I~iis. I< rsitZits aitu Iresh the motney earned shall he used as tivilcs.asove. ______ MeELDJOWNEY, '05 Law, GL EE.CLUB NOTICE. 60-i210Packard St. The W. C. Kerak 411 E. 57th St.. Chicago. taps and Gowns made to ti- Pennants for all ctollees antI fraternities carried ' in stock. Claso Pins, Class and least Cape Send for Catalogues, Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Sand Caliornia...I Are bost reached via St. Louis, World's [air City, the Iron frountain Route Tao daily trains to California. Three daily trains to Mexico Four daily trains to Texas. Four daily trains to Hot Springs. Sin daily trains to Little ock. THE BElT OF EVERYTING. WRITE ME. it. D. Arnmsrong, T. P. A., 1233 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, fich.4 School Days are ometimes filled wth sfferig. The strenouss life of the average student brings its series of mihaps. Ponds Extrac-eold asid ly doctor-offers quick relief and ere for all such ills. The stdent who has a botteof Pnd' Extrat at hand i8 well prvided tos re lievepain andosuffering. iteureseouts, bruises, uns;stopasleeding; re. lieves earaebe, tothache, rhema tism and all pals an if y magi. Sothes and freshens the face after shaving. For over 605 years it has been the one family remedy that has nevediapponsted. Watered Witch Hazel, a weak soltion-some. imes offered in place of Pond's Etrat-has no medicinal value-in positively worthess. ond s tract CURES -therefore in priceless. L- Sod olyin Semei Osile under Os,,rsswppr. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction Plumsbing tid Steam wonk-alt reason'ahle rates, at J. r. SCNII'S, 207 E. Wasington St. Bixler's Physical Training In Writing. The Book for All the People All the Time -In all vectios: for home improvement, 66 pp. illustrated. Price $1.00. Teted :'5years. Three msnths' correspndence mourse by s- thor;. 17Fo'r abliref time a will end thebools aod ettouevr1. Will lecture on physical riing in su id writing for $10, or one week fer$Ct(1, Cesductiee t health sd poitie cutre for bad wriing. Indvdualityr retained. Biusinems Pestmas and one lesson, 1 e, Address PROF. G BIXLER, Madison St. ad Ogden Ave., Chicago dI1U qn, 216 lEast iluron CreamllChewing Salted Peanuts. Hitt Popco, i'rtikerjut' daily, 301 S. State S:.Ifi. *B D,, Y,, A. A. & J, 5TANDARD TIP ForclDetroiuit ttfvhuryitftao 6:15 p. m. TliesttDourlysintiltli iatrt only, i at 5 ,it. andiut, Jailksonsthberly from 0:15ia. m Waiting Room, Huron St., l'resiiiest S. W. CARSinON, C's FIRST NATIONAL OF ANN ARBOR, CAPITAL, - - SURPLUS AND FROFITS. MANN'S DRUG tBAILEY eR EIDM FISH NETS for De it' 'rta ii cutiiwit)l meeti'i ooiii24, Ticket for four shampos--$1.00. L a tI-ittalliiiesdtay, Slay 17, at Soft water, Miss Vaughan, near Quar. Siretf. 7:(11 p. n1. l'ARI{Elt. ry's. r5" NOTICE 1904. Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar. _____row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush- Can Iy,_ _ _ _ _ hI il u tot elss tter/tu uttlaying's Pharmacy. lc I teeti cit0 oit/it-t, itoututC 1, ttiaersity hallittoiiconisiderthel aeuss tan antId e Your eyes examined by an Lii otuhitritattersvofIimpotrtance. expert optician. All the lat- IILA IN, Pre. est approved appliances and methods -- ______________ known to the professlon are employed. ML W GOSIP O THECOLLGES New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- ctSI FTECLEE ated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew. MtC i oii stWiltli h tutl'wuidito line at eiry Store. tf. Ir t)sL fi. 5.uti lii'het i/isvisit y ('tmnts inStunday 1:15, us.r teYueP ii~tu. I ra/r ttsuiil Bath supplies of an kinds at all ustil 7:115 s. m.Fill hell e at meuais. prices at Cushing's Drug store, tf. W. sf Main, Thirty mteti shotwed tnt for sprine ( THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. BtSON st, otushlluaucI/iet ithe tUivertsit y it V. preasident. itt's'onsint tecetuly. Furnishes music for all occasions. drier. Dance music a specialty. Address L. BANK No ut ttuoottr Shatuaspeariati proueo- 0. Bates, manager, 808 5. Fourth ave- MIChT. tn wiltue given thin year at Her- nue. 29-tf $10,40 vutild urinig the class lay week. 'This ___________ $40,0s0 has leastin a feature of the sen- LUST-A ladies' rinsed fare gold tic woavie rio/ram. watch. Leave at Argus or Times S TR hefl oed lb r- office anti receive reward. 1 CR lii'1 iierail~y Comnedlyclbpy ____________ ST VIAU n ig hit, lotMy a steA3ue., Mandolin strings 20c per fuii set, _____________ Banjo strings 25c per full set. Guitar &I 'LOST li--Pcket hittk containg change ntrings 30c per fuli set. Violin strings i atnd goldl medhal. Finder pilease in- 35c per full set. turn t 43t3 Maytuard St. Liberal ye- tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. U S, wardl. 102. ______________ Have you had a Vibfomassage at corating ' I FOR H EN T-A furnished hotte after Trojy's?. tf. 121 52. Llbenty Rt. scoroel closes, 33N. Thayer St. d3 _________________________LOS'T-old watch between Newberry ++++++++++++++++A+ atduiTtniverniiy halls at 5:00 p. in., Me ATHENS PRESS $ Monday. Finder notify G.. W. Kirby " 140 Vilisod or leave at Newberry i Pr iters "Hall. dl. 2nud Flootr Atm Ti.nTneaie 5 +q Chafing dishen at Haler's Jewelry 44444++:* + Store. tf. JOB PRINTING--MEYERS. 211 Main St. S. Phone 281. Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry' Store. tf. Complete stock of Brandt, Waldo, Washbun, Regal & Martin Mandolins on hand.. Prices the lowest. tf Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring