THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIAK( A [OOK At the Straight Front, and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff. ner & Marx Make. They are two of the onappiest styles produced this season, and many of the hoot dressers like the double hreaoted style hest for summer wear. $15.00' to $20.00. -I Agency for THE OUVER $3 HATS The New,-Stare--2175. MainSt. UTZ The Clothier DRESS SUIT CASES THE LOWG-PRICED, MISDIUM AND PINEST MADE HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES ;L ~ ALL MODERATELY PRICED3c ji ~MACK & CO~r ++++++ RANDA L, Iftir~elne of SPRING WOOLENS is on thse tables and wilfute state that we are in a position where we canl get 4 all work out promptly. The very finest of tailoring will pre- vail as usual at our establishment. 121 . Wahingon S. * VR.CHFIELD'S F+INfE TAILORING TRADE I I21 . W shin tonSt.106 Eek-st Hsreen Street szo E AD University students dairing to e- BOrI.>r 3 dFkI "rgi d $20RE AD cure poitiona to teach will find it to I 2 wl "their interest to write to James F. M N Y LOANED O ..-$1,000 TO THE MICHIGAN CLUB McCullough, 639 ine Arts Bldg., Chi- ,., N O q HOUSE; cago. tf. Wathsttlit' Iaonds ..120IN SCHOLARSHIPS; .Sub- elr las{se0Chaittel anid ~i' scribers Vote for he Beneficiary. Chafing dishes at Haler's Jewelr Colatral Scuirty This reward will bepi fo heSoe.t ,., BSOIESSI STRICTLY COS4FIDETIAL #,prize money and commissions for - .w. J. LOURIM. tUI hirty-five hundred yearly subscrip- INLANDER. Opsisste Csk Hosse tions to the Saturday Evening Post, }5 1nm13500leu i i IWI;, 1'101)c4, IfilS-eli ul-. i 1:1toIS i 430. 125; or the Ladies' Home Journal, Notice is herehy given of the annual t a.to830 $1.50; if sent to me before May 28, meeting of the tockholders of the , ,* ,,4,,~f when the contest closes. Whether 1 Inlander Publishing Company, to oc- Trim Above get the desired number or not, the cur Saturday, May 14, 1904, at 11 and the money earned shall be used as above. o'clock a. i., in Room , of West Hall.TuR N Will yous help to bring this money to EDWARD SAMUEL CORWIN, TUR PIN N eat Feet Michigan? f Secretary. JW aretei gatar MELDOWNEY, '05 Law, BR CLO ~ AS T 5R-61 08 Packard S. .. Complete stock of Brandt, Waldo, FOR lIEN Washbun, Regal & Marin Mandolins Theiter5 stFthat-iiWEARoa-thast sso t o-I ossoss, Sgilo,, 0staisu LOST-May Festival ticket, section on hand. Pries the lowest. f '0 . soosl sl ay0,0, sy tls s-olt~~ 'sIstobsse 5, No. 191. Return to G. McCoy, cannot 1t1 sso.i~ 556 So. Sate street. Reward. 58-9 Complete stock of Washbun, Martin, or 41N1 ot I i 'P1NN55 ,Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest A t o l oriz t o t E o,785 -,, t, Plii..Irpeii.. FOR SALE-ight room furnished prices. tf ARROWV COLLAR t,sliwa ',,ooonnd- . cottage, all conveniences, situated is CNS, 2 FRn20 CENTS on Michigan State park. Machinlac Mandolin strings 20c per full set, OLETT PEABOY &Co Islad. ddrss . A Doroly, 304Banjo strings 25c per full set. Guitar wws-s 0 Madison avenue, Ann Arbor. strings 30c per full set. Violin strings 35c per full set. 0 £~-fffI'~ACADEMY Vibromassage- At Trojy's It's tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. New lBunswick Tables 6r n e s UofJI S DANCING- great. tf. IAJUJ Fresh Lowneys, Alegretti's, Spar- AT' Offise Hors:REDSP LO , Mr. C; raegersllIaSoely seiis TO THE SENIORS, row's, Hy Dlers, chocolates at ush- I' BILLIARD PROS wi so.lSobe at. l',e, nt iil o l lo vui ~~ reltrhMody.ig's Pharmacy. ti. Fine Clars ad Toaccos resach hisi. Special senior rates to all senior -,A. .R' 'ro. 32 tleSS. - -- departments at Randall's. Come ear- JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 216 *"-i- ' - r ' . ly and avoid the rush. 5459. Main St S Phone 21. 1 II i I soCrfretOsliii loesi ads i'st Aioilf YOU CAN GET A ; i.o® Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Fin Hoau c oLo~n Connction. At T tte'a, 338 S. State[ ryhugNandCa. 0sm A tTi A l izNiTIu O~ 301 S. Sate Si, R. E. JOLLY ij hnUNIVRSITY-DAN- Today is gala day for Anin Arbor. We will not there- p? CINGi ACADEMY fore detainspots with reading matter; sffice to say tat '0 TE R B AY tUJ etl ost $s. bill of fare here set tdowni is but an addition to otr regularO SHOiT-r'r lscu. menu: " CATERING CO : III.. .. .TUJRSDAY -: Crenme do Methe Sherbet - Chickens Salad C OHIO CENTRAL LINES QUETenSadHALe DIRECT LINE [RIDAY..*® BANQU TH L TOLEDO T 1O COLUMBUS Strawberry Sherbet Fruit Salad Suda P.Oi., C- .a .IIST.uiss Special SndyDinner ---_- Watch Saturday's paper for asnouncesiet for that day and From 1230 to 2 O'clock, MICHIGAN i MICHIGAN Snnday. --o hd FosadChcel ~ BA NR O OS...AT.. a NN* 3 s 15 S. State St. Phone 46 LOVLLS ORNR TOE. OOA+++++ONo5ie5l.45, O:NALHGN CENT'TNJU" "The liagara Falls Rote" ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct conetions at Chicago for St Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul sod the West For loformation'and through tickets call onor write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor... ' A LLE N 'S F OR QU AL I TY' We give the best Clothinsg Vahles, saving you. three to five dollars on your Suit or Overcoat. Spring lille now ready $10.00 and $15.*00 TROUJS[RS, ALL PRICES,. ALLEN, THE. CLOTHIE[R, "lAIN STRETI IEILECTRIC PAN,5 lctric Cha f it g D.skes Elcctric Table LaisspS I Is fact, so Ol iog to ligkteh,, up.yout r om :alihI o seour dispei... T WA3H'TENAW LIGH4T & POWER COM~PANY. Cor Woo syon {4 v.s ho, 00Z76 Ak I& fNNNNN NN N+ N NUl 1 Nlo. f i (c++ + * WEARE. NEVE R I N ISOID-(GOO YEA.R'S DRUG, STORE