THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCIIOFF Correct Clothes for Menl W. rodI Dr.o. C aa 1 o .Tio Sheehan 'L1ZkL5T. - NCA N.D Y r Jobn ElaaMi tIs ECUT 'LOW$S & PLAN TTYLE is essential -irnk P 01zer CrstronMrtin Ihone 809(.itsntery It is not necessary to speak of f *,...,. thing. How they the variety of our candy stock,I fit youandw ar hut just a-word as to the qual- HOC(KING VA[[[T y Co ties Its Excellent areqlyIm Rv RI EVC a r qal m ity. At the same price as is TRINSRVC portant. This asked for the factory made,U --YOU WILL FIND-- r yrghi i9i, A. .ca label advertised, three months old, fildFU RISDIYFO OEODnawt eevtvsso- nolates, we offer you pture, Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains A/ I rs, ae aly. I lepnICrHnIihtTais CHOCOLATES - BOINBOiNS COLtntUS. L W. LANDMAN, Gi. T. A., Detroit on your clothes -i an assurance ---- ... __._.... .._ .. that you will be correctly attired, We make everythinig from the- -- - that they will fit you as perfectly ordinary sick caiidy to Mar- y 4 4 4 44r 4I 4 *44astog md oyou esr, roll'a glace' at , TAILOR got hold of an English and give you the same wear as 30,40c, 50c and 60c . College Sack the other day aid. tcopied it! D on 't hbl ie him . Equal t to ise custom ma e i al bu per otliiigoiithe ashon ardshal 50 urs wit evryadmein.aWeare prpound. price. The makers' guarantee, and +gracefl-that's just one feature sout Exclusive Distributors in this city. 4 our clothes ots more esides exc- F K iHeshwever There's tie real cstom CUTTING REYE1( &CO PA~YC O fiih ehn oil lapls-iii the Co. EN YCOK4't rot oiitie collars-the extrenely o=nnu ast Washington St. 'I' n~~~~ltra shape of all the garnents- the fig -_________________ ___ trehtbuit iito the coats to leid a good ___________________ eN DEM physique to aly Young Fellow who Grangers f DACIN1GF needs it! Wrought for monl i the ii- , y side aid the outside of college. Their} Office I .ao : 'prceis evlto! Demonstration Mr. rnegr will Ie at alaersy ofiche level 7 os 'lte vni (x/etn oda) Fine Line Fancy Hosiery 25c-50c All This Frm9aXn oJP .thn N.6xl Y yl l ' Veek reah im. New Line Neckwear, js in, 50c y '1 YOU CAN GET A r, Come in ad ty the iew Lunch.. Staebler & Wuerth $At Tiatte's, 338 S. State$ Sws .... (otite rom page oie. be memers eleeted from the senior il - t ®e to be a moinO5 l the right direr- classes of each department proportion' Chocolate in and as such 1 am heartily iii a- a1 in number to their size pLProf. R .Wne: AnoIunceiment has been made of a" " should im gie that, in any di- Frances Skinier and Robet Fieeman P er s m iso ietlgth etdSiirBritton. '(12Law, and B. A Law 'OP te r I Cotncil, a principl qestio would be _____________ di tal of feasibility. Aid on this ptintNOIEssonlcihte "o" ~~I y sad a wtrdl from personal NTC ss uhbte r knowledge. The Students' Represen- 111(11 any other that alive Council, wiich embodies and President Charles Hall wi meet carries 001, the essential iea of the the members of the Divnty cltb aI we want you to get iroposedl Senior Cunci, as been in 9 ticlolck this niorning in Newberry acquited withitIf operation at bhe Scottish Universities Hllsi. All interested are invited to Triml Above o soletwenty years. Tits body, be 1preent. "...... and the lctedl by le students at arge, anti._.... A1111thielllnsttlltcic elepeseting tUniersity stdent desrig 10 se Neat Feet Ile tarot. ciss,s in all the tacatis, cre iposiions to teaci will find it t are theies ha war thi le rce gil/, 5,C i",l : .1 . ilmuls1.- their iiterest to swrife to Janme I BDlliliTONtT L'AT RT+ RS ' ac le.cella ty and1111tudetis. SlCCalogl. t9 ine Ars Bldg., C,, Fl1111OPRIPlEN :Y7 hat it ia- Coi COP.t ,2. andi 5111 icitg"Igl Tate e 1r,e r-Cht ti a r- (lnt l l1 tr i 1m 1b o 1' 1 t t~ .,1i b; - - --___________"_ ca silytch ooira elt , g f-,pli ai ia. I ,51 ti,'lC ('iln tisnes at Hailer's Jewer e.,tttt tie etite rMtolldet of l,reSor. .pure Hii.,rrrwithmel tsitnt,,g tit 1 i."(1 t It1.1 .ii ,1i'1- , - t err lGhistte itt Itnyo .a S ugs"v-i l i ' o . llililaseall[il- S0US 1POIisS .g(Ilhc iali..ities Cmplete mi aCme stck of Washbtli, Martl, t>5 k. r rt tPhnrirtplhl o e. le eseilf l a s iakr, iyfc~oithe Regal, and Waldo Guitars at owe tt.5,n, t trre,, t-s iic lfiunis. Wilei i r Silflttie prices. i )inlioniitthat itlwioul be unwseoe n fi wxee it pr acticabe, tl retroitutle the FOR SALE-ight roomlIfurnish, -'i tttdentstReprese'Ilative Cutincitlit cittage, all conveniences, situatedNe u Tb s ihhe ldiffer etoditons prevailing o Michigan State park, Macblat UNIVE SITY -DAN- elt I can testify from liy personal Island. Address J. A. Btrsley, 604 A -xJJ that the senittr Councl idea is de _________ REID 'S BILLIARD PARLORS, 3:6 tEh6, Itughly feasibe and might well be- -A Fine Cias 5n0 Tobaccos Stot )R.Vibromassage- tTrojy's.I As. +came a means of distinct practical ser- get f A.WREID, Prop. 312 Stae St., S. ___vice to the University. ft must be greaL tf.--- A E TAOIOL ESobvioas, too, that as the number of I hae just. reeved the largest antl flet ourILQ 11utndergradates increases, a reog- TEACHERS WANTED. ( / lineal OHIOognraizn CENTRALbl Trih iarte adp1ie DIRECT LINE itytfr te voicing of the oinion of Senitrs, do you specialize in Latin eer bruglt totle city. the. whole studsnt body, which s so or German? We can interest you. FieLchesiSntCandnen. TOEO T OUBS hard to gage, could fi11 a very decided WRITE A. T. Pearce, 6tt S. Ingalls, 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY P~trC., 1 r n gap"PU. of M. representative of Lews ________________ Paid Jones, of 'Varsity foot-ballTecr'Agny PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM fame. favores the plan is the foliwing COFFEE interview. Fresh LowOOey'sr Aiegrtti's, Spar- -'''iu AEB "If it did not overstep its bounds it 'rows, Hyler's, 'chocolates at Goh-A JV BOWLING ALLEY. would cerainly be a god thing. ingi Pharmacy. tf OCA_ v OnRoastemg ___There are often cases, sulch. as hair- 4 Alwas rfeah Z28c par ponuned ctutting, differences between factulty Fountain pens. at Gushing's. tI.yaMi t EP~tO 707 N. UNIEItTY AVSEUFE. and students, and other matters es- -~Mi t EN~ O _______-sential to the welfare of the student Jerome K. Jerome's 'Miss Hobbs" ______________ body, in nettling which the Council at the Athens Monday night, May 23. MSRWPoreo ntr j~u br The onldy draw-back would be the LUST-A silver watch and gl hi Zantal P lmbry ificutyinkeeping the tone of theood hi with silver pencil charm. Frater- TITEIMT rte Counncil high enough to command re- nity monogram on face of watch. ,.+.teamn & Gasfutter. spect.Fidrrtrto67SitSttSt bN.5hAeBelPne4. IDbone. 607. 303 Z. Stale nt "I should think that there ought to and receives reward, 02-04. 32 EXCLSIENOVELTIES IN SPRING S UITIG 121'-123 south Main Street WAGNUR e& Co. W ARE NEVER, UNDERSOL;D- GOODYEAR 'S DRUG STORE