The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1904 No. 162 CHANCE FOR SENIORS YEAR BOOK OUT TODAY Civil Service Examination to Secure 1904's Michiganensian On Sale Today Eligibles for Assistants in Phil- On the Campus-Characterized ne Service-Chance for by Exceptionally Good Draw- $tY00 mgs-Other Features. $1200-$1400 a Year. The Michiganensian of the class of President Angell has recently re- nineteen-for, the appearance of ceived notice of a Civil Service ex which has been delayed several weeks amination to be held June 22-23, 1904. by unavoidable circumstances, is out The.time allowed for the examination at last and will be pat on sale on the is two days of seven hours each. It campus today. Although the book is is desired especially to secure persons made op after the conventional Mich- qualified in book keeping, finance, iganseion pattern, it contains many chemistry, civil engineering, electrical new features which distinguish it from engineering, agriculture, and the the books of past years, and in sev- Spanish language, at salaries of from eral respects it is superior to any $1200- to $1400 per annum. The ex- that has been published before. amination in the first three subjects The cover is in leather, decorated will be given the first day, and those with a new design in three colors. in the remaining subjects on the see- But it. is in its general decorative ond day. Applicants must be between work on the pages given over to the the ages of eighteen and forty years. individual photographer and in the The object of the examination is to number and excellence of the draw- provide a method of entrance to the ings that the book is exceptionally Philippine civil service for honest, en- good. A drawing by Christy, dedicat- ergetic, and well-educated persons ed with his autograph to the Univer- who are entitled to be examined under sity, leads the list and divides honors the law. Eligibles thus secured will with a Michiganensian plate in four be appointed as the needs of the ser- colors on the opposite page. The de- vice require. After the appointment partment heads following throughouti they will Ie attached to one tf the de- the book are new and well drawn. partments or oflices and will be as- Another drawing in colors by Lach- signed to such duty, clerical or other- man heads a number of pages givent wise, as may be deemed advisable. over to campus news. Those appointed from the examin- A new feature is the use of sepia ations will be preferred in promotions colored ink which is used with excel- to the higher administrative offices lent effect throughout the book. unless it should appear that employees On the whole, this year's Michi- who have not passed this examination -attesa i terstr tt aty ttat tts possess exceptional or technical qual- been issued in recent years. To its ifications, required in the positions to credit it should be said that the many be filled by promotions, which are not posssse by ny f tose ho avepages which have on some former ec possessed tty any it thtse wht have casions been given over to pictures entered the service through the exam- of alumni, are this year dedicated to ination mentioned. It will thus be better purposes. seen that through faithfulness, effi- ciency, and an honest discharge of duties, assistants have a fair opportu- nity, as the conditions of the service What It Is-Interviews From Promi- permit, to be advanced to the higher nent Students and a Faculty administrative positions. Memer-The Plan Fas- This examination is open to lt cit- ored. izens of the United States who com- ply with the reqmiretments. Michigan In an issue of the Daily of last weeks applicants should at once apply either there appeared an interview on the to the secretary of the local board ot feasibility of creating a Senior Coun- examiners at the placer mentioned ineci at Michigan, similar to those found the accompanying list, or to the Unit- in several other universities in this ed States Civil Service Commission, country and Europe. Additional inter- Washington, D. C., for Forms 2 and views from two students and one 375. No application can be accepted member of the faculty have been se- unless propery executed and filed cured and are printed below. The with the Commission at Washington object in establishing such a Council D. C., prior to the hour of closing bus- is to enable the student body to ex-s iness on June 15, 1904. In applying for press itself through a recognized or- this examination the exact title as ga on important questions connect- given below should be used in the a- ed with University enterprises and plication: "Assistant, Philippine Ser- University life. If created, it wouldt vice.' be composed of seniors from the vari- The examination for applicants ous departments elected to member- from the State of Michigan will take ship by some approved method. place at the following places: Detroit, Captain Redden has the following Grand Rapids, Manistee, Marquette, to say in respect to the plan. Saginaw, and Sault Sie. Marie. "I believe such a council as the pro- Any student desiring further infor- posed Senior Council would be a good mation should apply to President An- thing. It would not, f course, take gell away all power from the faculty, but it would mean giving to the students "TECHNIC" OUT. a larger share in the control of their own affairs which, to me, seems both The "Michigan Technic," the annu- sensible and necessary. The students al publication of the Enginoering so- cannot be expected to take very much ciety, is out today. It will be on sale interest in student enterprises if they in Room 1, in the old Engineering are given no voice in their manage- building. The price is 50 cents. The ment. The plan of a Senior Council, members of the society receive free I understand, proposes to enlarge the copies. scope of student responsibility in such This is an unusually early issue of matters. This would result in better "The Technic" as it has been publish- feeling between faclty and students ed heretofore the last of June. The as well as increased interest on the articles in this number are by Profes- part of the latter. As outlined by sors, alumni, and seniors of Mich- your representative, the plan seems to igan. After today copies can be ob- (Continued on page three.) tained from the chairman of the soci-_ ety, M. W. Fox, in the Engineering4 building. SENIOR PIPES HERE. Q 19 The senior pipes have arrived at M IC I ( last. The pipes which-were originally I made did not conform in quality or de- THE UNIVERSII sign to the order sent in and they were sent back and a new lot ordered. sr W The new pipes have a large block Sale Today In All "M" on the howl wIth the figures '04, . n Sl omyI l one on either side of the "M." Stems PKICE may be had of either amber or rubber. The pipes are on sale at R. E. Jolly's,+.. . , %+ , CIICAGO MEET SATURDAY STUDENTS [ROI ALL PARTS Track Men Preparing for Dual Con- All the World Represented at Michi- test With Maroons-Michigan gan-New Calendar Out-A To- Should Win.-Sims Out tal of 3,957 Students. For Pole Vault. The world-wide influence of Michi- In athletic circles, speculation is gan is attracting students from all now rite as to Michigan's chances to corners of the globe :s is een by an win the dual meet with Chicago next examination of the new University Saturday. A track meet is an uncer- catalogue for the year 1903-4. The taro affair at the best, but judging total number of students enrolled is from the results of the 'Varsity meet 3,957 and this includes the following and the Chicago-Wisconsin meet, representations from foreign coun- which were both held Saturday, it tries: Ontario 12, Mexico 7, Japan 6, seems as if Michigan's chances of Germany 4, Holland 2, Turkey 2, Cuba winning were bright. Up at the 1, England 1, Jamaica 1, Arabia 1, Windy City, Alonzo A. Stagg has res- Bulgaia 1, Columbia 1, Nova Scotia urrected his annual story to the effect 1, Quebec 1. Michigan has a net that Chicago has a fair chance to wit 2,205 while Illinois comes next with Saturday's meet. He figures that 32. Then follows Ohio 309, New Blair and Rice may beat Hahn; that York 189, Indiana 163, Pennsylvania Cahill has a good chance to defeat 122. Between 10 and 100 students Hall; that Taylor is sure to win fromt 'tr tmt the states of Iowa Rebstock; while Henry is liable tot Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ne- clean up on Kellogg. However, Keene braska, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Fitzpatrick does not seem to be wor- Kentucky, California, Washington, rying a great deal over the outcome. Massachusetts, Utah, New Jersey, As Chicago has inflicted decisive de- Connecticut, Maine, North Dakota, feats on both Wisconsin and Illinois Idaho, South Dakota. in dual meets, it appears that she will The following states, territories and be the only one that Michigan will possessions have each less than ten have to beat to win the Inlercollegi- students represented: Porto Rico, Ar- ate. kansas, Georgia, Oregon, Florida, Trainer Fitzpatrick will not give out Tennessee, New Mexico, Philippine the names of the men who will be. Islands, West Virginia, Nevada. Ne- taken to Chicago for Saturday's con- . vada is the only one of these to send test tunti ]Wednesday. According to one student. the contract twenty-five men can b taken but it is not certain that this CO"1ENCflNT W[EK number will go. Every man who has a chance to win a point will make the trip. Sixtieth Annual Commencement- The men were all out and hard at Prof. Calvin Thomas of Columbia work yesterday. Trainer Fitzpatrick Delivers Annual Address- devoteed especial attention to his Kurd- Class . Reunions - Com- ling pair, Nicol and Stewart. The mencement Program latter was exhibiting much better Begins June 19. form than he lid in Saturday's field day. With commencement but little more Sims, a member of last year's team, than a m ionth away, the attention of came out for the pole vault yesterday. the student body begins to turn to- He has done no vaulting this year ward graduatin festivities and vaca- but showed good form and may be tion time. Almost daiy, expressions taken to Chicago. of regret are heard on the campus The wortm of the Chicago men in from thosuwh-sewhus says heere are num- Saturday's meet with Wisconsin af- bered. Plans of reunions to be held fords an opportunity to get a line on by for--er graulating classes during the Maroon's chances in the dual meet co.imen-ement week have already and the Intercollegiate. Catlin showed beea mad . Calls for reunions this up well in the hurdles in 25 4-5 se., year have been issued to the follow- without being crowded. Rice best ing classes: '4, '54 M., '59, '64, '64 Blair in the hundred-yard dash i 10 M., '74, '74 E., '74 M., '79, '84, '84 M. see., while Blair won out in the 220 and t' I1, '94 M., '94 1, and '97. The in 22 3-5 sec. Cahill could only get general program of commencement third in the quarter and did not run sweek is prited below. in the half. Lyon and Pat Henry 'he exercises begin Sunday eve- were second and third respectively in uinJune 19, with I e Baccalaureate the mile, time 4.36 2-5, while Chicago address by President Angell. was unpltaced in the two miles and the Ndar is class day in the law de- high jump. Friend did 21 ft. 4 1-2 in. par ment, and Monday evening occurs and Ferris 20 ft. 1 in. in the broad the senior promenade. jump. Kennedy won the pole vault Tuesday, the academic class holds with 10 ft. 4 in. The Maroos got all its own exercises, and Tuesday eve- the places in the discus, Parry doingp ing the senior reception takes place 115 ft. 4 in., Speik 115 ft, 3 in. and in the gymnasiums. Catlin 110 ft. 4 in. Gale put the shot Wednesday is the "big" day for al- 41 ft. 6 in. and Maxwell 40 ft., 1 in. smuuni. General headquarters are in Parry won the hammer with 1:7 ft. the Aumni Room. Class headquar- 8 in. ters are in the various rooms on the Judging from these performances, campus. Throughout the morning the Chicago does not look particularly association of Collegiate Alumnae and dangerous next Saturday. the Alumni Association hold their an- nual "Open House" in the Barbour BASKET BALL. gymnasium. furnishing an informal meeting place, with refreshments, for There will be an open game of bas- the alumni and th classes of '03. ket ball today at 5:00 o'clock between In the afternoon at 2:30 occurs the the juniors and the freshmen. The Alumni Association's annual meeting game is one of the regular inter-class and college song "recital" in Univer- series. Invitations may be gotten in sity hall. the usual way at the director's office From 4 to 6 o'clock, various recep- in Barbour gymnasium today from tions are given, to be announced later. 10 to 12. The various class dinners are often held at 6 o'clock, though not unusually at noon. 3 At 8 p. m. the President and Uni- v 04 9 N ENS IAN TY YEAR BOOK Depa.rtmental B'uldings 1$1.541. versity Senate give a reception in the Waterman gymnasium to the invited guests, the graduates, former students '" and friendts if the Utniversity. T'huirsdayoccurs the sixtieth an- nual Commencement. Positions in the VCommencement procession and seats in University hall will be reserved for alumni. The Commencement oration will be delivered by Professor Calvin Thomas, of Columbia University. At 1:15 p. m., the Commencement dinner is goven in the Barbour gym- nasium.