SITS Dwight . Watkins R
%, ad to yourr measure and Dyrop up a c rd to 3P 5s.tMainimtt.
A FIT IJARANTEED 2ousatoyd ok
fl w Under New Mranagemnt Ne BiladOtfift. E SlCisgvnodfragween
7Ithe house. .E, wiLL1CP
Hatters and Furnishers.} Forest Aveue Meat Market Linen ands CUFFS
109 and 111 E, Wasington Street Ponilry, Game and Fish in Season AR~E THE B3ESTf.
ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407____
- Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen't
« D~~~~~~~~~~~~~ther brands advertised and Sold an Linen are Ff %D LETLT Irsapd"ie. iy
r lr "tai O 1 ,of Reliable Shoe Dealer Sold by Wagner & Co., 23r 23 to
rar trCorner- Main4and inHuron et~
'' \1!R E NT S CH LER For anything in the ine of t
I Maker of Photographs Framing Col on Rentchler, "§ W~v o
/ f Phone 391-2r. Cre anad uo tet . W'e. o
q J +', I4 + & 'p 4+J, 4 *s'J $ tA New
r"ive and Thk5' . At th1knu I( lt1 100 of tho Crooos 220 [A[ j FODCLA
is the prtnciple of aitry (htfo lolowingofficeirs o n't say h'11 nvr do it, ut be
000 of tho thirty-ie hundred to ub-HaeYuenIt
1(si en1(,I t t~t oool yar: sribefor the Stray Evninge Pot,
o.i.if 1s70 ralosr, K1.25 or to Ladis' Hom Journo,
1 u( Sf' .L La ; c tap ta ry-
,11 ; 01 of ff0e,~llt con- $100, andt savo that $1,000 FOR THE
What one side gves the oer side _________ -UET HALL, and $1,200 FOR SCHOt- 'WAGNER & CO.
take. Comfortsyle andservice. (( Pr omflpa tgonot.) ARSH IS; Sbsriers to vote for
Abslutly uaan ed. 11 111. l cf00100 nc tegatifiedll beneiciary. Two-thirds o yotr sb- . Haberdashers A . Haters
Metat te eIm incannot runt. 6oo ,1K (100111-.0A1110s0 Ftstivafor 10 ariiotmrsatst h Invr
and $, any store, or eit llprpold. I X0f 1000h1105beotorf1 te otityoj. (ontest closMay 28. Wheth-
C. . EnnaRTON MG. CO. 11,10a1his0abltityl. On otry landeetr I gt tho desird tntmer or not,
8o 26.Shily, Mass. lrlthea(rs0 1110highest praises ex- toetmtny earned shll bho ced a 44 3«. bete~.le~++4elt+
1015001) ~td itet r to his wrk. aove.-
Th 0tatu00(1 f ftrnonco- MELDOWNEY, '05 Law,
ec rialws t h'e11 uit e 1110by Patt tl t on fttt -61012 08 Pakrd St.
Specia Prices on 1 o01c1tlatt' fitat1111e01
Mrade utp Pillows, Plillow 11110110called0fo 11h01uchapause Tce otwtr o Ms orsaagam pona-$.0a.- Eighteen
TONS' and Baners, 115110 f thtettaud~in.t .isoMulfotlr, Y _________'" .~.
Tt1I WI'111 Al' 111 011(111e11 lnt'- at ocethe11000001lr-resh Lowney, Alegretts, Spar-
At Daring & iMalleaux's 11h 11.1 111s11f '111 11atai rowsd Hyer's Chocolates at~sh- da So l
111I1of'wttict was1w('s Pharmacy.I, truarafo"ened'A."O fS OS
-FN--1111 1(i111 1111111f Wa\'lltT rattmo .yor eye examined by an
Pictures aild Fraoem 11, f ~t 11101.A to ltoo expert otiian. All the tat- T i XVek
1110he 10o11m It. Rentcktlat tayd etapproved appliances and methods
0(101rat numbrs1nt1111heortgan, at tho. known to the profesion areemployed.
DE PkIC.5 ART .5TOkIr, 1-lurtst ott many visit oro wis100101 New eye glases fitted, lenses dpli-
28 .FuthAo10 o har that1 bfore laing Anl Ar- cated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew-
t1 S out Aeue to. -nlery Store. if.
I _______________ ________________Fiftyfour in all.
Have you had a Viromaosage at Bath sppie of- ott kid at all Come in and help
If4tliee ~ ~ Toys f prices at Cushings Drug store. tf. fill them.
Main S. S. Phone 2.
)E . E. 'lrtilt, lA . + Furniheo moic for all occaion.
.1.on SM1110 V1 Chafing dishes at Holer's Jewelry Dance music a pecialty. Addres L.
3161 S Bai St An Aolbo. Store. tf. D. Bates, manager, tot S. Fourth ae-Cakn
_____________ o jne. 29tf
C omplete stock of Brandt, Waldo, S0a0e St.
A. J. WATSON W'shbon, Regal & Martin Mandolins LOST-A ladie' closed face gold
o, and. . Prices the lowet. tf watch. Leave at Argtts or Timeo
Wall Paper, aiis'its Mandolin strings 20c per full set, ofc n eev ead
fBanjo strings 2c per fol set. Guitr Chafing dihes at Halter's Jewelry
and !.pis strings 30c per full set. Violin strings Store. tf. Mxc
3c per foll set. Arkansas, Texas, Mxc
216 [ast Chiron street. tf- ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. Fountain pens at Cushisg's. tf . and Caliornia...
A W ad'w rv ® IC, Are bet reached via
vvor (./1.J( .L -'-Lt,'St. Louis, Worlds air City,
lo tudent} Tic buildng up of a T«elephote System with every possible mod- he
® rn iprvmut a the.gvttng of better service than was ever thought *r n Mo n
X 11Nnru'nir possablie before. To be honorable, courteous sd just in every detail. i 1 rOmuqiu
1 10 7ro lTo atcpate reuiremets. To overcote impediments. To e satis- o t
1ta fed wth otiti alot of the confidence and good will of every citizen R tI
R ' - le0111Cr 11111 pur-11. JIN W E O 1I T [P I N[ C ,dal trisoMe c.
- -ua lylcosl i)11, 10eTFordily trains to CH iotSring.
l"1,. 11'i tas 0 111r 1'3'-1-AR F Sixbet trenarFuth ordily taisto LTteRo.
plo mnys-ioi'su no ; 11.Y1- tan
bDpr.UIICol sIs,.I
th ckson15111Clonip yEWRITE StE.
Pharmaceutical Soolty. 1and w. -11ki1no111esi- -T
Otte o1re1ommed 1to 0ur to Se 101i, s a,, r -11 .U3sra9 S
00p0rior remedy ineal 0 sos11 of nt i,,.1)rou1s- E E
essoremu'cle,t lami-,at or 00~111.110- LCYPTAN
orlis.atiate ymaIe 000 11 01 115icy 111 - C10 Turke .S 23W stn v.
plisIcts aeiggoain, 1ri oii a11111000. - IGLILS2dWoteaAv.
tot and essential oise o 0011111001111--Grolvin ~t tJ~Ann Ar"bor, Mich.
in 1,medicinoal ingredieeot'. lli, lx b rI .c'
quickly aod alloy all11 0111511 '0, 1111 11111 ereeedinEgpt
ttoe, levIi rthe skin acne ol hil, f0- to - efcedi cl. __________________
stain. Thlerea1 mno'0coot 1110 01 5 u~l din llnjoyedin America.
Dr. Cot eli's MagicI.' y iii liace)1. iteache
W eho osci o 'elho 00 1inIto. Colaoll' . r, 'MOGULSM~OKEL AEMSLCrTiN MRS EL 'jil iLraig I ece
Magtc EgyptianOil that oeevel eii cery bo i t
with the pusit INoe raotee Olhetit will give 11~~i n~n en.landolin, BattJo and Guitar.
satisfaction. If it does not yop 0a0rernto for i.~V sten t.20 WoentsS.Por
the bottle and wewill refusd your money. Cprkto Cipoan..7E ahnto t hn 2
"Savethe oupor. Ias ageency for
Quarry's Camlws Drug Store Brandt Mandolin, Farans iannd Martin OGiar.
Always Ahead
In styles.
The Best
of Everything in Tailoring