THSIPSMICHIIGAN DAILY CARDINAL PUNCH OF all iced dishes none has met with more approval in the East than Cardinal Pnnch. In order that onr cnstomers may have the latest and hest, we will serve this delirious dainty. WEDNESDAY CARDINAL PUJNCHI TODAY PIN[APPL[E SHERB[I PEINNYCOOK i r i State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF orrect Clothes for Mefn W. .J.11011 . ticl xkcoh1V. Sheehan F'LOkI.T Win. Arn-old lDe. V. C. Vaughan las. HI. Wade E. F. Mills CHOI1CE CUT PLO WCR & PLANT RET no more- n. .1. lcer John rf. uarer Su~eca. .5 CahariChacpin' .,betweesnllc (s t. avi Mi l l rt e.r your clothes. FrutYGair Christian ih tC-hin hlsne sc0} a S~io r tta~t +itair*t~a~i~+ ' F ~ *r~i~~ ' ia* s Hjover. A glance ".Y Uddrighst in going to tile r u store will con. yo itailor. he charged you more vince you that than ready-made clothes cost, but Ilie }45oyrgt 93 ..& deliverance from ~ ij~it f~ gave von more of what yon wvmitcr-- eod ready-mades and extravagant iindividuality anidtstyle. Yoo Otrl / custom mr~adies is at hand. This Mow when liegt yonr order. ,z i ' ;t; . ' ?" I " I', .. " ,_. .. /1lege Brand Clothes are here to talceS the place of Ihis clothes. Tile custoni w'shop's tonches and cot ini ready-fixed- ; x f i togs-made just for young fellows anidniade their way. Extreme cloths -extreme shiapes-ntu extreme pricesa NEW LINE RAINCOATS $15 to $25; Staebler & Wuerth 's fred~enamin& o M AKERS I NEW YORK is on our finest garments, because we want your trade and only the best goods will bring it to us. Equal in fine custom-made in all hut price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are Exclusive Distrihutors in thin city. CUTTING , REYER & CO. i09=51 East Washington St. f® ®' 1907 ENGINEERS WIN. FOR RENT-I have a large house or - ---- - ---- ---North Division street that I wilt AC have remodeled to ccitt fraternity or Gr n r AYesterday afternoon the 1907 Eeli- sorority. JAS. It BACHT, ANC .. ING neers beat the lass6 Engineers by the 45-63 Lawrence Bilockc. Office Hosurs score ofi 7 to 6. Blatteries were Clark __________ Mrc. ciraccuer ccii e ci araciemy c15.e fromc and tGifford for the 116 men aod Rylce Unertytunsdsingos- to s olect ecnicc ..(sc tc ;Maccc yt. aniciMorrison tar the '07. 'rho game IUiest1tdnt eiigt o I ccc () , in.Ito 5 p. i 'hoe No. 6cwittl atelcten h ichr.Icure positioos to teach wiltlfied it to rech hcin lwas a btl btenih ithr. their interest to write to James F. McCuttoogh, 639 Fine Artu Bide., Chi- FOR SALE-Eight room forniched cage. tf. coittage, all conveniencec, situated __________ 0 YOU CAN GET A j ccco Michigan State tacit, Machinac Fountain pens at Cushings. tf. H ~ t Madiscon avenue, Ann Arbor. A t attle's, 338 S. State ________ NAOR " ' e Students Desiring Profitahle work - for the sumnier are invited to call on f Notice ic hereby given oif the ancncal L. J. tHarwood, Room 12, Cook Rouse. meeting of the stoecholcders of the Call at once in the afternoon or eve- Inlander Puiblishing UComicany, to or- UNIVERSITY DAN- ninig.v 53-56. cucr Saturday, May 14, 1904, at It1 CING ACADEMY_________ o'clock a. in., in Room 8, of West Rail. tUJL Mdtat Cc.BALONYAT GANGR'S EDWARD SAMUEL CORWINc SHtORT IT D 0. t ALOYA GAGRS tf Secretary. 1 o-- -- rr- e r - OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Parlor- Cra ohsall Tcacs PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM ANtI BOWLING ALLEY. 707 N. UNIVlESITY AVENUE. Granger's Academy is not a public ball, tbe room for dancing is simply an addition to and part of Mr. and Mrs. tGranger'c residence. While Mr. tGranger woulid like to be able to open lice balcony to visitors, the privilege is abtused very often, and he is again obiliged to close the bcalcony; this in- clccdes rented evenings as well as dur- ing regular acsemblies. 55-56 RiY'SALE-A handsome Ransom & Randolph dental cabineL. Good as new, $00.00, at Professor Migley's, 928 Olivia street. 54-56. TO THE SENIORS. ..- Complete sleek of Brandt, Waldo, Washbun, Regal & Marlin Mandolins on hand. . Prices the lowest. t Complete stuck uf Washbsn, Martin, Regal, and Waldo Guitars at lowest prices. tf Mandulin strings 20ce per full set, Banju strings 25e per full set. Guitar strings 30lc per full set. Violin strings 35c per full set. tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. Vibromassage - At Trojy's. It's great. If. NOTICE FENCERS' CLUB. Imptirtant meeting ccfthicecrers' Club, Wecdnesday, Bay 11. Adocptions of new constitctico. Altlrctme. Meet- ing called at 7 p. nm. sharp. SCHMITZ, Sec. REIE'STBILLIAROWCPLARLS, Flue Clears and Tobaccos JAS. T. REID, Prep. 312 Stale St., S. Ilhcvcc.}listcrec-eicdcOciiLalcrgst:acsdhfiest Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes c-cc-c- cccccc ict toc icc city. Pine Lunches in Connection. c:cc-cytisgNeact scccciClcecn. 308 S. Slate SL. R. B. JOLLY OCAAND JAVA 0-cus Own R.nstins At-IVscynfresh 28C perpoaud 214 Ma tuic. DEAN (A. CO. ~THOMAS ROTEProprieori OESLAUNDRY1 32 a.'Ils Ave. Bell Phone 457.t Wim, lbochrein, Special senior rates to all senior departments at Randall's. Come ear- Z anitarv llrumber, ly and avoid the rucsh. 54-59. steam & On fitter. Dest reserved seats for May Fec- Il~botse 667. 303 Z. State St tival at Skinner's. 1iXCL USI VL NOVELTIES IN SPRING SUITINGS 121-123 South "ain Street WAGNER .CO. i No. old stock PURITAN SH BE''TERTHAN EER BEFORE 3. In the ORIGINAL and EXCLUSIVE designs, will now be found at 119 S. Mai n Street, next to Wagner Co.&0 BETTER SOLE LEATHER AND .BETTER STOCK THROUGHOUT For sale by WM. P. PURFJELD, Formerly Manager of Puritan Shoe Co. For the henefit of my friends and customersi, I wish to state that George E. Keith never did and never will control the make or sale of Puritan Shoes, as developenlents will peove. I, alone, control the sale of Puritan Shoes in thil city and Washienaw county. Anyone desiring to prove the troth of this assertion may do so hy referrinmg to page 376, fiher 7, of miccellaclocs records in office of register of deeds,. Respectfully yocirs, WE ARE .NEVER. UNDERSOLD- GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STIOR E