THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I 'T'E REALSIIOEI1 OUR TAILORING Z# w w 4 All kinds, all styles, always up to date, the most durable Shoe made and always the same price, $3.50, three hundred and sixty five days in every year. . .....AT.... DEPARTMENT is gaining in popularity, Comne and 'see us be-I fore placing yonr order. PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. Best kind of workmanship guaranteed. Is . I f.++ 4 ++5 j+++t.4t+*4.t .4' } 5l- a t+*6si t ++t++.5'H4++i ~ i i~r ~i ;a I611 EAST WILLIAM STREET *O@O@@O@O@O*SOOCi@0O Everything to Make Your Room' %Csy At LOVELL'S Corner Store. Dwight E. Watkins, TYPEWR.ITING irt s card to323 S. Ma~i xSt. an lm i u '01foryorwok DARLING & MALLAEUX, Pillows, Penannts, Fancy Gtoods and Notions. 226 S. STATE ST, { I < {s ii r t 1 i nIRS. M. A. FINIERLE, GYM. SUITS AND BANNERS. N1iext lost' to Edwards Blrothers, over PAL ACF 6 PARISIAN ..LAUINDRY ALGENCY.. D)l(F i5 atilan Mct.uoine6. "AlD raksM adeGood. kepesinendArbo enoragtteveytovemett C. A. EDCARTON MFC. 60. Box 286, Shirley, Mass. OHIO CENTRAL LINES Direct Line between Tloledot, (olum-s btus, Athens, Galliplttll, Charleston, 'W. Va., and the Stttth. Ask yotur agent otr aptply to L. P. L'EwIS. P. A., 7 Fort St., Dletroit, Mielh. MOUrTON ItIOUK, G. P. A.. Toledlo, 0. American & European Hotel Open Day and Night Prtvtate Dfiittttgoott ci i ne RtttIoomtis 0BILLIARD HAIL, BOWLINtG ALLrY AND DANCE. HALL. Try ot a ou .sttnderttiit steatks 209-211 N. 4th Ave, MARS. J. R., TROJANOWSKI, The Prafesional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, tup stairs.,'itttds spee- ial fsiit tt itt i e stctt so tttl t t, r ptt- Bowlts. Try my Scientific Face Massage and - . manicure. -ws Stand, IZACHMANN & PETRIE tttttt'tstis ok-I~ ANN AREOR, MICH. D1)1Al IP IN Dollar Alarm Clocks FRESH AND SALT MEATS. ' . H. Lutz Jeweler, 1 7 . W illiam St. tog s . D in i St. u-tf g00 ~04YI r Eysa , t., C t . t t 't q-.+ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB. x4 Phr wiltlit' a metng otftttfhe $= R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of 4'I Itoy Motoaitt Clbt1hursday, Oct. o Maker of Phtographs Framng, Call on Rensher , 1,f111, at 32 S. Sate streel ttird Phone 389-2r' Cocter Maint ant Ilttrton Steets. 0$= 4 $0 $1.3 3.03 uo3 $ 3$34.a$ 4 'e.~ 4$*0 . (IIAS C. VaVALK3NtTIRG, President BULLETIN. I IMPORTANT! Roams for Rent-Oteot'htck west tf t'tttlftts; Ilarg.frttnt stites tn first ('tidatttes frthtrPlit llipts' Classi Notice to Cass Teams. titttisettndtfloolttrs; ote small satie, cl Srholtarshipts will le extstttte d Satuttrdaty, flt. 17. iniroom , Tppttan itanagrts o class ttams willfpltase cirttbes (sitgle), gttes, stationr- tttl, t 9 a it. Apliationttts ftr this tie not ice thatt entries ftrte.if tr r ahsad;htarfrae t'xamintat ittitsholtttibe ftiltdatorte!tctass fotiattll stris toethler swilltha tttathgas taittttephofin, fi9l. No. in em ,c to istof layrs ustare( 5131 K.Jeferson s~reet. M . I DOsg'. tiitnided t oe by olok W detsay Lst-A smttll tdies' gliwalco witt Charma ofCom Oc. 1. lAttRtY M5. WIftR, Cfttirttt it' (titt. lit 14614 flatfionSt open ftt,ttlft. Rttwardforticreurn Is _____________ lansa tPhilIoutst. 17 Universityj Noices. NOTICE 'ft LITS. Bt ilpiso l iisa l Alt cantitates ftr 19051 Lit. footbilall prices at Cithing's Parmay. NOTICE.t t. fol ir lstract ice 'Tursday All studletts idsiringtig sIompetee ti 4 o'cloctiteato of lthe gyttinisin. KOLLAUF, The Tailor, fo 'ticefds ot thtsiness 01 IT of te 'ttosluthofavte ittotatidedtIitt tamtis 11 HutrottSt. E. MirtigatiDaily repttrt o flit bintess titiase learethelttat I theSigmtti (hi tiattager t'tt331 fPackttrd tl reeithfis IHtitse beoitto'clockititttoy. JOB PRI NTI NO-MEYERS, 211 wee'k. 1)1 MMICK, Manager. Main S. S. Phote 28. All fit oryearLitso antdlEtfiioecs'iYu lte rse n lae mat ecamdpyi al eoe To the Football Men. I orci~fsfrselsi lae Novemberlit' e loithersl notfyifalllaeire l..nierto o ou forsIanid youfr shoes sintet for 2c a week. Pantorum, 26 S. State St. lit's tr eaamintaitiff, 23to 4 p. m. will gist' eachl tiioal mnif the tIt'103 till 7 to 7 p. in.tamf fwfnfing is '"M' a tdte ilttc Yt'ettforiese ttlcens K l~l~ftFfZIAltCI{ lt~t. t'ltftt'tftlt aititi yofrslves's.atd yiur shoes sfinfei for 2c a week. _........S. W. BURCFtt'4tIELD. Panorium, 36 . Sate St. NOTICE. llfrelfieds ine 'failotrffg'Tradte.____________ The unir Li elctin ha ben ILost-A peiarl-se: JIota Psi Pin. Re Thate .fault ntt(eayind ital ben LADIES' CLASS CHANGED AT hiur itJets I'Psi tHOSE antI receive erigt rn W'leta' tfi ille GRANGER'S ACADEMY. reward. M . Verdier, heldi totdaiy at :13 ip. i. i'iin tttm24j lutatertheItI'foot ball saostn is ________________ oft Ui versity hl. - - 111til lINI3SCIIoNvtewith, rhi'clss ittdingfotr Fresh Lowney', bllgrlis, par ctiitt lis wllOteiet ot 1:13 itcoitltoiftrow's and lllrsCooltsa uh Stosien 9ttcta7s. IMlr. and Mrs. (Granger ill ig')Pta ay. ooltsatuh a ette lt'classtnext Saturdaclty at dioe __ _________ NOTICEf!thott. IRegister at thettffitce, gruntdi KOLLAUF, The Tailor, All mnmbenstot'c st olyereslattioritt, Acaemty. 111312 Miaytacil 118lHuron St. N. clttb tossitt citlegi'pliease sndtth leir streit. Oter classesntwoti'pet. Cic ________________ ines attdladdrlesss tC.'. 1Juitomfs, ctlas at looktlistirs. 'We soli yotr Grandfaher goods 1207 Wilis strcit . - atti did htsrearing went he attend GLEE CLUB NOTICE. elf schollee. We want to keep it NOTC~f'Ife sctotittril (~c he Varilytp tand do yours. Hater's Jewelry NTC!1hseodt a frteVrylxtsotatitt ef atoititat es (tic bano G1let'C(lttbtwill lit' Ielilin trom I, UiolStre. nclbsill Ie heldl at, 7 p. tt. Wilts'vestyilHall, at 7 oclock, Wedetisay da,ittcrtomi21 (itt lftivcstix'Ihtll. Ieenn, Oc.. Olytthobst'repotf For Rent-Twtotilarge sie; all CFJUIMPI, .Letadet.c svttihact' bton ttotiietdby mtil ticmoerimprttoovments. Calf at 12 k:. whtotwere nuale to leftesttth le. Matdisn St. tt first trial. More appllications fo te NOTICE. poitfion of irto tenori art' iesireid. JOB PRINTING -- MEYERS, 218 All ratttldtts ot' Il5 lit. fotbtlall PARFR, Mattt St. S. Pone 281, tin art' urgedtltble otttf(ticfirst (Leae. --.-__________ practi cc east oithett'gymnasttiumt is '-Yotr eyes examined by an a~enattcit -t 4bclock. All namtes fort I would like t hear frorn an Al expert opician. All the lal. thu lttltail toos). lei itt oetctOnlitbir laionef layer whit woutlt likelot'1iest aproved appliances anI methots 4. S'TRAIN, Mattager. itin fe Aadinty Occhesra.,, fkoutwn to te profession are employed. - - it OSS GRANGEtR, Ciy. New eye glasses Ite, lenses dpli MANDOLIN CLUB. s aed, frames repaired. HaIler's Jew. Firt s trial f(rticft Mattidilin clttb Proessor Sott, of te Univcrsiy ery Store. will take'plface ittroom 21,IUniersity Datncing Academy, has scuirediRott's _____________ htall, ott Wednesdlay, Oil. 14, tt 7 Orhestra frtirfhis Wenesdfay- eve-' Lost-An Alpa Phi pin. Finder to'clo. KUSTP.IR, Leader. ning. Class attd Assembly.ies eir o11 .OvstnS . _ --..._ _. __ - _ __.- ..__anti receive reward. lec. 3 Patent Leather shoes Rooms for Rent-One block west of Camputs; very desirale sities large rand small; sigle les, large clote- IA LB E RP T L V T Z, Iresses grate, a stataionary wash standi, $2.21 ttp to $111; reditction to THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER, 124 SOTH MAIN STREET rigt stdenls; hath, gao and tele 4~44**4444444444444444444444444*444444 w dk Give us it opportuntity to figure on your list. PRIC[S TALK. We can save you money on -oLA'W BOOKS - / New or Secoetd-fiensd) CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, Ltw Pulhllers d lit M1ONROE STREET, CHICAGO.4 j ANN ARBOR BRAN(..I',3to State Street, Opposite Law Buildting pihone; had plannted to move, so we were late gettintg reatdy, 121 E. Jeffer- Son street. tf Pantorism--7711 5. State St.; trous- ems presseid,10c.; sutit prcessedl, 25lc.; shine, 10c. Tickets good for $1.50l worth of work, $1.08. M ath Supplies of all kinds at all prices at Cashing's Pharmacy. Root's Orchestra, Phone 832. Strict- lynup-to-date and first-class. Any com- bination, of instruments desired. Traps /and song hits a specialty. The Best of EverythMn in Tailorin. ! aN +++ ff a HNN N o+fH i Always -Ahead -i-ILWRD; THE TAILOR.'