THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new $ Tans in window, button or lacer in tt the "INew Spud Last." For the benefit of our customers we wish to say that the Puritan Shoe, Co. has heeu made very iuuch stronger by going into the hands of the factory-Geo. ES. Keith Cumpatty, lBrockton, Mass." George E. Keith does not control the nai Puritan, hutf he does own and control tih, lasts, patteros and f/tt/ot r wich/s esade the name "''Poeilen' J arnoas. He has always had the ex- clusive right in making our shoes. When buying your Puritan Oxfords this spring be sure aiid buy the OieI IAi,, aund not sonic inferior brand with the Puritan label. Stock is all fresh; new f shapes and styles arriving daily.t THE OLD ORIGINAL PURITAN The Old Place, 111 South Main Streett 'lv'PA-d'C I ' _t ' . a .14.1:4MYG v " t r .. - -- Grok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Lgyp:t. ,enjoyed in America. %MOGUL SMOKY. MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKERS CorkTi r,1la in. onyLoaned OILN Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of value. Watches and Jewelryclic- -paired. Bargains in Watches ad Diamonds. Office at residence. 311"F. Lib - erty Street, Ann Arbor Hours 8 -,to 11:30 a. mn., i to 3:301 p. in., 7 to 9 p. ni. All Buosiness I ondideii ial. JOSEPH'[ C. WAITS. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico and California... Are besl reached via St. Louis, World's [air City,$ Iron Mlitai .~ICHIGAN CENTRAL odal rin oCliona "TeNiagaraFlsRue" w R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of (l Three daily trains to Mexico. 1 a~. igr al sae"Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, al4 Four daily trains to Texas. THEa SHORT LINE- ji Phone 389-2r. Corner iain and Huos Streets. il ordil rist HtSrns ANN ARBOR to Foarx daily trains to LtteSPring. CHCAO t +THE BEST OP EVERYTHING. 4 BUFFALO AGENTS( THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. WRITE HE. AND YBOSTON OR Cllege studients note that big ~moo- Frihsmscfralocsos 11. D. Armstrong, T. P. A.9, eycnb aesligorauiu unse ui o l cain.with direct connections at Chicago for 0 St ko- Da Once music a specialty. Address L.. 12:33 Waohtenaw Ave., touis, Kansas City. It. Paul ad the West cooiguesoils. Exacellent prttposi- D. Batesmage,88S Fourth asse- .Anrbflih$ For informatioenad through ticksets call snertion 10 good rmen. Write at once for '-Amanager,, 108h5. write to W. W. CASE. Ageat. Ann 21-tf teross.Annerican AlumuinmBMg, to., ns r-- are of Ibis paper. 55-5for8i-mpoa---5 ForstAvllu MatMarket, WANTED. ISotwater. Hisu Vaughan, neargQaur- ? 31NT o eoail Poultry, Game and [ish in Season Agents- Atrticles sell pttsitively in _________ 530 Foreat Ave. Phase 40 every house and place of busineos.I Fresh Lowneys, Aliegrettis, Spar- 121 E. Libe.-ty St. 100 per rent l,rotit.; entire couintry sir-; row's and Huyler's Chocolites at Cush- 1 +"+1 + A. S, ATSO~lN gin terriloty. Write betore June 1sot ings Pharmacy. J. W~~XOL VERINE SUPPLY CO.,.+++++4+++++"_...._______r., Wall Papier, Paints bAbinMuh Your eyes examined hy an TEN RS tise~ expert optician. All the 1st- := iPrv- t.ktrs 1 and Orly balanie, will boy a splndid paying eitapoedapincsadmehde~ electric lightIptint. Will also sell cots- known to the profession areemployed. t +2.nd Floor. Atl.aa ketrtaiOds. 216 [as flusco Stree .trtttling "interest itt another good pay- New eye glasses fitted, lenses dttpii- ,tt, itait o p rl ra~slt-of ayig ated, frames repaired. Haler'a Jew" Crean. Chewing CandyCharge. Adrssd tit esnlely _______ ' J S MAR11& CO., Bath supplies or aii hinds at all Salted Peanuts, lintFluttered 14-59. Monadntck Bld1g., Chicago prices at Cushings Drug sarae. tf la s f Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh___________________ Candy Kichen FgGrLBERT A sheet of paiper and a piece of Chaffing dishes at Halier's Jewelry diy 0 301S[Stt[Rt. ". "ciiarcttal tie all Alexandet- needs to Blare. tf. makse a picture of yu li iha __________Over110 yeaseagoPod'a Extract-the youaeraBt-dwyinturaln .,- , old/s uitltdoctor-cameio eisee. 1l TV 1A eA.PrsTnDA 1c11c AU u-to-ttdate cmrbce ynaua ttfiofic ca alrCAAp,, uizalthse yeasi abeen V. I., AA.1, i.fAIL WAl ability anti long experiencelie ran 5TAIIDAj D TIME' mnake a phttographlsoft yout that is a For Deeroit haltf hourly from :15 a. at. until ottrtrait, a picture and a work of .art. 6:15 p. m. Theti hourly sutl 11:15, For Ypsi- Call said see. ALEXANDER, ltati onat 1e 2:15 a. m. tad1l:ds a. m. For 17ah -Ahn har lg .Jacksonaharty from 5:1taia. m. until 7:15 1315 Ahn har lg Thenat 51 tsp. 11:15 p. m. I _________ Waiting; Roam, Heron St., W. of Male.- --- __.._ LtOST-A hutnting case solitd gold, bux- a. D. amass, HARRItON OULEtm joint, wcatch. E. Y. Stttrg is en- Peesident. V. tPresidtlt. graced in back. Rewrard if retturned a. W. teaausOo, Casher. to J. C. Walls, 331 E. Liberty street. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 55i-56s-57. OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL, - _- - 1lay Festival tickets wantled at SURPLUS AND PROFITS, - $4asas0 Skinners. Stare. tf. JOB PRINTING- MEYERlS. 216 Nlaini St. S. Phone 281. Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry y Slare. tf. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- rows, HUtyler's, chocolates at Cuish- ings Pharmacy. tf. Bave you had a Vibrotuasge at Troj ys? tf. LOOT-Near S. W. coriter tut Lawe bttilcin abouut: 2 p). t., Alountday, a goltd watch. Finder pease ret urn to ill5 S. Thayer street. the leading remedy in schol, college attd homue, far the relief of all the pttias, aches and accideniaaf s o-e- queteo ccurrence. A hattie alhould ha is the rosin af every student-htandy for qutick use-and applied hefore pait drives study froms tiheria. lRe- lieves earache, toothaohe, rlteutsta- tsm;cures cuts, hruises, burss atops bleeding from eats ad wotuads, and sootthis ali paia .4 A wonderfully eth- caciosaramedy-pure andi stroag. Soothuesad iresheas the fce after shaving. Prc Oet. If you have neveraused PonadosExtract ysu may nT ot refse WateredsWitch Hazel when it is alfered I e" iyouas a suhstiltutet if you hays used Pand's - Etxtract yuwiltlrefuse youswtill insist an ya.taaECseCw PnsadExtract. +ng olid onliniseaied bottlee Ct55Ow5p0, under tuftewrapper. AICCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. MANN'S DRUG STORE E iMr. Giranger's office hoitrs at the acaemey trill lie 7rtt 0o'clock 1). in., fromstntiu to Jttne 25. Fotr informs- as sivntrl t nuti r iuite 2~i13 c IJIU l "AI N 1.; No. 6, City Clerks office. 56-5, Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumhing and Steam Wsrk. All at Reasoahble Rates anti First-Class Order at J. P. SCHUH'S. 207 E. wasbinjgtosi. i7. PHYSICAL TR UNING IN WRITING, thehssok fsr all the people all the time, ilut vocattiun,, fir home improvetuest. 60 pp. illustrated, price tl. 'Tasted 23 yeats. hree moisa coreapondentce coarse by author $7. Foe a brief time I wilt send the booh aud eostse for $1. Wi11 lecture on physical traningin rapid writing foe $111, or uo owee for :>lu. los lucire to health - and positive cure fsersad writing. ladiriduality retised. - tBasitnessPoenaad on esolc. Addreass Prof. G. SIKLtER, tdalsoSt0. & Ogles Akve., Chicago, Ill. flOCKING V L[Y fy.CniusIt xeln --YOU WILL FIND-- [OUR TRAINS DAI[Y [ROM TOL[DO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains .1 UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEO. eri AN5 COLMBUleS. L. W. [ANDMAN, 6. 1.A.Deri L vwr.% wrn A 16 A qr qr 9rllr A AIWays AnactQ In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring