THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAKEI A [00K At the Straight Front and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff= ner & Marx Make. They are two of the snappiest styles praduced this season, and many of the heat dressers like the doable breasted style heat far summer wear. 4$15.00 to $20.00. Agency for THE GUYER $3 HATS The NewStore-217,5. Main St. U TZ The Clothier f i DRESS SUIT CASES THIE LOW-PRICED, MEDIUM AND FINEST NADU HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES . TRUNK'S IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES ALL MODERATELY PRICED MACK&CO. I1HOTO6RAPHER I 1 121r E. Washington Stn NNNNNNNNN® a AO ® ® NNN NNNi s 4 Wl1',E WISH to call your attention to the fact that our en- tire linle of SPRING WOOLENS is on the tahles and will1further state that we are in a position where wencan get all work out prom~ptly. The very fillest of tailorinlg will pre- vail as usual at our estahlishment. I BVLTCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 106 East HaNsron~ Street _7 ' t' ' +'i a'ri' '+ariri ' 'rrr'sr i + + +4dn*'*'f'' t*f*i nlnIor,4'$r+;'XtarrJ0 f'fr4@iSJ*r*0r" rS'4@ l " N4 @ ® ®*® ® H * . Trim Above and ' the Neat Feet BRIGilTON SP GARTERS FOR iEN The gartrs othai I-teat I. -that 'rie Iamus iigtontt laisp ca 't pitsl ety h at- Itayi,."ltl- m ks thatert-sileaiitil cs pa ucee1:wb with iiickl tltitht canntat or rnesh. iee ouly Vat stcuor or by sl. eS 1t tire I ~ ~ 1Il\IOE RI'P\PalEIIIC1, 155 Markt 5iri-tPhilaelpia. 6rdnger's ,AADEMY Office Hounr-a AMfnGrinetrswile atadey oficerm 7 tai8 oeclock stenings .(x.epthing Mnday). From 91a rn t1 5 1 iin. 1'tre Nl, z ill YOU CAN GET A ~Hot Lunch #At Tate' 338 S. State 12UNIVRSITY DAN- Ln 'y'CING ACADMY 33i5 SatSt5. 11J OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMYBUS Palna C. n.I ainti. MICHIGAN .MICHIGAN BANNERS ifl COLORS [OVELL'S CORNER STORE. "The Niagara Eal1s Route." THE SEORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON witha dareCitynetlas athao fr t For inormaton and throghieets call snor write toW. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. 1 A NEW BON BON Calkins is selling the mast delicious eating chocolate that ever was. Peters Milk Chocolate is made in Switzerland and is as mulch better than colmaon sweet chocolate as it ran be. lila, 20c, 40c. 57-58. FON SALE-Eight room furnished coittage, all eonveniences, situated ono Michigan State park, Hachinac Islandl. Address J. A. Dursley, 604 Madisun avenue, Ann Arbor. TO THE SENIORS. Special senior rates to all senior departments at Randall's. Came ear- ly andl avoid the rash. 54-59. Meat reserved seats for Hay Fes- tival at Skinner's. Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 216 Main St. S. Phone 281. Chafing dishes at Halller's Jewelry Store. tf. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- row's, Huyler's, chocolates- at Cush- ings Pharmacy. Cf. University students desiring to se- +I~II -L ' -.St* cure positions to teach will find it to +' their interent to write to James F. j MONEY LOANED ON McCullough, 619 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- Wths imns cago. Waheslr ian ondHig Founainpen atCushng'. t. + Class Chattel and Foutan pnsatCuoins. .1 ~ Collateral Security. INLANDERRUS ISESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. IN ANDR.W. J. LOURIMV.. Notice is hereby given of the annual Opeposite Cooki House meeting of the stockholders of the .;f.Roo,iaI H ~enl~ inglacii. Fhone 459. Inlander Publishing Company, taor- Office llamas 9ata ii0, 1 to 4:30.. cur Saturday, May 14, 1904, at 11 l~ta3 o'clock a. in., in Room 8, of West Hall. EDWARD SAMUEL CORWIN, __ tf Secretary. - --- ..-Complete stock of Brandt, Waldo, Washhun, Regal & Marlin Mandolins on hand. . Prices (lie lowest. tf Complete stock of Washhsn, Martin, THE MARK Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest OF THE BEST petHAMandolin strings 20e per foil set, S 1 1 R T Banjo strings 25c per fall set. Guitar CLUETT, PEABODY &CO. strings 30c. per fall set. Violin strings MAKpESOr 35c per fall set. CLUETT AND ARROW COLLARS tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. I fVibromassage - At Trajy's. It's - great. _ __ _ _ tf. New Brullswick T ables NOTICE FENCERS' CLUB. ATr Important meeting of the Fencers' REID'S BILLIARD= PARLORS, Flee Cigarn and Tobaccos Club, Wednesday, May 11. Adoption JAS. W, REID, Prop. 312 Slate St., S. of new constitution. All come. Heet- Have you had a Vibromassage at ing called at 7 p. mn. sharp. TroJy'a? Cf.I SCHMITZ, Sec. I 1ay esl.Ival During the coining week you will 110-doubt have friends anad relatives here to attend thae Festival. They will wanst tunchles anad you will want them to have thae heat. They will be ever so much hetter satisfied here than at youlr hoardinsg house, whlere they will 11ave to ' wait till someone else has eaten; and then we call give thenm lees, Sherbets, lee Cream or Soda, Straw- berrij Short Cake Alad ally numb~er of deserts thlat will please tlam. P[ENNYCOOK. Ii I!, I hase jost received the largest and finest linealf -Turkish Cigarettes and' Pipes s ever broaght to the city. Pine Lunches in Connection. Everything Neat and Clean. 3S. Slate S. R E. JOLLY hOY STE R I'B AY ® CATERING CO. ICA iFE SAND BANQUET HALL SSpecial Sunday Dinner Fram 12.30 is 2 O'clock. SRoe Shlad, Frogs and Chicken, 35c 315 S. State St. Phone 467 rLtCTkIC PAN. lectric Cka f itg Dish'es Electr ic Talse Lampsa InI fist, iathings to lighteh np yoar roann. gall ina s eo u 4ina lahia. WAMITIII'AW LIG*IT' & POWERI(COMPANY. Cir. W.-.hi goiiindehth Ave. Phohei25' ~"A L LE N'S F OR QU AL I TY" We give the heat Clothinsg Values, saving you three to five dollars 011 your Suit or Overcoat. Spring line iaow ready $10.00 and $ 13.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES ~A[[EN, THE CLO0Th'IER, MrAIN STREET r i~iriNnirn ti 1 1 WE. ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE