THEt MICHIGAN fDAILY Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new t Tans in window, button or lacer in 5 t e N w S u L a t " ;For the benefit of our custom ers w e sh to say that the/ Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very 1tuch stronger by going , ff(1 11 into the hands of the factory -Geo. . Keith Companiy, Brockton; e Mass. George R. Keith does not control the name Puritan, hut he des own and control the lasts, p ttet- s acrd jrt-y wich i mae the name "Puritan" famtoius. Hie has always had the ex- . . elusive righat in making our shoes. w hen buying your Puritan'T Oxfords tis spring be sure and buy the ORIGINAL,, and not some Mioney L..oaned # AC inferior branad wills the Puritan label. Stock is all Iresh; new.. ON shapes and styles arriving daily. Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of I value. Watehes and Jewelryysl~e THE OLD ORIGINAL PURITAN paired. Bargains to Wxtch a St Offiee at residene. 331 L. Lib- The Old Place, I11 South Main Street,. t erty Street, Ann Arbor. Hours 8 t113a.i1to 3:30 p. io, rto 9pi.Allnsinesso (untiden- I i____ al. JOSE PH C. WATTS. XXIOR E CN T S C HRNTSCHLR For anything in the lineofT "T'he Niagara Falls Reutes" + Maker of Photographs" Framing, Call on Rentschler, '' Ft THE SHtORT LINE- 0- Phone 389-2r.. Corner Main and Huron Streets.* Fo ANN ARBOR to * . + ~ 4 l ~ ~St: ciC AlLTfTL Gjroion in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. LSMOKE. MAKES LGYPTIANS oKRr!n Sae theops. The W. C. EKernlCol 411 E. 57th St. Chicago. Caips and Gownsnmade to or- dec ted ii-t~d. Penants Ittr- al l o-g,'. intl fraternities carried in,;tuck. Class Pins, {(lass and Teant Caps Setid for Catalogues. rkansas, Texas, MIexico T Ad California... Are test reached via tLouis, World's Lair City, the ron froiuntain Route so daily trasine to C alifotrsin. hcer daily tratine tot Mexico. tar daily traios to Texas. or daily trains to Rot Springs. ix daily trains to Little Rock. CICtAGOt)- TOE BEST OF EVERYTHING. BUFFALO TODAY'S CLASS GAMES NOTICE C. C. C. WRtTE ME. NEW YORK ,I AND OSTN {07 '11 itltrs& vs. '(}1 Medics, Southj The annual nieeting to elect officers H. .Armlstron, T. P. A., ANDeOryO I itdt, 4 p. to.itt the Cross Country Club will he with direct contnectonss at Chicago, for St G enis. s. lthurtuics, la4ir Grounds, held in the Trophty Room of Water- 1233 N slitertitiAvce., Loais, Eansas City, St. Past and te Vest For tnforetation and throughtticetscalttntor 4 1)" Ot. .mutt gymnasium, Saturday, May 14, Ann Arbor, Micih.n write lo W. W. CASE. Ascot. Ass Arbotr. '05 Ltws vs. '04iLaws, ti-cry Field, at 10 a. m. MORRIS A. HALL. - 4 p. 01 57-60 President. A. ea[f I Maret. NEW NAVAL TANK. ALYlt oirrs Forest Avenue Meat Makt Ticket for four shampoos-X1O.0 BALY.& DUNS Bietween sixteet nitn seventeen Soft water. Hias Vaughan, near Qur- FISH NETS for Decorating Poultry, Game and fish in season thtottsatnibttrrols tic watei- will be .re- ry's. 5ti 330 Forest Ave. P'honted407 qttied to ill the experiloental tank , 121 EC. Llbarty St. tot be used in tite stuoifcimtarine in- Froth Lowneys, Ailegrettis, Spar- ~ ' "f A. J~. WATSON gineering at the iUniversity of Michi-' row's and Huyler's Chocnlates at Cush- gun the cmning college year. Tbii ings Pharmacy. ~eAHN RS 'Pa e P in stank, wehich in in Ite new engineering ~fie___________PRESS M! bi o e ,P~f ~ uilinitg, is one of the largest under Yoreexaierya coe ntecountry. tt is 300 ceet Yoree xaie ya o epr piin Altelt.2 n Oils long, 22 feet widle, suit from 10 lt 12 et epr piin l h a.) P i t r teet ideep. At otie end isadr approved appliances and methods ga lo.Atkeh Theatre tstdg. 216 E~ast Huron Street. There is mtachinery cor towing, the known to the profession areemployed. .. ............. s ________ ___model ships, which are here tested, at New eye giasses fitted, lenses dupli- Chewin Cand variattitn inithe hallastitng, the models elry reaiu Chewing d th~ canbe e e or ifeentrimintgycaefrmsreard.Hiersaw Slted Peanuts, Hot Buattetntdfrdferenttano Bath supjslies of ail kinds at all I Snilritofpon rcejakfehAET Pocona CakejckfesyGET prices at Cushings Drug store. tf. fnda iy. CI0 2.m9u lM ,~ . 301 S.Sat t t . B, tit LU-113. Collegeo atudents note that big mon- _______________ ___ e- can be mdde selling ouc aluminum [ cooking utensils. Rrtcellent proposi- D, Y., A. A. & J, RAILWAY tio to good men. Write at once for I iermtt. American Aluminum Mtg. Co., STAIDDAPD TIME' care of Ibis paper. 55-58 For Detrotit half htourly from oils a. m.____until____ 6:t5 p. m. Then hearty anStiut1:1, eorY si- tasti l, at 12:t5 a. m. and muds5 a. m. her $3,500 to $4,000 down, long time on Jachson ory from 6:15 a. ms. uttil 7:15 s. nm.banc will ba a splendid paying Thenat 915balance,1:15buym Vating Roam, Hnron St.. W. of Main. electric light tpiant. Will also sell cnn- _ trolling interest to anitiher giioi pay- a. D.atNE, nARRISOSO UE ing plant to party capable of paying President. V. President. S. W. CLARKSON5, Cashier. $2,000, down and taking personal cag.Adess, - FIRST NATIONAL RANK cage dJ.S. MAURtER & CO., OF ANN ARtli10tC, MI CHE. 54-59. Honadinuck Bldg. Chicago CAP'ITAL, - - - $10esee0s SURPLUS AND PROFITS. $4,0 THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Chaffing dishes at Hatter's Jewelry Store. tf. f A NEW HON HON Calkins is selling the mtost delicious eating chocoltie thai ever wan. Peters Milk Chocoiate io made in Switzerland atid is as muich better thant common aweet chocolate as it ran he. 10c, 20c, 40c. 57-58.. A .sheet of paper and a piece of charcoal are all Alexander needa to make a picture of you. Dot with an up-to-date camera, backed by natural' ability and long experience, he can make a photograph of you that is a portrait, a picture and a work of ,art. Call and see. ALEXANDER, 153-151 Athens Theatre Bldg.! Helpfulness iintses of acidt everirybodyicmanifests tite srirtioflpulnessasserotstselfiiI,bt seo iotte ronting-ii done-andthitrgt tinitg leftit undon. Tiefirsottinto tdotit sochanvntst is to itquicktly andfie-ly nappli eonsctttdtrst-tte ocdfirilytdotore-t rcizedtemtiencremeidytorovetir-6 pitas Evey rstd-nttstiuishave it bttlie icis5atttind. ituuic ttsitteiedtitg in depcus;cue riiises,,sprains,. and ire- livseranihe, ttootich, rasoes. rttetumatitm,,andoalins. Suooirthadfshens te itche iazelr,a weastots- ussr 55ofPond's Exteat- rtuitiistc sorthless. Pone's 5ltseEtrctiRii-herfor 'DI$eMNSi ' istriceless. ito Olie snder bsuffticpctr. ACCEPT NO SUJBSTTUT1E. MANN'S DRUG STORE 2135 SUTh frIAIN SI.' Furniahes music for ali oceasaions. Dance music a specialty. Address L. D. Bates, manager, 808 5. Fourth ave- nue. .29-tf Electric and Gas Fixtures and -Construction.. Plumblagatd Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates adFirst-Class Order at J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 I:. Washini tonx. I-' d d . . + ...-... + r Z'F' BiX.RSPHYSICAL TRAUNING IN WRITING, lbs hook for alt the peopie ali the time, is alit escatios; fotr hame imprement. d0 pp. ilutrated, price at. Tested 255 rears. Thrcee Months' carre n sdeittt rourse by athor $7.Poera brief time I will send the boshmtasndmcorefsot, utlltecture on $ physteatIraining in rapid writing fsr l.) i oto ~wick tirc $siC~a. tnuii ve to health f and positive care for bad writing. tsdictdsaiity retaisne l: usiness iPenman and , ons lesson, its, Address ?rof. G. NBIt 0 Sttism 01. & lOglen Ave., Chicago, Ill. NOCKINGi VA[[[Y ---YOU W1 [OUR TRAINS DAI Carrying Parlor C. Sleeping Cars on F UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUSJ. I". R Continues Its Excellent RY TRAIN SERVICE A.e [LL FIND- RV[ROM TOLlEDO nrs on Day Trains slight Trains i W. LANDMAN, 6. T. A., Detroit A" rs.e..,stlil Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything- In Tailoring