THE MAICHI1GAN DAILY GI ~Wild Coupally IC A * "Leading Merchant Tailors ; SPRING WOOENS "For Suits, Top Coats; and Trousers. Full dress snits'a Ispecialty. Let us show you our London Serges, Londo~ Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Ediuiburglis, Drum- tochity's, McGugors, London{* and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amner- ican Serges. Please call and ae* G, I Wild Colipallyz 308 E. WAS"INGTON sTRE:ET. * IThe Great iame PIT 45 c. Pocket War Mras for the [ar [ast, 1ISc. I SHEEHAN & CO091 IUniversity Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers. 320 South State Street.6 o~f foofoofo+Itofoof0 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital stsck, $5,000. Surplus, $175,000. Resources, $2,00,555o A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. OsrRcSos Oarirs E. itisesos, Pres.; w. I)i. Harriman, Vice Pres.: M. J. Fritz, Cashier. [lowers Choice Cut Flowers and Plants is season COUSINS & HALL, Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and I12th Streot Telephone z151z. 1' I E (- 1 THE MI11CH IGCAN DAILY Marshall Field on Saturday, June St. The features of the coming meet will Entered as secondclsns mat~ter atelse Ass be the prices given to the winning Arborosit Office. athletes and teams. To each of the publshled daily (N51sssda~y ecepted) during the winners of first, second, third and collee y~e., t117 F. Wsingtone street, fourth places in each of the track and (5,usssssswei fsoo. sidesenrane) Phonessic lie fbeld events, silver ioving cups will MANAGING EDITOR:5 be awarded. The winning relay S. E 1OiCY 1T1IIASON seams will be awarded silk banners, BUSINESS MANAGERc: and each member of the winning IfOSCOE 13. iiUSTON team will be awarded a beautiful sil- ver cup. The team wincing the meet EDITORS: will be awarded a banner; and the in- Sites,-- - - -1ort K n dividual winning the most points will ASOIAE be awarded a magnificent individual eil~ sl sis sses, lsy lesihles.. trophy cup, twelve inches in height. A. raveser, Hlenry P. Ereels The University is planning to make A. C. Posundi. A. If. Ortmeyer. this third interscholastic the most .boosep1 . lees', Stosddaed S. Mours, representative schoolboy meet ever Isis 1I. iissswss'i;. I. ae Jayne. given in the West. Entries from prac- Gosbor sns. liarold C. Smithk tiflsy every school in the state with Harrs Ii Andrewss. 'rhs. A. Sims. athletic pretenses are coming in, and Thossoi3. tRoberts. Clyde L. new. the comber of competing athletes will A BUsNESS S Tii A.FF.:lsy excels any other meet that has ever 'i. Thopsons. Ns. I. sLuloryds. taken place in this part of the noun- 1.,Sj . o litl. Is . LU. fdtt. p~- 1The 'Varsity track team went down kditor Toduy-HARRY H. ANDREW5Seto Champaign and defeated the Illi- nois athletes quite handily yesterday. yiulssesissionls Iwo lssllans per year, pusableit& Some of the records were excellent sdsesssee If dielliquentaftl v1, 190, $2.51) and one, Melins performed in the two- _ mile ron was splendid. He ran the office Hosrs:--12:30 to 130 ad 6:30 to 7:30 log distance in a fraction over 9:58. p. ms. Daily,.rise surprise came, however, when he Address-ROSCOE S. IHUSTONS, Bseses Mae- seas unable to shake Chicago's entry, ager, 331 Packard Street. Henry, who finished second, by half Telephone,_461 a foot. Henry's time broke his own record by eighteen seconds and was. almost a reversal of form. Another ______surprise camne when McCully of Illi- nois bravely succeeded in winning the CALENDAR. mile from Lyon, the Chicago fresh- - - Snail, in the good time of 4:36 2-5. Thsursday, Stay 9-S p. m. Law Social Cahsill was forced to runs both the club dassce. qluarter and the half for Chicago Thusda, My i2? nsuanc letur ibrough. Taylor's injury, and won Thusdy, la I-loesane lctrsbosth He covered the quarter in by Wilbur S. Tuppser, at Tappan 31 2-5 seconds and finished strong. Lectusre IRoom, at 4 p. im. Cahsill is a dangerous man at the quar- Slay 12, 13, 14,-May Festival ter, though he has not run it since Slay 13-3 p. m., Dual tennis tourna- his high school days. Rice continued went with Chicago. isis fast work by defeating Captain Slay 14.-'Varsity Field Day. Blair in the hundred in even time. Slay SI-Sunslay, 7:135, Lecture by Altogether the meet was an encour- lRes. Sr. Chsarles Cuthsbert Hall, aging one to Chicago. The teams President of the Colon Thoologi- showed evidence of winning calibre, cal Semsinary, News York City, at and tbe first outdoor meet has shown Presbyterians chisrcb. Auspices of strength where weakness was feared. Y. P. S.C.E Ossr baseball team returned from Ann Arbosr Sunday and regaled the student body with glowing accounts of (Cootinued from page one.) lbs masterly game of Saturday. The P'rofeisor J.. Tu~fts, alus of 11he' ibil- gamns was critical for Chicago and we osophslical fausly, will be acting head are rnatusrally greatly elated at scor- for a tisse alier Dr. oey's depaurt- isig a victory in the very lair of the isre. Woslerines. The 'Varsity speaks Iihe Younisg Womsses Chlristians highly ssf the sportsmanlike treatment L,0a';11 will give a camips festival received from the Michigan public. dusrings lie luter sari, ci)thsamonith. RILEY H. ALLEN. lennis Rackets Perfect Balance. Best While Ash Frames. Clearest and Best Quality Oat Stringing. Workmanship a nd finish Throughnnt the Best Ever Put Into a Tennis Racket. You'lind sll of these geod pulses in THE PIM at $8.00 -AND- SPALDING'S GO[D MEDAL With Cover,. $8.00. For sale at WAHR'S BOOKSTORES IN HAT SOCIETY The "VARSITY" Moves in $5 Circles. A $3 Propositton GOODSPEED"S Hatters $I 117 S. Main All lt'e 55me'sscs orgaiz~atiosawill unite in thie fesivaesittig up bisoths anls dlecorating s\siossuiparls of she camss eswiths Jut;iase elanteriss ansd gay bunts iig. 1Jfireshosssss will lbe sosld dusiig tllh sessning cetlebration. 'T'b prosceels seill go itowards defiray- log Inse esicinscsiofsdelegates to lbs Geeva conerenssic'e, Setemduber 1 it, it. F'ost ers seelull annsossncing lbs ap- pesaian'e osithle coisninig operai pll5- fisesiera, the llsctfriars. 'lhe SBlas-k- friars still present. a issical opera culledsI'ie P'ssinlsg of P'hali Khsais,' use sceise sit shichis iulaid hinlRusssia. Ioths the boobd and msusic have been written by'msembses of the club. The performansce still be giveu in the later part of SMay. The third asnsual interecholastic meet and relay races will be held on $2,200 REWARD .$1,000 TO THE MICHIGAN CLUB HOUSE; .$1,200 IN SCHOLARSHIPS; Sub- scribers Vote for the Beneficiary. This reward will be paid from the price money and commissions for thirty-five hundred yearly subscrip- finns to the Saturday Evening Post, $1.25; or the Ladies' Home Journal, $1.00; if sent to me before May 28, when the contest closes. Whether 1 get the desired number or not, the money earned shall he used as above. Will you help to bring this money to Michigan? MeELDOWNEY, '05 Law, 56-61 308 Packard St. Keep your face f Sir, Use Williams' Shaving Stick. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Today is galas day for Aiii Arbor. We will niot there- fore detaitn you with reading atter; suffice to say that bill of fare here set down is but an additioii to our regular mentu: I THURSDAY Cremse de Mensthe Sherbet Chicken Sandwiches FRIDAY Clsickeii Salad ~ATHEN3THATL DEAN{ M. $$2ABOLT, Manager Week commencing IMonday, Mlay 16 Maynard ' American sDramatic Co. In a Repertoire of Metropolitan Successes. HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE Pt ICES; 10c, 20c, 30c. NO HIGHER. COMING Y 1 3 MRS. FISKE in Ibsen's "Hedda Giabler." Strawberry Sherbet Fruit Salad Watch Saturday's paper for annouincemnent for that day and Sunday. P[ENNYCOOK. iENRY & KYI3R, MERCHANT TAILORS, N UNIVERSITY AVE