The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1904. No. 157 OBERLIN TODAY CHANCE FOR GOOD-POSITION ST. LOUIS TRIP ABANDONED Wilbur S. Tupper, vice president of The Choral Union will not go to Ohio Ball Players Meet 'Varsity at the Conservative Life Insurance Co., St. Louis. It has been decided that Ferry Field This Afternoon at Los Angeles, Cal., has written Dr. the Chorus give a concert at the Ex- 4:10.-New Pitchers Join Glover, of the University for an as- position, and the proposed trip was Squad. sistant in the actuarial department of looked forward to by the members of ____a .that company. Mr. Tupper will be in the Chorus with great pleasure. How- the city within the course of a week ever, because of the proximity of ex- The 'Varsity baseball squad was to lecture, and will then select a can- amination week to the date of the pro- strengthened yesterday by the pres- didate for the position. The position is posed concert and, also because of the ence of Pitchers Eyke and Glasser, one -with most excellent prospects, failure of the railroad company to who have been kept ot op to the this insurance company being the give a reduced rate, the trip has be- present time t conditions. These most active on the Pacific coast. come impracticable. men will be a tower of strength to the pitching staff. Eyke pitched last year for Olivet and was sub tackle COMEDY CLUB PLAY [OR[ST[R'S I[LD TRIP on the football squad last fall. This spring he has kept in condition by "Miss Hobbs" To Be Given on May Professor Roth and Students Returned playing on the class team and accord- 23rd. Proceeds To Be Given To- From State Forestry Preserve- ing to Coach Utley may perhaps be wards New Quarter for the Practical Work in Setting used in today's game against Oberlin. Club. Out Trees. Glasser is a fresh Law, who hails from Monoca, Pa. He is said to be a The University Comedy club will Prof. Filibert Roth has just re- pupil of Philippi, the famous pitching give its second play of the year Mon- turned from a ten days' trip to the slandby of the Pittsburg National day evening, May 23. The play to be State Forestry Reserve in Roscommon Club. Glasser has had several chances presented will be "Miss Hobbs," a County. H. D. Everett, Geo. W. Peavy to play professional baseball despite four act comedy by Jerome K. Jerome. and Clyde Leavitt, of the senior class his youth but has decided oiln a legal The Club has been rehearsing for the in forestry, have also returned from profession in preference to the dia- past two weeks and the production their field trip of two and a half mond. tpromises to be unusually complete. weeks at the same place. Wesley Yesterday's chilly winds shortened Among those in the present cast Bradfield, also of the senior class, and the practice considerably, but the men whose names will be remembered recently appointed Forester by the appeared in excellent condition for from former plays are: Miss Van State Forestry Commission, will re- the Oberlin game which will be called Volkenburg, Miss Caldwell, Mr. Dick- main at the Reserve and superintend this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Coach ey and Miir. id. The quality of the the completion of the planting and Utley has not yet picked the pitcher new material with which the cast is nursery work begun under Prof. for today's contest but the remainder completed ranks well with that of the Roth's direction. The plantation work of the team will be the regular 'Var- older members. includes the setting out of 50,000 two- sity line up: Redden, 1. f.; Bird, c.; The management hopes to make year-old seedlings of white and Scotch Campbell, s. s.; DePree, 1st.; Boyle. the perfornance a financial success as pine and Norway spruce, and 500 3d.; Carruthers, r. f.; Turner, c. f.; it is intended to devote the proceeds seedlings of black locust. Seed beds O'Brien, 2d. to the furnishing and equiping of the have also been laid out for the rais- stage in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. ing of half a million seedlings for the SENIOR LAW WINS. The club hopes to establish perma. planting work to be carried on in nent and well appointed quarters for 1906. In a closely contested game yester- all University organizations with sim- day afternoon, the '04 Laws won from ilar requirements and purposes. LIFE INSURANCE LECTURE the '06 Laws by a score of 14 to 12. The battery for the sniors was Os- REV. MR. HOTCHKISS' TALK The attention of the seniors is es- born and Robinson; that of tre pecially called to a lecture to be given freshmen Buermann, Wisner and Hop- One of the most interesting per- in Tappan Hall Lecture Room, lurs kins sonalities who has visited the Univer- day, May 12, at 4 p. m., by Wilbur shty in sume time was the Rev. Mr. S. Tupper, vice president of the Con- VICTORY FOR ENGINEERS. Willis . Hotchkiss who addressed servative Life Insurance company of the Young Men's Christian Association Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Tupper, who is The Senior Lits went down to a glo- Sunday evening. Mr. Hotchkiss was still a young man, has had a most rious defeat before the senior Engi- speaking in behalf of the Students' briliant career since leaving his Alma neers at South Ferry Field yesterday Volunteer Movement of Foreign Mis- Mater. He has a national reputation afternoon. The score of the game sions, and as his tals was drawn in the insurance world and the re- was 14 to 12. Graver and Bail were largely from his immense fund of per- markable growth of the Company he the battery for the Engineers, and sonal experiences it was full of the represents is the most rapid in Amer- Brum and Thomason for the Lits. most lively interest. Though Mr. ican insurance history, is largely due Hotchkiss has for the past year been to his exceptional magnetism and lecturing throughout the country, he force. He has chosen for his topic, '05 LITS 19-05 ENG.. 17. d sctn "Life Insurance Field Work, a Profes- ______had spent the previous nine years in Yesterday afteroin the junior Lits. missionary work in Eastern and Cen sion for Young Men," and states won from the '05 Engineers by a score tral Africa, where he had many thril- 'This will be interesting nst tnly to of 19 to 17. The batteries were ling experiences among the half civ- classes in life insurance but to all Stacks and Clarik fttr the Lits., and heed Africans. He hat several ex-y tdents ltting br temptrary em- Sperritt and Lathey for the Engineers, citing adventures with lions and more plyment during vacation, or about to an fo nine hthan once arety escaped with his life take a business or profession for life." NOTICE. in encounters with rhinoceri. In his It is believed that students generally long trips in the interior of the dark will find this address of more than The Athletic management desires susual value. attndace s pissbleatcn~tient he was oftein forced to go as large an attendance as possibleat for months without bread, and to eat the dual tennis meet with Chicago' anything from rhinocers meat to WOMAN'S LEAGUE ELECTION and has requested that class base ball ants. Besides mere personal adven- games arranged for Friday, May 13, ts Bs. mere personal dve- The election of the Woman's be postponed. In accordance witi r. thknvss wa otd League for the college year 1904-5 to uiging the necessity of an optiwshl nSrhCselAgl this request the '05 Lit. vs. '07 Eng. mistic view in regard to the progress was held in Sarah Caswell Angell and '05 Law vs. '04 Law games have si uplifting the natives of Africa, as ll, Saturday morning, May 7. Very been arranged for another date. The well as other unchristianized con- few of the members were present at corrected schedule appears elsewhere tries. His tail was listened to hy an the election and, as a consequence, in this number of the Daily.a sgd audience and as a result several there was very little enthusiasm and MANAGER INTERCLASS GAMES. egof the students have been induced to no competition. The ticket which the look forward towards taking up some regular nominating committee of the CLASS SCHlEDULE. similar mission work. League had put up was theonly tick- et in the field. The only change from Match 1-'04 Eng. vs. '05 Lits., Satur- CROSS, COUNTRY CLUB ELECTION the regular nomination was caused by day, May 14, 9 a. m., 'Varsity field. the withdrawal of Miss Cleveland Match 2-'07 Lits vs. '07 Eng., Mon- Next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the chairmanship of the social day May 16, South Ferry Field, 4 the annual election of the officers of committee and the appointment of p. m. the Cross Country Club takes place Miss VanWinkle in her place. Other- Match 3-'07 Medics vs. '04 Medics, in the Trophy room of the Gymna- wise, the ticket as nominated by the Thursday, May 12. South Ferry sium, The club has experienced the committee, and as elected, was as fol- Field, 4 p. m. most prosperous year in its history, lows: President, Florence Burton; Match 4-Dents vs. Pharmics., Thurs- both financially and as regards mem- vice president, Anna Broomhall; treas- day, May 12, Fair Grounds, 4 p.m. bership, there being now nearly 100 urer, Mabel Towney; corresponding Match 5-'05 Laws vs. '04 Law, Thurs- members. Great interest is mani- secretary, Louise Orth; recording see- day, May 12, N. Ferry Field, 4 p. fested in this election. No voting by retary, Isabel Parnall. m, proxy will be allowed. Match 6-Winner of Match t vs. Win- Two tickets will be presented at the The Cornell Daily Sun has started ner of Match 2, Thursday, May coming election. The Hayes ticket is an innovation in college journalism 19, N. Ferry Field, 4 p. m. as follows: President, Chas. E. Hayes; by publishing the news of the world Match 7-Winner of Match 3 vs. Win- secretary-treasurer, S. B. Laub; cap- in its columns, owing to the fact ner of Match 4, Monday, May 16, tain, I. K. Stone; members of board of that no large city dailies are pub- 4 p. m. 'Varsity Field. directors, Horace P. Ramey, V. L. lished near Ithaca, as is the case with Match 8-Winner of Match 7 vs. Win- Minor. The Stickney ticket presents: most college towns. It has securred ner of Match 5, Thursday, May For president, Louis D. Stickney; sec- telegraphic service and will give a 19, South Ferry Field, 4 p. m. retary-treasurer, S. B. Laub, captain, I summary each morning of the most Match 9-Final game. Winner of Guy L. Wait; members of the Board important news of the world. The Match 6 vs. Winner of Match 8, of Directors, Harry L. Coe, Clyde L. paper is increased to eight pages also Date to be arranged later. Dew. to secure additional space.' "IANAOIZR BAIRD The Career of Mr. Baird as Michigan's Football Manager-His Efficient Work and Its Results. It was in the fall of 1890 that Graduate Manager Charles Baird first came to Ann Arbor, and entered the law department. He was sub-quarter on the football team. Returning the next year he entered the literary de- partment, and was elected on the ath- letic board as its freshman represen- tative. The next year he won his "M" on the football team, and in the spring of '93 was elected football manager, a position which he held during that and the two following years. Owing to poor health he left the University for two years but after this returned in 1898 to accept the position of Grad- uate Manager which he now holds. Mr. Baird's work has been of untold value to the University. In 1898 the Athletic association was about three thousand dollars in debt, but the fol- lowing year the debt was all paid off, and the credit of the Association firm- ly established, and every year since the financial standing has been great- ly improved. In 1899 and 1900 Mr. Baird started and led the fight with Chicago which resulted in a football recognition of the rights of the other universities of the West. During Mr. Baird's directorship the athletic field has been greatly improv- ed and the new south field brought into condition. The field has been tiled and leveled, grand stand, barns and fences have been built and there have been many other innovations. In a few years Ferry Field will be completed, and will be one of the finest in the country. Mr. Baird has been largely respon- sible for making the present Michi- gan system of athletic management the most stable' and uniformily strong in the wes st, and this is 'niversally admitted by the managements. Not only are its finances looked after with the greatest care, but also the coaching, care of the men, board of control, etc. Mr. Baird has endeared himself to all loyal Michigan men as a gentleman of rare business and or- ganizing sagacity. To him the Uni- versity owes a big debt. ORATORICAL AFTERMATH The decision of the judges in Satur- day's oratorical contest seemed quite definite enough butt as is always the uase after such a contest, it is easy to pick out many places where the slightest change in the marking would have made a material difference in the final positions of the contestants. For instance, had one of the judges who gave the winner two firsts, given Michigan's representative two seconds instead of a third and a fourth, Halli- day would have tied Jones for first place in rank, and would have won out had another judge awarded his composition third instead of fourth place. This difference in the mark- ings would have been far from start- ling. In fact, the change would have harmonized better with the decision of the judges as it was finally an- nounced than do these same grades as they now stand. But such are the chances of battle. Perhaps all that can be said is that had the third judge followed the path marked out by the other two Michigan would have won the contest. But discrepancies of this sort are always to be expected and the de- cision, of course, stands notwithstand- ing Michigan's sincere regret that it could not have been otherwise. It has been suggested and favora- bly commented on that a more desir- able way of marking the contestants would be to increase the number of judges from three to five and require of each but one vote based on a gen- eral impression of the oration instead of two votes, one on composition and one on delivery, as is now required. It is quite likely that some such improvement will be made before the contest next May in Evanston. The University Press at Chicago will operate a supply store for all athletic goods in the basement of the 1new gymnasium.