THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Aiilounceffent.. The Largest anil Most Complete Line of . WOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at (a..1f. Wild & ('s, 1(18 [,'ast Washinogton Si. (Creat pains have I oen takeni in 1,17e s(elcion of all suiting., tioi 0. iny :, Aovieating". for this sea:son. GE H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. l(in1l', os l aei I h I livtyr11 tyal SText-.Books Keuffel & Asser's Drawing In- fstrumnents Waterman's Ideal Fonntain Pens Try Ou r One Dollar Fountain Pens Warranied. SHEEHAN & CO., Students' Buon Store. 3211 souih State Sireet. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Enterd as sionSid classii ir;th Ali nn Arhorrlisut Ofiie. PI'uilisliritciiy Miuiiluyi-e(ii i+i)uringth~e MANAGINGL EDITOR : S. EM~ORY 'Iti~oMSO BUSINESS MANAGER.~ 1105C(5E t 13.'s'f8ON EDaITORS: Aiiihiie . - - -iii BEiRTK. 5VAi.'ru Niii, - - - J. S. OaiXe ASSOCIATES: Cliiiffri eeisiui. Roiy Pels A. N.i x. . creir, I'iiilii C'. iavis,. A.IC. iPiiiii. A. IL. iirtmieyer. ui'epii 1'. Eer. 5iStoddardl S. liire. Editor Tnday-H. C. STEVENSON. aduici i Iiiiii' $lusiiii i~tt~~t(je sn ,ii 5055 iii<; nffiee Sours: -12:30 to 1:30 andi 6:30 In 7:30 p. sm. natty. Address -ROSCOE B. HUISTON, Bustness Mass- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. DAtLY BOARD NOTICE. Theiirie will boi'an isiiiirl aulminel ig of theiDaily ibiard toiiiy at, 12:45 in i room C,' lii Olsily Blil. 11,isimiper- bei pre:sent . Allt caniiiiiatessfori'the e iiriailiimaidcire alsisiiri'iioisat- Is ilass spirit i'in 'rliiiiis lying iiii ini thie'literry ii a-i iiiintiloi-thel Uni- ii'rsii.y? 'iii' si tduts ire auis chiothieir pam lii iiioldiiniesaitisfactiinliiii theli iiiuiii'ii. s liii' ii 'lThe sopihoimorei'll juni or i'l is iwoiieu'ii iiiiuis, is i'uihiicliss. 'Thei'seniio'or ail iy lhid alittle rivalry inipiiiies. 'Tiei'frisii- iieii: iavei'init us yit'sownisiiup wiiihui Theacton uf* etulss lto aliiow iin cadiaesf fii ce canili hleots liii illith i'ioif* i swo iways- ihe ciliss lacss siiii. liitheiiioliiiiis liaveiireaiichiei a iiimiy of oiioiiii 'iiii'latiteiri icasieis probally ltrue. I i~iljtisi us u Liasis of ou:'rieasii- iug iei ueessarily conuseidedit~. h iilofinf'lullni'iiii' aveiisoiiswirkiei a resiiti, fuiriistiidila:vicet;l ichriuwas sal isf'iei iry t ll. Siiuh uuag eiui'ul ofiaffairs pinits moiiiioilliincireaise'nduniiit y ofi'class quiality. FRESHMAN GIRL RECEPTION. lii' eii's if the'firesiimuaii riass gth-i ereid in Bdarbiour Gymnasiuim fur their firut receptiiin of the year. After a roridial greeting by ihe houteuu, Mrs. Joridan askei theon 1o be ueateid anud expiained to them the piurpooe of the organizaiin and the aims and ideals of colleg1e life and expreoseid ihe hope tht thtu early in itheir cours e the rlasu friendiihip~s may iie formeid which will reslt in the warm class sirt last year diutilayed iiy tiii seniii class. The giiesiusuwere then sirveid wihslight, refreshments. ODuting the ifiernoon a coemmit tee ciinsisting of Miso Margueriie Briiwn, rhairiman, and the Misoes Ricer, Tal- cott, Brighiam, Dodds, Sutherlandi aiii MdeadI was apipoeinteid to forin a clas suanucalion anid t(icinfi'r witl: liii iiper elassomenfori teliuripose if i'u tahliising a class cuostiinufurthi' fresti- mn which shall tieidistinciviely the iiroiierty oif'that class its the frish man spureadu is niiw Risen::iy tiesioputhiumore ginls, anii the'senior clasoslilay is iiie functiion if thticlass. An efiirt. wii atso be mnadelto cimpiose 5atclanssog. tine' huintitreditueen girts urere pres- ecut at, the ricepition. Next Friday Mrs. .Jordan wilt entertain ithei girts tif tie siiiiomtore class. QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER. Must Sutcessful Book Play Yet Pro- doted. Theire was muchu iiueussoi i n re-ii garduto iatiziing '"QuiiicyAidanms Saivyer'"biiiwiet': etiipulises andu niit itdo i th 'uuraatiizti. A Ihttili-0u niat ii' righitso, anid nigiitluasi- ihti thii'uiif ihi iailnotinisistieiioishlv- ing ite'dril't,i'st iiiuiiaieli' s Wa'y, iialitaini'idtiat to nuukeo a stronig tilay aiil i euti' ty neiw aiiil striolng sc'ii niii'i't Iiie wanti'itoihaveusi'miiei'lust silts, farm moutrtguagues, city villaiiis anid wro'iiedirlgus, hut' allthlot'bor miatintauiuu uin,]hathere' wuld tie a greautiiiadviantagi'i lain lg ai uraiuuuii - cat iii Ithatolowieiidi'thli'eiiiouki'lisi'ly says thisnont'. Theii'resuts osintihli'etay Iiias tutn befrethepulile. e llst.liii sia- siiis, satve pi'iiveil liii'wisidomoftieir hldiing itiii'eir viscs. 'lhie tiisini'ss Ig'iilait,suitdutie' hiars a:i;gTial ttil ofi It'''st: manifested inthi' apprtiauili in iguugeuueut at ltheAthii'iioTlu'uui ii::'triutau'eveniing, (let. ]i. Your Entire Needs in : * all Uliversity iM dcl al * Text-Books. e New and Second-Hand. NDiafting Instrumients and : Engineering Sple A Specialty. The Right Prices Always. SSecond-Hand Books ' Bought and Sold at A WHRHf'S e BOOK STORES, SUP TOWN DOWN TOWN. f' THE NAME VARSITY branded in the sweat of a HAT is a guarantee at quality. Made fur college osen who want the "Bes." Leaders on style, quality and ele- gance offinosh. Latest [all Styles $2, $3, $4. GOODSP[[D Z 'SON, ItAi iii5 11i '. MIN' Irritatedi faces soothe~d and healed. Williams' Shaving Stick. abS 45404 54040404S4B4S40*S4O*0*B45#S#S4S*S4545*54 I 4****~~4444444'444444d44 44 James Whitcomb Riley, Oct. 10 T Madatm:CGielaw Lyman305Ablbot? Pies. Northorup of Minn~esota F. Hopkinosont Smith Walter Wellmtano Henry Vats Dyke " Oratorical Cottest Isabel Beeclher s f ~ ~Opeto Ntumbler. Tickets Resefved at Cushing's Drutg Store, 336 S. Staee Street,j on Thursday, at 8 A. M. Liberal commtission for sales offered to students. Apply to I R. S. Davis, Cushing's, to-t i a. ms., anti 4-5 p. Ms. **************4***4**4444 ... ATHEN6TiHEATpE8U DE2AN M.51 EtAfOLr 151Maaer N Friday Etvening, October 160 MIg Sce"IlosP.codssntion le k l.y Fo..sss f oShe Zset aNeW (rtglartd utor_4 es/er Written Quincx3 bamns %awrer anb Ma1I~a~c's Crc fcIhs Large and Excellent Company. 'P s ts s, T $12g I I Sdturday Eivening, October 17~ 15.sC. sVO:':NF. ES'iIEENTS5 PORTER J. WHITE In~ the Grem~test Sceric Prodiuctioss of the Age ]Francesca Ida Riminate. The OviriinalLawrence fhlrretProdiuction. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $I. Sez%.t Sale Thxzrsday. N N iNN NNNNINNNOIN IOi 1. °. WA GNL'R& COMP ANYI 32Ncbby Hats, Swell Shirts, and Imported Novelties in Neck cieAtut fu laws i~.O iss.Dressings. 125.Mi t ' A in ~r, FallWAGNER & CO., Falls TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 S, STATE ST.,Plione 461